SYLVANIA, GEORGIA AL-6842 (FAA) 20254 NDB JYL APP CRS Rwy Idg 5501 TDZE 190 NDB RWY 23 245 248° Apt Elev 190 PLANTATION AIRPARK (JYL) T MISSED APPROACH: Climb to 1500 then climbing left turn 3 Rwy 23 helicopter visibility reduction below 4 SM NA. to 2000 direct JYL NDB and hold, continue climb-in-hold to A 2000. AWOS-3 JACKSONVILLE CENTER UNICOM 118.875 132.925 363.2 122.8(CTAF)L MILEN JYL 25 N SA M M ( 2 1900 15 184 823 500 . 1 ° ) ° 068 688 293 ° 485 ° 113 ° ° 248 ° 063 243 248 SE-4, 07 OCT 2021 to 04 NOV IAF SYLVANIA 245 JYLLYJ ° ) Procedure NA for arrivals at 9 2500 . 036 LOTTS on V157 southbound. 22 ( LOTTS SE-4, 07 OCT 2021 to 04 NOV ELEV 190 TDZE 190 2000 332 ( 36 . ° 2 ) 248° to 15 JYL NDB SAVANNAH 3 x 2 115.95 SAVAS x V 3787 Chan 106 (Y) P X 100 1500 2000 JYL 75 JYL NDB Remain X within 10 NM 5501 P 0 U 6 % 8° .4 0 33 P 2000 5 ° 248 CATEGORY A B C D S-23 900-1 710 (800-1) 900-2 710 (800-2) 3 900-2 1040-2 4 C CIRCLING 900-1 710 (800-1) MIRL Rwy 5-23 L 3 710 (800-2) 850 (900-2 4 ) SYLVANIA, GEORGIA PLANTATION AIRPARK (JYL) Amdt 3 30JAN20 32°39'N - 81°36'W NDB RWY 23 SYLVANIA, GEORGIA AL-6842 (FAA) 20030 WAAS Rwy Idg APP CRS 5501 CH93799 TDZE 190 RNAV (GPS) RWY 23 235° W23A Apt Elev 190 PLANTATION AIRPARK (JYL) RNP APCH. T 3 MISSED APPROACH: Climb to Rwy 23 helicopter visibility reduction below 4 SM NA. For uncompensated 2500 direct TIKIE and hold. A Baro-VNAV systems, LNAV/VNAV NA below -15°C or above 54°C. AWOS-3 JACKSONVILLE CENTER UNICOM 118.875 132.925 363.2 122.8(CTAF)L 4 NM 6000 HOLD 2000 ° ° 235 055 (IF/IAF) 823 HOBOB ° 1900 ) 30 N (FAF) 2357 M ( t o BUYDA 2100 H O 145 B 15 NM O 688 ° to B 2000 H ( N SE-4, 07 OCT 2021 to 04 NOV O 145 o 485 HOBOB B P T THOLN ° O ) 2.4 NM to B 248 RW23 RW23 HOBOB 325 3 0 ° N 325 M 2000 ° to H O B OB TIKIE SE-4, 07 OCT 2021 to 04 NOV ° ° ELEV 190 TDZE 190 054 234 4 NM 2500 TIKIE VGSI and RNAV glidepath not coincident 4 NM 235° to (VGSI Angle 3.00/TCH 31). Holding Pattern RW23 HOBOB 15 LNAV only. BUYDA * THOLN x 23 2.4 NM to x RW23 055° 6000 37 1900 8 P 7 1.1 NM * ° 2000 X 235° 100 to RW23 235 75 X RW23 5501 GP 3.00° P 800* U 1900 TCH 40 % .4 0 1.1 NM 1.3 2.8 NM 7 NM P 33 CATEGORY A B C D 5 7 7 LPV DA 494- 8 304 (400- 8 ) LNAV/ 1 1 DA 623-1 433 (500-1 4 ) VNAV 4 3 3 LNAV MDA 700-1 510 (600-1) 700-1 8 510 (600-1 8 ) 1 3 840-1 2 1040-2 4 C CIRCLING 700-1 510 (600-1) 1 3 L 650 (700-1 2 ) 850 (900-2 4 ) MIRL Rwy 5-23 SYLVANIA, GEORGIA PLANTATION AIRPARK (JYL) Amdt 1 30JAN20 32°39'N - 81°36'W RNAV (GPS) RWY 23 SYLVANIA, GEORGIA AL-6842 (FAA) 20030 Rwy Idg WAAS APP CRS 5501 TDZE 178 RNAV (GPS) RWY 5 CH93605 054° W05A