DRAFT MINUTES v.1 Corrections Kasson Township Planning Commission Special Meeting - Master Plan Update Work Session Thursday, February 8, 2021 Remote Via ZOOM MINUTES 1 Chairperson Otto called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER 2 MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Carter, Chairperson Otto, Secretary Schaeffer, Vice Chairperson Roush STAFF: Zoning Administrator Cypher was absent (excused) MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC PRESENT: None 3 Otto brought the Tentative Agenda to the floor for approval AGENDA No objection to the Agenda was voiced. AGENDA APPROVED 4 None. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 5 None. (No members of the public were present, nor joined later in PUBLIC the meeting). COMMENT WORK SESSION 6A The commissioners continued their discussion and revision of the 2014 version of the Kasson Township Master Plan, specifically the Utilities & Public Services section and the Public Facilities section [Copies of Chairperson Otto’s markup are included, below, as “Attachment “A” and “Attachment “B”.] Chairperson used her copy of the sections to keep agreed-upon changes for inclusion in the draft copy of the Plan Kasson Township Planning Commission, 02/08/2021 PAGE 1 OF 10 DRAFT MINUTES v.1 6A Each paragraph was examined and then was either edited, kept Utilities & Public cont the same, or totally deleted. Several “outside assignments” were Services made: • The section related to fire protection was completely replaced by new text, drafted by Township Clerk Boomer. Thanks to her for this effort. • Commissioner Schaeffer will draft a statement, expressing the Commission’s position on establishment of alternate energy installations in certain areas, while maintaining the rural character of the Township. • Chairperson Otto will re-write the dialogue between Carter and Goodman that relates information about groundwater contamination near the landfills. NO FORMAL ACTION TAKEN Each paragraph was examined and then was either edited, kept Public Facilities the same, or totally deleted. Several “outside assignments” were made: • Commissioner Anderson will contact the Glen Lake Schools to see if any of the recreational facilities are open to the general public • Commissioner Schaeffer will contact the Glen Lake Library to check on what services are being offered in Maple City, and what future plans might be for Maple City • Schaeffer will draft a statement that reflects the Commission’s feelings about establishment of commercial alternative energy facilities that violate the objective of maintaining the rural character of the Township. NO FORMAL ACTION TAKEN Kasson Township Planning Commission, 02/08/2021 PAGE 2 OF 10 DRAFT MINUTES v.1 7 None. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC 13 Tuesday, March 2, 1:00 PM, Zoom Remote Meeting. Clerk NEXT WORK Boomer will set up the Zoom, and notify Otto, Schaeffer, and SESSION Cypher. MEETING 14 ADJOURNMENT Moved by Roush, seconded by Schaeffer to adjourn the meeting. MEETING Ayes: Anderson, Carter, Otto, Roush, Schaeffer CARRIED ADJOURNED AT 3:22 PM Minutes Prepared by Chuck Schaeffer Commission Secretary Commission Chair February 8, 2021 Commission Secretary February 8, 2021 Kasson Township Planning Commission, 02/08/2021 PAGE 3 OF 10 DRAFT MINUTES v.1 ATTACHMENT “A” UTILITIES & PUBLIC SERVICES Kasson Township is a small rural community and thus its municipal government provides limited services and has few facilities. As in most rural townships in Michigan, the county or a consortium of counties provide most governmental functions including police, public health, and social services, and soil erosion, building inspection, and planning services. Leelanau County, either by its own staff or by contract with other agencies, supplies these services for Kasson Township. The county road system is administered by the Leelanau County Road Commission. Fire suppression and emergency services are provided in the township, by contract/agreement with the Cedar Fire Department, also know as the Solon-Centerville Fire Department. It is located in Solon Township near the northeast corner of Kasson Township. Empire Fire Department from Empire, to the west of the township, and the Glen Arbor Fire Department, to the north, also provide mutual aid. The Cedar Fire Department is about three miles from Maple City and seven miles from the Glen Lake Community Schools campus. New paragraph break. Content not changed. There is not a public water system nor a sanitary sewer system within the township. Water and sewage disposal being is handled privately, and,in all cases, by individual parcel. Most soils in the township are sandy or gravelly and accommodate septic systems easily, but also consequently require drilling deeper water wells in many locations. The following 2 paragraphs need an overhaul. Who is currently providing waste services and who provides recycling. We should mention that recycling is funded via a voted milage. Solid waste disposal is provided locally by American Waste Inc., Kalchiks