City Research Online City, University of London Institutional Repository Citation: Billing, S. (2006). Bacewicz : the violin concertos. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London) This is the accepted version of the paper. This version of the publication may differ from the final published version. Permanent repository link: https://openaccess.city.ac.uk/id/eprint/8473/ Link to published version: Copyright: City Research Online aims to make research outputs of City, University of London available to a wider audience. Copyright and Moral Rights remain with the author(s) and/or copyright holders. URLs from City Research Online may be freely distributed and linked to. Reuse: Copies of full items can be used for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge. Provided that the authors, title and full bibliographic details are credited, a hyperlink and/or URL is given for the original metadata page and the content is not changed in any way. City Research Online: http://openaccess.city.ac.uk/ [email protected] Bacewicz - The Violin Concertos Sally Billing PhD City University Music Department August 2006 Contents List of Tablesand Illustrations 3 List of MusicalExamples 4 Acknowledgements 8 Abstract 9 PART 1: 1. BIOGRAPHYAND SOCIALCONTEXT 10 2. RECEPTION 25 3. MUSICAL INFLUENCES 34 (a) Baoewicz'sPolish Background 34 (b) WesternEuropean Influences 47 4. AN IIISTORICAL INTRODUCTIONTO 711EVIOLIN CONCER11 57 PART2: 1. MELODIC WRITING 69 (a) Stepsvs. Leaps 70 (b) CharacteristicIntervals 78 (c) Modality 82 2. HARMONY AND TONALITY 95 (a) VerticalIntervals of theFourth and Fifth 93 (b) Dissonance 98 (c) Bitinality 92 (d) CharacteristicFeatures 93 (e) Useof Keys 99 3. FORM 103 (a) OverallFormal Structure of theConoertos 104 (b) Structureand Character of Main Themes III (t) Useof Themes 112 (it) Bi-partiteStructure of the Main Theme 112 (iii) ImmediateRepetition of Themes 113 (iv) no BalancedDesign of Themes 114 (v) Ile Characterizationof Themes 115 (vi) Neo-ClassicalInfluences on ConcertoThemes 116 (vii) Rhythm 117 (viii) Introductionof AdditionalMaterial 122 4. TEXTURE 125 (a) Solo-TuttiRelationship 125 (b) Functionsof Texture t26 (e) TexturalJuxtaposition 130 (d) TexturalDensity 134 5. ORCHESTRATION 138 (a) Useof Timbre 138 (b) Scaleof Orchestration 143 (c) Range 145 (d) Useof the StringSection 147 6. WRITINGFOR SOLOVIOLIN 154 (a) virtuosity 154 (b) OpenStrings 159 (i) DoubleStoppirýriolagc 159 (it) DoublingStoppedA: )pm Notes 160 (iii) TimbralEffect 160 (iv) Extensionof Range 164 (c) Mrmonics 165 (d) Fingerings t66 (e) ContemporaryTechniques t68 7. COMMON MATERIAL 170 PART3- VIOLIN CONCERTONO. 