Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-05214-7 - The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 21 1873 Editors Frederick Burkhardt, James A. Secord, Janet Browne, Samantha Evans, Shelley Innes, Francis Neary, Alison M. Pearn, Anne Secord and Paul White Index More information INDEX Abbot, Francis Ellingwood, 95 n.3, 96 n.5; resigna- Airy,Hubert: CD communicates his paper on phyl- tion and reinstatement as editor of Index, 145 & lotaxy to Royal Society, 20–1 & 21 nn.1–3, 51 & 146 n.3 n.1;CDoffers to lend new edition of Sachs’s Abbot, Samuel Leonard, 585 Lehrbuch der Botanik, 51 & 52 n.4; CD sends W.J. Abutilon: fertilisation, 221 Beal’s paper opposing his views, 538 &n.5;leaf Acacia: J.D. Hooker identifies species for CD, 470 & arrangement, further investigations, 126–7 & 127 472 n.5, 479, 480 & 481 nn.2 & 12, 486; A. cultri- nn.2–3, 410–14 & 415 nn.3–8; leaf arrangement formis, CD seeks from Kew, 493 & 494 n.10; A. in Gasteria, 537–8 & 538 nn.1–3; medical inspec- farnesiana (Vachellia farnesania), J.D. Hooker sends tor, Local Government Board, 538 &n.6;Royal CD leaves and plant, 468 &n.4, 469 &n.1, 469 Society publishes abstract of revised paper, 51 & &n.1, 470 & 471 n.2, 471 & 472 n.7, 473 & 475 n.1, n.2, 410 & 415 n.2, 414 & 415 n.11 479 & 481 n.3, 485 & 486 n.5 Aiton, William Townsend: researched Hortus Académie des sciences, Paris: rejects CD as corre- Kewensis from own herbarium and that of J. spondent, 282 &n.2, 285 &n.2, 567 &n.2 Banks, 43–4 & 44–5 n.4 Académie royale de Belgique: elects J.D. Hooker Album der Natuur: engraving of Jewish prisoners in associate member to express support in Ayrton Babylonian bas-relief, 3–4 & 6 n.15 dispute, 27 & 28 n.7, 29 Alcippe (Trypetesa): complemental males, 391 & 394 Academy: C.E.C.B. Appleton, editor, 246 & 248 n.4 n.2;reviewofExpression (A. Dohrn), 241 & nn.2– Allbutt, Thomas Clifford, 550 &n.2 3, 246–7 & 248 n.2, 588 & 589 n.14;reviewof Allen, Frances, 426 n.2;CDhopestorentDown H. Müller, Befruchtung der Blumen (A.W. Bennett), Lodge for F. Darwin, 426 & nn.1–2, 438 & 439 209–10 & 210 n.1, 352 & 353 n.1 n.9; opposes reading room at Down school, 526 Acasta: reproduction, 392 & 394 n.8 n.4 Accademia delle Scienze di Torino: elects CD hon- alligators: inherited instinct, 206 & 207 n.3 orary member, 585–6 Allman, George James: J.D. Hooker proposes for Acland, Henry Wentworth: J.V.Carus visits in Ox- Royal Medal of Royal Society, 273 & 274 n.8, 274 ford, 298 & 299 n.2 &n.2; monograph on gymnoblastic hydroids, Adam, William Patrick: succeeds A.S. Ayrton as 273 & 274 n.7; presidential address, biology sec- commissioner of works, 328 &n.4, 333 tion, BAAS, 399 & 400 n.15 Agassiz, Alexander: support for CD’s theories, 89 Amaranthus (Celosia cristata, cockscomb): effects of &n.4 formic acid on seed, 305 & 306 n.2 Agassiz, Louis: correspondent, Académie des sci- American Association for the Advancement of Sci- ences elects as correspondent, 282 n.2, 567 n.2; ence: A. Gray, presidential address, 122 &n.6 attempts to refute Darwinism, 90 & 91 nn.1–2, American Journal of Science: O.C. Marsh, fossil finds 96 &n.3; CD sends Nature squib ridiculing his in America, 54–5 & 55 n.1, 220 n.9 views, 90 & 91 n.2, 121 & 122 n.2; J. Fiske attacks American Naturalist: W.J. Beal, ‘Phyllotaxis of cones’, creationist philosophy, 473 &n.5, 484 & 485 n.5; 538 &n.5; CD subscribes to, 20 &n.6;O.C. summer school for natural history, Penikese Is- Marsh’s fossil finds, 55; M. Treat, ‘Controlling land, 145 & 146 n.4 sex in butterflies’, 20 &n.6;M.Treat,experi- Airy, George Biddell: president, Royal Society, 20 ments on Drosera, 305 n.7 & 21 n.1; supports W. Cavendish’s nomination as Anderson, John, 146 n.4 next president, 29 & 31 n.18;votesforW.Spot- Andrews, Thomas: proposed as president of BAAS, tiswoodeaspresident,50 &n.3 399 & 400 n.8 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-05214-7 - The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 21 1873 Editors Frederick Burkhardt, James A. Secord, Janet Browne, Samantha Evans, Shelley Innes, Francis Neary, Alison M. Pearn, Anne Secord and Paul White Index More information 740 Index Anelasma: lives in pairs, buried in skin of sharks, 392; Descent and Expression, 415 & 417 n.1 A. squalicola, CD sends specimens to A. Dohrn, Archiac, Adolphe, vicomte d’: maintained there 55–6 & 56 n.6; A. squalicola, CD’s examination were