INDEX SEMINUM 2014 Acantholimon kotschyi by Estelle DeRidder ON THE COVER Acantholimon kotschyi (Jaub. & Spach) Boiss is a native of southern Turkey that grows on rocky slopes and sandy banks 1000-1700 meters above sea level. White flowers zigzag along spikes and culminate with purple-veined, pink flowers set above a white calyx. Denver Botanic Gardens grows more than 20 taxa of Acantholimon, with a majority living in the Rock Alpine Garden. ABOUT THE ARTIST Estelle DeRidder is a 2010 graduate of the Gardens’ School of Botanical Art and Illustration. The classes have inspired and challenged DeRidder to capture the complexity and beauty of the plant form. DeRidder’s email is: [email protected] SCHOOL OF BOTANICAL ART AND ILLUSTRATION The school’s curriculum is a comprehensive series of classes in botanical illustration that provides participants with the skills needed to render accurate, detailed and useful depictions of the plant world. The program is for the dedicated illustrator, as well as the devoted amateur. Students join the program to earn a foundational certificate or advanced diploma in botanical illustration, or to improve and broaden their skills through ongoing classes. THE STEPPE THEME The mission of Denver Botanic Gardens is to connect people with plants, especially plants from the Rocky Mountain region and similar regions around the world, providing delight and enlightenment to everyone. The Index Seminum program reflects that mission by offering germplasm from plants of the Rocky Mountain region, and correlative climates that are generally described as steppe. Steppe is the focus of several of our collections and the subject of a forthcoming book by Gardens staff, “Steppes: The Plants and Ecology of the World’s Semi-arid Regions”, scheduled for release by Timber Press on July 1, 2015. The 2014 Index Seminum is accessible on our website under Gardens Navigator and includes descriptions of each plant’s geographic habitat. Each description highlights the extent to which the plants originate in Midwestern and Western American or Irano-Turanian (Western and Central Asian) steppes. A considerable number of the offerings originate in Mediterranean, European and North American montane and alpine habitats. These regions too could be characterized as facultative steppes, as the plants have adapted to steppe-like exposures and temperatures, and drought-stress extremes in their chasmophytic or alpine settings. Steppe ecology is a principal theme in the Gardens’ newly constructed Science Pyramid, an educational facility designed to showcase the Gardens’ research activities and educate the public about plant science. Exhibits and demonstrations explore the diversity and unique conditions of the steppe climates of North America, Eurasia and the Southern Hemisphere, as well as the field of horticulture in general. Along with the opening of the Science Pyramid, the Gardens also saw the completion of the Ellipse Garden and The Hive restaurant, all while hosting an exhibition of artist Dale Chihuly's works of art and several national conferences, including the American Public Gardens Association Annual Conference. Without question, 2014 was a banner year for the Gardens' staff, members and visitors alike. GARDENS NAVIGATOR We invite you to learn more about the selections provided in this year’s Index Seminum through our Gardens Navigator website. Species names are linked to images, phenology data and plant descriptions throughout this catalog. You can also access this year’s species list at: http://navigate.botanicgardens.org/weboi/oecgi2.exe/INET_ECM_ DispTour?TOURCODE=INDEX_SEMINUM Seeds from cultivated plants were collected by Greenhouse Horticulture Specialist Katy Wilcox. Seed requests are fulfilled and data is tracked by volunteers Barry Levene and Gary Waggoner. 