THE TOE ST ItfBARJD STANDARD SOVTHERff SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION NEVTSPAPER\ Dally Md S»n««3>, carrier delivery, 12 cent* weekly. Vol. XLVIL—^o. 190. ATLANTA, TUESDAY MOKNIN0, DECEMBER 22, 1914. —SIXTEEN PAGE& Sburlf eoplea on tfce »t»e««» and at aemnrtand*, 0 eeata. ZEPPELIN SHEDS 9 -n HAIL OF BULLETS SET ON FIRE BY ILL ACT This Russian Princess Only Woman Fighting Fierce in West ALLIED AVIATORS Aviator in ^Actual Service in War Fl London, December Sa.—(3:35 a m.)— As Allies Press Germans A Dunkirk dispatch to The Daily Mail says that aviators of the allies visited Brussels and dropped bombs on th« All Along Battle Front Zeppelin sheds, Which were set afire. AT MEETING TODAY In a nisrht raid the airmen of the allies flew from Dunkirk over the German coast positions and dropped twelve French (Official Statement Mrs. Fair Dodd's Alarm bombs, doing considerable damage. Advocates of the Proposed v Claims Advance on Entire Results in the Capture of They returned in safety. \ Election Are ^ Confident Line, But Germans Also Alleged Turkey Thief by That Necessary Steps Will Claim Victories in This Be Taken This Afternoon. Captain Si Donaldson. ALEXANDER Section and the Capture of Prisoners. ROBBERIES CONTINUE » MAYSON MAKES DRAFT Prohibition Measure, Voted DESPITE NEW PATROL E OF HORSEY OF BOND ORDINANCE On in House Today, Ex- pected to Lack Necessary RUSSIANS MAKING Frank Attorney Leaves for DETERMINED STAND Supernumeraries Are In- Estimated Atlanta's School Two-Thirds Vote. Washington to Make Ef- IN WARSAW ATTACK formed That Their Jobs Pfqperty Is Worth $1,716,- fort There to Secure Su- By John Corrigan, Jr. May Be Made Permanent 238, Which Is Much Less Washington, December 21.—(Spe- preme Court Hearing. cial.)—Some time tomorrow evening Allied Fleet Reported Bom- if They End Crime Wave. Than That of Many Cities. the house will vote on whether or not the states shall have an opportunity to barding Dardanelles — The On the of his departure pass upon national, prohibition. A I5ui glare were routed in Atlanta last for Washington, where he will put his The postponement of the meeting canvass of the house today on the night by citizens, Mrs l-'air Dodd, of French Parliament Meets appeal for the life of Leo Frank be- of council which was scheduled to have Hobson resolution shows it will get a No. 6 Kaat Thirteenth fetiect, taking fore the United States supreme court, been held Monday afternoon again de- majority vote, but fail of the requisite a prominent pitrt in the routing of one Again hi the City of Paris. Henry A. Alexander accused Solicitor layed action on the report of the bond two "-thirds. sans of robbers in the aft of burglariz- Dorsey of having committed "an out- issue committee which recommends a Five Georgia members are support- ing hor chicken coop of four fine Italy Threatens to Break rage" (before Judge Newman, of the bond Issue election of $3,000,000 to be ing the resolution. They are Repre- Christmas turkoys. held on March 3, for schools and other sentatives Frank Park, Charles R. Turks. Mrs. Dodd liad Just retired, when federal oouirt, yesterday when he chal- lenged the accuracy of the informa- needed improvements^ Crisp, William Schley Howard. Dudley sho heard a commotion in the back- Council met and adjourned out of M. Hughes and Thomas M. Bell. yard\ Arming herself with her hus- tion submitted to the United States London, December 21 — The German court by Frank's lawjers on their last respect to William D. Owens, bpotljer Representative Samuel J. Trlbble is foand'a pistol, she opened the door, went Of Alderman John S. Owens, but will paired In favor of the bill. enipeiror, according to late advices bv out upon the back porch of her house appeal. meet again this afternoon for the Those opposed are Representatives •way of Copenhagen, has gone to the and opened lire into the chicken coop "I challenge Mr. Dorsey*s statement transaction Of city business, chief in of neEV,o thieves. The negroes made that It is to be d,oubted if the infor- William C. Adamson, Charles L. Bart- front in the western theater of the importance being the report of the a liasty retidit, cairying with them mation we presented to the supreme lett, Gordon Lee and Carl Vlnson. war, where a general attempt by the bond committee. Representative Charles G. Edwards, of turkejs. coui t \v as accurate, and I challenge it allies to force the Germans backward Mrs Dodd did not cease firing until Advocates of the proposed bond Issue the Savannah district, is absent and emphatically," he told i . reporter for IB hatl emptied the last cartridge for streets, sewers, waterworks, not paired, which is eauivalent to a has been going on for several da>s. , The Constituttdn. "It is unfair to irvo-lver. schools and other improvements were vote against the resolution". Both German and French official pistol shots had awakened Cap- charge that Frank, a man fighting in v more certain than ever on Monday that State** Hlghta v. Morn! Inane. statements, clearly show that opera- i Donaldso.n, former superintend- the last dttdhes for his life, is seeking r the county convicts, of No. 4 council will adopt the report of the PRINCESS SHAKHOVSKAYA. The opponents are taking the state's tions of great severity are in progress, to create favorable action in tns be- committee and P?"