WHO / Records and Archives Service (RAS) Fonds Photographers: sorted by Photographers Fonds Photographers List of files sorted by Photographers Photographer Country Subject Date Jose Abcede Korea Background general 1971 Jose Abcede Korea Women's Club 1977 Jose Abcede Malaysia Immunization / Mother and child 1976 health (MCH) Jose Abcede Malaysia Malaria 1976 Jose Abcede Malaysia Tuberculosis 1976 Jose Abcede Nigeria WHO cholera course 1970 Jose Abcede Papua New Guinea Family planning 1976 Jose Abcede Papua New Guinea Rural water supply 1981 Jose Abcede Papua New Guinea Tuberculosis 1976 Jose Abcede Philippines Diarrhoeal diseases 1980 Jose Abcede Philippines Human settlement 1976 Jose Abcede Philippines Mother and child health (MCH) / 1979 Hilots Jose Abcede Philippines Nutrition 1961 Jose Abcede Philippines Primary health care (PHC) 1978 Jose Abcede Philippines Rabies / Immunization (Guimaras 1977 Islands) Jose Abcede Philippines Rheumatism 1976 Jose Abcede Philippines Rizal health worker 1976 Jose Abcede Philippines Schistosomiasis 1972 Jose Abcede Philippines Tobacco 1979 Jose Abcede Samoa Training traditional midwives 1976 Jose Abcede Sarawak Water 1976 Jose Abcede Singapore Smoking 1979 Jose Abcede Vietnam Health services 1974 Public Health Institute, Saigon F. Adler Israel Water 1981 Akgawa Japan Eye diseases (rehabilitation of the 1961 blind) Akgawa Japan School health 1961 Alexeiev Bulgaria Nursing 1962 1 / 24 WHO / Records and Archives Service (RAS) Fonds Photographers: sorted by Photographers Alexeiev Bulgaria Public health 1962 Paul Almasy Afghanistan Malaria 1971 Paul Almasy Afghanistan Smallpox 1971 Paul Almasy Angola Sleeping sickness 1959 Paul Almasy Brazil Brasilia 1962 Paul Almasy Bulgaria Diabetes 1970 Paul Almasy Bulgaria Pollution 1971 Paul Almasy Burundi Mental health 1959 Paul Almasy Canada Eskimoes 1962 Paul Almasy Chile World Food Program (WFP) 1972 Paul Almasy Colombia Background general 1972 Paul Almasy Colombia Health auxiliaries 1972 Paul Almasy Colombia No Man's Home Is A Castle 1972 Paul Almasy Colombia Pollution 1972 Paul Almasy Colombia Rural health 1972 Paul Almasy Colombia Smallpox 1962 Paul Almasy Colombia World Food Program (WFP) 1972 Paul Almasy Congo Nutrition 1959 Paul Almasy Costa Rica Family planning 1969 Paul Almasy Cuba Cardiovascular diseases 1975 Paul Almasy Czechoslovakia Cardiovascular diseases 1965 Paul Almasy Dahomey (Bénin) Rural health 1959 Paul Almasy Egypt Background general 1963 Paul Almasy Egypt Bilharziasis (Schistosomiasis) 1962 Paul Almasy Egypt Occupational health (Assouan) 1963 Paul Almasy Egypt Public health (Cairo) 1963 Paul Almasy England Genetics 1966 Paul Almasy Ethiopia Medical assistant 1972 Paul Almasy Ethiopia Smallpox 1972 Paul Almasy Finland Cardiovascular diseases 1966 Paul Almasy France AIDS 1985 - 1986 Paul Almasy France Cancer 1969 Paul Almasy France Cardiovascular diseases 1966 Paul Almasy France Genetics 1966 Paul Almasy France Medical personalities 1964 2 / 24 WHO / Records and Archives Service (RAS) Fonds Photographers: sorted by Photographers Paul Almasy France Modern tools of medicine 1966 Paul Almasy France Modern tools of medicine 1966 Paul Almasy France Public health 1963 Paul