I WE'VE GOT BARGAINS GALORE IN CLASSIFIEDS! SEE 5B. •:• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Si nee 191 0 •:• 85th Year, Issue 39 ~ 1995 October 20, 1995 Newark, Del. • 50~ TI-llS WEEK chool boards In Sports ign ring law, GLASGOW HIGH's SOCCER rep says TEAM Mincing no word~. Wi ll iam A. to st:gn:ga te ... Oberle Jr. (1 ~-Bee he r'~ Lot). chair­ On Wedne~da y. Christina chool num of the House De~eg rega t io n Di~tri t . uperintenden t lri. Meus ommittcc. -; aid rece nt Choice \aid sh.: had not bet'n informed oi REMAINS guidelines adopted by ev. as tle Oberle\ statemen t. ounty s hool hourcb ". hoi\ a bla­ poo cml'.ideration , Me tts PERFECT tant disregard or the law." responded, "The Chri!>. tina School According to Oberle, the guide­ District f ~tce d the immed iate task of l in e~ ::~clop t ecl hy all four 'chool adopting guideli nes for the impl e­ dbtricts whi h use racial criteria to mentation or Choi e a. required hy WITH 3-2 NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BY MARY E PETZM decide wheth er or not to acct:pt a law. After careful <,t udy. the board Neighborhood teens portray a variety or 'things that go bump In the night' at their Haunted Path In Red ~ t uden t' . 'boice application f r :1 also developed a planning pro es · Mill Farms. s h ol are illegal. which conside r th e shape of pupi l WINOVER In th e statement is;, ued by a~sign rn ents fo llowi ng the declara­ lB ~aid: of s t a t u~ Obt:rle on Wecl ne. cl ay he abo tion un itary ... A.L DUPONT. "When \\ e were dec lared unttary Me tt s continut:d. "Tht: b ard Haunted Path provides on Aug. 1-+ hy n federal j udge. we onsiders tha t it had th e legal were C'-s~:ntially told that public authority to adopt student assign­ ed uca ti on nn longer will b' about men t guidelines ui med at main­ countin g numbers. The people of wini ng rac ial live r. ity in it In Lifestyle fiendish fun for youngsters New Castle County have a righ t to s hools. uch gui de lines are legal­ k n m~ that the schoo l boards are ly defensible if adopted as an edu ­ 'ben lin g' tht: law to the public's cational pol icy to prepare ~ lllcl e nt . By MARY E. PETZAK ing a gh ost jump out on the lawn." detriment. .. Ra ial imba lan e is tn live in a pl ura listic so ie ty." WRITER ..........................................' ........................ .... About ti ve years ago, the teens tried th at al. o only ill eg:tl when the re's an in tent -Mary E. f'er::.ak NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER bot after a child ran into the street in fri ght they decided to turn Lesniczak s backyard into a FINDS It's ghoulish and ghastly and downright haunted house. grotesque but for a group of area teenagers the The first year the path of chills was small and Haunted Path in Red Mill Farms i. just tiendi h they only charged 50 cents. "We kept addin g JOY IN fun , things and changing each year. though," ·aid 'Crank it up,' Eddie Lesniczak Jr. said he and his fri ends Lesniczak. "Now we even have to move my dad 's liked the way some people did thing'S to scare MOTHERHOOD kid wheh they came trick-or-treating ''like hav- See HAUNTED PATH , 3A ..... AND says water chief By MARY E. PETZAK sees the Wild nne! S enic Rivers FICTION. program. NEWARK POST STAFF WR ITER According to Dwor !... if the 6A East End extends en tire wruershecl is declared a Wild As th e drought conti nu e~ in ::~nd ceni River area. a re ervoir In News New Ca~tle Co~ nt ). hopes for a mi ght be impossible in th e coun ty. permnncn t water supply 'ccm to .. nder pre. l'nt guide lines. des­ ehh and flow \\llh the rainfa ll. Thi., il!nation as a Wild and enic mon th nne nf the many 'illall s t ep~ Ri>er art'a preclude' any new VOLUNTEERS DELIVER toward Main Street in progre~-. toward a reservoir '' ater containment structures such Clulcl tc~ke pia e :11 the annu:tl as d m<· D"'orsky said. The By MARY E. PETZAK Street." ....... .... ..... .......... .. ... .... .................. ....... ... ..... ..... me eting nf the White Clay guideline. are unclear a. 1 FOR MEAls