9-7.中央教育省での PCM ワークショップ(関係者分析・問題分析・目的分析系図)結果 (1)Stakeholders Analysis (関係者分析) Beneficiaries Decision-makers Partners Governmental Supporters 裨益者 決定者 パートナー Agencies 政府組織 支援者 Children Ministry of Education Private agencies/ Ministry of JICA 子どもたち 教育省 individuals Education 民間企業・個人 教育省 Girls 女子 GEO タイズ州教育局 Teachers training World Bank institute 教員養成 校 Boys 男子 DEO 郡教育局 International Vocational Training GTZ Organization institute GEO Communities CARE 国際機関 職業訓練学校 タイズ州教育局 地域住民 Mothers 母親 Parents Social Funds Educational Dutch 児童保護者(親) Agencies Research Centre 教 Government 育研究所 Fathers 父親 Local Board 州議会 JICA 国際協力 GEO タイズ州教育 UNICEF 機構 局 Communities Local Councils NGOs DEO 郡教育局 UNESCO 地域住民 地方議会 Teachers 教師 Ministry of Civil Service Adult Education and ADRA and Insurance Illiteracy Alleviation Schools 学校 雇用保険省 Organization 成人 KfW 教育・非識字削減機 構 Principals 校長 Schools 学校 Central Statistics WFP Office 統計局 DEO Tribal leader 族長 Social Fund for ILO 郡教育局 Development: SFD Religious leader Save the 宗教リーダー children (NGO) - 162 - 9-8.本計画対象 6 郡の選定概容 Site Districts Selection 1) Precondition: Letter of Interest Letter of Interest is prerequisite: ○in the Table below shows the expressed interest in participation 2) First Step: Four Criteria for district selection Program sites will be the districts with worst status at the following three criteria: Criterion 1: Lower female students’ ratio against a male student from Grade 1~9 Criterion 2: Higher female dropouts: Higher loss of female ratio compared to Grade 1. Criterion 3: Fewer female teachers: More female students per female teachers. Summary (criterion 1~3) Letter of Ranking of Ranking of Ranking of Mean No. Districts interest Criterion 1 Criterion 2 Criterion 3 Ranking 1Al-Qahirah 6 2 2 3.3 2 Al-Mudhaffar ○ 2121.7 3Sala ○ 61015.6 4 Al-Taiziya ○ 16 14 8 12.7 5 Saber Al-Mawadem ○ 16 15 10 13.6 6 Mashra'a & Hadnan ○ 10 15 12 12.2 7 Maawiyah ○ 18 19 22 19.7 8 Khadeer ○ 18 13 9 13.2 9Haifan ○ 8656.3 10 'Same ○ 16 16 16 15.9 11 As-Selw ○ 8 7 17 10.6 12 Ash-Shimayatain ○ 8556.0 13 Al-Mawaset ○ 6 9 13 9.3 14 Al-Ma'afer ○ 11 14 20 15.1 15 Al-Misrakh ○ 12 8 14 11.3 16 Gabal Habashi 11 11 11 11.1 17 Maqbanah ○ 21 12 23 18.6 18 Ar-Rawnah ○ 12 9 7 9.4 19 Al-Salam ○ 4444.0 20 Al-Makhaa ○ 18 20 15 17.7 21 'Mawza 19 21 18 19.3 22 Al-Waziiyah ○ 13 21 21 18.2 ○ 23 Dhubab 16 20 18 17.9 - 165 - Criterion1. Lower female students’ ratio against a male student 対男子女子生徒比のより低い郡 (1) Definition: Female students’ ratio against a male student is the number of female students divided by male students. Districts with lower female ratios will be selected here as potential targeted areas. 男子生徒数を1人に対する女子生徒比は、女子生徒を男子生徒で割った数。ここでは、その女 子比が低い地域を事業対象郡の候補とする。 (2) Method: 1) Ranking from better districts with fewer difference between female and male of Grade 1~9. 