E-2 7 NATIONAL ROAD ROUTE 210 FROM BAOTOU TO NANNING HIGHWAY Public Disclosure Authorized SECTION FROM BAOTOU TO DONGSHENG AND NATIONAL ROAD ROUTE 208 FROM ERLIAN TO HEKO HIGHWAY SECTION FROM BAIYINCAGAN TO FENGZHENG Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized TE- TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT OF INNER MONGOLIA AUTONOMOUS REGION Public Disclosure Authorized DECEMBER 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. General Description 2. Project Description 3. Environment Condition and Sensitive Points 4. Environmental Impacts 5. Environmental Mitigation Measures 6. Alternatives Analysis 7. Outline of Environment Action Plan Environment Cost 8. Benefit Analysis Of The Environment Economy 9. Public Participation 10. Conclusion Appendices 1: National road route 210 BaoTou to DongSheng highway Appendixl-l Sensitive sites along the road statistical results Appendixl-2 Machi branch sensitive sites statistical results Appendixl-3 Ditstribution of Historic Relics along the Highway Route Appendixl-4 Sensitive areas (points) resent traffic noise statistical results Appendixl-5 Machi branch sensitive areas (points) resent traffic noise statistical Results Appendixl-6 Air environmental CO monitoring results Appendixl-7 Air environmentalNO, monitoring results Appendixl-8 Building Dismantling Works Appendixl-9 Sensitive Spots Overproof Forecast Value of EnvironmentalNoise Statistics Appendix 1-10 The Effecting Degrees of Sensitive Spots Atmospheric To The Protected Goal Appendixl-11 Noise Control Measure for Sensitive Sites Appendixl-12 Comparison Results for the Route Schemes Appendixl-13 Statistics Retrieved from Questionnaires for Public Consultation Appendixl-14 Statistics Retrieved from Questionnaires for Public Consultation Appendices 2:National Road Route 208 Baiyinchagan To Fengzhen Highway Appendix 2-1 Sensitive sites along the road statistical'results Appendix 2-2 Sensitive spots existing environmentalnoise monitoring statistical Results Appendix 2-3 Air environmental CO monitoring results Appendix 2-4 Air environmental NO, monitoring results Appendix 2-5 Air environmental TSP. monitoring results Appendix 2-6 Sensitive Spots Noise Overproof Value Appendix 2-7 The Effecting Degrees To The Protected Goal (In Far Term) Appendix2-8 Noise Control Measure for Sensitive Sites Appendix 2-9 Environmental Monitoring Program Appendix 2-10 Comparison Results for the Route Schemes Appendix 2-11 Statistics Retrieved from Questionnaires for Public Consultation Appendix 2-12 Statistics Retrieved from Questionnaires for Public Consultation 2 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 The highwayBaoTou to D6ngShengis a sectionof the National Road 210 From NanNing-BaoTou in Inner Mongolia.The highwayBaiyincagan to Fengzhen is a sectionof the NationalRoad 208 Erlian-Hekou in InnerMongolia. Its constructionhave important political and economic significancein developingeconomic, cultural, hygienic and educationalundertakings in minority nationalityregions and in promoting the stability and unity on the northem borderterritory of country. In April. 1996. the CommunicationDepartment of Inner Mongoliaentrusted the EnvironmentalScience Research Institute of Inner Mongolia ( with class A evaluation certificate issued by the National EnviromnentalProtection Bureau) to carry out the work of the environmentalimpact assessmentof the projects.The EnvironmentalScience Research Institute of Inner Mongoliacompleted the on-the-spotsurvey required by the environmental evaluation outline by June. 1996. And in July. 1996. the National EnvironmentalProtection Bureau and the Inner Mongolia EnvironmentalProtection Bureau organizedthe evaluationand examination of the environmentalevaluation outline. EIA was made ready in July. 1997 based on a great quantityof work. (on-the-spotinvestigation, monitoring, analysing, forecastingand public investigation). 1.2 Aims of Working Out the Project 1) Through investigationand assessmentof the natural, ecologicaland social environmentsof the to be built project areas, to analyze and forecastthe various effectsand extentspossible for the project to bring about to the environmentsduring and after the project constructionperiod, so as to expound and verify the feasibiliesof the constructionand routeschemes of the projectfrom environmentprotection angles. 2)To put forward practical environment protection measures, plans of environmentprotection and of environmentmonitoring so as to reduceor eliminateunfavorable effects brought about by the project. 3) To provide scientificbasis for departmentsof environmentaldesigning and of environmentprotection managementand policymakers. 4) To cause harrnonioussurrounding economic development of projectspot areas. 