no worm castings in forests, 279 & 280 n.4 of, 247 & 249 n.12; A. squalicola, R.A. Kossmann’s Argiope (Megathiris): larvae resemble Sagitta, 219 & study of, 248 & 249 n.16 220 n.6, 225 & nn.5–6 Angalis arvensis (pimpernel): whether closing of flow- Argus:reviewofExpression, 588 ers is analogous to Cassia, 536 &n.5 Aristotle: History of animals, tunny swim from right Angelico, Fra: grief muscle illustrated in ‘Descent to left, 205 & 206 n.4 from the Cross’, 72 n.1 Armstrong, William George: offered £50 to Naples Annales des sciences naturelles: G. de Saporta, fossil Zoological Station, 531 & 532 n.7, 578 & 579 n.4; plants of gypsum beds of southern France, 57 & subscribes to assist T.H. Huxley, 169 &n.4, 170, n.8 189 n.4, 591 Annals and Magazine of Natural History:T.G.Gentry, Arnold, Christoph, 258 n.12 fertilisation of Pedicularis canadensis, 526 &n.1;J.E. Arnold, Matthew: CD thanks for present of Liter- Gray, ‘On the guëmul’, 64 n.3; E.R. Lankester, ature & dogma, 66–7 & 67 n.2. 67; G.H. Darwin ‘Primitive cell-layers of the embryo’, 443 &n.8, exposes fallacy of views on prayer, 461 & 462 n.3 573–4 & 574 n.8; T.Meehan, fertilisation of Pedic- Artemisiaceae: G. Bentham criticises F. Delpino’s ularis canadensis, 526 &n.1; A. Voelcker, ‘Chemi- classification, 258–9 & 260 n.8, 565 & 566 n.8 cal composition of fluid in ascidia of Nepenthes’, Artizans, Labourers, & General Dwellings Co.: CD 459 n.2, 460 &n.2 receives dividend of £5.18s., 86 & nn.4–5;min- Anningson, Bushell: J.B. Dunbar-Brander’s views utes of general meeting, 85–6 & 86 n.1 on dogs’ instinctive muscular movements, 284 Arum maculatum: fertilisation, 221 & 223 n.7 n.7, 284 & nn.2–3 Asilus: trapped by Drosera, 303 & 305 n.3 Anthracotherium: V.O. Kovalevsky’s monograph on, asparagus: fertilisation, 231 & 232 nn.1 & 5 362 n.2, 568 n.2 Athenæum: announces CD’s forthcoming work on Anthropological Institute: G. Busk, president, 75 interbreeding, 202 n.2, 209 &n.2; early adver- n.3; merger with Ethnological Society and finan- tisement of publication of Expression, 209 &n.4; cial difficulties, 524 & nn.3–5 natural increase in elephant population, CD’s Anthus pratensis (titlark, meadow-pipit), 265 & 266 calculations questionable, 174 &n.2;reviewof n.2 Expression, 587 ants: ability to recognise each other, 159 n.3;T. Atropa belladonna: alkaloid poisons, 147 &n.2 Belt observes in Nicaragua, 312 & 313 nn.3–4; Atta: A. barbara (Messor barbarus), 490 &n.5; A. struc- CD sends J.D. Hague’s letters to Nature, 158 & tor (Messor structor), 489 & 490 n.4, 490 159 n.3, 186 &n.2, 300 & 301 n.2, 313 n.3;de- Audubon, John James: pinioned goose loses sense terred by corpses of some of their number ( J.D. of direction, 155 &n.10 Hague), 91 &n.1, 155–7 & 157 n.3, 268–9 & 269 Ayres, Clara Alice, 250 &n.2 n.2; deterred by interruption of trail, not by fear Ayres, Philip Port, 250 n.2 (T. Belt), 312 & 313 n.3;effectofformicacidon Ayres, William Port: maggots in hard-boiled egg germination of seeds, 82 & 83 n.2, 119 & 120 may result from spontaneous generation, 250 & n.1, 176, 178 &n.3, 299 & 300 n.3, 301 &n.1, n.3 343–6 & 347–8 nn.1–3, 346, 347, 355 & nn.1–2, Ayrton, Acton Smee: advocates transfer of Kew 305–6 & 306 nn.1–3, 489–90 & 490 nn.2–5;re- herbarium to new National Museum, 43 & 44 lationship of Formica pubescens to Tettigometridae n.2; J.D. Hooker’s dispute with, 27 & 27–8 nn.6– (F.Delpino), 181 &n.3, 562 &n.3;sterileworkers, 7, 29 & 30 n.5, 33 n.3;leavesOffice of Works, 328 152 & 155 n.3; symbiotic relationship with plants, &n.4, 333 & nn.5–6 312 & 313 n.1, 315–16 apes: mental faculties, 88 &n.2 BAAS. See British Association for the Advancement Apis mellifica (A. mellifera): fertilises Viola tricolor, 251 of Science & 252 n.4 Baer, Karl Ernst von: sends CD his photograph Apocynion: W.H. Leggett’s papers on, 447–8 & 448 and requests CD’s carte de visite, 203 & nn.2–3 n.3 Bain, Alexander, 22, 194 n.3; CD recalls stay at Appleton, Charles Edward Cutts Birchall: editor, Moor Park, 444 &n.7; CD unable to grasp his Academy, 246 & 248 n.2 theory of spontaneity, 444 &n.4; Review of ‘Dar- Appleton, William Henry: publishes US editions of win on expression’, 444 & nn.1–5 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-05214-7 - The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 21 1873 Editors Frederick Burkhardt, James A.
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