5, MVT. I: A DETAILED DISCUSSIONOF STYLE AND COMPOSITIONALTEC11NIQUE 176 PART4: BACEWICZ'SMUSICAL DEVELOPMENT 201 (a) A GeneralConsideration of Bacewicz'sOeuvre 201 (b) Bacewiczsmusic: Gendered Music? 206 Appendix: List of Work:s 219 Bibliography 262 2 List of Tables and Illustrations Figure Tonic Keys 98 2 Key of Recapitulationof TbexneA 101 3 RondoForm: Conc. 2, Mvt. 11 110 4 Structureof OpeningTutti: Concerto5, Mvt. Il 112 5 Use of InstrumentalEffects 142 6 Insh-umentation 144 3 List of Musical Examples Example I Stravinsky:Symphony in ThreeMovements, Mvt. L b. 62 70 2 Conc. I, Mvt. 1,b. 115 (Solo Violin) 71 3 Conc.4, Mvt. III, b. I (Reduction) 72 4 Conc.4, MA. 1,b. 52 (Reduction) 72 5 Conc.4, Mvt. IL b. 25 73 6 Conc. 5, Mvt. 1,b. I (Reduction) 74 7 Conc.5. Mvt. 111,b. 4 (Reduction) 74 8 Stravinsky:Agon, Mvt. 11,b. I (ReducedScore) 75 9 Stravinsky:Violin Concerto,Mvt. 1,b. 161 (Solo Violin) 75 10 Stravinsky:Symphony in ThreeMovements, Mvt. 11,b. 76 (Oboes) 76 11 Conc.6, Mvt. 1,b. 28 (Solo Violin) 76 12 Conc.7, MvL 11,b. 103 (Solo Violin) 76 13 Conc.7, Mvt. 1,b. 19 (Solo Violin) 76 14 Cone.7, Mvt. II, b. 74 (Solo Violin) 76 15 Conc.7, Mvt. 111,b. 20 (Solo Violin) 77 16 Divertimento for String Orchestra,Mvt. III, b. 39 77 17 String QuartetNo. 7, Mvt. 111,b. 39 (Violin I and Cello) 78 18 String QuintetNo. 2, Mvt. 1,Fig. 9 78 19 Conc.3, Mvt. 1,b. 46 (Reduction) 79 20 Conc.3, Mvt 1,b. 278 (Solo Violin) 79 21 Concertofor String Orchestra,Mvt. 1,b. 35 80 22 Piano SonataNo. 2, Mvt. I, b. 1 80 23 Conc. 5, Mvt. 11,b. 7 (Flute) 81 24 Conc.5. Mvt. 1,b. 87 (Solo Violin) 82 25 Conc.5, Mvt. III, b. 75 (Solo Violin) 82 26 Conc. 3, Mvt. I, b. I (ReducedScore) 83 27 Cone.2, Mvt. 111,b. 87 (Solo Violin) 87 28 Piano SonataNo. 2, Mvt. III, b. 41 87 29 Szymanowski:Symphony No. 2, Mvt. II, b. 91 88 30 Conc.3, Mvt. 1,b. 12 (ReducedScore) 89 31 Conc. 3, Mvt. 111,b. 13 (ReducedScore) 89 32 Conc.4, Mvt. I, b. 84 (Reduction) 90 33 Conc.4, Mvt. I, b. 155 (Reduction) 90 34 Cone.5, Mvt. II, b. 115 (Reduction) 91 35 String QuartetNo. 5, Mvt. IV, b. 18 92 36 Conc.7, Mvt. I, b. 69 93 37 Conc. 7, MA 111,b. I 11 94 38 Conc.7, Mvt. 1,b. 55 (Reduction) 94 39 Stravinsky:Rite of Spring,Fig. 13 95 40 Cone.5, Mvt. 111,b. 104 (Reduction) 95 41 Piano SonataNo. 2, Mvt. 1,b. 120 95 42 Conc.2, Mvt. 111,b. 208 (Solo Violin) 95 43 Conc.2, Mvt. 111,b. I 97 4 44 Cone.4, Mvt. 1,b. I (ReducedScore) 98 45 Cone. 1, Mvt. 1,b. I (Reduction) 100 46 Cone.1, Mvt. 1,b. 18 (ReducedScore) 100 47 Cone.4, Mvt. 1,b. 12 (Reduction) 101 48 Cone. 1, Mvt. 11,b. 1 107 49 Cone. I* Mvt. 11,b. 47 108 50 Cone. 1, Mvt. II, b. 59 109 51 Cone.2, Mvt. 11,b. 7 (Solo Violin) 110 52 Cone.5, Mvt. 11,b. I (Reduction) 113 53 Cone.6, Mvt. 111,b. I (Reduction) 