Apt Elev 190 PLANTATION AIRPARK (JYL) RNP APCH. MISSED APPROACH: Climb to 3 T Rwy 5 helicopter visibility reduction below 4 SM NA. For uncompensated 2000 direct HOBOB and hold. A Baro-VNAV systems, LNAV/VNAV NA below -15°C or above 54°C. AWOS-3 JACKSONVILLE CENTER UNICOM 118.875 132.925 363.2 122.8(CTAF)L 4 NM ° 055 ° 235 30 N M HOBOB 823 to 144 T I K ° I 2500 E 144 ° TIKIE 1 5 3 688 0 N TIKIE 324 M N ° M t o 2500 324 248 t SE-4, 07 OCT 2021 to 04 NOV o T ° IK RW05 T IE IK 2600 CESOR IE 3.1 NM to ( No 309 PT) RW05 (FAF) LIPSE ° 1900 ) 054(7 (IF/IAF) TIKIE ° ° 054 234 SE-4, 07 OCT 2021 to 04 NOV 6000 HOLD 2500 ELEV 190 TDZE 178 4 NM VGSI and RNAV glidepath not coincident 2000 HOBOB (VGSI Angle 3.00/TCH 33). 4 NM TIKIE 15 Holding Pattern LIPSE 3 *LNAV Only x 2 CESOR x 6000 234° 3.1 NM to 3787 RW05 P 2500 054° 1.1 NM to X 054 * 100 75 ° X RW05 RW05 5501 1900 P U GP 3.00° % .4 *1200 0 TCH 40 P 33 7 NM 2.2 NM 2 NM 1.1 5 CATEGORY A B C D 3 3 LPV DA 428- 4 250 (300- 4 ) LNAV/ 1 1 DA 591-1 413 (500-1 8 ) VNAV 8 054° to RW05 1 1 LNAV MDA 560-1 382 (400-1) 560-1 8 382 (400-1 8 ) 3 3 640-1 660-1 840-1 4 1040-2 4 C CIRCLING 3 3 MIRL Rwy 5-23 L 450 (500-1) 470 (500-1) 650 (700-1 4 ) 850 (900-2 4 ) SYLVANIA, GEORGIA PLANTATION AIRPARK (JYL) Amdt 1 30JAN20 32°39'N - 81°36'W RNAV (GPS) RWY 5 M1 A ALTERNATE MINS A 21280 INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE CHARTS A IFR ALTERNATE AIRPORT MINIMUMS Standard alternate minimums for non-precision approaches and approaches with vertical guidance [NDB, VOR, LOC, TACAN, LDA, SDF, VOR/DME, ASR, RNAV (GPS) or RNAV (RNP)] are 800-2. Standard alternate minimums for precision approaches (ILS, PAR, or GLS) are 600-2. Airports within this geographical area that require alternate minimums other than standard or alternate minimums with restrictions are listed below. NA - means alternate minimums are not authorized due to unmonitored facility, absence of weather reporting service, or lack of adequate navigation coverage. Civil pilots see FAR 91. IFR Alternate Minimums: Ceiling and Visibility Minimums not applicable to USA/USN/USAF. Pilots must review the IFR Alternate Minimums Notes for alternate airfield suitability. NAME ALTERNATE MINIMUMS NAME ALTERNATE MINIMUMS ALABASTER, AL ANNISTON, AL SHELBY COUNTY (EET)……RNAV (GPS) Rwy 16 ANNISTON RNAV (GPS) Rwy 34 RGNL (ANB)..………………ILS Y or LOC Y Rwy 51 NA when local weather not available. ILS Z or LOC Z Rwy 52 Category C, 800-2¼; Category D, 1000-3. RNAV (GPS) Rwy 53 RNAV (GPS) Rwy 234 ALBANY, GA NA when local weather not available. SOUTHWEST GEORGIA 1ILS, LOC, Categories A, B, 900-2; Category C, RGNL (ABY).