Index ABC, 165, 204 ambiguity tolerance, 71 abortion America: To Pray? or Not to Pray? falsehoods about, 5 (Barton), 214 integrative complexity and, 69–70 American Association for the reality gap and, 171–172, 182, 184 Advancement of Science, 87 Roe v. Wade, 136 “American culture war of fact,” 145 selective exposure and, 151 American Enterprise Association, academia 134, 135 expertise gap and, 84–88, 258–259 American Enterprise Institute, 181 Openness to Experience and, American history. See U.S. history 258–259 American Prospect, The, 82 rise of “New Right” and, 141–146 American Psychological Association, See also individual names of academic 59, 183 institutions American Recovery and accuracy motivations, 37 Reinvestment Act, 192, Adams, John Quincy, 204 193–196 adaptation, 123–125 American Revolution, 203–204, adolescence, pseudo-evidence and, 212–213 33–35 Americans for Prosperity, 194 Advanced Pain Centers, 171–172 Americans for Tax Reform, 191 affect, 29, 30–33 American University, 150–151, 257 Agnew, Spiro, 138 Amodio, David, 115 Agreeableness,COPYRIGHTED OCEAN and, 64 “amydala MATERIAL theory” of conservatism, AIDS, political conversion and, 112–116. See also neuropolitics 107–108 anterior cingulated cortex (ACC), Ailes, Roger, 164 111, 113, 115, 116–117 alcohol, political conversion and, anti-Federalists, 215 108–109 argumentative theory of reason, Altemeyer, Robert, 72–73, 101–102, 52–54 159–160 asymmetry thesis, 75–76 311 bbindex.inddindex.indd 331111 114/02/124/02/12 112:002:00 PPMM 312 Index authoritarianism morality and in-group bias, 80, authoritarian conservatism, 83–84 defi ned, 102–104 motivated reasoning and, 35–39, 41 authoritarian personality, 71–75 “smart idiots” effect and, 46–49 heuristic reasoning and, 73, 257 See also motivated reasoning rise of “New Right” and, 139–146 “Big Five” personality traits, selective exposure and, 159–160 64–68, 96 Authoritarianism and Polarization in Bipartisan Policy Center, 198 American Politics (Hetherington, “Birthers,” 185 Weiler), 140 Bloom, Paul, 33 “blue” states Bachmann, Michele, 176, 178, 204 personality and, 67 backfi re effect rise of “New Right” and, 145 economics and, 190–193 Boehner, John, 199 measuring ideology and, 245 (See brain also Louisiana State University amygdala, 107 study) evolution and, 30–31, 51 personality and, 44–46 fetal pain and, 172 Bacon, Francis, 38 neuropolitics, 109–110, 111–126 Barker, David, 154, 163, 164 primacy of affect and, 29, 30–33 Barnett Shale, 224 See also motivated reasoning; Bartlett, Bruce neuropolitics on economic conservatism, Brooklyn College, 66 187–189, 190–191, 193, 196, Brown, Lewis H., 134 197, 198, 200–201 Buckley, William F., Jr. political conversion of, 106 God and Man at Yale, 85, 142 Barton, David, 205, 213–215 National Review and, 92 BBC, 165, 166 political conversion and, 106 belief systems rise of “New Right” and, cognitive dissonance and, 26–30, 130–131, 138 155–157 Burke, Edmund, 92, 103 media and rise of “New Right,” Bush, George H. W., 187 145–146 Bush, George W. motivated reasoning and, change and, 92 35–39, 41 economic conservatism and, rise of “New Right” and, 138 187–193, 194–195, 199 See also conservatism; liberalism economic falsehoods and, 6 Believing Brain, The (Shermer), 52 “environmental explanation” Bernanke, Ben, 187, 189, 199–200 and, 8 bias Frum and, 143 of Fox News reporting, 165 motivated reasoning and, 40–41, (See also selective exposure) 44, 45 bbindex.inddindex.indd 331212 114/02/124/02/12 112:002:00 PPMM Index 313 political conversion and, 107 U.S. history and misinformation, rise of “New Right” and, 131 205–207 (See also U.S. history) U.S. history and, 210 See also religion by-product, 123–125 Christian Right bystanders, 104–106 Conservapedia and Andrew Schlafl y, 1–3, 13 Caldicott, Helen, 231 Frum on, 143–144 carbon dioxide. See global warming fundamentalism and career choice, expertise gap and, personality, 72 84–88, 258–259 “New Right” and Phyllis Schlafl y, Carney, Dana, 66 133–139 Cato Institute, 141, 187 reality gap and, 182 CBS, 165 rise of, 9–10 cementing, fracking and, 222–223 U.S. history and misinformation, Center for American Progress, 87 205–207 Center on Budget and Policy WallBuilders, 205, 213–215 Priorities, 191 See also religion; U.S. history; centrists, 104–106. See also individual issues independents Churchill, Winston, 70, 71 Chait, Jonathan, 63 Citizens for Tax Justice, 194 Chamberlain, Neville, 70 civil liberties, 107 change climate change. See global warming “change brains,” 36 “ClimateGate,” 130 morality and expertise gap, 85 Clinton, Bill, 163 resistance to, 92, 98–99 closed mindedness. See cognitive character traits, of conservatism, closure 59–61. See also personality closure. See cognitive closure Cheney, Dick, 219–220 CNN, 151, 165, 166, 257 Cheney, Lynne, 209–210 cognition Chernobyl (Soviet Union), cognitive dissonance theory, 26–30, 230, 231 155–157, 241–242 children cognitive load, 107–108 adolescence and pseudo-evidence, cultural cognition model, 96–98 33–35 See also brain