Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Animal Science No 52 Warsaw 2013 Contents BRZOZOWSKI M., STRZEMECKI P. GŁOGOWSKI R., DZIERŻANOWSKA- Estimation the effectiveness of probiot- -GÓRYŃ D., RAK K. The effect of di- ics as a factor infl uencing the results of etary fat source on feed digestibility in fattening rabbits 7 chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera) 23 DAMAZIAK K., RIEDEL J., MICHAL- GRODZIK M. Changes in glioblastoma CZUK M., KUREK A. Comparison of multiforme ultrastructure after diamond the laying and egg weight of laying hens nanoparticles treatment. Experimental in two types of cages 13 model in ovo 29 JARMUŁ-PIETRASZCZYK J., GÓR- ŁOJEK J., ŁOJEK A., SOBORSKA J. SKA K., KAMIONEK M., ZAWIT- Effect of classic massage therapy on the KOWSKI J. The occurrence of ento- heart rate of horses working in hippo- mopathogenic fungi in the Chojnowski therapy. Case study 105 Landscape Park in Poland 37 ŁUKASIEWICZ M., MROCZEK- KAMASZEWSKI M., OSTASZEW- -SOSNOWSKA N., WNUK A., KAMA- SKA T. The effect of feeding on ami- SZEWSKI M., ADAMEK D., TARASE- nopeptidase and non-specifi c esterase WICZ L., ŽUFFA P., NIEMIEC J. Histo- activity in the digestive system of pike- logical profi le of breast and leg muscles -perch (Sander lucioperca L.) 49 of Silkies chickens and of slow-growing KNIŻEWSKA W., REKIEL A. Changes Hubbard JA 957 broilers 113 in the size of population of the European MADRAS-MAJEWSKA B., OCHNIO L., wild boar Sus scrofa L. in the selected OCHNIO M., ŚCIEGOSZ J. Comparison voivodeships in Poland during the years of components and number of Nosema sp. 2000–2011 59 spores of wintering Carniolan and Italian KOŚLA T., POROWSKA A. The wel- bees debris 121 fare of horses assessed by the investiga- tions of chosen parameters of the stable MAZURKIEWICZ A., TUMIALIS D., microclimate 67 PEZOWICZ E. New sites of the rare Mi- crolepidoptera species on Warsaw basin KOŚLA T., POROWSKA A. The welfare 129 of horses assessed by the zoohygienic in- ventory method 77 MAZURKIEWICZ A., TUMIALIS D., PEZOWICZ E., URBAŃSKI J., GA- KUCZYŃSKA B.A., PUPPEL K.S., LEWSKI P., GÓRAL K. The effect of METERA E., SAKOWSKI T., KAPUS- density on the breeding optimization of TA A., BUDZIŃSKI A., GRODZKI H. the tropical house cricket Gryllodes sig- Effect of cow’s breed and feeding season illatus (Walker) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) on the content of bioactive whey protein of milk produced according to principles 135 of the biodynamic farming 85 MROCZEK-SOSNOWSKA N., BA- KUŹNICKA E., GRONDKOWSKA A. TORSKA M., ŁUKASIEWICZ M., The quality of camel wool held in the WNUK A., SAWOSZ E., JAWOR- Tunisian Sahara Desert 91 SKI S., NIEMIEC J. Effect of nanopar- ticles of copper and copper sulfate ad- ŁOBODZIŃSKA A., GRUSZCZYŃ- ministered in ovo on hematological and SKA J. Canine von Willebrand’s disease biochemical blood markers of broiler – knowledge and awareness among dog chickens 141 breeders and owners in Poland 95 NIEMIEC T., SZMIDT M., KRUK-ROSZ- SZMIDT M., NIEMIEC T., SAWOSZ- KOWSKA A., SAWOSZ-CHWALI- -CHWALIBÓG E., MITURA K. The in- BÓG E., MITURA K. Carbon synthetized fl uence of nanodiamond particles on rat by RF PACVD method enhances the ac- health status 195 tivity of antioxidants 151 