2) Identify the worst ranked districts by mean ranking. Grade1~9 の各 Grade を、男女比の差が少ない地域から良好な郡としてランク付けしたのち、ラ ンキングの平均値 (Mean) から、ワースト郡を探しだす。 Table1. Female students’ ratio against a male by grade and district with status ranking G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 Mean No. Districts Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank F/M F/M F/M F/M F/M F/M F/M F/M F/M Grade 1~9 1 Al-Qahirah 0.74 22 1.09 2 0.99 3 0.90 3 0.90 2 0.94 4 0.72 8 0.85 3 0.79 5 6 2 Al-Mudhaffar 1.02 10 1.38 1 1.10 1 1.08 1 1.14 1 1.32 1 1.38 1 1.37 1 1.32 1 2 3 Sala 1.11 7 0.99 5 0.97 6 0.86 7 0.78 11 0.85 5 1.03 2 0.76 5 0.88 3 6 4Al-Taiziya 0.82180.78150.71200.70150.65140.55150.48160.43170.4215 16 -Saber Al 5 0.82 18 0.78 15 0.75 18 0.64 17 0.55 19 0.52 17 0.47 17 0.68 8 0.43 13 16 Mawadem & Mashra'a 6 1.17 5 0.91 10 0.95 7 0.89 6 0.79 9 0.70 11 0.76 6 0.48 15 0.40 17 10 Hadnan 7 Maawiyah 1.03 9 0.79 14 0.90 10 0.54 21 0.38 23 0.30 23 0.32 23 0.30 20 0.28 21 18 8 Khadeer 0.77 21 0.70 19 0.67 21 0.59 20 0.60 15 0.55 15 0.42 19 0.48 15 0.43 13 18 9 Haifan 0.91 15 0.93 9 0.84 12 0.90 3 0.85 5 0.81 7 0.79 4 0.68 8 0.72 7 8 10'Same 0.97110.73170.84120.76130.56180.51180.45180.46170.4116 16 11 As-Selw 0.92 14 0.98 6 0.98 5 0.91 2 0.89 4 0.71 9 0.69 10 0.65 10 0.57 10 8 12 Ash-Shimayatain 0.83 17 0.90 11 0.99 3 0.81 10 0.80 8 0.80 8 0.75 7 0.78 4 0.81 4 8 13 Al-Mawaset 1.09 8 1.02 3 0.95 7 0.86 7 0.83 7 0.82 6 0.79 4 0.76 5 0.79 5 6 14 Al-Ma'afer 1.16 6 0.86 12 0.82 12 0.71 14 0.59 16 1.03 2 0.58 13 0.50 14 0.53 12 11 15 Al-Misrakh 0.88 16 0.94 8 0.72 18 0.83 9 0.74 13 0.69 12 0.69 10 0.63 11 0.55 11 12 16 Gabal Habashi 0.93 13 0.86 12 0.93 9 0.81 10 0.77 12 0.66 13 0.59 12 0.59 12 0.61 9 11 17 Maqbanah 0.65 23 0.72 18 0.68 21 0.52 23 0.45 22 0.45 21 0.42 19 0.30 20 0.28 21 21 18 Ar-Rawnah 0.79 20 0.64 22 0.81 16 0.81 10 0.79 9 0.71 9 0.70 9 0.69 7 0.72 7 12 19 Al-Salam 0.94 12 0.98 6 1.01 2 0.90 3 0.90 2 1.01 3 0.89 3 0.92 2 0.93 2 4 20 Al-Makhaa 1.22 4 0.64 22 0.59 22 0.60 19 0.55 19 0.51 18 0.41 21 0.39 19 0.33 20 18 21'Mawza 1.662 0.65210.54230.64170.50210.47200.38220.27220.2723 19 22 Al-Waziiyah 1.89 1 1.00 4 0.80 17 0.69 16 0.84 6 0.62 14 0.51 14 0.27 22 0.35 19 13 23Dhubab 1.243 0.67200.88110.54210.57170.44220.49150.51130.3618 16 Source: Department of Statistics, Evaluation and Follow-up, GEO in Taiz, 2004 - 166 - Criteria2. Higher female dropouts: Higher loss of female ratio compared to Grade 1. 中退/落第程度 (1) Definition: Female dropouts are presumably estimated by examining the loss (minus difference) of female students’ ratio against a male (Criterion 1) compared to the ratio of Grade 1, as baseline. Districts with bigger loss will be selected as potential targeted areas. Grade が上がるごとの対男子女子生徒比(Criteria 1)について、Grade 1 をベースラインとし てその値との差異(マイナス数値)を見て進学できない(中退・落第) 女子比の大きさを推測す る。