Almasy France Rehabilitation 1963 Paul Almasy General Pharmacy posters, France 1973 Paul Almasy Germany Radiation - Heidelberg 1968 Paul Almasy Germany Road accidents 1967 Paul Almasy Ghana Environmental health 1959 Paul Almasy Guatemala Background general 1960 Paul Almasy Guatemala Eye diseases 1975 Paul Almasy Guatemala Mother and child health (MCH) 1975 Paul Almasy Hong Kong Drugs 1970 Paul Almasy Hong Kong Drug control 1960 Paul Almasy Hungary Traumatology Institute 1967 Paul Almasy India Cardiovascular diseases 1967 Paul Almasy India Food producer (farmer) 1962 Paul Almasy India Kyanusur forest disease 1961 Paul Almasy India Nutrition / Milk scheme 1963 Paul Almasy India Tuberculosis 1959 Paul Almasy India Water (Calcutta) 1960 Paul Almasy Indonesia Food producer (rice) 1962 Paul Almasy Iran Bilharziasis (Schistosomiasis) 1960 Paul Almasy Iran Plague 1962 Paul Almasy Iran Rabies s.d. Paul Almasy Israel Background general 1962 Paul Almasy Israel Medical research (Weizmann 1962 Institute) Paul Almasy Israel Mental health 1960 Paul Almasy Italy Mental health (Trieste) 1974 Paul Almasy Jamaica Cardiovascular diseases 1970 Paul Almasy Jamaica Dental auxiliaries 1972 Paul Almasy Japan Cardiovascular diseases 1970 Paul Almasy Japan Health services (Tokyo) 1961 Paul Almasy Kampuchea Malaria 1962 Paul Almasy Kenya Cancer research 1972 Paul Almasy Kenya Tuberculosis 1959 3 / 24 WHO / Records and Archives Service (RAS) Fonds Photographers: sorted by Photographers Paul Almasy Kenya Tuberculosis 1972 Paul Almasy Kenya Training of medical assistants 1972 Paul Almasy Korea Family planning 1973 Paul Almasy Kuwait Background general 1962 Paul Almasy Latin America Agriculture / Industry 1965 Paul Almasy Latin America Background general 1965 Paul Almasy Latin America Malaria 1965 Paul Almasy Latin America Medical services 1965 Paul Almasy Latin America Urbanization 1965 Paul Almasy Latin America Water 1965 Paul Almasy Lebanon Pharmaceutical control 1971 Paul Almasy Liberia Malaria 1959 Paul Almasy Liberia Yaws 1959 Paul Almasy Mexico Cardiovascular diseases 1975 Paul Almasy Mexico Malaria 1962 Paul Almasy Mexico Public health (El Paso) 1962 Paul Almasy Morocco Trachoma 1955 Paul Almasy New Guinea Kuru 1961 Paul Almasy New Zealand Epidemiology (Maoris) 1968 Paul Almasy Panama Eye diseases 1975 Paul Almasy Jordan Palestine refugees 1965 Paul Almasy Paraguay Goitre 1959 Paul Almasy Paraguay Nutrition 1959 Paul Almasy Peru Family health 1972 Paul Almasy Peru Nutrition 1972 Paul Almasy Peru Veterinary public health 1972 Paul Almasy Peru Water 1972 Paul Almasy Peru Water 1959 Paul Almasy Philippines Family planning 1973 Paul Almasy Philippines Malaria 1961 Paul Almasy Philippines Nutrition and Rice Institute 1973 Paul Almasy Romania Tuberculosis 1974 Paul Almasy Singapore Cardiovascular diseases 1970 Paul Almasy Sri Lanka Rural health (Gal Oya) 1962 Paul Almasy Sudan Background general 1962 4 / 24 WHO / Records and Archives Service (RAS) Fonds Photographers: sorted by Photographers Paul Almasy Sudan Background Wau tribe 1964 Paul Almasy Sudan Nursing 1964 Paul Almasy Sudan Onchocerciasis 1964 Paul Almasy Sudan Gezirah s.d. Paul Almasy Sweden Cardiovascular diseases 1964 Paul Almasy