1 SEED OF CultiVated PLANTS All plant names are linked to descriptions and, in many cases, to images on Gardens Navigator website at www.gardensnavigator.org. Seeds are from cultivation and open pollination. è Indicates seed collected from an accession with known wild origin; orginal collection information follows. ORDER # FAMILY/NAME ACC # SOURCE CoLLECTION INFO/IPEN DATA APIACEAE 1 Aletes acaulis (Torr.) Coult. & Rose 800135 UNK è 2 Lomatium dissectum (Nutt.) Mathias & Const. 842335 MBL US: Washington: Kittitas County: Vantage. Black, M. s.n. 3 Peucedanum terebinthaceum (Fischer ex 041622 BBN Treviranus) Ledebour var. terebinthaceum 4 Zizia aptera (A. Gray) Fernald 861622 WDN APOCYNACEAE 5 Asclepias tuberosa L. 822058 AFN ASTERACEAE è 6 Arctotis arctotoides (L.f.) O. Hoffm. 060720 JOH: MCM ZA: East Cape: Waainek. nice groundcover McMaster, C. DJ117. 15 Feb 2006. 7 Berlandiera lyrata Benth. 870408 GRA 8 Echinacea pallida (Nutt.) Nutt. 032042 BBN 9 Erigeron elatior (A. Gray) Greene 040309 WNS 10 Erigeron linearis (Hook.) Piper 120917 LPA 11 Erigeron simplex Greene 002366 LPA 12 Erigeron speciosus (Lindl.) DC. 002520 GRA è 13 Helianthus pumilus Nutt. 861286 BRU US: Colorado: Jefferson County: Green Mountain. Brune, R. s.n. 14 Liatris punctata Hook. 011207 UNK è 15 Liatris punctata Hook. 870079 BRU US: Colorado: Jefferson County: Green Mountain. Brune, R. s.n. 16 Ratibida columnifera (Nutt.) Wooton & Standl. 002511 LVN 17 Silphium asteriscus L. var. simpsonii 032347 MAD (Greene) Clevinger 18 Solidago rigida L. 970226 NCN 19 Townsendia eximia A. Gray 120952 LPA 20 Townsendia parryi D.C. Eaton 130042 KEL 21 Zinnia grandiflora Nutt. 002540 GRA BERBERIDACEAE è 22 Berberis fremontii Torr. 842391 WEI US: Colorado: Delta County: Delta. Weinstein, W. s.n. 23 Podophyllum hexandrum Royle 790398 G BIGNONIACEAE 24 Incarvillea olgae Reg. 091540 LPA è 25 Incarvillea olgae Reg. 930226 RMR: HAJ TJ: South Alicur Range, Eastern Pamir. Alpine tundra, stony slopes. 4900 m. 1 foot tall, dwarf form, rose flowers. Halda, J. s.n. 15 Sep 1991. BORAGINACEAE 26 Onosma caerulescens Boiss. 120832 WRA BRASSICACEAE 27 Aethionema capitatum Boiss. & Balansa 112727 KIN: SRP 28 Aethionema schistosum (Boiss. & Kotschy) 070606 ALP Kotschy 29 Aubrieta pinardii Boiss. 120949 LPA 30 Draba alpina L. var. glacialis (Adams) Dickie 071172 LPA 2 SEED OF CultiVated PLANTS ORDER # FAMILY/NAME ACC # SOURCE CoLLECTION INFO/IPEN DATA BRASSICACEAE (cont.) è 31 Draba atlantica Pomel 070611 ALP MA: Jbel Toubkal: High Atlas. 2200 m. Rosettes of whitish-tipped, linear leaves packed into tight cushions bear globose clusters of yellow flowers on short scapes. 32 Draba bruniifolia Steven 120947 LPA 33 Draba hispanica Boiss. 030603 UNK 34 Draba hoppeana Rchb. 020887 SIR 35 Draba polytricha Ledeb. 120913 LPA 36 Lesquerella arizonica S. Watson 121354 SRP 37 Lesquerella ovalifolia Rydb. ex Britt. 024046 ADA ssp. ovalifolia 38 Matthiola montana Boiss. 