ON ··w e mi ght do a litt le grilli ng nut there-somethi ng A'~ociatinn NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER Wat cr,hed tn whether this inc lltde;:s reservoi rs. other p l a ce~ in town haven 't done." Kat£ added . Kemb lesvil le. Pu . The Whi te lay Watershed ov­ When the 'browr building· urrently cnmaini ng Li ke man y local residents. Richard Ka tz and Gary "We're 'ulnerab le nm\ in tht s o;rs appn ximarely 70.000 acre. or WHEEL) the bnrher and antiq l!c . l•ops is .lemoli . heel ro r the lgnace came to Newark as Unive r. ity of Delaware drough t. W.; nt.:ed to crank up the I()() sq uare miles in Pen nsy lvania Marke t East Plant omp:c:x . the care will hnve ht:tter . tudent. and found n li felong home. r.:IS tEnvirnnmemal Impac t tudy and De laware. between Routes visi bi lity as we ll. The co-owners of th e East End Cafe for the past req uired before reservoir corl',tru - H96 and -+ , e>.tending fro m West PROGRAM. "We're ge ttin g more into th e bri k-look li!..e Reid eight years. Katz and Ignace fi rst met when they tion) and l,!t'l ~OJm: t hing Jone," Marl hnrough. Pa . LO Newpon. De . 3A Row lands (developer of Market Eas t) p l 'an~ th ert:,'' wo rked during co ll ege at th e Glass Mug, a now Bern ard D"' or~!..y. administrator li.1r Dwors ky said both prime can ­ said Ka tz. "The pat io wi II have a rai lin g and the whole defunct bar formerl y in the Newark M i ni - M:.~I I. the Wate r Re., ur e~ gency for didate~ for n re1oervoir . ite. north of front will look more Iik e a house:· "Gary call ed me one clay in 1987 and asked me if ew C'a~ tl e Countv stated. ewar!.. on the Whit e Clay or at "We're re·ll onlident ahout thi s," K <~LZ stated. "We A ma nagemen t plan for the Clwrchm an· · Mar>h. are within I' d like t open a ba r and grill in Newark;' . aiel Katz. thin k this end of Main Street will keep im prov ing as "We both had some hotel and restaura nt ex peri ence White Clay Creek and tl'. v. <Iter­ the wa tcr,hccl area. th e Unive rsity keeps pushi ng peopl e dow n thi s way ... RESTAURANT dur in g and after coll ege,. o I said yes." shed, includ ing it s pm.sible sratus "We are trying 10 make our Kat l . aid the cafe will still offer li ve mu ~ic seven This we ek th e two owners will break ground for a as a National Wil d and Sccmc v iew~ clear." he said. ''The entire ni ghts a week and might he hringin g in na tiona l acts. major new add iti on. "We're buil din g out t:owarcl Main River area. will be dis u'~ed . The wn t er~ h ed should nut he consid· TO GET "We're hopi ng to ca pture some or th e ttco u ~ t ie ac t plan is heing drafted hy a In al ered eligible for Wild and ce nic Street.'' . aid Ka tz, "addi ng anoth er dining roo m that appear now at a bar in Philadelphi a ... approximately the same si7.e as the current one. We' ll task force appoin ted hy the status. especially potenti al reser- ational P:tr!.. en icc which 0\ er SPECIAL <dso ha ve a pa ti o and plantings in front on Main See EAST END , JA ..... See WATER , JA ..... PARKING WAIVER. 3A MOM GEORGE'S SPECIAL SAUCE ARTs ALLIANCE HAS BIG 8y MARY E. PETZAK. In 1978 he bought the shop n't have done without him two NEWARK POST STAFF WR ITER back fmm his aunts and ran it years ago during our bad win­ WEEKEND himself until 1992 when he ter." NGELO CATALDI defi ­ retired. Cataldi ha participated in PlANNED. nitely doesn' r look like The sauce, which he used to other Lions' fundraisers such 12A Aanyone's lirtle Italian make at his hop, is a secret as the Candy Sale to benefit grandmother, but the aromas family recipe from hi s grand­ Sight First. the Fruitcake Sale, and taste are authentic when he mother, "Mom George." Taste of Brandywine. the annu· Index cooks spaghetti sauce. "She brought it fmm Italy." al Pancake Breakfast and the For the past five years, said Cataldi on a recent Food Basket Raftle. NEWS 1-14A Cataldi has personally made Wednesday as he worked on Catts tried to assist Cataldi gallons of sauce with meatballs his latellt batch.
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