Umirjanje Prometa Na Mangrtski Cesti

Umirjanje Prometa Na Mangrtski Cesti

PROMOCIJSKI DAN UMIRJANJA PROMETA / Razvojna zadruga Občina Bovec z.o.o. MANGRTSKA CESTA 2019 i SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY 6. julij 2019 PROMOTION DAY / v primeru dežja 13. julij 2019 / in case of rain, 13 July 2019 MANGRT ROAD 2019 UPORABNE 6. JULIJ JE DAN ZA SPREMEMBE! Promocijski dan umirjanja prometa 6. julija 2019 6 JULY IS THE DAY FOR CHANGE! Th e Sustainable Mobility Promotion Day held on 6 July INFORMACIJE poteka istočasno na dveh prometno zelo obremenjenih območjih Triglavskega naro- 2019 will run simultaneously in two Triglav National Park areas – on the Mangrt road and in dnega parka, in sicer na Mangrtski cesti in v Ukancu (Bohinj). Vabimo vas, da na ta Ukanc (Bohinj). We invite you to enjoy a car-free experience of these two locations, breathe USEFUL dan obe lokaciji izkusite brez osebnega vozila, da se naužijete tišine in da skupaj z or- in the silence and, in so doing, support the contemporary trends of responsible, sustainable INFORMATION ganizatorji podprete sodobne trende, ki spodbujajo odgovoren, trajnosten in okolju and environmentally-friendly visitation of Triglav National Park. prijazen obisk Triglavskega narodnega parka. KLIC V SILI • SOS CALL Umirjanje prometa na 112 TRIGLAVSKI NARODNI PARK TRIGLAV NATIONAL PARK Mangrtski cesti TURISTICˇNO DRUŠTVO Slowing down the traffic on LOG POD MANGRTOM LOG POD MANGRTOM TOURIST ASSOCIATION the Mangrt road TURIZEM DOLINA SOCˇE SOCA VALLEY TOURIST rometna problemati- deležnikov je, da se na Mangrtski formatorjem na določenih postaja- mocijski dan umirjanja prometa v BOARD ka alpskih dolin in cesti pritisk motornega prometa liščih. Hkrati vaše predloge in pri- dolini Vrata. Cilj tovrstnih akcij je prelazov ni pereča sa- omili. Določeni predeli v Alpah so v pombe lahko pošljete Razvojni za- spodbuditi obiskovalce k prepozna- mo v Julijskih Alpah, tovrstni politiki obiskovanja primer drugi Mangrt na e-naslov: zadruga@ vanju prednosti tovrstnih prome- ˇ temveč tudi v širšem odlične prakse, ki je običajno kljub s pripisom »Man- tnih režimov in hkrati upravljavcem OBCINA BOVEC alpskem prostoru. začetnim nasprotovanjem in izzi- grt 2019«. podati izredno pomembno izkušnjo MUNICIPALITY BOVEC PHrup, prah, onesnaženost z delci in vom izredno dobro sprejeta, pred- Promocijski dan umirjanja pro- pri vzpostavljanju trajnega, okolju presežena nosilna zmogljivost oko- vsem pa nujna. meta na Mangrtski cesti poteka prijaznega režima na izredno obre- lja imajo negativen vpliv na naravo. Zato se vam že vnaprej zahvalju- hkrati s promocijskim dnevom umir- menjenih območjih Triglavskega Interes domačinov, turističnih de-e- jemo za vaše cenjeno mnenje, ki ga janja prometa v Ukancu v Bohinju. narodnega parka. lavcev, naravovarstvenikov in drugugih na promocijski dan lahko podate in- V letu 2018 je bil organiziran pro- KJE? WHERE? KAKO? HOW? z osebnim vozilom omogočen ves Guided visitor groups can walk to Zaradi lažje organizacije so zaželene dan (vendar le v času avtobusnega the pass along the well-maintained, prijave udeležencev do petka, 5. 7. 2019. Th e traffi c issues facing the al- torized traffi c on the Mangrt road. specifi ed bus stops. You can also send place in the Vrata valley. Th e aim of prevoza, neposredno za avtobusom, panoramic road from Log pod Man- Informacije, najem in prijave: info@ pine valleys and passes do not only In terms of such policies, certain are- your proposals and comments to the the campaigns is to encourage visi- V enem izmed najlepših delov Tri- Pustite svoje vozilo na BREZPLAČ- glavskega narodnega parka – na NEM PARKIRIŠČU v Logu pod Man- v izogib srečevanju z avtobusom, vo- grtom to the Mangrt pass. As the, 040 605 325. aff ect the Julian Alps but the en- as in the Alps have already imple- Mangrt Development Cooperative (Raz- tors to recognise the advantages of zečim v nasprotno smer). road is rather long and demanding, Vsi obiskovalci kolesarji - kot ude- tire Alpine Space. Noise, dust, par- mented many cases of good practice. vojna zadruga Mangrt), zadruga@ such traffi c regimes and provide Mangrtskem sedlu. grtom in se proti Mangrtskemu sedlu odpravite • peš, • s kolesom, • z you can decide to hike a section of leženci v prometu - morajo, ne gle- ticle pollution and exceeded carry- Despite the initial opposition and, marked ‘Man- managing authorities with valuable In one of the most stunning parts of Visitors will not be able to drive to de na to, ali so pred ali za zaporo, BREZPLAČNIM javnim prevozom. the Mangrt pass by car on that day. the road and use public transport to ing capacity of the environment have challenges, the solutions are normally grt 2019’. experience in establishing sustaina- Triglav National Park - on the Man- cover the rest. upoštevati cestnoprometne predpi- many adverse eff ects on nature. well-received and, above all, needed. Th e Sustainable Mobility Pro- ble, environment-friendly traffi