Index Compiled by the Author 'A 54': Paul ThUmmel, a German Intelligence officer, 729--30, North, 675; and Dakar, 721, 749 n.2, 752, 787 n.3, Bog; and Bor-2 an allocation of labour dispute, 728; and security, 752, 925; Abadan (Persia): occupied, 1172 and invasion believed imminent, 766, 779; and the Admiralty 'Abbess': defence of Turkish air bases, 678 flag, 794; added to the Enigma circulation (October 1940), Abbeville: and the German invasion of France, 371, 373, 379; 849; and the naval danger, 879 n.3; at Chequers, 885 n.3, 922; captured, 394, 452, 719 n.3 and Enigma, 896 n.2; and defeatism, 934 n.2; and 'Workshop', Aberdeen: bombed, 66r 935 n.2; and 'Mandibles', 1015 n.2; and shipping, 1017 n.I; 'AbigaiJ': reprisal raids on Germany, 1035 n.3 and convoys, 1017 n.2; and Greece, 1028 n.6, 1049; and the Ahoukir, HMS: sinking of (in 1914), 37 Battle of the Atlantic, ro4o n. 1; and 'Jaguar', ro75-6; Chur­ Abrial, Vice-Admiral Jean Charles: 'particularly vigorous', 379; chill berates, I095; and Japan, 1255, 1257 British 'in close touch' with, 439; and the Dunkirk evacuation, Alexander, C. H. O'D.: 1185 n.4 442, 449 Alexander, Major-General H. R. L. G. (later Earl Alexander of 'Abstention': attack on Kastellorizo, 953 n.2, I014-15, I 124 n.4 Tunis): at Dunkirk, 429-30, 447-8, 449; at Chequers, 586, Abyssinia (Ethiopia): 342, 822, 1048, 1082, 1176, 1249 1142 Acasta, HMS: sunk, 41J2 Alexander III, King: assassinated, 1043 n.2 'Accordion': seizure of the Awres, 654 n.3, 677 Alexandria: French warships at, 58g, 596, 6o4, 629 n.3, 633, 640, Accra: a mission to, 72o-1 654; seriousness of loss of, 731; defence of Egypt and, 755-6, Achilles, HMS: 95 794; German threat to, 1005 Acland, Sir Richard: 673 n.4 AlgieTS: Weygand at, 679 n.4; a possible Allied 'footing' in Acre: and Napoleon, w8o; armistice signed at (12 July 1941), (proposed by Churchill), 725; and a possible British defence 1136 of, 959; a possible threat to, ro74 'Acrobal': capture of Tripoli, 1244, 1245, 1249 Aliakhmon Line: to be held, 1024, 1025, 1027, 1030, 1054; de- 'Anion this Day': initiated, 151 fence of, 1o61; broken up, 1o68 Adams, Vyvyan: y&-7; criticisms of, 918 Allen, Sir George: 707 n.2 Addis Ababa: entered, 1082 Allen, G. R. G.: his recollections, 155--6; and Oran, 634 n.7 Aden: defence of, 755; and Japan, 1256 Allied Supplies Executive: aid to Russia through, 1214 Admiralty Arch: defences at, 372 'Allowance': attack on Leros, 953 n.2 Adrianople (Edirne): and Grrmany, 1005 'Alloy': plan to seize Azores, 567 n.I Adventure HMS: badly damaged, 82 'Alphabet': the evacuation of Narvik, 391 n.3 'Aerial bombardment': the only 'way through', 655--6 'Alphonse': British air operation proposed, 230 Agheila (Cyrenaica): entt-red, 1007; and German communica- Allnulrk: British merchant seamen rescued from, Iji-3, 155, 157, tions, 1o63 •78, '79 Agnew, Sir Andrew: 798 Altmeyer, General: 511 Aid to Russia Appeal: launched by Clementine Churchill, 1210 'Ambassador': commando raid on Guernsey, 676 n.2 Air Interception: radar device, 553, 763, 767, 827 n.I, 857-8, Amery, Julian: and the General Election of 1945,831 n.3 I 131 Amery, L. S.: It, 155,277 n.1; and the political crisis of May ·Ajax': a planned landing at T rondheim ( 1941 ) , 1213, 1218; 1940, 287, 291-2, 299 n.4, 302; and the rejection of 'parley or Brooke opposed to, 1224; rejected, 1225 surrender', 420; and the Middle East, 477; and 'Oran', 64$ .