.4· Dredging at tho Naval Reserve Aviation Base, Squs.ntum, Massachusetts, awarded to the J .s . .racke.rd dredging Co. , of Boston, Mass . Eatimated cost, ~52 , 000 . Conte d1 Savoia, Italian liner, sailed froc Genoa at 6 P ,l!, Italian Steamer, FOSCOLO , .3 ,059 tons, out of Antil!irp, radioed it had been bombed by German aircraft off the Dutch Coast and uas sinking. Adciralty, "London, announced t!le destroyer VALDl'.i'INE, 1, 090 tons, had boon damaged by German air attack off tho Dutch Coast and was subsequently bao.ched. Add Bids, General ~rotors , Diesel Division, Cleveland, subaitted lo"i7 bids on cuchinery 6 su'tx:w.rinos - r:AUTD.US, NARi1HAL , and ARGONAUT , No.tional Defense Progr.:un, 11ill allot $250, 000, 000 to the Havy. Considerable 8tlphasis 17ill be placed on ro.pid trninin& of adUitional pilots. Vinaon-Tr8l:l:lel and Tialsh-Hco.lcy Acts, r.oro under fire from A. B. Homer, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Conpany, today o.t tho House Navo.l hearing. He urged their removal and that changes durin£: construction be cut doml and that duplication of ships r.ould also help to stop up uork. 0 REPORT TO THE SECR-f'TARY OF THE liAVY \..;, 17 !.lily 124.Q_----- \ {ot..'!.l Enlisted Strength, 16 llay ........... 139,865 Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty ••• 2,836 Other Reservists II II II II ... hm. Total •• •••• 4,229 Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) ••••••••••• 196 Aggregate Discharaes II II II ........... Gain •• • •• ••••• 138 Re~ired Officers rotul~ed to active duty as of 17 May : Line Officers 305 Staff Officers 100 '.'/arrant Officers _1.Q. Total 435 lle.val Reservists ordered to active duty for enforcement of noutrulit~ patrol as of 15 May: Noober Uumber Uoober Officers Allm'ed Obli~mted Ordered Aviation Instructors 150 150 106 District Patrol Planes 42 0 0 Uo.val Intelligence 85 67 67 Miscellaneous 293 293 235 Ens . and Lieuts. (j .g. ) \'lith Fleet 200 200 ll2 Merchant ~Iarine and Lieut. D-V(G) 100 100 Total Officers 870 810 ~ Lien District Patrol P!Lnes 340 J40 340 Communica.tions L~O 113 113 Miscellaneous .2_09 882 882 Total Men 1360 1335 1335 ~ . ) . Coanm!c tiona, J.ooorrc drill MUoa hu been tiniehecl ~.!1 PTJ.c• ln<I!Jt r... ••ole •ndl.AC u ~~q - 78.4, 1dt.h 1.00 ;.-orccnt a.tt.t>nd:..nce, all nt.: Uona, ooac.t to CMst, down • 5 tr011 the pHviOUB ..-celr: . 1.bo firot )"<IOU" tMa hu been t.... o . Roll ®11 rlll be ~~ Gl:!£1c 1 opont. tbo corning wi:t.h lJ\11 o~n or in­ c.ont.L.nUAd cl.ur~ the ~.:- ZiOnW c.n4 cod• voupe rll.l tf!reet.K COirnl.tteu in Cang:reaa "• to UCMI ot ~ be ..nt out. tOl' praet.!ca !.ft dJ.SliiOtcb: o1 1 1...., o.nd 18 tll.. I:,O, t)()C'",OOO cpp.