Newsletter August 2006 ISSN 1022-8667 16 International ISMN Agency Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz g FOURTEENTH INTERNATIONAL g g ISMN PANEL MEETING g g HELSINKI, 8–9 JUNE 2006 g g PARTICIPANTS Dr. Michele Costa, Informazioni Editoriali 1.E. spa, Agenzia ISMN per l’Area di Lingua Italiana Tuula Haapamäki, Helsinki University Library, National Bibliography and Cataloguing Berit Holth, National Library of Norway, Norwegian ISMN Agency Maarit Huttunen, Helsinki University Library, Finnish ISBN/ISMN Agency The Helsinki University Library Antonín Je£ábek, Národni Knihovna ÅR, Czech ISMN Agency Dr. Hartmut Walravens, Director, Inter- The Fourteenth International ISMN Alenka KaniË, National and University Li- national ISMN Agency Panel Meeting took place in Helsinki brary, Slovenian ISMN Agency Dr. Ulrich Wegner, International ISMN on June 8–9, 2006. The venue was the Minna Kursu, Helsinki University Library, Agency Finnish ISBN/ISMN Agency Helsinki University Library. Hanna Zawado, Biblioteka Narodowa, Polish Mathias Lindquist, The Royal Library, ISMN Agency Swedish ISMN Agency Jasenka Zajec, National and University Jarmila Majerová, Slovenská národná kniÔnica, g Library, Croatian ISMN Agency OPENING Národná agentura ISBN v SR Montserrat Morato, Centro de Documenta- ción de Música y Danza, Ministerio de Educa- Ms. Tuula Happamäki of the National g ción, Cultura y Deporte, Spanish ISMN AGENDA Bibliography and Cataloguing Depart- Agency ment welcomed the participants wish- Nikolaos Pagonis, National Library of Greece, g Opening ing them a successful meeting. She gave Greek ISMN Agency an overview over the activities of the g Status Report of the International Dr. Sauliah Saleh, National Library of ISMN Agency / ISMN Finances library in the publishing sector and un- Indonesia, Indonesian ISMN Agency derlined the importance of standard g Progress Reports of the Nation- Heidi Seppänen, Helsinki University Library, numbering for all kinds of print publi- al/Regional ISMN Agencies Finnish ISBN/ISMN Agency cations. Dr. Hartmut Walravens thank- g Pekka Sipilä, Suomen Musiikkikustantajat, The ISMN Standard Revision ed the library for hosting this meeting. Helsinki g New ISMN Governance He pointed out that an international Dalia Smoriginien‹, Martynas MaÔvydas g Music Publishing in Finland and participation as was documented by the National Library of Lithuania, Lithuanian the Use of the ISMN in On-Line ISMN Agency group of ISMN colleagues present at Licensing this meeting was important as serious Seija Tuomaala, Helsinki University Library, g The ISMN in the Field of Digital issues were at stake. The progress on Finnish ISBN/ISMN Agency Music Publishing. Results of a Sur- topics had to be discussed, he contin- Mai Valtna, Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu, National Library of Estonia, Eesti ISMN vey Among “Digital Suppliers” ued, which had been on the agenda on Agentuur g Miscellaneous last year’s panel meeting already. g STATUS REPORT OF THE Belgium and the Netherlands repre- g THE INTERNATIONAL ISMN INTERNATIONAL ISMN AGENCY sented the most difficult cases in which PANEL MEETING IN ZAGREB extensive communications took place. In Belgium, the situation was compli- The 13th International ISMN Panel In 2005, forty-nine national/regional cated by the linguistic and cultural di- Meeting in 2005 took place at the Na- ISMN agencies were operating world- versity as is documented by the split in- tional and University Library in Zagreb wide. Dr. Walravens indicated that the to Flemish and Walloon areas. It was to on invitation of the Croatian ISMN ISMN was very specialized in compari- a great part a matter of language which Agency. Discussions focussed on the son to the ISBN as a lot of people were made it necessary to look for a neutral revision of the ISMN standard, in par- not able to read music. The ISMN con- institution which was very difficult to ticular on a revised version of the nor- tributed to make items identifiable in find. mative text as submitted by the Inter- national bibliographies, trade lists etc. Another important candidate for a national ISMN Agency. In a working which was particularly important with future ISMN membership is China; session lasting for several hours, the reference to small music publishers talks took place with the Chinese ISBN text was examined sentence by sen- about whom it was difficult to get exact representatives when they paid a visit tence leading to a text version which From l. to r: Jarmila Majerová (Slovakia), Nikolaos Pagonis (Greece), Jasenka Zajec (Cro- atia), Mai Valtna (Estonia) and Dr. Sauliah Saleh (Indo- nesia) representing their na- tional ISMN agencies information. Editions of printed music to Berlin. The music market in China is was accepted later in 2005 by the in small countries published by small very strictly state-regulated; again, mu- TC 46 / SC 9 Secretariat as Working publishing houses might be highly im- sic publishers apply ISBNs to printed Draft with only minor changes. The portant, yet