Helgollinder wiss. Meeresunters. 32, 163-178 (1979). Influence of salinity and cadmium on the volume of Pacific herring eggs D. F. ALDERDICE 1, H. ]~OSENTHAL~ & F. P. J. VrLSEN 1 1Department of Fisheries and the Environment, Fisheries and Marine Service, Resource Services Branch, Pacific Biological Station; Nanaimo, British Columbia VgR 5K6, Canada, and ~Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (Zentrale); Palmaille 9, D-2000 Hamburg 50, Federal Republic of Germany ABSTRACT: Changes in total volume and volume of the yolk and perivitelline space of Pacific herring eggs were examined throughout incubation at 5 ~ in relation to salinity of the incuba- tion medium (5, 20, 35 %o S), and al%r exposure to cadmium (0.05-10 ppm Cd) at 20%o S. Alter fertilization and filling of the perivitelline space there was a decline in total egg volume in all salinities until 60-80 hr after fertilization. There followed a period of relative stability of total volume (100-240 hr), then a slow decline until hatching (240-619 hr). There was an inverse relation between egg volume and salinity at all stages of egg development. Eggs trans- ferred from 20 %o to 5 or 35 %o S, 87.4 hr after fertilization (90 ~ blastodermal overgrowth of the yolk), showed only minor changes in total egg volume within the period of relative stability (100-240 hr). Prior to 80 hr, changes in egg volume appeared primarily to be simple adjustments to prevailing osmotic and ionic conditions, modified, however, by presumed irreversible changes induced in the egg in relation to salinity experience at, and shortly after, fertilization. Subsequently, between 80-100 hr, egg volume appears to become regulated, com- mencing in the interval between late blastodermal overgrowth and blastopore closure. Yolk volume declined aflcer fertilization, reached a minimum 40-60 hr aiter fertilization, increased to 100 hr, then decreased in the period of relative stability of total volume - presumably in relation to rapid growth of the embryo. In the latter period, yolk volume appeared resistant to change when eggs are transferred from 20 ~ to 5 or 35 ~ S, 87.4 hr after fertilization. Volume of the perivitelline space reached a maximum after fertilization, then decreased until about 100 hr; between 100 and 240 hr it increased rapidly and was influenced only in a minor way by salinity changes in the incubation medium 87.4 hr after fertilization. Eggs exposed to cadmium in the interval between 1/~ and 30 hr after fertilization showed major reductions in total egg volume; total volume in the period of relative stability (100--240 hr) was much reduced and normal volume was not recovered after removal of such eggs to uncontaminated water at 30 hr. * Prepared under the auspices of the Canadian-German Scientific and Technical Cooperation Agreement (Contribution No. 7). 164 D.F. Alderdice et al. INTRODUCTION Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) eggs are tolerant of a wide range of salinities (Alderdice & Velsen, 1971), yet a full understanding of the ecological effects of salinity on eggs and larvae of the species has yet to be achieved. A further question of ecological significance has centred on the effects of cadmium as an environmental contaminant (Rosenthal & Sperling, 1974). During a subsequent cooperative study, the authors had the opportunity to combine their objectives in a study of Pacific herring egg and larval development (Rosenthal & Alderdice, 1976). A number of aspects of early development were examined, including the effects of salinity and cadmium on bursting pressures of eggs (Alderdice et al., 1979 b). This paper reports observations on total egg volume and volumes of the yolk and perivitelline space during incubation in various salinities and cadmium concentrations. In general, the diameter and volume of marine teleost eggs of a given species tend to be larger in lower salinities (Holliday, 1965; K~indler & Tan, 1965; Solem- dal, 1967, 1971; LSnning & Solemdal, 1972; Dushkina, 1973; May, 1974). Less information is available on the influence of cadmium on herring eggs. Rosenthal & Sperling (1974)and yon Westernhagen et al. (1974) incubated Baltic herring (G. harengus) eggs in seawater-cadmium solutions. In neither instance were egg diameters found to be significantly altered by cadmium exposure, although the latter authors found yolk volume of newly hatched larvae to be greater both in higher salinities and higher cadmium concentrations. Egg size in the Baltic flounder, Pleuronectes flesus, does not appear to be influenced by exposure to cadmium during incubation (von Westernhagen & Dethlefsen, 1975). Yet, Pacific herring egg total volumes were found to be lower in higher salinities and aider exposure to cadmium Alderdice et al., 1979 b). The evidence relating the effects of salinity and cadmium to changes in egg size is far from complete. Cadmium appears to be