WASILEWSKA-NASCIMENTO B. NIŻNIKOWSKI R., CZUB G., GŁO- Occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi WACZ K., ŚWIĄTEK M., ŚLĘ- in soil of Santiago and Fogo islands (Re- ZAK M. Polymorphism of insulin like public of Cape Verde) 203 growth factor IGF-1 in position 211 in WNUK A., MROCZEK-SOSNOW- national sheep breeds with carped wool SKA N., ADAMEK D., KAMASZEW- compared to Polish Merino and Euro- SKI M., ŁUKASIEWICZ M., NIEMIEC pean Mufl on (Ovis aries musimon) 157 J. Effect of rearing system and gender on PEZOWICZ E., TUMIALIS D., MA- histological profi le of chicken breast and ZURKIEWICZ A. Sensitivity of imago leg muscles in hybrid (Cobb×Zk) 211 and larvae of the lesser mealworm Alphi- WNUK A., MROCZEK-SOSNOW- tobius diaperinus (Panzer 1797) in a saw- SKA N., ŁUKASIEWICZ M., BATOR- -dust litter to selected species and strains SKA M., NIEMIEC J. Infl uence of the of Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditi- system of rearing on cholesterol level dae under laboratory conditions 161 and its fraction in blood serum of slow- PRZYSUCHA T., SLÓSARZ J., GO- growing chickens 219 ŁĘBIEWSKI M., KUNOWSKA-SLÓ- WOJCIECHOWSKA I., KAMIO- SARZ M. Comparison of calving course NEK M., MORYTZ B. Studies on the of Limousine purebreds and their cross- potential use of entomopathogenic nem- breeds with Polish Holstein-Friesian atodes for biological control of animals cows 167 in the stables 227 REKIEL A., WIĘCEK J., PARUCH M., ZDANOWSKA-SĄSIADEK Ż., MI- PTAK J., BLICHARSKI T. Number of CHALCZUK M., RIEDEL J., ŁUKA- piglets born and reared by sows with dif- SIEWICZ M., DAMAZIAK K. Genotype ferent number of mammary teats 173 – factor infl uencing performance of RIEDEL J., MICHALCZUK M., ZDA- chicken production 237 NOWSKA-SĄSIADEK Ż. Assesment of ŻYCZYŃSKI A., NOWAK Z. Compara- slaughter value of three broiler chicken tive behaviour analysis of some colubrids genotypes 179 with reference to suitability of captive SOKOŁOWSKI G., STRZAŁKOW- bred snakes for reintroduction to natural SKA A., ŚWIDEREK W., FISZDON K., habitat 243 GAJEWSKA M. Semen quality param- eters in outbred male mice from four dif- ferent selected lines 187 SERIES EDITORIAL BOARD SERIES EDITORIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Editor-in-Chief Prof. DSc. Andrzej Chwalibóg (Denmark) Anna Rekiel Prof. DSc. Konrad Dąbrowski (U.S.A.) Prof. Ewgienij Dobruk (Belarus) Animal Science series Secretary Dr hab. Robert J. Eckert (Poland) Katarzyna Góral-Radziszewska Prof. DSc. Sophie Ermidou-Pollet (Greece) Address of Editorial Offi ce Prof. dr hab. Grażyna Garbaczewska (Poland) Wydział Nauk o Zwierzętach SGGW Prof. DSc. Adrian Harrison (Denmark) ul. Ciszewskiego 8, 02-786 Warszawa Prof. dr hab. Jarosław O. Horbańczuk (Poland) Poland Prof. dr hab. Marta Kamionek (Poland) Prof. dr hab. Anna Rekiel (Poland) Prof. DSc. Francois K. Siebrits (R.S.A.) EDITORS Prof. dr hab. Jacek Skomiał (Poland) Statistics editor – Wojciech Hyb Prof. dr hab. Romuald Zabielski (Poland) English language consultant – Natalia Filipczak Polish language consultant – Agata Kropiwiec THEME EDITOR Genetics and animal breeding – Elżbieta Michalska Biology and ecology – Elżbieta Pezowicz Animal nutrition and feedstuffs – Iwona Kosieradzka Behaviour and welfare of animal – Tadeusz