Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Sumy State University Medical Institute SUPPOR TING and LOCOMOTOR APPARATUS STUDY GUIDE Recommended by the Academic Council of Sumy State University Sumy Sumy State2 University 2015 INTRODUCTION Human anatomy is a scientific study of the structure of the human respect to all its functions and mech a- nisms of its development. By studying the structure of separate organs and systems in close connection with their functions, anat o- my looks into a person`s organism as a unit, which develops basing on the regularities under the influence of internal and external factors during the whole process of evolution. The purpose of this subject is to study the structure of organs and systems of a person, features of the body structure of the person in comparison with animals, revealing the anatomic frames of the age, sexual and individual variability, to study the adaptation of the form and structure of the organs to varying condi- tions of function and existence. Such functional and anatomic, evolutionary and causal treatment of the i n- formation about morphological features of an organism of a person in a course of anatomy has huge value for clinical manifestation as it promotes comprehension of the nature of a healthy and sick person. This educational and methodical practical work is based on the sample of educational and working p ro- grams on human anatomy according to the credit-modular system of the organization of the educational pro- cess. It is directed toward the assistance to the students and teachers in the organization and realization of the most effective methods of studying and teaching of this subject. 3 topic; - to interpret visualized results of clinical methods of 1. THE EXPLANATORY NOTE investigation (to interpret X-ray films, tomograms, etc.). Individual educational and research work of students According to the curriculum, the study of human (ERWS) or scientific and research work of students anatomy is carried out in the I – III semesters. (SRWS), at a choice, assume: Human anatomy as a subject: a) preparation of reviews of scientific literature (ab- а) is based on the knowledge that students obtain from stract); medical biology, histology, cytology and embryology, bio- b) preparation of illustrative materials on the studied physics, Latin and is integrated with these disciplines; themes (diagrams, drawings, etc.); b) introduces students to the basic knowledge in or- c) making educational and museum anatomical prep- der to help them in future study of subjects, such as arations, models; normal physiology, introduction to clinical disciplines and d) carrying out of the research study within the forms skills in order to apply knowledge on human anat- framework of Student’s Scientific Society of the depart- omy in further study of all clinical disciplines and in the ment, etc. future professional practice. The final modular control takes place after comple- The organization of the educational process is carried tion of studies on the module and includes: out on the basis of the credit-modular system according - computerized objective questions, which include to the demands of the Bologna Process. multiple choice questions, situational tasks, and photo The credit-modular system of the organization of the copies; educational process is a learning model which is based - oral interview on anatomical preparations (practical on the association of modular technologies of training. skills examination). The course of human anatomy is divided into The gained score of a student on a discipline is rated 3 modules: and is evaluated according to the scale as an average - Module 1. Anatomy of Locomotor System; mark of mastering of corresponding modules according - Module 2. Splanchnology. Anatomy of Cardiovascular to European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System System; (ECTS) and the four-ball system accepted in Ukraine. - Module 3. Anatomy of Nervous System and Sense Organs. 2. THE AIM OF THE STUDY OF THE DISCIPLINE The credit-modular system of the organization of the The aim of the study of human anatomy – the ulti- educational process is based on regular work of students mate goals are fixed on the basis of general training of a in the course of academic year. doctor in specialty according to the volume of the mod- Kinds of educational activities on human anatomy ac- ules (natural science training) and become a basis for cording to the curriculum are: construction of the matter of the discipline. The descrip- а) lectures; tion of the aims is formulated on the basis of skills as b) practical classes; target tasks (actions). Based on the ultimate goals of c) independent work of the students; d) individual work at a choice. each module specific goals as the certain skills, the ability Themes of the lectures disclose problems of correspond- (actions) and the target (tasks) providing achievement of ing sections of human anatomy. the ultimate goal of the discipline study are formulated. Practical classes provide mastering in: Ultimate goals of a discipline: - knowledge of Latin (Greek) terminology; - to analyze the information about a human body - knowledge of sources and mechanisms of fetal de- structure, structure of systems, organs and tissues; - to manage English and Latin (Greek) terminology ac- velopment, structures of organs and systems of human cording to the international anatomic nomenclature; organs, clinical methods of their examination (X-ray - to define topographic and anatomical relations of anatomy, computer tomography, magnetic resonance human organs and systems, master practical skills of dis- tomography (МRТ), ultrasonic examination, an endosco- section and to demonstrate the anatomical stuctures on py, etc.); the anatomical preparations; - skills in dissection, demonstration of anatomical - to interpret mechanism of prenatal and early post- structures on anatomical preparations, models; natal development of human organs, variability, of or- - evaluation of age, sexual and specific features of a gans maldevelopments; structure of a human body; - to interpret sexual, age and specific features of the - solution of tasks which have clinical and anatomic human body structure; substantiation. - to provide interdependence and unity of structures An independent work provides the acquisition of the and functions of human organs, their variability under skills : the influence of ecological factors; - to describe the organs anthropometrically; - to master skills of interpreting the results of clinical - to show on specimens their parts and other structures; research methods (X-ray anatomy, computed tomography - to draw diagrams and drawings about materials of a СТ scan, magnetic resonance tomography (MRT scan, 4 ultrasonic ultrasound examination, endoscopy, etc.); demonstration on anatomical preparations. - to define influence of social conditions and labour on The maximum number points, which the student can the development and structure of the human organism. obtain from the current activity studying the module, is calculated by multiplication of points which correspond 3. A SYSTEM OF ASSESSMENT to "5" by each thematic class in the module (max. 120 OF STUDENTS’ EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY points). (see Table) Evaluation is the final stage of student’s educational The minimum number of points, which the student activity, which is to asses progress and to indicate suc- can obtain in the module qualified for the final modular cessfulness of study and training. exams, is calculated by multiplying number of points The evaluation of the development of the discipline is which correspond to "3" to by number of thematic clas- expressed by average marks for modules on which the ses in the module (min. 72 points). subject is divided. 3.1.2. The final module or examination The mark for the module is calculated as the sum of The final modular examination is carried out after the marks of the current educational activity and marks of study completion in the module at the end of the module. the final control, expressed in point (200 points) scale. The students must attend all practical classes and lec- 3.1. Module evaluation tures that are stipulated by the curriculum and, also, The module evaluation is defined as the sum of marks they must score from studying in the module at least the for current educational activity (in points) and marks of minimum (see Table) to be qualified for the final module the final control (in points) which are based on assess- test. ment of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The students, who attended all stipulated by the curricu- The maximum number of points that a student can lum practical classes and lectures and have scored at least get for each module is 200, including 120 points for the minimum points, are admitted to the final modular exam. current educational activity and 80 points for the final The student, who have missed some of the educa- control (general module). tional studies with good reasons (practical classes and lectures), can rework missed classes and lectures within 3.1.1. Evaluation of the current educational activity the term with the Dean’s Office permission. For students, Mastering of each topic of the module by a student is who have missed educational studies without any good estimated according to 4 point (traditional) system. Thus reason, the decision about reworking is made by the all kinds, of works stipulated by methodical supply for Dean of the faculty individually. study, are taken into account. The final exam includes: objective computer ques- The evaluations, which are exposed on a traditional tions and the control of practical skills. scale, are converted into points depending on the num- Examination is carried out on the basis of situational ber of practical classes in the module. tasks "Step – 1", test tasks and photocopy tasks. Each stu- The value measurement (the price in points) of each dent should answer 100 test tasks during 60 minutes. If all thematic class within the module is identical and is deter- answers are complete and correct, a maximum number of mined by the number of practical classes in the module.
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