English 1302 Spring Semester Monday Wednesday Thursday 9 March 2018 STUDENT 1- 794, 833, 835,872, 874, 875, 876 STUDENT 2- 855, 860, 865, 866, 867, 868, 869 STUDENT 3- 836,870, 871 STUDENT 4- 832, 837, 877, 878 STUDENT 5- 793, 839, 840, 845, 851, 852, 873 Orginal Text Glossing Translations 793.) Her wæron reðe forebecna cumene ofer Norðanhymbra land 7 land folc earmlice bregdon: þet wæron ormete ligræscas, 7 wæron geseowene fyrene dracan on þam lyfte fleogende. Þam tacnum sona fyligde mycel hunger, 7 litel æfter þam þæs ilcan geares on .vi. idus Ianuarii earmlice heðenra manna hergung adiligode Godes cyrican in Lindisfarenaee þurh reaflac 7 mansleht. 7 Sicga forðferde on .viii. kalendas Martii . Her: Noble excellent Wæron: to be am are is was were Reðe: righteous right just Forebecna: burn up Cumene: hi eft Ofer: over, above Norðanhymbra: North Umbria Land: arth land soil territory realm province district landed property country (not town Folc: folk people nation tribe a collection or class of persons laity troop army Earmlice: 1. miserable (1) attended with misery (2) expressing misery piteous (3) piteous deplorable 2. poor mean wretched sorry 3. adv ~líce (1) miserably wretchedly (2) piteously (3) pitiably meanly Bregdon: move, swing, draw (a sword), weave, knit (the rings of a mail coat); feign, pretend Þet: after that, then Ormete: boundless, unlimited Ligræscas: Lightning a flash of lightning bright light Wæron: to be am are is was were Geseowene: see, look, perceive, consider Fyrene: A sin crime peccaturn crirnen Dracan: a dragon sea-monster serpent the serpent the devil standard representing a dragon or serpent ~n blód dragon’s blood a pigment obtained from the dragon’s blood- tree On: on at Þam: those Lyfte: air sky clouds atmosphere on ~e on high aloft Fleogende: flying winged Þam: those Tacnum: token symbol sign signal mark indication suggestion portent marvel wonder miracle evidence proof standard banner Sona: sound a musical sound music vocal or instrumental be ~e aloud loudly Fyligde: follow, observe, obey Mycel: magna on turbo on men on mid past on maxima turbine mid turbine in is word twig on past rough water surge Hunger: Hunger Litel: for a short time Æfter: after according to; afterwards along through among Þam: those Þæs: the that Ilcan: same Geares: year tó ~e in this year yearly tribute name of the rune for g gehwyrft ~es anniversary On: on at Idus: idus Ianuarii: lanuarii Earmlice: 1. miserable (1) attended with misery (2) expressing misery piteous (3) piteous deplorable 2. poor mean wretched sorry 3. adv ~líce (1) miserably wretchedly (2) piteously (3) pitiably meanly Heðenra: Manna: man Hergung: harrying ravaging raid invasion attack plunder booty harrowing Adiligode:suffering, sick Godes: a god image of a god God the (Christian) Deity godlike person Cyrican: church In: with in Lindisfarenaee: Lindisfarne Þurh: through Reaflac: apine robbery spoliation plundering 2. what is taken spoil booty plunder Mansleht: manslaughter Sicga: nobleman in the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Northumbria Forðferde: wentforth On: on at Kalendas: kalendas Martii: martii Throughout the Land of Northumbria, as well as throughout the year, there were fires and floods. Storms raged throughout causing lightning and thunder to put people in panic and cause misery. In that same year, churches were destroyed by men who slaughtered multiple people. Siga, a nobleman in the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Northumbria, died during that time. 794.)Her Adrianus papa Offa cining forðferden, Æðelred Norðanhymbra cining wæs Her- Noble excellent Adrianus- only, single, an empress, a co-operator, a nephew, to force Papa- pope Offa- King of Mercia Cining- a king forðferden, - for go Æðelred- Æthelréd third son of Æthelwulf and brother of Alfred the Great. Æthelred was king of Wessex for five years 866 to 871 AD 2. Æthelréd Atheling the second son of Edgar. Æthelréd was king of Wessex Mercia and Northumbria for 38 years 978 to 1016 AD. 3. Æthelréd Æðeréd a Mercian nobleman all variants of Æðelræd Norðanhymbra- a border or margin, to strive Cining- a king Wæs- to be am are is was were Pope Adrian and Offa, King of Merica, died on the fourth day of August. Ethelred, King of Northumbrians, was ofslagan fram his agenre þeode on .xiii. kalendas Mai, Ceolwulf biscop Eadbald ofslagan- ideals, knowledge, selflessness Fram- from His- personal pronoun third person singular genitive masculine or neuter Agenre- own proper peculiar proper (gram) ~ cyre freewill ágnes þonces voluntarily spontaneously Þeode- a nation people On- on or at .xiii.