j5w04b-sunday-salonga-v1.pdf 1 28/9/16 1:15 pm C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 莉亞.莎朗嘉—觸動心靈的歌聲 LEA SALONGA—SINGING FROM HER HEART 管弦樂揭幕 Orchestral opener MENKEN 亞倫孟肯:《萬水千山》 Go The Distance AZARCON 阿薩剛:《即使》 Even If SONDHEIM 桑德咸:《萬大事有我》 Not While I'm Around SAN PEDRO 貝德羅:《搖籃搖搖》 Sa Ugoy Ng Duyan (“Rocking in the Cradle”) OCAMPO 奧甘寶:《兩個字》 Two Words OCAMPO 奧甘寶:《你》 Ikaw ONE DIRECTION 《我的人生故事》 The Story Of My Life CRUZ 古盧斯:《但願真情無限期》 Sana'y Wala Nang Wakas (“Let there be no end if love is real”) HANOPOL 漢諾寶:《有人在貧困中長大》 Laki Sa Layaw (“There are people who grow up in poverty”) 節目介紹 P. 1 For programme notes, please turn to P. 1 登記電子報 Sign up for our e-news 謝拉特.莎朗嘉,指揮 P. 3 Gerard Salonga, conductor 莉亞.莎朗嘉,歌唱家 P. 4 Lea Salonga, vocalist 請關掉手提電話及其他電子裝置 請勿飲食 請勿拍照、錄音或錄影 Please turn off your mobile phone No eating or drinking No photography, recording or filming and other electronic devices 如不欲保留場刊,請於完場後放回 演奏期間請保持安靜 請留待整首樂曲完結後 場地入口以便回收 Please keep noise to 才報以掌聲鼓勵 If you don’t wish to take this printed a minimum during the Please reserve your applause performance programme home, please return it to until the end of the entire work the admission point for recycling 下載應用程式 Download our app 點讚 Like us on 訂閱頻道 Subscribe to our channel 莉亞.莎朗嘉 — 觸動心靈的歌聲 LEA SALONGA—SINGING FROM HER HEART 迪士尼共有十多齣電影的配樂 Alan Menken (b. 1949) wrote the music for a dozen 出 自 亞 倫 孟 肯﹝ 1949-﹞手 筆, Disney movies including Hercules which was released in 《 大 力 士 》﹝ 1997年 發 行 ﹞就 1997 which retells the ancient story of the Greek hero 是 其 中 之 一 。《 大 力 士 》內 容 圍 and includes the song Go the Distance with lyrics by 繞 古 希 臘 英 雄 海 格 力 斯,主 題 David Zippel. Included in the sound-track for the 2013 曲《萬水千山》的歌詞由薛普 movie, The Bride and the Lover, the song Even If was 《即使》 撰 寫。歌 曲 出自菲律賓 composed by Cecile Azarcon, one of the Philippines’ 極受歡迎的唱作歌手阿薩剛手 most successful singer-songwriters. 筆,用 於 電 影《 T he Bride and the Lover》 ﹝ 中 譯:《新娘與情 人 》 ﹞﹝ 2013﹞的 原 聲 音 樂 裡。 The story of a London barber who killed his customers and then sent their corpses to the pie shop next door 倫敦有個理髮師把顧客 害之 to be made into meat pies might seem an unlikely 後,將屍體運到隔壁餅店用來殺 topic for a smash-hit family musical. But the genius 做肉餡餅─這種題材一點也不 of Stephen Sondheim, who composed the music 像合家歡音樂劇的 型,更 遑 and wrote the lyrics, ensured the huge success of 類 論 能 一 炮 而 紅。但 作 曲 家 兼 作 Sweeney Todd from the moment it opened on Broadway 詞家桑德咸卻憑著生花妙筆, in 1979. One of its hit songs was the affectionate duet 將這個故事寫成《魔街理髮 Not While I’m Around. 師 》, 自 1979年開演以來一直大 受歡迎。其中一首大熱歌曲是 充滿深情的二重唱《萬大事有 我》。 1 莉亞.莎朗嘉—觸動心靈的歌聲 LEA SALONGA—SINGING FROM HER HEART 貝 德 羅﹝ 1913-2002﹞不 但 是 菲 Lucio San Pedro (1913-2002) was not only one of 律 賓 最 成 功 的 作 曲 家 之一,也 the Philippines’ most successful composers, he was 是當地最受尊崇的音樂教師之 also one of its most respected music teachers. His 一。