politics of, 121–122 cognitive closure, 68–71, 74 same-sex marriage and, 182–185 Columbia University, 66, 141 vaccines and autism, 232–234 Committee on Science, U.S. House chlorofl uorocarbons (CFCs), 131 of Representatives, 129–133 Christianity communism Condorcet on, 22 leftist regimes of, 98–99 separation of church and state, 6, personality and politics, 62 214–215 rise of “New Right” and, 134 bbindex.inddindex.indd 331313 114/02/124/02/12 112:002:00 PPMM 314 Index communitarians, 43–44, 49–51 cortex, 114 Condorcet, Marquis de (Marie-Jean- Cosmides, Leda, 31 Antoine-Nicolas Cariat), 19–25, Coulter, Ann, 60–61 26, 37 Council of Economic Advisors, 191 confi rmation bias, 32, 156 “creation science,” 205 confl ict monitoring, 111–112 Critchlow, Donald T., 133, 134 Congressional Budget Offi ce, cultural cognition model, 96–98 192, 193 curiosity. See Openness to Experience Conscientiousness, OCEAN and, 64, 65, 67 Danbury Baptists, 214 consequentialism, 77–79 Dartmouth University, 44–45 Conservapedia, 1–3, 13 Darwin, Charles, 85–86, 205 conservatism, 89–110 Daughters of the American authoritarian, 102–104 Revolution (DAR), 134 Bartlett on “conserving,” 188 “death panels” centrists, independents, and, falsehoods about, 5 104–106 motivated reasoning and, 48 change and, 62–63, 92 reality gap and, 175 compromise and reality, 267–274 selective exposure and, 151 Condorcet and, 24 death penalty, 29 as core political ideology, 14–15 debt ceiling crisis (2011), 196–199 cultural cognition model and, decisiveness, motivated reasoning 96–98 and, 38 defi ned, 11–12, 89–90, 92–93 defensive goals, selective exposure economic vs. social, 95–96 (See also and, 158 economic conservatism) Democratic Party ideology of, 93–96 backfi re effect and, 45–46 leftist regimes and, 98–99 expertise gap and, 87, 259 liberal ideology and, 99–102 selective exposure and global motivated reasoning and, 54 warming, 151 (See also selective political conversion and, 106–110 exposure) reading time and, 254–256 (See also selective exposure and motivated Louisiana State University study) reasoning, 160–162 self-reported, 91 “smart idiots” effect and, 48–49 “team” affi liation and, 263 “Southern Democrats,” 140 See also morality; motivated two-party system and, 97 reasoning; “New Right”; See also liberalism; motivated personality; selective exposure reasoning; reality gap consilience of evidence, 172–174 DeSmogBlog.com, 225 contraception, reality gap and, 184 determinism, 11 conversion, political, 106–110 DeWitt, John L., 211 Cornell University, 223 Dickens, Charles, 28, 32 bbindex.inddindex.indd 331414 114/02/124/02/12 112:002:00 PPMM Index 315 disaffecteds, 104–106 empathy, 65 disconfi rmation bias, 32, 53, 59 Engelder, Terry, 221–222, 223 Discovery Institute, 182 Enlightenment Dissent, 210 Condorcet and, 19–25 Ditto, Peter, 78, 79–81, 146, 235–236 values, 207, 267 Dobbs, Michael, 177 Enron, 40–41 DRD4 (gene), 120 “environmental explanation” Drudge Report, 158 ideology and, 7–8, 15 Duke University, 223–224 “nature vs. nurture,” 125–126, 264–266 Eagle Forum, 137 political psychology and, 7–16 economic conservatism, 95–96, reality and, 264–266 187–201 rise of “New Right,” 129–146 American Recovery and (See also Republican Party) Reinvestment Act and, 192, selective exposure and media 193–196 proliferation, 162–164 backfi re effect and, 190–193 Environmental Protection debt ceiling crisis (2011) and, Agency, 225 196–199 epigenetics, 119 falsehoods about economics, 6, 15 epistemic closure, 69 Federal Reserve and, 187, 189, equality, resistance to, 93, 97, 199–200 98–99 ideology and, 189–190 Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), individualists and, 93 135–137 Medicare Part D and, 188, 192 Ethics and Public Policy Center, 86 quantitative easing (QE2) and, Europe, debt problems of 199–200 (2011-2012), 268–269 social conservatism vs., 95–96 evolution supply side economics and, 189, of brain, 30–31, 51 200–201 “creation science,” 205 education level, motivated reasoning falsehoods about science, 7 and, 49–52. See also academia; neuropolitics and, 123–125 schools “Project Steve,” 143 egalitarian-communitarians, 43–44, evolutionary psychology, 97 49–51, 80 expertise Eidelman, Scott, 75–76, 102, expertise gap, 84–88, 258–259 108–109 motivated reasoning and, 42–44 Einstein, Albert, 1–2 rise of “New Right” and, Eisenhower, Dwight, 135, 142 141–146 Ellison, Harlan, 137 extremism, 99–102, 131. See also Emanuel, Kerry, 129–133 Christian Right; ideology; “New Emory University, 39–41 Right” bbindex.inddindex.indd 331515 114/02/124/02/12 112:002:00 PPMM 316 Index “Fact-Checker” (Washington Post), Friedan, Betty, 133, 137 177–179 Friedman, Milton, 189, 200–201 fact checking, 176–179, 271. See also Frum, David, 106, 143–144, 200, 234 reality gap; selective exposure Fukushima Daiichi (Japan), 229, Fairness Doctrine, 162–164 230–231 family, as metaphor, 81–83, 136 fundamental attribution error, 72–73 fear fundamentalism, personality and, 72.
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