…………………ILS or LOC Rwy 512 900-2¼; Category D, 1300-3. 2 07 OCT 2021 to 04 NOV RNAV (GPS) Rwy 5³ ILS, Categories A, B, 900-2; Category C, 900-2¼; RNAV (GPS) Rwy 17³ Category D, 1300-3; LOC, Categories A, B, RNAV (GPS) Rwy 23³ 900-2; Category C, 900-2¼. RNAV (GPS) Rwy 35³ 3Categories A, B, 900-2; Category C, 900-2¼; VOR Rwy 17³ Category D, 1300-3. 1NA when control tower closed. 4Categories A, B, 900-2; Category C, 900-2½; 2LOC, Category C, 800-2¼; Category D, 800-2½. Category D, 1300-3. 3Category C, 800-2¼; Category D, 800-2½. ATHENS, GA ALBERTVILLE, AL ATHENS/BEN ALBERTVILLE RGNL-THOMAS J EPPS (AHN)..……………ILS or LOC/DME Rwy 271 BRUMLIK FLD (8A0).………….RNAV (GPS) Rwy 5 RNAV (GPS) Rwy 2 RNAV (GPS) Rwy 23 RNAV (GPS) Rwy 20 NA when local weather not available. RNAV (GPS) Rwy 27 07 OCT 2021 to 04 NOV VOR Rwy 2 ALEXANDER CITY, AL VOR Rwy 27 THOMAS C RUSSELL NA when local weather not available. FLD (ALX).………………...….RNAV (GPS) Rwy 18 1Category D, 700-2. RNAV (GPS) Rwy 36 Category C, 900-2½; Category D, 900-2¾. ATLANTA, GA ATLANTA RGNL FALCON ALMA, GA FLD (FFC).……………......….ILS or LOC Rwy 3112 BACON RNAV (GPS) Rwy 133 COUNTY (AMG)………...……RNAV (GPS) Rwy 16 RNAV (GPS) Rwy 313 RNAV (GPS) Rwy 34 1NA when local weather not available. NA when local weather not available. 2ILS, LOC, Category D, 800-2¼. Category C, 800-2¼; Category D, 800-2½. 3Category D, 800-2¼. ANDALUSIA-OPP, AL ATLANTA SOUTH ALABAMA RGNL AT BILL BENTON SPEEDWAY (HMP).….……….RNAV (GPS) Rwy 6 FLD (79J)…………...………COPTER NDB Rwy 29 RNAV (GPS) Rwy 24 NDB-A NA when local weather not available. RNAV (GPS) RWY 11 Category C, 900-2½; Category D, 900-2¾. RNAV (GPS) RWY 29 NA when local weather not available. A ALTERNATE MINS SE-4 A 21280 M1 M2 A ALTERNATE MINS A 21280 NAME ALTERNATE MINIMUMS NAME ALTERNATE MINIMUMS ATLANTA, GA (CON’T) AUBURN, AL COBB COUNTY INTL-MCCOLLUM AUBURN UNIVERSITY FLD (RYY).………………..….ILS or LOC Rwy 2712 RGNL (AUO).…………………ILS or LOC Rwy 3612 RNAV (GPS) Rwy 93 RNAV (GPS) Rwy 113 RNAV (GPS) Rwy 273 RNAV (GPS) Rwy 183 NA when local weather not available. RNAV (GPS) Rwy 293 1NA when control tower closed. RNAV (GPS) Rwy 363 2ILS, Categories A, B, C, 800-2; Category D, VOR-A3 1200-3; LOC, Category D, 1200-3. 1NA when local weather not available. 3Category D, 1200-3. 2LOC, Category D, 800-2¼. 3 Category D, 800-2¼. COVINGTON MUNI (CVC).……………………………NDB Rwy 28 AUGUSTA, GA RNAV (GPS) Rwy 10 AUGUSTA RGNL AT BUSH RNAV (GPS) Rwy 28 FLD (AGS)………….…....…...ILS or LOC Rwy 1712 NA when local weather not available.
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