マイナス差(女子比の減少)が大きい地域を、対象郡の候補とする。 (2) Method: 1) Ranking from better districts with less loss from Grade 1, focusing on Grade 2, 4, 6, and 9. 2) Identify the worst ranked districts by means rank from focused Grade 2~9. Grade2, 4, 6, 9 における Grade1 時点での対男子女子生徒比との差を求めて、良好なもの(プ ラス差の大きいもの)からランク付けしたのち、平均値からワースト郡を探しだす。 Table2. Difference of female students’ ratio compared to Grade 1 by district with status ranking G1 G2 Difference Rank G4 Difference Rank G6 Difference Rank G9 Difference Rank Mean No. Districts F/M F/M fromG1 F/M fromG1 F/M fromG1 F/M fromG1 Rank 1 Al-Qahirah 0.74 1.09 0.35 1 0.90 0.16 3 0.94 0.21 2 0.79 0.05 1 2 2 Al-Mudhaffar 1.02 1.38 0.35 1 1.08 0.06 1 1.32 0.30 1 1.32 0.30 2 1 3 Sala 1.11 0.99 -0.13 14 0.86 -0.25 7 0.85 -0.26 13 0.88 -0.24 7 10 4 Al-Taiziya 0.82 0.78 -0.04 12 0.70 -0.12 15 0.55 -0.27 14 0.42 -0.40 15 14 -Saber Al 5 0.82 0.78 -0.04 12 0.64 -0.18 17 0.52 -0.29 16 0.43 -0.39 14 15 Mawadem & Mashra'a 6 1.17 0.91 -0.25 18 0.89 -0.28 6 0.70 -0.47 18 0.40 -0.76 19 15 Hadnan 7 Maawiyah 1.03 0.79 -0.23 16 0.54 -0.48 20 0.30 -0.72 20 0.28 -0.75 18 19 8 Khadeer 0.77 0.70 -0.07 9 0.59 -0.18 22 0.55 -0.23 11 0.43 -0.34 10 13 9 Haifan 0.91 0.93 0.02 8 0.90 -0.01 3 0.81 -0.10 6 0.72 -0.19 6 6 10 'Same 0.97 0.73 -0.23 16 0.76 -0.20 13 0.51 -0.45 17 0.41 -0.55 16 16 11 As-Selw 0.92 0.98 0.06 5 0.91 -0.01 2 0.71 -0.21 10 0.57 -0.35 12 7 12 Ash-Shimayatain 0.83 0.90 0.07 3 0.81 -0.02 10 0.80 -0.03 3 0.81 -0.02 4 5 13 Al-Mawaset 1.09 1.02 -0.07 9 0.86 -0.23 7 0.82 -0.26 12 0.79 -0.30 8 9 14 Al-Ma'afer 1.16 0.86 -0.30 19 0.71 -0.45 14 1.03 -0.13 7 0.53 -0.63 17 14 15 Al-Misrakh 0.88 0.94 0.05 6 0.83 -0.05 9 0.69 -0.19 8 0.55 -0.34 10 8 16 Gabal Habashi 0.93 0.86 -0.07 9 0.81 -0.12 10 0.66 -0.27 14 0.61 -0.32 9 11 17 Maqbanah 0.65 0.72 0.07 3 0.52 -0.13 23 0.45 -0.20 9 0.28 -0.37 13 12 18 Ar-Rawnah 0.79 0.64 -0.15 15 0.81 0.01 10 0.71 -0.09 5 0.72 -0.07 5 9 19 Al-Salam 0.94 0.98 0.04 7 0.90 -0.04 3 1.01 0.07 4 0.93 -0.01 3 4 20 Al-Makhaa 1.22 0.64 -0.58 21 0.60 -0.62 19 0.51 -0.71 19 0.33 -0.89 21 20 21 'Mawza 1.66 0.65 -1.01 23 0.64 -1.02 17 0.47 -1.19 22 0.27 -1.39 22 21 22 Al-Waziiyah 1.89 1.00 -0.89 22 0.69 -1.20 16 0.62 -1.28 23 0.35 -1.54 23 21 23 Dhubab 1.24 0.67 -0.57 20 0.54 -0.70 20 0.44 -0.79 21 0.36 -0.88 20 20 Source: Department of Statistics, Evaluation and Follow-up, GEO in Taiz, 2004 - 167 - Criterion 3: Fewer female teachers: More female students per female teachers 女子教員1人あたり女子生徒数 (1) Definition: Number of female students per female teacher implies the enough or deficient number of female teachers.
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