> the way for the Wast Tb.ii teenth street, and L. W. rights' side of the argument, while but they differ as to results achieved iVteakin, of No. 7 Bast Thirteenth street, half by warping or misrepresenting 1915 council to work out all the de- According to a supposedly reliable fenses. Her application for a com- the advocates treat It as a moral is- who armed themselves with pistols Bacts. Th» BolHcltor's accusaj*on is dispatch from Petrograd the Princess misssion was rejected at first because sue. The French claim advances all along tails ^regarding the expenditure of the Shakovskaya is the only woman army she is a 'woman, but she demonstrated arid began a hunt through the bacK nothing short of an outrage." money. City Attorney Jamee L. May- aviator In the great war. She Is said that she was such an expert at flying "I *m, and have always been, a pro- the line, the recapture by British iJilbltloniBt," said Representative Crisp. alleys of the block for the burglars. First Trial Data. son has completed the draft of the to be In active service at the front in that the government agreed tov let her troops of trenches previously lost and la Captured. Bast Prussia, -where the Russians are act as a patrol with the army. She "While on the bench I insisted on en- ^Mr. Alexander stated that he had bond ordinance which will be present- trying to batter down the German de- learned Hying in Germany. forcing the prohibition laws. More- the repulse of Gertman attacks aimed submitted to JusW-ce Hol-mes—the Jus- / C'aptain Donaldson captured a negro ed to council Tuesday afternoon. The over, I regard this as a moral problem at the retaking of trenches which have | it an alley on Bast Twelfth street, tice who gave his opinion that he did ordinance merely autoorizeB council Issue, and now that the issue Is fallen to the allies during the past -dav • near No. a2. HP forued the thief to turn not believe Frank had reoelved due to call an election for the purpose of squarely presented I shall vote for or two. South \ot Noyon also the i over two fat turkeys he waa carrying process of law because of the disor- the resolution." £»;way. and surrender himself. voting bonds. derly crowds—the Information that "This proposes to amend the na- E\rench claim to (have gadned a fooU Assistant Chief B. L. Jett. with a Would Delay Election. MEN lie COTTON MEASURE tional constitution in the proper and hold in the first line of the German had \been used In the first Frank re- It will be within the province of •quad of policemen, arrived from po- orderly way." trenches. No mention IB mads toy the lice headiiuartera about this time, and trial motion, and which had been certi- next year's council to amend the ordi- Representative Hughes said that he French, of any repulse of th» allied. the nesro was overpo-wcued by Chief fied to by Judge L. S. Roan, the trial nance if It sees fit, and ouch action felt that the state should have an op- Jett and Captain Donaldson when he will only have the effect of delaying URGE PEACE IS PASSED BY portunity to vote upon the question of forces. Justice, and the man who first refused showed flght upon the. arrival of the the election for a few days. •whether the sale and manufacture \ for The German official statement tells officers. The other robbers made good Frank's appeal The city is now engaged In mating sale of liquor throughout the nation of the dislodgement in the njsisiibor- their escape, carrying -with them two Mr. Dorsey had stated before Juidg'e an estimate of the amount Of money Message Received in Washing- Bill Providing Federal Licens- should be stopped. hood of the canal of La Bassee of 'the of Mrs. Dodd's Christmas turkeys. The Newman durirtg course of his argu- invested in school property, and It is ton Says Populace Is Dis- ing of Warehouses Now Goes Georgia members received a large Anglo-Indian troops and the capture i -«ro save his name as Kendrel John- ment, when the federal Judge declined said that the grand total will be number of telegrams today from their of their, trenches after inflicting heavy »<*\ of 3t>6 Jadkson street.
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