101641 SRP CAMPANULACEAE è 39 Campanula thyrsoides L. 081143 SCR CH 40 Edraianthus pumilio (Portenschlag.) A. DC. 101644 SRP 41 Edraianthus tenuifolius (Waldst. & Kit.) A. DC. 790378 G è 42 Michauxia tchihatchewii Fisch. & C.A. Mey. 861944 ARC TR: 800 m. Archibald, J. s.n. 43 Symphyandra zangezura Lipsky 930479 KIEL è 44 Trachelium jacquinii (Sieber) Boiss. 920570 KEL: JUR GR: Mt. Olympus. Jurasek, J. s.n. 1 Jul 1991. ssp. rumelianum (Hampe) T.G. Tutin CAPRIFOLIACEAE 45 Morina longifolia Wall. ex DC. 110460 ALP CARYOPHYLLACEAE 46 Dianthus freynii Vandas 082208 RBN 47 Dianthus microlepis Boiss. 071540 SRP 48 Dianthus microlepis Boiss. 112880 KEL 49 Dianthus pavonius Tausch 072767 LPA 50 Dianthus petraeus Waldst. & Kit. 802809 PLF ssp. noeanus (Boiss.) Tutin 51 Dianthus sternbergii Sieber ex Capelli 122011 KIN è 52 Dianthus turolensis Pau & Pau 121328 KIN: SCR ES CLEOMACEAE è 53 Cleome serrulata Pursh 980554 JOH US: Rocky Mountain Arsenal, CO. Johnson, D. s.n. 18 Sep 1997. CRASSULACEAE 54 Rosularia rechingeri Jansson 900001 MUE 55 Sedum cepaea L. 910418 PLE 56 Sedum litorale Komar. 060481 PFF 57 Sedum takesimense Nakai 930344 WDN è 58 Sedum valens Björk 130153 ALP US: Idaho: Idaho County: On cliffs of basalt. 2000 ft. beautiful tightly-packed rosettes of glaucous grey-green surrounded by a ring of maroon leaves; flat heads of bright yellow flowers, 10x8cm Bradshaw, Alan s.n. FABACEAE 59 Amorpha nana Nutt. 941071 SUN 60 Baptisia australis (L.) R. Br. var. minor 032344 MAD (Lehm.) Fernald 61 Baptisia sphaerocarpa Nutt. 'Screamin' Yellow' 091392 KSS 62 Caragana microphylla Lam. 'Mongolian 051239 FCN: BBN Silver Spires' 63 Lathyrus aureus (Steven ex Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) 060621 SHP D. Brandza 3 SEED OF CultiVated PLANTS ORDER # FAMILY/NAME ACC # SOURCE CoLLECTION INFO/IPEN DATA GENTIANACEAE 64 Gentiana angustifolia Vill. 140969 LPA 65 Gentiana dahurica Fisch. 021471 BBN 66 Gentiana paradoxa Albov 081311 LPA HYDRANGEACEAE 67 Jamesia americana Torr. & A. Gray 000292 NGC LAMIACEAE 68 Agastache cana (Hook.) Wooton & Standl. 100786/ GUL/KIY 'Sinning' SONORAN SUNSET® 111389 69 Lallemantia canescens (L.) Fisch. & Mey. 940037 RMR: ARC 70 Phlomis alpina Pall. 941652 MCG 71 Phlomis cashmeriana Royle 840358 PLE 72 Salvia daghestanica Sosn. 940098 WURZB 73 Salvia engelmannii A. Gray 132135 LSO è 74 Salvia multicaulis Vahl 910022 ARC TR. Archibald, J. s.n. 1 Jul 1989. Acc # 846201 è 75 Salvia pachyphylla Epling ex Munz 990341 ALP US: California. Compact form. è 76 Salvia pachyphylla Epling ex Munz 990350 ALP US: California. Robust form. è 77 Salvia pisidica Boiss. & Heldr. ex Benth. 850106 BSG TR: Antalya: 1000 m. è 78 Salvia recognita Fisch. & C.A. Mey. 930613 RMR: ARC TR. Archibald, J. & J. s.n. 1 Jul 1986. 79 Salvia tomentosa Miller 910669 RMR 80 Satureja montana L. ssp. illyrica Nyman 002942/ BBN/DBG 122296 81 Thymus comosus Heuff. ex Griseb. 081552 LPA LILIACEAE 82 Tulipa sprengeri Baker 941340 DAF MALVACEAE 83 Callirhoe involucrata (Torr. & A. Gray) A. Gray 002507 LVN PAPAVERACEAE 84 Pseudofumaria ochroleuca W. D. J. Koch 811506 OLD PLANTAGINACEAE 85 Digitalis obscura L. 100763/ LVN/DBG 122302 86 Globularia nudicaulis L. 090611 UJF 87 Globularia stygia Orph. 081470 MTH 88 Globularia trichosantha Fisch. & C. A. Mey. 022697 LPA 89 Penstemon grandiflorus Nutt. 002509/ LVN/KIY 'P010S' PRAIRIE JEWEL® 032389 90 Penstemon nitidus Douglas ex Benth. 071192 LPA è 91 Penstemon osterhoutii Pennell 121332 KIN: APS US: Colorado: Rio Blanco County: 6600 ft.
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