{jax, HMS: 11, 95, 170 and a 'bloody row' over India, 682; Churchill rebukes, Bg7-8; Alamrin, El: battle of, and Enigma, 1048 n.3 and a visit to Harrow, 948-g; and Japan, ro47; and Wavell, Albania: invaded and occupied (1939), 4; and Italian moves 113 n.3; and the 'Atlantic Charter', 1 I 63, I 1 79; and 'old Eng­ against Greece, 241, gos; and Greek victories in, wo8; 'rotten' land incarnate', 1248 Italian forces in, 1053-4 Amiens: and the fall of France, 362, 363, 370, 371, 379, 385, 393, 'Alcohol': occupation of Irish ports, 574 n.6 398 Aldwych Tube: shelter at, 8o1 Andalsnes: British military plans for, 222, 244-5, 250, 252, 253, 'Alert No. 1': 774, 793-4, 811 254, 258-g, z6I; 'heavily bombed', 272; withdrawal from, 273, AJesund: British landing at, 236, 242, 243 276, 28I; sabotagt> at, 279 Alexander, A. V. (1st Earl of Hillsborough): and the political Anderson, Sir John (later Viscount Waverley): and Belgian crisis of May 1940,286, 315, 3I6; at the Admiralty, 317, 329 refugees, 359; and Italians in Britain, 491, 4gB; and the Chan­ n.1, 332, 476 n.I, 490, 6J.')-I6; and Crete, 36o; and Narvik, nel Islands, 5 73 4; and enemy aliens, ;:.86; and the police 368-g, 382; and the Unitt>d States, 375-6, 473, 514-15, 927, during an invasion, 711-t2; knowledge of'Menace' to be kept 1032 n.2, 1033 n.2, 1074, 1126; and 'this bloody Jaw', 469; from, 725; and Eden, 818; becomes Lord President of the and the French fleet, 568, 57&-7, 590, 62g, 639; and invasion, Council, 82o; and Enigma, 8g6 n.2; and Coventry, 914; and 6.)o-l, 651 n.t; and morale, 6.)2; and Britain's olfensive capa­ Greece, 1014 n.t, 1028 n.6 city, 655 n.z; and the Dover I4-inch gun, 659 n.a; and Admiral 'Anger': reconnaissance against Guernsey, 676 n.2 1275 INDEX Anglo-American Mission (to Moscow): II6o, I164-5, 1I78, Itgo, Attlee, Clement-conJinued I I93--6, 119fj, 1200, 1204-5; in Moscow, 1206-7, I2IQ-I2 n.2; and Vichy, 866, 1 I57i and Greece, 878, IOI4 n.J, 1028 Anglo-French Purchasing Board: 1 I 7-18 n.6; and Enigma, 8g6 n.2; a 'sparrow', 1o84 n.g; and Hess, Angl()ooSoviet Agreements: of July 194 I, I I 36; of August 194 I, 1o87 n.g; and Cyrenaica, 1138, II50i and the Tirpi~, 1157 Illi!J n.2; and Japan, I t6o, 1257; and the Atlantic Charter, 1 I62; Ankenes peninsula: British troops ashore on, 28I, 282; further and British aid to Russia, I I64; and American aid to Britain, plans for, 304 I 165, I2Ig, 1221 n.t; birthday greetings from, 1247 n.3 Annexe, the (No. IO Annexe): 783, Boo, fl43, 86o, 863 n.4, IJ9I, Auchinleck, Major-General (later Field Marshal Sir) Claude 989, 1104 John Eyre: at Narvik, 292, 336, 435 n.t; at Chequers, 66I; at Anson, HMS: and Benghazi, I 114 Southern Command, 675; his 'alacrity' praised, 1061 n.2; Antonescu, Ion: atrocities of, I004 replaces Wavell, I I I3-I6; and the Middle Eastern Defence Antwerp: 76; operation 'XD' at, 330; German plans at, 78o; a Committee, 