February 2008 Issue 52 FREE of charge TThehe DatingDating GameGame LLove’sove’s LLaborabor CCostost VValentinesalentines AAdventuresdventures QQueerueer QuestQuest DDoo WWee RReallyeally UUsese aandnd AAbusebuse AAlcohollcohol aandnd DDrugsrugs MMoreore TThanhan HHeterosexuals?eterosexuals? >> STARTING ON PAGE 16 GLBT RESOURCE • CALGARY & EDMONTON 2 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #52, February 2008 Established originally in January 1992 as Men For Men BBS by MFM 12 Communications. Named changed to GayCalgary.com in 1998. Stand alone company as of January 2004. First Issue of GayCalgary.com Magazine, November 2003. Name adjusted in November 2006 to GayCalgary and Edmonton Magazine. Publisher Steve Polyak & Rob Diaz-Marino, [email protected] Table of Contents Editor Rob Diaz Marino, editor@gaycalgary. com 5 A Little Slow 43 Original Graphic Design Deviant Designs Letter from the Publisher Advertising 7 Snake in the Grass Steve Polyak [email protected] Dark Thriller a Chiller at Vertigo Contributors Steve Polyak, Rob Diaz-Marino, Jason Clevett, 10 Newslets Jerome Voltero, Kevin Alderson, Allison Brodowski , Mercedes Allen, Stephen Lock, 16 Benjamin Hawkcliffe, Andrew Collins, Felice Newman, GayRealEstate.com, Evan Kayne, 11 playRites 2008 Keith Andony, Romeo San Vicente and the Gay and Lesbian Community of Calgary and 12 Riverdance Edmonton Irish Sensation Says Goodbye Photographer Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino 14 Out of Town Videographer 72 Hours in West Hollywood Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino Please forward all inquiries to: 16 Map & Event Listings GayCalgary and Edmonton Magazine Find out what’s happening Suite 403, 215 14th Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2R 0M2 23 Evolution Of Community Phone (403) 543-6960 or toll free (888) GLBTQ History Isn’t Quite as Linear as One Might Think 58 543-6960 Fax (403) 703-0685 25 Q Scopes E-mail [email protected] “Charge your batteries, Aquarius!” Print Run Monthly, 12 times a year 26 Bitter Girl Copies Printed Monthly, Over 10,000 copies. Masthead continued on page 6 27 The Dating Game Love’s Labor Cost 28 Deep Inside Hollywood New Projects For Selma Blair, Molly Shanon, and Kathy Griffin 29 Whole Lesbian Sex Yes, No, Maybe 30 Hedwig and the Angry Inch Tran-Glam Rock Hits the Pumphouse Continued Next Page gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #52, February 2008 3 From Previous Page 31 The Heart of the Matter 32 Letters to the Editor 36 Mix It Up! Team Edmonton Annual Mixer and Silent Auction Continued from page 5 37 Interference with Business Contracts Distribution points up to 200 points in Calgary, largest number of distribution 38 Do We Really Use and Abuse Alcohol and points for any Gay publication in Calgary. Up to 150 points in Edmonton, largest Drugs number of distribution points for any Gay More Than Heterosexuals? publication in Edmonton. Also distributed coast to coast across Canada in select locations in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, 40 Trans Admirers 101 Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, and other places across Canada and the United 43 Don’t Buy In States. Please call us if you would like to Battling Against Discrimination in Calgary Schools be a distribution point. Distributed by Gallant Distributions 14 45 Pride Board Back on Track (Calgary), Clark’s Distribution (Edmonton), Canada Post (rest of Canada and USA) 46 The Calgary Eagle and by GayCalgary.com The Bird Turns 6! Deadline for Ad Bookings 25th of the month (unless otherwise stated) 47 Putting Back Into Outlink Deadline for Ad copy 28th of the month (unless otherwise stated) 48 Music Review Legal Council Courtney Sebree Aarbo, The Rakamonie, iblamerobot Barristers and Solicitors 49 Movie Review Printers North Hill News Locked Up, Beautiful Boxer This Issue Cover Model LJ Steele taken at the Roost. Photo by Steve Polyak. Photo 51 A Couple of Guys Editing by Rob Diaz-Marino. The opinions expressed in this magazine are 53 Queer Eye - Calgary & Edmonton not necessarily those of GayCalgary.com or Community Events this Month the contributors of the magazine. People photographed or interviewed, 49 55 “Well Behaved Women Have Seldom Made writers, advertisers, contributors and anyone else involved with this publication History” are not necessarily gay, lesbian, bi, bi-curious or trans gendered. They can be 56 Valentines Adventures straight people that are gay friendly. March 2008 No part of the publication may be reprinted 58 Fundraising Photos without the expressed permission of the Press Deadlines editor-in-chief. 