1.3. Basis of Working Out thc Project 1.3.1 Document and Data Concerning the Credit Project. National road route 208 BaiyinchaGanto FengZhenhighway: 1) Inner Mongolia Traffic Designing Institute: "Feasibility Research Report of the Project of the Baiyincagan-FengzhenSection of NationalRoad 208 Erlian-hekoHighway." 2) "EnvironmentalImpact AssessmentOutline for the Projectof NationalRoad 208 from Baiyincaganto FengzhenSection." 3) Inner MongoliaEnvironment Protection Bureau documentI.E.D[19973 No. 18 "Opinionson Highway EnviromnentalImpact AssessmentOutline of National Road208 Baiyincagan-FengzhenSection." Nationalroad route 210 BaoTouto DongSlienghighway: 1) "FeasibilityResearch Report of the Projectfor the Baotou- DongshengSection of Baotou-Nanning Highwayof National RoadRoute 210". 2) "AssessmentOutline of EnvironmentalEffects of the Baotou-DongshengSection of the Highwayof the National Road Route 210". 3)"AssessmentIdeas of the Assessment Outline of Environment Effects of the Baotou-Dongshing Section of the Highwayof the NationalRoad Route 21 0". 4)"Reply Letter of Examination Ideas for the AssessmentOutline of EnvironmentEffects of the Baotou- Dongsheng Section of the Highwayof the NationalRoad Route 210". 1.3.2 Environment Protection Laws and Regulations 1) "ManagementMethods for ConstructionProject Environment Protection" 2) "Some Opinions on ConstructionProject Environment Protection" 3) "Management Methods for Traffic BuildingProject Environment Protection" 4)"Notice concerning Strengthening Management Work of International Financial Organization Credit ProjectEnvironmental Effect Assessment." 5) "Implementation Detailed Rules of Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region building Project EnvironmentProtection ManagementMethods" 1.3.3 Environment Protection Laws and Regulations by Credit Organizations 1) "World Bank Work Guides for EnvironmentProtection" 2) Guiding Principles 4.01 of World Bank and AttachedArticles 1.4 Assessment Scope 1) Atmosphereand Noise Within the 200 limits on both sides along the line of the Highway. 2) Ecological Environments Current situation investigation of ecological environments takes 500-lOOOmlimits on both sides of the Highway as its working scope. 3) Social EconomyEnvironments (1)Nationalroad route 208 BaiyinchaGanto FengZhen highway: The project's direct effect area of CahaeryouyihouBanner , Jining city, CahaeryouyiqianBanner and Fengzhen City is taken as its assessmentscope, with nearby areas on both sides along the Highway route as its stress. (2)Nationalroad route 2 10 BaoTouto DongShenghighway: The project's direct effect area of Baotou City, Dalate Banner and Dongsheng City is taken as its assessmentscope, with nearby areas on both sides along the Highway route as its stress. 1.5 Assessment Standards 1) Atmosphere:The Class B standards of "EnvironmentalAir Quality Standards"GB3085-1996 is carried out. 2) Noise: "EnvironmentalNoise Standards of Urban Areas" GB 3096- 93 is carried out (Inhabitants:Class 4, Schools:Class 2). 1.6 Assessment Year Intervals 1) National road route 208 BaivinchaGanto FengZhen highway: Highwayconstruction period: 1997-2000Year. Highwayservice period: serviceperiod Short term 2001 Year serviceperiod Middle term 2007 Year serviceperiod Long term 2015 Year 2) National road route 210 BaoTou to DongShenghighway: Highway constructionperiod: 1997-2000. Highwayservice-period: Short term: 2000 Middle tern: 2010 Long term: 2020 2 1.7 Contents of Work 1) Assessmentsof present ecologicalenvironment situation and of the impacts; 2) Assessmentsof present social economicenvironmental situation and of the impacts; 3) Assessmentsof present environmentalnoise situationand of theirimpacts; 4) Assessmentsof present atmosphericenvironmental situation and of the impacts; 5) Environmnentprotection measures; 6) Substitutionscheme analysis; 7) Beneficialresults analysis of environmentaleconomic beneficial results; 8) Plans for environmentalprotection management and for environmentalmonitoring; 9) Public participation 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 National road route 210 BaoTou to DonaSheng highway 2.1.1 Geographic Location The Highway to be built is that from Baotou to Dongsheng, a section of the National Road Route 210 within the area of Inner Mongolia AutonomousRegion, its starting point in Baotou City, and its ending point in Dongsheng City. The Highway total length 103.3 km.The route goes through Baotou City, Dalate Banner and DongshengCity of YikezhaoLeague area. 2.1.2 Construction Standards Technical Standards and ConstructionStandards seen Table. Technical Standardsand ConstructionStandards Road section Mileage Construction standards Width of (Krn) roadbed (m) KO+000 - K10+500 10.5 Old roadbed widened full width to Class A 24.5 K10+500 - K15+200 4.7 ClassASeparationtype Old 12.0 New 12.5 K15+200 - K40+500 25.3 Newly built full width Class A 24.5 K40+500 - K91t+000 50.5 ClassASeparationtype
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