114 54 Cone.5, Mvt. 1,b. 74 119 55 Cone. 1, Mvt. II, b. 12 (Solo Violin) 120 56 Cone. 1, Mvt. 1, b. 59 120 57 Cone.3, Mvt. 111,b. 21 (Solo Violin) 121 58 Cone.7, Mvt. 1,b. 43 (Solo Violin) 122 59 Cone.6, Mvt. 1,b. 141 123 60 Cone.4, Mvt. 1,b. 78 126 61 Cone.4, Mvt. 111,b. 78 127 62 Cone.5, Mvt. 1,b. 101 128 63 Cone.5, Mvt. L b. 58 (ReducedScore) 128 64 Cone.4, Mvt. 111,b. 335 132 65 Cone.5, Mvt. 1,b. 26 133 66 Music for Strings,Trumpets and Percussion, Mvt. 11,b. 74 133 67 Cone.7, Mvt. IlL b. 133 135 68 Cone.4, Mvt. 111,b. 105 136 69 Cone.5, Mvt. 1,b. 136 137 70 Cone.3, Mvt. 111,b. 117 140 71 Cone.4, Mvt. IL b. 15 (ReducedScore) 143 72 Cone.4, Mvt. 1,b. 215 (Bassoon) 146 73 String QuartetNo. 7, Mvt. I, b. 122 (Cello) 146 74 Cone. 1, Mvt. 1,b. 29 148 75 Cone.7, Mvt. IL b. 31 149 76 Cone.7, Mvt. 11,b. 75 150 77 Cone.5, Mvt. 1,b. 193 (Strings) 151 78 Cone.5, Mvt. 1,b. 2 10 (Strings) 152 79 Cone.7, Mvt. L b. 67 152 80 Cone.7, Mvt. 1,b. 16 (Strings) 153 81 Cone.7, Mvt- I, b. 58 153 82 Cone.6, Mvt. I, b. 280 (Solo Violin) 155 83 Cone.7, Mvt. L b. 206 (Solo Violin) 155 84 Cone. 1. Mvt. L b. 39 (Solo Violin) 155 85 Cone.3, Mvt. 11,b. 130 (Solo Violin) 156 86 Cone. 1, Mvt. 111,b. 3 (Solo Violin) 156 87 Cone.7. Mvt. 111,b. 114 (Solo Violin) 156 88 Cone.5, Mvt. IL b. 112 (Solo Violin) 157 89 Cone.3, Mvt. 1,b. 198 (Strings) 158 90 Cone.6, Mvt. I, b. 191 (Violin 1) 158 91 Cone.6, Mvt. L b. 213 (Upper Strings) 158 5 92 Cone.6, Mvt. 11,b. 37 (Strings) 159 93 Cone.2, Mvt. 1,b. 87 (Solo Violin) 160 94 Cone.2, Mvt L b. 157 (Violin 1) 161 95 Cone.4, Mvt. 1,b. 125 (Solo Violin) 161 96 Cone.3, Mvt. III, b. 215 (Strings) 162 97 Cone.4, Mvt. 11,b. 4 (Solo Violin) 162 98 Cone.4, Mvt II, b. I I, (Solo Violin) 163 99 Cone.3, Mvt. 1,b. 150 163 100 Cone.2, Mvt. 1,b. 155 (Violin 11) 164 101 Cone.4, Mvt. 1,b. 14 (Violin 1) 164 102 Cone.4, MA IL b. 17 (Solo Violin) 165 103 Cone.4, Mvt. III, b. 162 (Violin 1) 166 104 Cone.7, Mvt. 1,b. 127 (Solo Violin) 166 105 Cone.5, Mvt. 111,b. 51 (Solo Violin) 167 106 Cone.5, Mvt. L b. 56 (ReducedScore) 168 107 Cone.7, Mvt I, b. 77 (Solo Violin) 169 108 Cone.7, Mvt. 11,b. 71 (Solo Violin) 169 109 Cone.7, Mvt. III, b. 42 (Solo Violin) 169 110 Cone. 1, Mvt. I, b. 39 (Viola and Cello) 171 ill Cone. 1, Mvt. IIL-b. 9 (ReducedScore) 171 112 Cone.2, Mvt. 11,b. 16 (Solo Violin) 172 113 Cone.2, Mvt. 111,b. 47 (ReducedScore) 172 114 Cone.6, Mvt 1,b. 86 (Solo Violin) 173 115 Cone.6. Mvt. III, b. 20 (Solo Violin) 173 116 Cone.5, Mvt. 1,b. 1 177 117 Cone.5, Mvt 1,b. 23 179 118 Cone.5, Mvt. I, b. 30 181 119 Cone.5, Mvt L b. 41 (Solo Violin) 182 120 Cone.5, Mvt I, b. 49 184 121 Cone.5, Mvt. I, b.
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