真 摯 動 人 的 歌 曲《搖籃搖 evocative song Sa Ugoy Ng Duyan (“Rocking in the 搖》講述一個成年人渴望返老 Cradle”) tells of an adult’s desire to return to the 還童,讓他回到搖籃裡面,再次 cradle and hear again a mother’s lullaby. 聽 見 母 親 為自己 唱 搖 籃 曲。 Louie Ocampo wrote the music and Freddie Sampos 《兩個字》﹝2004﹞是 作 曲 家 奧甘寶和詞人森寶斯特別為莎 the lyrics of a very special song for a very special 朗嘉的大日子而寫的,讓她在自 occasion in Lea Salonga’s life. They wrote Two Words 己 的 婚 禮 上 演 唱。另一首 歌 曲 for her to sing at her own wedding in 2004, and 《你》﹝1993﹞同樣出自奧甘寶 another Ocampo’s memorable songs, Ikaw which he 手 筆,也 同 樣 令人 難 忘。 penned in 1993. 英國X-Factor除了衍生出 The hugely popular British boy band, One Direction, 《一夜成名》的國際特許經 rose to fame following their appearance on the UK 營 權,還 捧 紅了男 子 組 合 One “X-Factor” show (which spawned the international Direction。One Direction自 “Pop Idol” franchise). One of their hit singles 從在X-Factor亮相後就一炮而 has been the song The Story of My Life which 紅,現 時 在 英 國 更 是 紅 透 半 邊 they released in late 2013. We hear it in a very 天。2013年底發表的《我的人 unexpected version today! 生故事》是他們的大熱單曲之 一,而 今 天 演 出 的 版 本 肯 定 令 大 家 耳目一 新! Born in Manila in 1947, Willy Cruz wrote the popular love song Sana'y Wala Nang Wakas (“Let there be 情歌《但願真情無限期》是古 no end if love is real”) for the singer Sharon Cuneta, 盧 斯﹝ 1947年生於馬尼拉﹞ while the rock singer Mike Hanopol wrote Laki Sa 為 歌 手 古 妮 塔 而 寫 的 作 品,而 Layaw (“There are people who grow up in poverty”) 《有人在貧困中長大》則是樂 for his own use. It has become very much his 與怒歌手漢諾寶為自己而寫的 trademark song. 歌曲,也幾乎成了他的招牌歌。 PROGRAMME NOTES BY DR MARC ROCHESTER 樂曲剖析中譯:鄭曉彤 2 謝拉特.莎朗嘉 GERARD SALONGA 指揮 Conductor 謝 拉 特.莎 朗 嘉 兼 任 音 樂 總 Gerard Salonga is a multi-awarded musical director, 監、指揮及編曲家,屢獲殊榮。 conductor and arranger. He has collaborated with some 他曾與一些傑出的音樂人合 of the brightest musical artists, including Lea Salonga, 作,包 括 莉 亞.莎 朗 嘉、米 高. Michael Ball, Blake, Wang Leehom, Hins Cheung, 波 爾、布 萊 克、王 力 宏、張 敬 Elisa Chan, Wu Tong, Shenyang, and Cecile Licad. 軒、陳 潔 靈、吳 彤、沈 洋 及 莉 Born in Manila, he has won the Aliw Award (the 卡。謝拉特出生於馬尼拉,曾 Philippines’ top live performance award) for Best 連續四年榮獲菲律賓藝壇最享 負盛名的Aliw獎最佳音樂劇總 Musical Director four times, and was inducted into 監 獎,並 於 2010年 躋 身「Aliw the Aliw Hall of Fame in 2010 for his work in popular 名 人 堂 」, 表 揚 其 流 行 音 樂 會 concerts and musical theatre. 及音 樂 劇 的 成 就。 Gerard was recently appointed Assistant Conductor for 謝拉特剛獲香港管弦樂團﹝港 the 2016/17 season of the HK Phil by Music Director 樂﹞音樂總監梵志登委任為 Jaap van Zweden. Also this season, Gerard will return 2016/17樂 季 的 助 理 指 揮。同 to the Malaysian Philharmonic, as well as debuts with 時他將再度為馬來西亞愛樂演 Ballet Philippines and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. 