Kaleta Animal husbandry and production technology – Justyna Więcek The Editorial Board (Offi ce) of “Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Animal Science” informs that the printed version of the journal is the original version. Covered in: AGRO, Index Copernicus WARSAW UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES PRESS e-mail: [email protected] ISSN 1898-8830 EDITORIAL STAFF Anna Dołomisiewicz PRINT: Agencja Reklamowo-Wydawnicza A. Grzegorczyk Krystyna Piotrowska www.grzeg.com.pl List of Reviewers 2013 Adamczyk Krzysztof, Batkowska Justyna, Bernacka Henryka, Bielański Paweł, Biesiada-Drzazga Barbara, Bombik Elżbieta, Bombik Teresa, Borczyk Bartosz, Brodacki Antoni, Chwalibóg André, Cieśla Angelika, Czech Anna, Drozd Leszek, Dudek Mariusz, Fliszkiewicz Monika, Gabryszuk Mirosław, Gajewska Marta, Gburzyński Paweł, Giżejewski Zygmunt, Gruszecki Tomasz, Gugołek Andrzej, Janiszewski Paweł, Janocha Alina, Jaworska Magdalena, Kasprzyk Anna, Kowalska Dorota, Kozłowski Krzysztof, Krawczyk Józefa, Łukaszewicz Ewa, Matusevicius Paulius, Matuska-Łyżwa Joanna, Michalska Grażyna, Mitura Stanisław, Nogalski Zenon, Passini Anna, Pezowicz Elżbieta, Popowska-Nowak Elżbieta, Prusak Beata, Sakowski Tomasz, Seremak Beata, Skrzecz Iwona, Smalec Elżbieta, Stachurska Anna, Strachecka Aneta, Sura Piotr, Szczepkowski Mirosław, Szczerbińska Danuta, Szmidt Maciej, Tkaczuk Cezary, Tomek Andrzej, Traczykowski Adam, Wasilewska-Nascimento Beata, Winnicka Anna, Witeska Małgorzata, Wójtowski Jacek Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Animal Science No 52, 2013: 7–11 (Ann. Warsaw Univ. of Life Sci. – SGGW, Anim. Sci. 52, 2013) Estimation the effectiveness of probiotics as a factor infl uencing the results of fattening rabbits MARIAN BRZOZOWSKI, PAWEŁ STRZEMECKI Department of Animal Breeding and Production, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Abstract: Estimation the effectiveness of probiot- organisms (Fuller 1989, Bielecka et al. ics as a factor infl uencing the results of fattening 2002). There are studies showing posi- rabbits. The aim of this study was to establish the tive effect of probiotics addition as a diet infl uence of addition Bacillus cereus var. toyoi, as probiotics factor, on young rabbits fattening re- supplement in poultry and swine feeding sults. The level of 400 mg per 1 kg of probiotic (Barrow 1992, Jin et al. 1997, Jadamus preparation was used in experimental group (EG, et al. 2000, Jadamus et al. 2002). There n = 34) as factor affecting fattening results. The are also many studies show positive ef- control group (CG, n = 32) was fed commercial fect of probiotics using on young rabbits feed. Experiment started at weaning (35 days) and fi nished at 84 days. The following data were col- productivity – growth results and health lected: body weight at weaning; body weight ev- condition (Gippert et al. 1992, Maertens ery week up to 84 days of age; feed intake during et al. 1994, Kamra et al. 1996, Tachikawa fattening, health status fattened rabbits, dressing et al. 1998, Voros and Voros 1998, Mc percentage. The positive impact of used prepara- Nitt et al. 2000, Kustos et al. 2004, Ker- tion on health status and yield results of
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