they were difficult to spot. music publications. ISMN Newsletter 15 contains a detail- In South Africa, there was quite an ed report about this fruitful meeting interest in the ISMN in the past; yet, it which might well be described as one g PROSPECTIVE NEW ISMN proved difficult to communicate this of the most important in the history of MEMBERS interest to the representatives of the the ISMN. National Library. With the new direc- Among the prospective new ISMN torship, it was hoped to start the imple- members, Russia is of major impor- mentation process in the near future. g THE ISMN STANDARD tance considering the size of the market South Africa has a lot of interesting ma- REVISION for editions of notated music in this terial awaiting its registration on the ba- country. In Russia, ISBNs are used for sis of standard music numbering (edi- The ISMN standard revision was sug- numbering sheet music which is against tions of notated music of tribal and gested to ISO in the wake of the ISBN the rules of the standard. non-tribal music). change from ten to thirteen digits. | 2 ISMN Newsletter 16 (2006) There were no technical reasons for a more detailed report about the revision music branch, the Deutsche Musikar- similar change on the ISMN level, as process). chiv being currently situated in Berlin. the ISMN-10 works perfectly and num- It seems that for the time being the In- ber contingents will be available for ternational ISMN Agency will remain many years to come. Yet, the ISMN g A NEW MEMBERSHIP affiliated with the State Library. was anticipated to run into technical ASSOCIATION problems if database administrations would be going to reject a 10-digit The International ISMN Agency g THE MPIID structure. Particularly in the United will become an Association in the near Kingdom, some music publishers future. What first was only an option The cooperation with K. G. Saur strongly advocated for an ISMN revi- for an intended structural change, soon publishers concerning the “Music Pub- sion mirroring the ISBN change from proved to be the only feasible way to lishers’ International ISMN Directory” ISBN-10 to ISBN-13. There was good ensure the Agency’s workability. This (MPIID) was discontinued in 2005. Dr. reason to assume that a 13-digit struc- was due to the fact that the President Walravens explained, the International ture would help the ISMN consider- of the Foundation of Prussian Cultural Agency was looking for alternative Dr. Hartmut Walravens, Director of the International ISMN Agency, and Berit Holth, Norwegian ISMN Agency ably to become machine-processable Heritage first had assured that the ways of handling this publication. The on all levels of the supply chain. ISMN Agency would stay a part of the sixth edition which appeared in 2006, The proposal for a revised standard State Library as it had been in all years was based on a new format, a set of as discussed and passed during the of its existence until now; later, he Portable Document Format files with a Zagreb meeting (see above) went out asked for a change in the organisational CD-ROM as data carrier. Work on the for ballot with a positive result. The structure which would parallel those MPIID always profited from the edi- question whether we really need a sepa- changes which the ISBN administration tions of the “Publishers’ International rate standard for sheet music, came up had undergone recently and would end ISBN Directory” (PIID) due to those again, although intensively discussed the institutional integration of the publishers who publish books and edi- before, during the TC 46 / SC9 meet- ISMN office at the State Library. In re- tions of notated music at the same time. ing in Thailand. Members of the work- turn, the library indicated that it might The new International ISBN Agen- ing group went through all the com- become a member of the Association cy in London has not made a decision ments of the draft text; Dr. Walravens paying a membership fee in the future. yet about the future of the ISBN direc- indicated that he was firmly convinced Yet, the circle of candidates for tak- tory. Dealing with non-Latin alphabets that he had been able to rule out all ob- ing over the function of an ISMN Re- in the editorial work was underestimat- jections against a separate standard for gistration Authority is very small. The ed at the beginning which was one of editions of notated music (see p. 6 for a Deutsche Bibliothek refused already, its the reasons that the continuation of the | ISMN Newsletter 16 (2006) 3 PIID publication series turned out to Walravens stated that the new ISBN or- g ISMN FINANCES be a greater challenge than had been ganisation meets with his full approval, anticipated. Dr. Walravens expressed as it is headed by Brian Green, one of In 2005, invoices for ISMN contribu- his doubts that the International ISMN the very few experts able to run the sys- tions had been made out in Euros for Agency would be able to continue with tem effectively.
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