Partial Bibliography on Theism and Physical Cosmology

Partial Bibliography on Theism and Physical Cosmology

Partial bibliography on theism and physical cosmology Hans Halvorson September , òýÔÔ References [Ô] A. Ashtekar. Loop quantum cosmology: an overview. General Relativity and Gravitation, ¥Ô(¥):ÞýÞ–Þ¥Ô, òýýÀ. [ò] EW Barnes. Discussion on the evolution of the universe. Nature, Ôò(çòç¥):ÞÔÀ–Þòò, ÔÀçÔ. [ç] S.M. Barr. Modern physics and ancient faith. University of Notre Dame Press, òýýç. [¥] M. Bojowald. Quantum gravity and the big bang. Arxiv preprint astro-ph/ýçýÀ¥Þ, òýýç. [ ] M. Bojowald. e early universe in loop quantum cosmology. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, volume ò¥, page ÞÞ. IOP Publishing, òýý . [â] M. Bojowald. Universe scenarios from loop quantum cosmology. Annalen der Physik, Ô (¥- ):çòâ–ç¥Ô, òýýâ. [Þ] M. Bojowald. Singularities and quantum gravity. Arxiv preprint gr-qc/ýÞýòÔ¥¥, òýýÞ. [] M. Bojowald. Follow the bouncing universe. Scientic American, òÀÀ(¥):¥¥– Ô, òýý. [À] M. Bojowald. Harmonic cosmology: how much can we know about a universe before the big bang? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London-A, ¥â¥(òýÀâ):òÔç –òÔ ý, òýý. [Ôý] M. Bojowald. Quantum nature of cosmological bounces. General Relativity and Gravitation, ¥ý(Ôò):òâ À–òâç, òýý. [ÔÔ] M. Bojowald and H. Morales-Técotl. Cosmological applications of loop quantum gravity. e Early Universe and Observational Cosmology, pages ¥òÔ–¥âò, òýý¥. [Ôò] Martin Bojowald. Zurück vor den Urknall. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, òýýÀ. English transla- tion: Once before time: a whole story of the universe. [Ôç] David Burrell et al., editors. Creation and the God of Abraham. Cambridge University Press, New York, òýÔý. [Ô¥] J. Byl. e role of belief in modern cosmology. [Ô ] J. Byl. God and cosmos. Banner of Truth Trust, Carlisle, PA, òýýÔ. Ô [Ôâ] Lawrence Cahoone. Arguments from nothing: God and quantum cosmology. Zygon, ¥¥(¥):ÞÞÞ–ÞÀâ, òýýÀ. [ÔÞ] Bernard Carr, editor. Universe or multiverse. Cambridge Univ Pr, òýýÞ. [Ô] S. Carroll. Why (almost all) cosmologists are atheists. Faith and Philosophy, òò( ):âòò, òýý . [ÔÀ] Sean Carroll. Does the universe need God? In James Stump and Alan Padgett, editors, e Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity. Wiley-Blackwell, òýÔò. [òý] W. Carroll. omas Aquinas and big bang cosmology. Sapientia, À : ç–Þç, ÔÀÀ. [òÔ] W.E. Carroll. Big bang cosmology, quantum tunneling from nothing, and creation. Laval théologique et philosophique, ¥¥(ÔÀ): À–Þ , ÔÀ. [òò] G. Cleaver. Before the big bang: string theory, God, and the origin of the universe, òýýâ. Metanexus. [òç] I.B. Cohen. Isaac Newton’s papers and letters on natural philosophy and related documents. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, ÔÀÞ. [ò¥] Peter Coles. Cosmology: a very short introduction. Oxford Univ Pr, òýýÔ. [ò ] R. Collins. e argument from design and the many-worlds hypothesis. In W.L. Craig, editor, Philos- ophy of Religion: a Reader and Guide, pages Ôçý–Ô¥. Rutgers University Press, òýýò. [òâ] P. Copan and W.L. Craig. Creation out of nothing: a biblical, philosophical, and scientic exploration. Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, MI, òýý¥. [òÞ] W.Craig. eism and physical cosmology. In Philip Quinn and Charles Taliaferro, editors, A compan- ion to philosophy of religion, page ¥ÔÀ. Wiley-Blackwell, ÔÀÀÀ. [ò] W.L. Craig. ‘What place, then, for a creator?’: Hawking on God and creation. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, ¥Ô(¥):¥Þç–¥ÀÔ, ÔÀÀý. [òÀ] W.L. Craig. God and the initial cosmological singularity: a reply to Quentin Smith. Faith and Philoso- phy, À:òç–¥, ÔÀÀò. [çý] W.L. Craig. e Origin and Creation of the Universe: a reply to Adolf Grünbaum. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, ¥ç(ò):òçç–ò¥ý, ÔÀÀò. [çÔ] W.L. Craig. Prof. Grünbaum on creation. Erkenntnis, ¥ý(ç):çò –ç¥Ô, ÔÀÀ¥. [çò] W.L. Craig. Hartle-Hawking cosmology and atheism. Analysis, Þ(¥):òÀÔ–òÀ , ÔÀÀÞ. [çç] W.L. Craig. e ultimate question of origins: God and the beginning of the universe. Astrophysics and Space Science, òâÀ:ÞòÔ–Þç, ÔÀÀÀ. [ç¥] W.L.Craig. Naturalism and cosmology. In W.L.Craig and J.P. Moreland, editors, Naturalism: a critical analysis, pages òÔ –ò ò. Routledge, NY, òýýý. [ç ] W.L. Craig. J. Howard Sobel on the Kalam Cosmological Argument. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, çâ(¥): â – ¥, òýýÞ. ò [çâ] W.L. Craig and Q. Smith. eism, atheism, and big bang cosmology. Oxford University Press, NY, ÔÀÀ . [çÞ] R.J. Deltete. Hawking on God and creation. Zygon, ò(¥):¥ – ýâ, ÔÀÀç. [ç] R.J. Deltete and R.A. Guy. Hartle-Hawking cosmology and unconditional probabilities. Analysis, Þ(¥):çý¥, ÔÀÀÞ. [çÀ] W.B. Drees. Beyond the big bang: quantum cosmologies and God. Open Court, Chicago, IL, ÔÀÀý. [¥ý] J. Earman. Bangs, crunches, whimpers, and shrieks: singularities and acausalities in relativistic space- times. Oxford University Press, NY, ÔÀÀ . [¥Ô] A.S. Eddington. New pathways in science. Macmillan, NY, ÔÀç . [¥ò] G.F.R. Ellis. e theology of the anthropic principle. In R. J. Russell, N. Murphy, and C. J. Isham, editors, Quantum cosmology and the laws of nature: scientic perspectives on divine action, pages çâÞ– ¥ý . Vatican Observatory, Vatican City State, ÔÀÀç. [¥ç] G.F.R. Ellis. Issues in the philosophy of cosmology. In J. Buttereld and J. Earman, editors, Philosophy of Physics, pages ÔÔç–Ôò . North Holland, òýýâ. [¥¥] G.F.R. Ellis. Multiverses and ultimate causation. In Fraser Watts, editor, Creation: Law and Probability, page À. Ashgate Publishing, òýý. [¥ ] John Farrell. e day without yesterday: Lemaître, Einstein, and the birth of modern cosmology. un- der’s Mouth Press, òýý . [¥â] H. Friedrich and J. Frauendiener. e conformal structure of spacetime: geometry, analysis, numerics. Lecture Notes in Physics. Springer, NY, òýýò. [¥Þ] G. Gasperini et al. Pre-big-bang in string cosmology. Astroparticle Physics, Ô(ç):çÔÞ–ççÀ, ÔÀÀç. [¥] M. Gasperini. e universe before the big bang: cosmology and string theory. Springer, NY, òýý. [¥À] M. Gasperini and G. Veneziano. e pre-big bang scenario in string cosmology. Physics Reports, çÞç(Ô-ò):Ô–òÔò, òýýç. [ ý] O. Godart and M. Heller. Un travail inconnu de Georges Lemaître. Revue d’Histoire des Sciences, çÔ:ç¥ –ç À, ÔÀÞ. [ Ô] A. Grünbaum. e pseudo-problem of creation in physical cosmology. Philosophy of Science, â(ç):çÞç–çÀ¥, ÔÀÀ. [ ò] A. Grünbaum. Creation as a Pseudo-explanation in current physical cosmology. Erkenntnis, ç (Ô):òçç– ò ¥, ÔÀÀÔ. [ ç] A. Grünbaum. Some comments on William Craig’s ‘creation and big bang cosmology’. Philosophia naturalis, çÔ:òò –çâ, ÔÀÀ¥. [ ¥] A. Grünbaum. eological misinterpretations of current physical cosmology. Foundations of Physics, òâ: òç– ¥ç, ÔÀÀâ. ç [ ] A. Grünbaum. A new critique of theological interpretations of physical cosmology. e British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Ô(Ô):Ô, òýýý. [ â] A. Grünbaum. e poverty of theistic cosmology. e British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, (¥): âÔ, òýý¥. [ Þ] V.G. Gurzadyan and R. Penrose. Concentric circles in WMAP data may provide evidence of violent pre-big-bang activity.ÔýÔÔ.çÞýâ, òýÔý. [ ] Deborah Haarsma. Christian and atheist responses to Big Bang cosmology. In M. Stewart, editor, Science and religion in dialogue, pages ÔçÔ–Ô¥À. Wiley-Blackwell, òýý. [ À] I. Hacking. e inverse gambler’s fallacy: the argument from design. e anthropic principle applied to wheeler universes. Mind, Àâ(çç):ççÔ, ÔÀÞ. [âý] M. Heller. Cosmological singularity and the creation of the universe. Zygon, ç (ç):ââ –â , òýýý. [âÔ] M. Heller. Ultimate explanations of the universe. Springer, NY, òýýÀ. [âò] Michael Heller. Creative Tension: Essays on Science and Religion. Templeton Foundation Press, Radnor, PA, òýýç. [âç] N.S. Hetherington. Cosmology: historical, literary, philosophical, religious, and scientic perspectives. Garland, NY, ÔÀÀç. [â¥] R.D. Holder. Fine-tuning, multiple universes and theism. Nous, çâ(ò):òÀ –çÔò, òýýò. [â ] R.D. Holder. 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