/THE SOME ECCENTRIC FuNu .al What is Womanfs < An enormous crowd gathered « ..Chester, England, a few months ap -to witness the funeral of an electrics Beauty but Health? engineer, who w bb carried to the cen, etery in a coffin that had been labon And the Basis of Her Health and ou.sly constructed by himself out ol Vigor Lies in the Careful Reg­ To the Merit o f Lydia E. Pink­ 4,000 match boxes. These, with their ulation of the Bowels. ham’s Vegetable Com­ tops visible and advertising their re­ I f woman’s beauty depended upon spective makers, were varnished over cosmetics, every woman would be a pound during Change and strengthened Inside with wood. * ✓ picture of loveliness. But beauty lies o f Life. On the coffin was placed an electric deeper than that It lies in health. In •battery. the majority of cases the basis of Ancient Lindisfarne Castle Some years ago a maiden lady died health, and the cause of sickness, can Streator, H .—" I Bhallalways praise at Calemis-sur-Lys, in France, who be traced to the action of the bowels. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­ was reported to have been a champi(#t The headaches, the lassitude, the pound wherever I snuff taker. She enjoyed singularly sallow akin and the luBterless eyes are go. It baa done me good health, retained all her mental usually due to constipation. So many so much good at faculties, and died at a ripe old age. things that women do habitually con­ Change o f Life, and Her funeral was most extraordinary. duce to this trouble. They do not eat it has also helped my Her wish was that her coffin should , carefully, they eat Indigestible foods daughter. I t is one be filled with tobacco, the floor of the because the foods are served daintily o f tiie grandest motuary chamber carpeted with it, and and they do not exercise enough. But medicines fo r wo­ the heir to the property charged to whatever the particular cause may be men that can be scatter tobacco before the hearse on It Is Important that the condition bought. I shall try the way to the cemetery. Bhould be corrected. avoided, for at best their effect Is only to induce others to A lady who left Liverpool some An ideal remedy for women, and one for that day, while a genuine remedy try it "-M rs. J. H. time ago by the Lucania crossed the especially suited to their delicate re­ like Syrup Pepslu acts mildly but per­ Campbell , 206 N . Atlantic on a unique mission. A prom­ quirements, la Dr. Caldwell's Syrup manently. Second S t, W. S., Streator, Illinois. inent New York business man, who Pepsin, which thousands of women en­ It can be conveniently obtained at *> Philadelphia, Pa. — “ It was at the died recently, directed in his will that dorse highly, among them Mrs. C. S. any drug store at fifty cents or one 'Change o f Life* that I turned to Lydia his remains should be cremated and Vance, of 511 S. Ray St., New Castle, dollar a bottle. Results are always E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, the ashes scattered on the waters of Pa. At times she had spells of Indi­ guaranteed or money will be refunded. using it as a tonic to build up my sys­ the Atlantic from a Cunard steamer. gestion so severe that she thought she You will find It gentle in action, pleas­ tem, with beneficial results.*’ — Mrs. The Lucania being the special fa­ would die. Syrup Pepslu regulated her ant In taste, and free from griping, Sara . Hayward , 1825 W . Venango S t , vorite of the deceased gentleman, was stomach and bowelB, and she attrib­ and its tonic properties have a distinct (Tioga) Phila., Pa. selected, and the lady in question, at utes her excellent health today to this value to women. It 1b the most widely San Francisco, Cal.—“ I have taken a time fixed, so that simultaneously . remedy. U B e d laxative-tonic in America today Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Com­ the family could attend a memorial All the family can use Dr- Caldwell’s and thousands of families are now nev­ pound f°r many years whenever I service in New York, cast the ashes ■ Syrup Pepsin, for thousands of moth­ er without it. would feel bad. I have gone through • from an urn into the ocean. A cer­ ers give It to babies and children. It Families wishing to try a free sam­ the Change o f life without any troubles : tificate was given by the captain of 1b alBO admirably suited to the require­ ple bottle can obtain it postpaid by > ** and thank the Compound fo r i t I rec­ the Lucania stating the latitude and ments of elderly people, in fact to all addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 ommend it to young girls and to women longitude in which the ashes were , who by reason of age or Infirmity can­ Washington St., Monticello, 111. A of all ages.” —Mrs. C. Barrie , 8052 committed to the deep, according to not stand harsh salts, cathartics, pills postal card with your name and ad­ 25th S t, San Francisco, Cal. the will. or purgatives. These should always be dress on it will do. