ISSN: 1542-376X TTheTThehhee RevisionistRRevisionistReevviissiioonniisstt JJournalJJournaloouurrnnaall fforfforoorr CCriticalCCriticalrriittiiccaall HHistoricalHHistoricaliissttoorriiccaall IInquiryIInquirynnqquuiirryy Volume 3 • Number 2 • October 2005 On Holocaust Revisionism: Arguments and Implications, p. 133 Gas Chamber Delusions: Dabbling U.S. Historian, p. 133 Y Auschwitz Runs in the Family: Child Survivors, pp. 141, 143 Auschwitz Family Camp, p. 146 The Thousand Year Reich: The Birth of Germany in 843, p. 164 Jewish WWII Demographies: One Exemplary Hungarian Town, p. 173 The Fate of France’s Jews, p. 178 WWII Death Marches: Life-Saving Forced Relocations, p. 182 Cultural Decomposition: Foul Language and Its Promotors, p. 197 The Evil Empire Reviewed: Books on Stalin’s USSR, pp. 201-214 Contents Resurgence ................................................................................................................................................................... 118 By Germar Rudolf On Holocaust Revisionism .......................................................................................................................................... 119 By Paul Grubach The Birkenau Gas Chambers in October of 1941: Technico-Historical Fantasies of a “Technician” ................. 133 By Carlo Mattogno Selection at Auschwitz: Extermination Claims Refuted .......................................................................................... 139 By Jean-Marie Boisdefeu But Why Weren’t the Jewish Children Gassed? ...................................................................................................... 141 By Jean-Marie Boisdefeu Children Who Survived Auschwitz ............................................................................................................................ 143 By Jean-Marie Boisdefeu Contribution to the History of the Family Camp at Birkenau ................................................................................ 146 By Carlo Mattogno The Significance of the Treaty of Verdun and the Emergence of the German Reich ........................................... 164 By Rolf-Josef Eibicht, MA The Effektenkammer in the Camps of NS Germany ................................................................................................. 171 By Paul Amner The Jews of Kaszony ................................................................................................................................................... 173 By Carl O. Nordling What Happened to the 75,000 Jews Deported from France? .................................................................................. 178 By Carl O. Nordling The “Death Marches” that Saved Lives .................................................................................................................... 182 By Angela Schneider What is the Real Racial/Ethnic Agenda of the ADL? ............................................................................................... 184 By Paul Grubach Engineer Fröhlich arrested in Vienna ....................................................................................................................... 186 By Robert Faurisson Ferris Wheel in Auschwitz – Just another Jewish Lie .............................................................................................. 187 By Germar Rudolf Research News ............................................................................................................................................................. 189 From the Records of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, Part 8 ....................................................................................... 189 By Germar Rudolf It’s All Sh.., Isn’t It? .................................................................................................................................................... 197 By Ernst Manon Obituary ....................................................................................................................................................................... 200 Dr. Robert Harvey Countess ...................................................................................................................................... 200 By Germar Rudolf Reviews ......................................................................................................................................................................... 201 Lev Mekhlis: Stalin’s Grand Inquisitor ..................................................................................................................... 201 By Dan Michaels The Court of the Evil Empire ..................................................................................................................................... 205 By Dan Michaels Hitler Spoils Stalin’s Surprise .................................................................................................................................... 211 By Dan Michaels At Long Last: A New Revisionist Standard Work ..................................................................................................... 215 By Daniel McKeon and Patrick McNally The Revisionist · 2005 · Volume 3 · No. 2 117 Germar Rudolf, Resurgence, p. 118. Resurgence By Germar Rudolf The “Date modified” time stamp of the source file to no. 4 of 2004 and all except one of the last published is- this issue shows that I was last working on this issue of sue of The Revisionist (1/2005) have never been posted The Revisionist on October 18, 2005. In the early morn- anywhere. Issue no. 1/2005 has not even been available ing of the following day, my wife and I had an appoint- online as a pdf file. ment at the Chicago office of the U.S. Immigration Ser- I managed to locate the original files on my old (2003) vices in order to have our marriage validated, which was computer (before recycling it), and forwarded them to the supposed to pave the road for my getting a so-called responsible person at CODOH. “green card.” Although we were successful with the mar- While skimming the folders on my old computer, I re- riage validation, my attempt at getting permanent legal alized that the next issue of TR (2/2005), although still a residence in the U.S. based on this was somewhat ill- good deal from being finished, had progressed quite im- fated, to put it mildly. Only a few seconds after my wife pressively by the time of my arrest. It was probably only and I received the fancy document validating our mar- a week or two away from being published. Hence I decid- riage, I got arrested under the false pretense of having ed to send that issue to CODOH as well (with these intro- missed an alleged interview appointment several months ductory comments) in order that the individual papers of earlier. After having spent four weeks in deportation cus- that forgotten issue might be published at long last. tody in the Kenosha County Jail, I was deported to Ger- There is even a number of papers ready for Issue no. 3 many on Nov. 14, 2005, where I disappeared into a num- of 2005. If they still haven’t been published elsewhere, it ber of government accommodation facilities for the fol- has to be determined what will happen with them. Maybe lowing 44 more months. Details of this ordeal can be InconvenientHistory.com may feature some of them. gleaned from my website at www.GermarRudolf.com. Although this late appearance of Issue no. 2 of 2005 The Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust may look like The Revisionist has suddenly come back to (CODOH) has approached me with the intention to post life, it actually hasn’t. This is the mere resurgence of one all papers ever published in this journal on their website. single issue that in 2005 was on the brink of seeing the Since most of the papers have been posted for years on light of day. Now, after seven years, it finally does. I vho.org/tr, their plan merely required to mirror these files hope you enjoy reading the individual papers. (after some reformatting). But some papers of the issue 118 The Revisionist · 2005 · Volume 3 · No. 2 Paul Grubach, On Holocaust Revisionism, pp. 119-132. On Holocaust Revisionism Basic Arguments and Political Implications By Paul Grubach The traditional view of the fate of European Jewry during World War II, commonly known as the Holo- caust, contains the following propositions: there was a Nazi plan to exterminate all the Jews; homicidal gas chambers were used to implement this plan; and approximately 6,000,000 were murdered. Holocaust revisionists do not deny that atrocities were committed against Jews during World War II. However, they contend there was no Nazi plan to exterminate world Jewry; the “Final Solution” was no more, no less than their expulsion from Europe. The Nazis did incarcerate Jews in concentration camps, but there were no gas chambers for mass murder in them. And finally, the claim of 6,000,000 murdered Jews is an irresponsible exaggeration, as the number killed or who died otherwise was far less. Most Holocaust skeptics do admit that large numbers of Jews were shot by the German army during their campaign to stamp out anti-German guerilla warfare and communism on the Eastern Front. Certainly, many more were killed in anti-Jewish pogroms in Nazi-occupied areas. And finally, many Jews did die of starva- tion, disease, and exhaustion as a result of Nazi forced-labor policies. The revisionist estimates of the total number of Jewish deaths from all causes ranges from 300,000 to 1,500,000. Is There Proof for the Traditional View
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