accumulated to greater levels in eggs possessing ~hicker jelly coats. Eggs incubating in lower salinities accumulate more cadmium, indicating a potential relation of Ca++/Cd ++ ratios to the physical properties of the jelly coat and capsule (yon Westernhagen & Dethlefsen, 1975). Capsule thickness also varies considerably between species (2-35 /~m) (Ginzburg, 1968; LSnning, 1972). LSnning & Solemdal (1972) demonstrated an inverse relation between specific gravity and egg diameter for eggs of Platichthys flesus (=Pleuronec- tes flesus) and Limanda lirnanda from brackish and marine environments; in addi- tion, capsule thickness tended to be greater in eggs from marine waters. Salinity experience of the adult spawner, acting through the osmoconcentration of the ovarian fluid, also may influence the size of the prespawning, ovarian egg (Solemdal, 1967). Hence, the effects of salinity and cadmium on marine eggs during incubation may involve a complex of direct effects and interactions between prespawning and incubation salinities and parameters of the eggs associated with volume and density. Volume of herring eggs 165 MATERIALS AND METHODS Ripe, adult herring were obtained from a trapnet on Saltspring Island, Georgia Strait, British Columbia, in early March 1974. They were transported to the Pacific Biological Station. Nanaimo, and housed in a circular tank at ambient salinity- temperature conditions. Small numbers of fish were segregated by sex and held in the laboratory for brief periods during preparation of egg samples. Three experiments were conducted. In two of them, eggs were applied to 1% Siliclad-treated glass microscope slides in rows of single, separated eggs to facilitate measurement of egg diameter. The slides were stored (Alderdice & Velsen, 1978) in 20 ~ S sea water at 5 ~ for 30-60 rain; the eggs then were fertilized simultaneously in 20 %0 S sea water at 5 ~ In the third experiment the eggs were attached to microscope cover slips, fertilized in the manner described, and incubated in open, slotted carrier trays. In each experiment the eggs were le~ in contact with the herring sperm for 10 min, washed in 20 %0 S sea water at 5 ~ then moved to 40-1 test tanks for incubation at 5 ~ Further details of the procedures have been described elsewhere (Alderdice et al., 1979 a, b). Measurements of egg volume were made by ocular micrometer in temperature- controlled 1 • 10-cm diameter stage wells. Eggs were ellipsoidal. From the minor (dl) and major (d~) diameters measured, the computed volume V = 4/3 ~r [(1/2 dl) 2 (l& &)]. From the estimates of egg volume equivalent spherical diameters (d) may be obtained, where d=2 (2.35619 V) 1/8. Total volume was obtained for 15-25 eggs at each observation interval. Similar measurements were made for yolk volume. The volume of the perivitelline space was obtained by difference (total-yolk volume). In the first two experiments, total Table 1 Salinities and cadmium concentrations used in the three experiments. Some egg samples were transferred (trials 4, 5) from initial conditions to those shown in the table at the following times after fertilization" Expt. 1 - from 20 %0 S, 10 ppm Cd to 5 and 35 %0 S, 0 ppm Cd at 30-32 hr; Expt. 3 - from 5 to 35 and 35 to 5 %0 S, without cadmium, at 87.4 hr. All trials were conducted at 5 ~ Some of the results of Expt. 2 have been mentioned elsewhere (Alderdice et al. 1979 b) Expt. 1 2 3 No. Salinity Cadmium Salinity Cadmium Salinity Cadmium trial (~ (ppm) (~ (ppm) (~ (ppm) 1 5 0 5 0 5 0 2 20 0 20 0 20 0 3 35 0 35 0 35 0 4 20-->- 5 10--~0 - - 5--~35 0->-0 5 20-->-35 10-~0 - - 35-->- 5 0->-0 6 20 0.05 20 0.05 7 20 0.1 20 0.1 8 20 1 20 1 9 2O 5 20 5 10 20 10 20 10 166 D.F. Alderdice et al. volumes were obtained approximately at daily intervals from fertilization until hatching. In the third experiment total, yolk and perivitelline space volumes were obtained until 240 hr after fertilization. In estimating the perivitelline space, we recognize that its volume and that of the perivitelline fluid are not equivalent; an increasing proportion of the former was occupied by the developing embryo as incubation proceeded. Test conditions examined the effects of salinity and cadmium concentration (ppm Cd) on egg volume. Incubation temperatures and salinities were held within + 0.01 ~ and + 0.05 %0 S, respectively, of set levels. Cadmium-seawater solutions were prepared from anhydrous CdCI2 and normal sea water (28 ~ S). In all trials, egg samples were inserted into initial test conditions within 30 min of fertilization. In some of the trials, egg samples were transferred from initial test conditions to other salinity-cadmium levels. The various test conditions and transfer times are shown in Table 1. RESULTS Effects of salinity on egg volume Early changes in egg total volume were measured in a preliminary experiment (Fig.
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