-opriaUon ....,u.I'U4 b7' t.he Preaibnt. co4e 1I'O:"CU: prr 'Q.l:r.a';.ot , rraa "Cle u...,. Oc..o.flCIJ"" t . ~·-"" , ~· Al3J.IFS (ODlJ.O) Mil ~ (!m4)6) 1 t.lre roc., cJ\e boUn o.! lltdeh WU DOt in UH 1 IIU!':crecl "" launcUd Md \blocked at t.bc.o.r bl.l.1.ld.1.nc c!ock, Pu.t.ot ~Uon u rt""mlt. o! 1'hieh tal'l PtdWPI, lf&t.ert..od.R SOU.'\11 t: V'l YIU'd Oft 16 ~tay. a!Con<Z ouu, r ilocl to rcapo~ to ruu.ac1t.At101"1 .nd nc J.l.s!J!,._l!1J!.W.C_l (Dw.J.), 1d.ll ba l.aunc.hod At. tho Bath pronounoutJ dOAd . Lincoln Peter Snidfor, Pirlllllltl 3rd cl aea, Iron r.or0:-11 BAth, l!o.lne, on 1.8 !£aT. .rkr rl.llyint;; gNW •orse Met cUteS c:l1o. John Cocln't.nc;. l!!!YP.•l.t.U sontt-act.. toer. let on l6 :.a; aa CollO'n: ~ , Firte~JA 1 1st c.l.ua, and 11.111..u HIU'Ol4 ~a , S~ ou ot Cal1t'Ca"!".ic., $3.) , ~'7 . JO; t idnat.r .lt:&~ .&t..r\.tDlt•, lilt cl&a•, appo.r•nt.lt ar• 1n NUatactor,- e1aWd. 0111 f-1~ 1060; h.cl.f'ic. Statu OU, W-',000; Gcn- coadJ.Uaa. ~ ~11 ud s.n..... u.,auaa. 1G- er&l Pet.rob•, ..,JS , b ; 'ro.:..a, f~79, 4X> ; HG"C'\&l..rs Oil clicat.e 4MUl a.tld inJuria. n:re due t.o 1ahal&Uan of" irrl- (QJ.u~ .np.r.e oil), 52,07S; Richrield OU, .1 , 4S9 ,027 . ~; 1.a»'- ephyrlaUnt ~· , •pparatly dz",.'lll\ lnt.o \be r~ Sholl OU, 1,'771, 100; UniGD OU, l,!i0l , .n~ . 97 . Total r oca t'r'OII t.ho uptoke ot adjoinin{: 11n bo.tlrr. It Boc.rd ot tuol G.nd Ditlcl oil, '51871, , 18).71 , lnVliiU£11.tJ.on fl1ll convene today a.board thtt CALIFOP.tliJ.. l!!>.:!!~l'it.!t::!.!, J,s ot 15 !la,y, 29 olticora wore prcmoted ~u..f_.}~!ea and t.ccounta, a.n.nounc.. • contract bu t.o the HtWI o! cCEII!'lll!ldcr and leaMr p-~u inoludi.nl bte 1111U'ded to J.... Frt• ror 810,000 poun4a ot llln14 Jmd.or lleu.t.cM.Dt.a. J. otti.Ct.ro, c:~e&Uoaa TOhmtott P'1bDr *'- a UD.i.\. priee ot .t .0~)7 per J'C"N, t.oW.l., aerrl01, 'II'G"e ol"dend to the Phl.Uwlnrl, t~ , :.fT' . 'X . !z. · \'lectern Front, Gcn:te.ns are driving toTtOrd Lao•t and ~ierlc about 70 mil eo northeast of Par io, it is reported reli- ably froll London . Allied troops are 11ithdral"line from their Bruooels defensive pooitions, Tthich city Ge=s are entering. Gener al Gamelin, in an order of the day, said: "every unit ;;hich is =blc to advunce &lUOt accept death rather than abandon that part of the national tcr- ritory entrusted to it. Tho fate of tho country and tJu;.t of the allies and the destiny of tho r.orld depends on the bat tle no<T tcldng place. " The sitUAtion 1.as dcccribcd by reliable sources in London eo tho oost serious since the Great Ger...:m drive of March, 1918, r.hen the Gemano threatened t o crumble the •;;hol e allied defense in Fr• .nce . Senator Byrnes, in charge of naval bills in tho Senate, said an additional ~100 , 000 , 000 ,,ill be Pl'Oposed for speedin(l up conetruct i on of the building pr ogrUJn and S50,000,000 for urgently needed ordnance. Byrnes sald most of tho $100,000,000 for acceleration of r.arship con- struction oay be spent to break a "bottleneck" in tho cachine- tool industry. He r.o.o un:1ble to esticnte the number of naval planes Tlhich ;;ill be avt1.i hblc with :111 additi onal $100,000,000 . hnfl<ii(;M GrbiM: SECRETARY or THE IIAVY lj(?' 20 flay 1940 ~-~1 Enlisted St:r;:cngth, 18 flay ••• ••.•• ••• 139,925 Fleet Reservists (Enlisted) on active duty . •• 2, 836 Other Reservists II II II II ... 1 ,393 Total ••••••• 4,229 Aggregate Enlistments (last 24 hours) • •• ••• •••• • 106 Aggregate Diochorges II II II .......... Gai.n • • • • • • • • • • 59 Retired Officers returned to active duty as of 20 May: Line Officers 306 • Staff Officers 100 Warrant Officers _20 Total 435 Naval Reseryis~s ordered to active duty for enforcement of neutrality patrol as of 18 May: Number Number Number Officers Alloiled ObliS!ted Ordered AviatiOn Instructors 150 150 101 District Patrol Planes 42 0 0 Naval Intelligence 85 67 67 Lliscellaneous 293 293 252 Ens . and Lieuts . (j . g. ) r.ith Fleet 200 200 112 Merchant Marine and Lieut. D- V(G) 100 100 90 Total Officers 870 810 622 ~ District Patrol planes 340 340 Comnrunic.:l.tions 120 m 113 o!isce11aneous 2QQ 882 882 Toia:_l: ].len 1360 1335 1335 l · J. Bure~u _o_t ~¥;is an4 Dock}~_, annou.ne;•• the tollOW'i!te •'ll"l.t'd 1 tJ.on . CIWI.A , BARRI, and CO?F rt.U rroccted on :.•1 Jwa to Contract tor oxt.onlion ot Sh1P'ft1 No . 2 at th.t :lct.vy t&:~: Pont... Delpd:., &Ctect.J.n4 rcnduvoua rtt.h relief at. t.hllt Philt.dolph1a, to Ill.llty Conot:r..~otJ.on CoTJ)Ol"ation, Nn !Ol'k po1Dt. on S J\lly, proc~ed.int. to tJ.abon , orrivin« ebo\lt 10 City, tor :ol,?as . Tillfl1 .!40 We:ndl.l.r tkya. Ju.l,. TRLH'i'O'f, DIC~N , .i.l'lti H!l:JU:"'t will r•tum to L.sl!:,.lcatinc OU, oont:' ot hu booo l..t to tho Tce.D Cou- tlortoli, drpartJ..na thn .A:orel!5 on a Jul7. -in o:oount or fl , ?,~,Wl . 10 . .U.O to Tl.A!ont<=r A.,.o... <lri!.,..Y.J!\,'.;-)<, .-pont the~ with tho ~0\llo Bonl ci>.<ed OU ~. tor J•.,. 1'\ael oll, to the ._.,, ot utaln c-1Ueo dis<=~ oxptodi~o .., t<5C!,OOO,COO ~.ooc . -•.t oo...u aJIII"'P"1&U..... Jtift:--.2".!.\U:!U ... proooula tor caru;;t:url1.oc I. dea~, ~ • • & ru . ca.~), bel .... 1&14 at Blthltta hip- t;Uiz:c:y, . 1,6)0 t.ana a;tAnda.rd 41apl.ActM".D"\1 will be receivod tlfttJ.l bW.14.•n• COIIIpLU2J", lk•SACba.aette Mon on Jlli&T, when tho7 •Ul be o...,.; publlc:lr. 1!!!.1.m!!l:! (.-ll c=ft ra:- l.ea4J.n& neto) , bido •ill be ~~tl.!_r ~~ on lS AprU cc.ud.cattci 11ith Opt~Doll Oft 2b Juno.
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