- 13 Kalendas- missionary, celebration, one of the services of the church Mai, -May Ceolwulf- Proper Noun, king of Mercia Biscop- a bishop Eadbald- Eadbald son of Ethelbert Slain by his own people, on the thirteenth day of May, bishop Eadbald and Ceowulf biscop of þan lande aforon, Ecgferð feng to Myrcene rice þy ilcan geare forðferde. Biscop- a bishop Of- of, out of, with Þan- irrigated land Lande- earth land soil territory realm province district landed property country aforon, - to go out depart march travel to go out of or from a place s6 to remove lead out Ecgferð- trip, tour, journey, time Feng- grip grasp embrace capture prey booty To- to Myrcene- protector, patron, guardian, advocate Rice- power authority reign referring to sovereigns or to others in authority Þy- the that Ilcan- to whitewash or to bind with splints Geare- promptly, readily, entirely, altogether forðferde. – wentforth retired the land. They took the government of Merica and died that same year. Eadbriht onfeng rice on Cent, þam wæs oðer nama nemned Præn. Æðelheard Eadbriht- King of Northumbria Onfeng- material things Rice- power authority reign referring to sovereigns or to others in authority On- on or at Cent, - Kent the county of Kent Þam- those Wæs- to, be, am, are, is, was, and were Oðer- word speech Nama- name Nemned- before named Præn. – King of Kent Æðelheard- Adalhard Eadbert, whose other name is Pryn, acquired the Kingdom of Kent, and Alderman ealdorman forðferde on kalendas Augustii . þa hæðenan on Norðhymbrum hergodon ealdorman- old forðferde- wentforth on- on or at kalendas- the first day of the month Augustii . – August Þa- the, that, those, when Hæðenan- heathen On- on or at Norðhymbrum- Northumbria Hergodon- to destroy Ethelherd died on the first day of August. The heathen armies destroyed the Northumbrians Ecgferðes mynster æt Donemuþe berefodon, þær heora heretogena sum ofslægen Ecgferðes- Proper Noun Mynster- monastery nunnery mother-church minster cathedral Æt- noun= eating or preposition= at, next to, by Donemuþe- a place at the mouth of Don berefodon, - with acc. of person (or thing) despoiled Þær- to rush Heora- sword Heretogena- commander or general Sum- some Ofslægen- to kill or wound by a blow, to kill, slay Plundered by the Monastery of King Everth at the mouth of the river wearð, eac heora scipu sume þurh oferweder wurdon tobrocene, heora feala þær wearð, - worth eac- with heora- sword scipu- ship sume- some þurh- through oferweder- storm tempest wurdon- to come to be to be made to arise come be tobrocene, -to break, break into pieces Heora- sword Feala- many or much Þær- to rush Though, there some leaders were slain, and their ships shattered adruncon, sume cuce to þam stæðe comon, þa man sona ofsloh æt ðære ea muðan. adruncon, -to drink up, quench thirst Sume- some Cuce- alive and vivus To- to Þam- those Stæðe- shore bank, riverbank, the land boarding on water comon, - to come þa- the, that, those, and when man- a citizen sona- sound or musical sound ofsloh- a wound by blow, to kill, slay, to kill a living object Æt- to or at Ðære- the, that Ea- running water, stream muðan. – mouth of a river by the violence of the waves, those who escaped alive to the shore, were displaced at the mouth of the river 832 Her hæðene men oferhergodon Sceapege. Her hæðene men oferhergodon Sceapege Her- adv. HERE, in this world, at this time Hæðene- Add:I. the belief and practice of a heathen people Men- men Oferhergodon- took over Sceapege- loaction Translation- Heathen men overran the Isle of Shepey. 833 Her Ecgbriht cining gefeaht wið .xxv. sciphlæsta æt Carrum, þær wærhð mycel wæl Her- noble excellent Ecgbriht- King of Wessex Cining- a king Gefeaht- a battle Wið- towards .xxv. - 25 Sciphlæsta- the body of (fighting) men on a ship ship-load crew Æt- to or at Carrum, - 1. a stone rock scar 2. Charmouth in Dorsetshire at the mouth of the river Carr = the Norman Charr or Charmouth Þær- to rush or there wærhð- was Mycel- magna on turbo on men on mid past on maxima turbine mid turbine in is word twig on past rough water surge Wæl- slaughter carnage King Egbert fought with thirty-five pirates at Charmouth, where slaughter was made, geslagen, þa Deniscan ahton wælstowe geweald. Hereferð Wigferð .ii. biscopas geslagen, - to strike down to gain by fighting win conquer wæl ~ to slaughter þa- the, that, those, when Deniscan- the Danish men, the Danes Ahton- had owned or possessed Wælstowe- place of slaughter, battle field Geweald. - might, power, possession Hereferð- Name: Proper Noun, Hereferth Wigferð- Name: Proper Noun, Wigen .ii. - 2 Biscopas- to begin, confirmation And the Danes possessed the field. Two bishops, Hereferth and Wigen, forðferdon, Duda Osmod .ii. ealdormen forðferdon. forðferdon, -went forth Duda- Name: Proper Noun, Dudda Osmod- Name: Proper Noun, Osmod .ii. -2 Ealdormen- old forðferdon. -went forth and two ealdormen, Dudda and Osmod, died this year 835 Her com micel sciphere on Wæstwealas, hi to anum gecyrdon wið Ecgbriht Her- noble excellent Com- to come Micel- great, intense, much, many Sciphere- 1. a collection of ships of war a naval force fleet a fleet of war squadron (usu.
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