Disposal Service, Inc. (??) County wide recycling, Bay Area Recycling for Charities and as has been stated, the regional landfill, Glen's Sanitary Landfill, Inc. The landfill is located on E. Traverse Highway (M-72) in the southeast quadrant of the township. Glen's provides solid waste disposal for a fee. The following are private and public suppliers of various utilities: Electric power distribution: Cherryland Electric Co-op and Consumers Energy Natural gas distribution: Michigan Consolidated Gas Company Communication electronic networks: Telephone — Century Link Company Communication Tower on Tower Rd. — Leelanau County Law Enforcement NPI - cell phone company American Mobile Communication - cell phone Internet — Century Link Cherry Capitol communication Spectrum Cable TV: Spectrum Electric power is available throughout the township as is a telephone system. But the The natural gas system and cable TV networks serve limited areas of the township. Cellular phone service is available through multiple carriers, but quality and availability varies widely throughout the Kasson Township Planning Commission, 02/08/2021 PAGE 4 OF 10 DRAFT MINUTES v.1 township. I’ve reworded and added to make this clearer and more reflective of today Storm drainage in the township occurs almost entirely by natural systems, aided by ditching and the placement of culverts to ensure proper flow past man-placed obstacles. The Soil Erosion, Sedimentation and Storm Water Runoff Control Ordinance, ("Storm Water Ordinance"), was adopted by the county in April 2003. This plan supports that objective and suggests adoption and implementation of regulations including site plan review, land division review, and subdivision regulations. Retention and detention of storm waters should be required to prevent erosion and pollution of surface and ground waters. Wetlands areas should also be preserved and utilized to naturally and effectively slow and cleanse storm water run-off. The old Leelanau County dump site adjacent to Glen's Sanitary Landfill, Inc. has been, and remains, a source of concern to township residents. Assuming current use levels, the landfill is estimated to have adequate storage space for the next 300 years without the need to open additional area. — New addition Is this (below) still relevant to include in this update??? At a meeting of the Kasson Township Planning Commission on January 20, 2014, Randy Goodman representing Waste Management, the current operators of the landfill, was invited to the meeting in order to bring the Commissioners up to date on the status of the landfill and the ground water contamination. The following is an excerpt from the minutes of that meeting: “Chairman Carter asked, if when the groundwater is tested, does Goodman receive a breakdown of all the chemicals contained in the sample? Mr. Goodman: Yes. We get a full report from each monitoring well. Carter: Are all the wells located on your property? Goodman: there are wells on our property, on state land to the south and west, and two wells north of M-72. Carter: Is there material in the water that would be harmful if drunk [sic] by a human? Goodman: The monitoring system was put in due to a low level of benzene contamination. All the contamination is either on landfill property or on state land to the south and west. The flow is to the southwest. Originally there were seven remediation wells and now they are down to two because the plume has been contained and its extent has been pulled in. They are now in the process of trying to shut down the one remediation well that is on state land, leaving only a final remediation well. In remediation, the water is pumped from the plume, sprayed into the air where the benzene evaporates and the remaining uncontaminated water returns to the ground. Commissioner Roush: Are the tests mandated by state? Kasson Township Planning Commission, 02/08/2021 PAGE 5 OF 10 DRAFT MINUTES v.1 Goodman: Yes. The state mandates a full report, including the monitoring wells four times per year.” Add a paragraph on “green energy” - Consider type and location of such facilities. Productive agricultural land should not be diminished in use by the facilities. (My 2 cents worth, please add yours so we can come up with a paragraph for inclusion here.) SECTION LACKING LONG TERM OBJECTS AND POLICIES AND ACTIONS Is this intentional or a past oversight??? Note: there are LTOs and P&As indicated on Chuck’s survey for this section, but those are actually the LTOs and P&As from the Public Facilities section. 2/4/21 benzene Kasson Township Planning Commission, 02/08/2021 PAGE 6 OF 10 DRAFT MINUTES v.1 ATTACHMENT “B” PUBLIC FACILITIES Township Hall I’ve added headings for clarity and easier readability. Keep or delete? Kasson Township Hall is located at the intersection of S. Newman Road and W. Kasson Center Road. The hall was purchased from the Michigan State Grange in 1968. Since it is located on a two (2) acre parcel, there is adequate room for expansion if and when necessary.
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