出,並 與 菲 律 賓 芭 蕾 舞 團 及 悉 尼交 響 樂 團 首度 合 作。 Currently Gerard is music director of the ABS-CBN Philharmonic Orchestra, a professional 現時謝拉特為ABS-CBN愛 symphony orchestra maintained by Philippine 樂 樂 團﹝ 菲 律 賓 廣 播 業 巨 擘 ABS-CBN公司旗下的專業樂 broadcast giant ABS-CBN, and as an orchestral 團﹞擔任音樂總監。他的管弦 arranger his works have been performed by the 樂改編曲曾獲世界各地的樂團 HK Phil, the New York Pops, Cincinnati Pops, 演出,包括港樂、紐約流行樂 National Symphony (Washington DC), Pittsburgh, 團、辛 辛那 提 普及 樂 團、華 盛 Indianapolis, Winnipeg and Baltimore Symphony 頓國家交響樂團、匹茲堡交響 orchestras. 樂團、印第安納波利斯交響樂 團、溫尼伯及巴爾的摩交響樂 He has conducted the HK Phil, Shanghai Opera House 團。 Orchestra and Chorus, The Evergreen Symphony Orchestra (Taiwan), Philippine Philharmonic and 曾 為 港 樂 、上 海 歌 劇 院 交 響 樂 Bangkok Symphony, and last March made his debut 團暨合唱團、台灣長榮交響樂 with the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. 團、菲律賓愛樂及曼谷交響樂 團指揮音樂會,今年三月與馬 In 2012 Gerard was honoured by the President of the 來西亞愛樂首度合作。 Philippines as one of The Outstanding Young Men, the 2012年,謝拉特獲菲律賓總統 Philippines’ highest civilian award to achievers under 頒發「傑出青年」殊榮,此為菲 the age of forty. 律賓授予四十歲以下傑出人士 的最高非軍 事榮 譽。 3 莉亞.莎朗嘉 LEA SALONGA 歌唱家 Vocalist 世界著名演員及歌手莉亞. Internationally acclaimed actress and singer Lea Salonga 莎 朗 嘉,曾 主 唱 迪 士 尼 動 畫 電 has thrilled audiences worldwide as Disney princesses 影的茉莉公主及木蘭、為電影 Jasmine and Mulan, toured as the title character in the 《灰姑娘》同名主角獻唱、於百 enchanted rags-to-riches fairytale Cinderella, starred on 老匯音樂劇演出《孤星淚》,以 Broadway in Les Misérables and originated the Tony and 及於榮獲東尼獎及奧利華獎的 Olivier Award-winning role of Kim in Miss Saigon. Back 《西貢小姐》飾演阿金而風靡 by popular demand after her sold-out performances two 球。她 曾 於 兩 個 樂 季 前 為 港 樂全 帶 來 膾 炙 人 口 的 演 出,今 次 seasons ago, Lea joins the HK Phil in a magical concert 載 譽 歸 來 以饗 樂 迷。 of hits audiences know and love. 莉亞於2010年首度演出卡巴萊 Lea made her debut in the world of cabaret in 2010, 歌舞劇,在紐約卡萊咖啡館演 performing a sold-out, three-week engagement at the 出 三 周,場 場 爆 滿。2011年6月 Café Carlyle in New York City. She returned in June 2011 及2013年5月,她 載 譽 重 返 卡 萊 and in May 2013, and released a live version of her 2010 咖啡館演出,並於2011年8月發 concert Lea Salonga: The Journey So Far, her 26th career 行第26張 專 輯,將 2010年的 CD, in August 2011. 演 出 製 成 現 場 錄 音 唱 片。 In 2014 Lea performed with Il Divo for the group’s 2014年,莉 亞 與 Il Divo 球 巡 演《 情 定 百 老 匯 》音 樂全 會。 worldwide A Musical Affair tour. In 2015 she began her 翌年她開始演出百老匯音樂劇 celebrated run as Kei Kimura in the Broadway production 《忠誠》,飾演木村慧一角。她 of Allegiance. Lea has performed for six Philippine 曾為六位菲律賓總統、三位美 presidents, three American Presidents, Her Majesty Queen 國 總 統、英 女 皇 伊 利 沙 伯 二 世 Elizabeth II and the late Diana Princess of Wales.
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