c re- grt saddle (Mangrt pass). Park your vehicle in one of the FREE Access restrictions will also apply to se. electric vehicles. Th e only way to Meeting point and start of the Local inhabitants, tourism work- Th erefore, we would like to thank motion Days on the Mangrt road gimes in the parts of Triglav Nation- car parks in Log pod Mangrtom and guided tour: Car park in Log pod ers, nature conservationists and oth- you in advance for leaving your com- and in Ukanc (Bohinj) are held on al Park that are subject to high traf- go to the Mangrt pass • on foot, • by reach the Mangrt pass will be on Th e Mangrt road is a challenge for KAJ? WHAT? foot, by bike or by FREE public trans- Mangrtom, at 7am cyclists, in more ways than one. On er stakeholders are united in their ments or feedback about the event the same day. In 2018, the Sustaina- fi c volumes. • bike, • by FREE public transport. Useful tips: Good hiking boots and eff orts to reduce the volume of mo- with the information staff at the ble Mobility Promotion Day took port. the Sustainable Mobility Promotion Promocijski dan umirjanja prometa Disabled persons will be granted ac- clothes, pack some food and drinks Day, you can cycle it in the company in spodbujanja trajnostne mobilnosti ZAKAJ? WHY? cess by car throughout the day (but in your backpack, hiking poles. of a guide, look at the attractions na Mangrtski cesti. only during bus route times – direct- For easier organisation, please submit along the way and enjoy the views • zaradi varovanja narave in biotske ly after the bus – in order to avoid your application by Friday 5 July 2019. from the highest-lying road in Slove- A special day for promotion of sus- raznolikosti encounters with buses coming from Information and registrations: nia. Bikes and equipment will be tainable mobility and the slow- PROMOCIJSKI DAN UMIRJANJA PROMETA • zaradi zmanjševanja motornega pro- the opposite direction). 041 796 484 available for hire. ing-down of the traffi c along the / MANGRTSKA CESTA 2019 meta na visokogorskih alpskih cestah Meeting point and start of the Mangrt road. Dogodek sofi nancirajo: Javni zavod Triglavski narodni park, Th e event is co-fi nanced by: Triglav National Park Public Inst itute, Soča SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY PROMOTION DAY / • zaradi boljše izkušnje obiska Man- tour: Car park in Log pod Mangr- Turizem Dolina Soče in Občina Bovec Valley Tourist Board and Municipality of Bovec MANGRT ROAD 2019 grtskega sedla ZA POHODNIKE ZA KOLESARJE tom, at 10am Izdajatelj | Published by KDAJ? WHEN? FOR CYCLISTS Useful tips: Bike and helmet, drinks. Posebna zahvala: Minist rst vo za infrast rukturo - Direkcija RS za Special thanks to: Minist ry of Infrast ruct ure – Slovenian Infrast ruct ure Javni zavod Triglavski narodni park • To protect nature and biodiversity FOR HIKERS Rental: Front suspension mountain infrast rukturo - Sektor za vzdrževanje, varst vo cest in prometno varnost Agency – Sect or for Maintenance, Safety of Roads and Traffi c Safety and Triglav National Park • To reduce motorised traffi c in bike or trekking bike €20 per day, in Minist rst vo za okolje in prost or - Direktorat za okolje - Sektor za Minist ry of the Environment and Spatial Planning - Environment Zanj | For tnp • 5. julija 2019 od 22. ure do 6. julija high-altitude alpine roads Obiskovalci se lahko v družbi vodni- Mangrtska cesta je zadnje čase svo- mag. Janez Rakar electric bike €40 per day. Rental in- ohranjanje narave Direct orate - Conservation of Nature Division do 18. ure, • To improve visitor experience of ka podate peš po urejeni in razgledni jevrsten izziv za kolesarje. Tokrat se po direktor Triglavskega narodnega parka • prvi javni prevoz do Koče na Man- cludes the helmet. Rental fee for hel- Triglav National Park Director the Mangrt pass pešpoti kar iz Loga pod Mangrtom njej lahko podate skupaj s kolesarskim Izvedbo promocijskega dneva so omogočili: Th e Promotion Day was made possible by: grtskem sedlu v soboto 6. julija od met only is €5 per day. Fotografije | Photos do Mangrtskega sedla. Zaradi zah- vodnikom, spoznate zanimivosti ob Romeo Černuta 5.30 dalje tevnosti in dolžine poti si lahko iz- poti in se naužijete razgledov z naše For easier organisation, please sub- mit your application by Friday 5 July Prevod | Translation • zadnji javni prevoz z v dolino v so- VSEENO Z berete poljuben odsek poti, na osta- najvišje speljane ceste. Na voljo bo Darja Pretnar, Itaka 2019. boto 6. julija ob 18. uri lih delih pa uporabite javni prevoz. tudi izposoja koles in opreme. Uredili | Editors OSEBNIM VOZILOM? Information, rental and registra- Zbirno mesto in ura vodenega po- Zbirno mesto in ura vodenega ko- Darjo Berra, Janko Humar, Peter Mlekuž, Majda Odar, • From 5 July 2019 at 10pm to 6 July tions: [email protected], Mojca Smolej STILL COMING BY CAR? hoda: Parkirišče v Logu pod Man- lesarskega izleta: Parkirišče Log at 6pm.

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