Tanzania Mental health 1972 Paul Almasy Tanzania Nursing training 1972 Paul Almasy Tanzania Schistosomiasis 1972 Paul Almasy Tanzania Training of auxiliary hospital 1972 personnel Paul Almasy USA Cancer (Louisville) 1969 Paul Almasy USA Medical research 1966 Paul Almasy Venezuela Cardiovascular diseases / 1970 Chagas Paul Almasy Venezuela Dental health 1972 Paul Almasy Venezuela Mental health 1972 Paul Almasy Venezuela Reference centre 1972 Paul Almasy Venezuela Rural health 1972 Paul Almasy Yugoslavia Mental health 1974 Betty Alt Hong Kong Mother and child health (MCH) 1955 H. Anenden Gambia Malaria s.d. Pat Appel Algeria Rehabilitation 1964 R. Applebee England Common cold 1963 Dr. Arquembourg Tunisia Trachoma 1957 Irène Barki France Geriatrics s.d. Dr. Bannerman China Traditional medicine (burns) 1977 Ch. Blackwell USA Drugs 1970 J. Bland Ethiopia Background general - Water 1983 C. Blaser Switzerland Rabies trial VS 1981 C. Blaser Switzerland Tobacco 1974 R. Blessing Ecuador Miscellaneous 1978 Bernheim Ghana Malaria 1961 Ian Berri Ghana Water 1966 John Bland Peru / Mexico / Primary health care (PHC) 1982 USA Gordon Boshell India Cholera 1960 5 / 24 WHO / Records and Archives Service (RAS) Fonds Photographers: sorted by Photographers Gordon Boshell India Eye diseases 1963 Gordon Boshell Nepal Bilharziasis (Schistosomiasis) 1956 Gordon Boshell Sri Lanka Background general 1960 Gordon Boshell Thailand Leprosy 1957 E. Boubat Iraq Malaria (Kurds) 1958 Philip Boucas Denmark Cancer 1969 Philip Boucas Egypt Background general 1964 Philip Boucas Egypt Malaria Training Centre 1960 Philip Boucas Egypt Public health (industrial hygienist) 1964 Philip Boucas England Comparative medicine 1965 Philip Boucas England Gerontology 1959 Philip Boucas England Rats 1965 Philip Boucas England Road accidents prevention 1960 Philip Boucas Greece History of medicine 1969 Philip Boucas Iran Cancer Institute 1959 Philip Boucas Iran Malaria 1958 Philip Boucas Iran Medical training 1964 Philip Boucas Iran Mother and child health (MCH) 1958 Philip Boucas Iran Nursing 1958 Philip Boucas Iraq Medical training 1970 Philip Boucas Korea Tuberculosis 1964 Philip Boucas Morocco Rehabilitation 1959 Philip Boucas Morocco Rural nursing 1967 Philip Boucas Nepal Smallpox 1965 Philip Boucas Norway Cancer 1969 Philip Boucas Pakistan Leprosy s.d. Philip Boucas Pakistan Mother and child health (MCH) 1957 Philip Boucas Syria Mother and child health (MCH) 1961 Philip Boucas Syria Tuberculosis 1964 Joseph Breitenbach Japan Cancer (gastro-camera) 1969 Joseph Breitenbach Turkey Water 1967 J. Bright Burundi Primary health care (PHC) 1989 K. Brodie England Alcoholism 1967 L. Brun France Hospitals (Necker) 1970 J.C. Brutsch Pakistan Background general 1975 6 / 24 WHO / Records and Archives Service (RAS) Fonds Photographers: sorted by Photographers J.C. Brutsch Pakistan Eye diseases 1975 J.C. Brutsch India Background General 1975 Dr. Bruce-Chwatt Ghana Malaria (medicated salt) s.d. René Caloz Switzerland WHO Fellows s.d. Dr. Caldell Singapore Dental health 1964 J.P. Charbonnier France Medical personalities 1964 J.-F. Chrétien Switzerland Polio 1989 L. Consignado
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