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, is unparalelled. TEETH FILED FOR BEAUTY If you want special advice write to WORMS. Lindisfarne, or Holy Island, is one of the most plcturesquo points on the "Wormy”, that's what's the matter of 'em. Stomach and in­ Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi­ east coast of England. It Is a small Island ten miles from Berwlck-on-Tweed testinal worms. X early as bad as distemper. Coat you too much dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will to feed 'em. Look bad—are bad. Don’t physio 'em to death. and connected with the mainland at low tide. Among Its Interesting sights Spohn's Cure wlU remove the worms, improve the appetite, and he opened, read and answered by a are the castle, built In 1542 and now fortified, and the remains of the famous tone 'em up all round, and don’t "physic.” Acts on glands and blood, Woman and held In strict confidence. abbey of Lindisfarne, originally a Saxon edifice founded In 635 by Aldan, a dis­ Full directions with each bottle, and sold by all druggists. ciple of Saint Columba, and destroyed In 793 by the Danes. SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. Chemists. Goshen. Ind.. U. S. A . Far£o Directory Experience Substitutes. The brilliant Holbrook Blinn was $ 3 5 t o * 7 5 W e e k l y in a HE IS A WORLD CHAMPION ODD REASONS FOR DIVORCE defending the sociological play, “The B U S I N E S S OF Y O U R OWN Fargo Tannery Guilty Man,” wherewith the “Medical Receives bid*" and skins for A Milwaukee brewery worker re­ Review of Reviews" will follow up Wo need a man— Former** aoa preferred—to tannin; to harness leather, cently applied for a divorce from his handle household necessities always In use, terri­ "Damaged Goods.” tory la free work profitable, steady and healthful. robes and coats. Robes lined, wife on the ground that she had •I hides bought, leather and “PlayB of this kind,” he said, "teach No Exparieace Necessary robes for sale. Belli for prioe bought bottled beer from a rival com­ girls and women what they ought to list Andrew Monson, pany. know. Experience teaches men. A WE TEACH YOU I u £ L Prop., Fargo, No. Dakota A reason just as curious was put If you are ambitious for a tadneu all your own. write man goes through a bitter experience; for our plan—wa will espials everythin. In detail, forward by a man named Adolph he comes out of it enlightened, and many are maldec bis money every week under ouy direction nod pinna of M o d .ro Merchandising. You TRUTH FROM YOUTHFUL LIPS, Schnell, who, a short time ago, filed a society, forgiving him, he leads there­ can do the same—this la your opportunity—take ad- suit for divorce in Kansas City against after a good, clean Ufa vantage of It—write today. Not Exactly the Answer Spinster Ex ! his wife, who was described as a "But girls and women can't profit KOCHV.T.CO pected, but It Came From “trance medium.” The applicant by experience in this wtCy, for society BOXM the Heart named four spirits as the cause of never forgives the experiences of girls Winona, Mina. his domestic troubles. These were and women—and hence the necessity A middle-aged spinster who lived in Mike Conroy, whom Mrs. Schnell call­ for plays like ‘The Guilty Man,’ which the suburbs had a fine orchard. She ed her chief guide, and three Red In­ might be called experience-BUbstituteB. likewise had a heap of trouble with a dians—Red Wing, Red Feather, and “For experience, veritable experi­ HIDES AND FURS lot of youngsters, who looked on the High Horse. Schnell declared that be We positively rive more valuable Illustrated Teeth filing as an aid to beauty is ence, is, alaB, for a girl or a woman, orchard as something placed there for was unhappy when the -ghostB were Information relative to Hides and Furs, than practiced extensively among the adult a comb that comes into her possession any other house In the world. We pay Highest their especial benefit around, and could not sleep.
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