1125 n.2; Churchill's first telegram to, II33i makes fire ship scheme for, 8I5 n.4; an 'embarkation' point, 852 a 'mistake', 1 133~4; reluctant to contemplate an early offen­ Anzac Cove: evacuation of ( I9I5), 463 sive, 1138; dangers to, I 13g-4o; 'Victory rewards those Aosta, Duke of: surrenders, I o8g who .. .', 1 I49i at the Defence Committee of August I941, 'Apathetic': a British move into Spain, 945 1149; at Chequers 1I52-3; and 'Crusader', I153, 1172, ti87; Apollonia (Libya): commando raid on, 1239 threatens to resign, 119I, I 192; and Australia, 12I4i and the Appeasers: proposed punishment of, 6rg pressures for an offensive, 1216--2o, I222, 1225; and Enigma, Arabs (of Palestine): and the 'Atlantic Charter', 1163 I2t6, 1243; attacks, 123g-52; birthday greetings from I247 n.3; Arab world: and the Patria, 898-9; hangs 'in the balance', Iogi; and the coming of war with japan, I266 and Syria, I 157 Augusta, USS: and 'Riviera', 1158, 1159 Arandora Star: torpedoed, 6g8, 643 Aurora HMS: sent to Narvik, 2I51 253 0.3, 26o, n.2, n.g; and Archangel: British supplies on way to, I I 39; British troops sought 'Force K', 1172 at, 11go; British goods through, 1207, t2I2, 1229 Australia: and the war, 66, 89, 410; troops from, 424, 442, 472, Archer, Norman Ernest: 4oo-I, 4g6 n.2 736; internees to, 6gB n.2; and Japan, 679, 725, 1002, 1046, Ardent, HMS: sunk, 482 1255, 1257, 1259; and Egypt, 755 n.2; use of Churchill's name Argw HMS: aircraft sent across Atlantic on, 714; and 'Jaguar', in, 822; and Crete, 8g8; and Greece, 920, 1024, 1029, 1048, 1075 1054, 1061, 1068; troops from, in the western desert, 977, I004 'Ariel': evacuations from French ports, 564 n.1; and Syria, J 104; withdraws from the western desert, 1 I9I- Ariete Division: in difficulties, 124 7 2, 1214, 1218; and a Soviet request, 1230 n.1; and 'Crusader', Ark Royal, HMS: and Norway, 281, 304; and 'Catapult',~ n.5; I241 n.5 and '1\rfenace', 788 n.2, 8o6; and 'Jaguar', 1075: sunk, 1233; Australia, HMAS: 4g6, 788 n.2 and Japan, 1256 Austrians: 'villainous deeds' against, 202; held down, 1042, 1070 'Armature': attack on Karpathos, 953 n.2 Azores: possible seizure of, 567, n.I, 654, 677; seizure of, post- Armentieres: British retreat through, 4o6 poned, 724; seizure of, preferred, 765, 933i a British convoy Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFVs): needed for I94I, 846 attacked olf, 1011; and the United States, 1077-8, 1161 'Army of the Nile': its task, 1073 Arnold, General Henry H.: 1087, 1 I6o n.3, 1165 n.3 Baghdad: 8g8, I 095, I I 97 Arras: evacuated, 36I; and a British plan, 363, 372-3, 379, 3f4; Bahamas, the: and the Duke of Windsor, 69g-7o9; and United again evacuated, 388, 394, 4o6 States bases, 732 Ascension Island: 77 Bailey, Sir Abe: 205-6, 941 n.1 'Asdic': 493, 672, 68g-go Baku: German oil supply from, 198---g; the 'prize' of, 88o; possible Ashdown Forest: and invasion, 621 British attack on, 1oo6; German advance towards, I 171, 1231 Ashley, Maurice: his help enlisted, 56 BaJaclava, Battle of: 'eclipsed', I I79 Astor, Lady (Nancy Astor): 88, 299 n.4, 1077 Baldwin, the Hon.
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