60 Classifieds Ads Copyright 2008 AAdd SSpacepace BBookingooking - MondayMonday FFebruaryebruary 25th25th 20082008 Member of Canadian Gay & AAdd SSubmissionubmission - Lesbian Chamber TTuesdayuesday FFebruaryebruary 26th26th 20082008 of Commerce Member of International Gay & IInn CCirculationirculation - SaturdaySaturday MarchMarch Lesbian Travel Association 11stst 22008008 PPleaselease ccontactontact usus rrightight awayaway ifif yyouou tthinkhink youyou maymay havehave missedmissed tthehe BBookingooking oror SubmissionSubmission DDeadlineseadlines Member of Edmonton Rainbow Member of Tourism Calgary. Business Association. 4 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #52, February 2008 A Little Slow Letter from the Publisher the room. I hated using the Unix and Linnux operating By Rob Diaz-Marino systems with a passion, unlike the hardcore program- mers around me. I have fi nally scheduled the date for my thesis defence, meaning there is fi nally a tangible end It was not until I took the senior level Human Com- in sight to my education. When I was a kid and puter Interaction course that I really got a chance to apply myself the way I wanted to. The assignments were of course hating being cooped up in school, I fun and left room for creativity, like “Design a button couldn’t believe that I would have to go through that represents your personality.” I got so lost in the a whole 12 grades before I got to do whatever enjoyment of fi nally getting away from text and back into I wanted. Little did I know that when this day graphics and sound that left many of the other students came, what I wanted was to go to University to in awe. This only happened because I was having so major in Computer Science. much fun, I forgot I was working. I got 100% in the course with one other student, and this was how my I don’t think I’ve ever really explained why I chose this supervisor hand-picked me to go on for my Master’s after career path. So many people end up going to Univer- I graduated. sity with no clear idea of what they want to do with the rest of their life, so I felt lucky to be so certain of what I Still, now that there’s a prospect of some more free wanted to do. time once I no longer have school to juggle, I really want to get back into programming games even if it’s only My dad is an engineer, and when I was even younger, something I do in my spare time. I think it would be he was probably the fi rst person on our block to get a really neat to fi nally have a few gay characters in them, Tandy 1000 personal computer, which he used to do and I’ve often wondered if there is anyone else here in mathematical calculations for his work. He custom Calgary interested in the same goal. Role Playing Games made a number of programs to help him with these cal- are my genre of choice, and from what I’ve seen, they are culations, using a programming language called Basic. all blatantly heterosexual. I can still enjoy them, and He encouraged me to play around with it, and gave me a stoop to obeying the main character’s pre-decided sexu- book with instructions on how to enter a few simple pro- ality. I’m tired of saving the damn princess! And make grams to do various things. The novelty wore off pretty the main character choose between two busty girl char- fast, and I really didn’t get back into it until I was playing acters, he’ll end up wooing the loyal side kick instead! a very poorly designed computer game and thought that I could do better. So I got my dad to sit down with me and Last Month teach me all the programming commands that he knew. January was really pretty slow in the way of events. One day my dad brought home a reference book and, Steve phoned each one of the bars up in Edmonton near within a month, I had exceeded anything that he knew the start of the month to assess when the best time how to do. I was programming my own simple video would be for him to go up for photographs. He usually games before I hit Junior High. In Junior High, I had the likes to pick weekends where he can kill multiple birds beginnings to games that rivalled that clunky old game I with one stone. With the Roost now gone, there was an had vowed to surpass. auction for their business assets, and an only chance to claim things of sentimental value. Otherwise there were Pretty soon I started hitting the ceiling with Basic birthday parties for the owners of Boots and Buddys. – my programs were getting too big for it to load into Unfortunately all three events were spread out on differ- memory. I upgraded to a more sophisticated version of ent weekends, with no other events happening around the language called Q-Basic, which carried me into High them. To pay bus fare and lodging for a single event is School…until I started hitting the ceiling with that too. not cost effective, and even to choose only one wouldn’t My last year before University, I spent my time trying to be fair either.
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