For more information, contact us through our website at www.alabam- assa.org or Brent Fields at 205-685- 0244 or [email protected]. Arizona azselfstorage.com We have upped the value and changed things around this year for the Arizona Self-Storage Conference and Trade Show: a great new location, more speakers, more topics, experts from beyond our self storage world who will challenge the way you do business, as well as industry favorites with insight on topics vital to your interests. We will help you get more from your store with an impressive line up of experts, thanks to the generous Alabama support of our sponsors, without alabamassa.org whom AZSA could not bring you this Greetings from the board of direc- your contribution to our treasurer, incredible event May 13–15. Thank tors of the Alabama Self Storage Keith Vaughan, at 150 Government you to our Title Sponsor, Deans and Association. As spring is upon us, Street, Mobile, AL 36602. Homer Insurance; our Major Spon- we hope that business is “blooming” sors, BNC National Bank, Chateau As we continue to grow as an orga- for everyone associated with the self Products, MiniCo Insurance Agency nization we would like to remind storage industry in Alabama. and U-Haul International; and our everyone that we covet your input. Promotional Sponsor, the Mini- We had a great turnout at our annual We always look to our members Storage Messenger. winter conference and trade show. A to give us new ideas and to make complete update will be in the next recommendations and suggestions After a day on the Legacy Golf Course edition of the SSA Globe magazine. on how we can better assist and serve for AZSA’s annual golf tournament Our next event will be the annual you. If you do have any comments, and lunch on May 13, join us May spring luncheon, which will be held ideas, or suggestions please send 14–15 at the Wild Horse Pass Hotel at the end of May. Our website will be them to Brent Fields at brent.fields@ and Casino in Chandler, Arizona. updated soon with information and docupak.com. Your suggestions and The conference kicks off on Tuesday registration details. comments will go directly to the morning with real estate appraiser Our new lien law bill continues to association board of directors for Chris Sonne. Chris has done many work its way through the political consideration. of AZSA’s market studies in the past process. We encourage you to If you have not joined the Alabama and rejoins us this year to present continue to write and call your repre- Self Storage Association we want the results and his analysis of the sentative and senator who represent you as a member of our team. Join current Arizona market study, based the district that your facility is located today and take advantage of all of on AZSA members’ survey responses. in. We have some form letters and the wonderful benefits for all of If you have not yet provided input, bullet points for discussion located our members. Some of those bene- please go on the website to take the on our website. Studies have shown fits include affordable member- survey at www.azselfstorage.org. As that grassroots efforts such as this are ship, advocacy and keeping an an expert on self storage as a special- extremely effective in the legislative ear to the ground in Montgomery, ized asset class, Chris specializes on process. If you have not donated to news and information, education the economics of self storage: data, our effort you can still do so. We will programs, networking and infor- research, market reports, feasibility, continue to accept donations to our mative meetings, communications valuation and consultation. Chris will lobbying effort until our bill is passed and publications, national associa- analyze our market data to identify as is and signed into law by Governor tion relationship and much more. rental rate and occupancy trends, Bentley. Donate online by visiting Join us today as membership in this operating cost and other pertinent www.alabamassa.org, or you can mail organization can make a difference. See Across the Country, page 44 MARCH 2013 SSA GLOBE PAGE 43 Across the Country, from page 43 On the second day of AZSA’s confer- ence and trade show, we will spice up factors to help you determine the the mix with expertise from beyond value of your business and set the our industry. Kirk Matson of Partners price of your goods and services. in Leadership will be our keynote Want to increase demand, occu- speaker. Partners in Leadership has pancy and income? Come hear authored three New York Times These Self Storage another industry favorite, Anne bestselling books, including The Oz Associations are Affiliated Ballard of Universal Management Principle: Getting Results Through with the SSA Company. Anne will stir things up Individual and Organizational Alabama with marketing strategies and opera- Accountability. In 50+ countries Arizona tional tactics that will make you want for more than two decades, Kirk’s Arkansas to tip your hat to The Hat Lady, as company has assisted thousands California she walks you through the steps to of businesses, including Microsoft, KBHome, Pfizer, McDonald’s, Time Colorado prepare your facility for customers, Warner, Red Robin, Alcoa, Nestle, Connecticut market effectively, generate more on-site visits and rent more units. Hard Rock Café, Best Buy, Ping, Florida Hormel, ADP, AstraZeneca, Cisco Real estate details are next with Georgia and many others. Kirk will share Ben Vestal, president of The Argus Idaho how greater accountability increases Self Storage Sales Network, and Bill revenue and profitability, reduces Illinois Alter of Rein & Grossohoeme and costs, and enables you to successfully Indiana an AZSA board member. Ben, with implement business initiatives. Kansas over $100 million in commercial real Louisiana estate brokerage transactions under We will round out the training Maine his belt, will discuss real estate and program with one of Arizona’s favor- Maryland investment trends in the self storage ites: Richard Marmor, Esq., founding industry. Bill will bring it all closer to member of AZSA, member of the Massachusetts board of directors, and chairman Michigan home by focusing on the Arizona self storage real estate market, which has of AZSA’s Legal and Legislative Mississippi been his focus for more than 25 years. Committee. Richard will share a Nevada Working with Denise Nunez, Bill condensed version of Arizona Lien New Jersey recently closed his 110th self storage and Auction Procedures, A to Z. He North Carolina sale. Bill is a founding member of may have to skip a consonant or two, North Dakota AZSA and a past recipient of the but Richard will address matters of Ohio association’s Pioneer Award. pressing concern to self storage oper- ators statewide. Oklahoma Back to the Arizona market, AZSA Oregon presents Jim Rounds, senior vice Wrapping up the training portion over lunch, AZSA conference Pennsylvania president and senior economist with attendees are in for a special treat. South Carolina Elliott D. Pollack and Company, one of Arizona’s premier providers of With thoughts on tomorrow’s market Tennessee economic and real estate consulting and yesterday’s foundation, we’ll Utah services. Jim will share insight on the bring you some good out of today Vermont Arizona economy and self storage as with self storage’s own “super hero,” Virginia a real estate class. Hardy Good. Founder of MiniCo, developer of the first self storage Washington State Capping off the first day of the facility in Hong Kong, and captain Wisconsin conference will be U-Haul’s Joe of one incredible yacht now that he ___ Shoen, president, chairman of the refers to himself as “semi-retired,” board, and chief executive officer Canada Hardy will encourage, teach and lead of Amerco, the holding company Federation of European us with his insight and experience. of U-Haul International, and son of Self Storage Associations Oh, and he will probably put a smile U-Haul founder Leonard Shoen. Joe on your face. Rental Storage Assoc. of Japan will share with us his view of the state Japan SSA of the self storage industry and join After lunch, the AZSA trade show Latin America SSA us at the kick-off reception and trade will host over 50 of the best industry SSA of Australasia show preview. vendors and service providers, eager to show you the latest technology, PAGE 44 SSA GLOBE MARCH 2013 products and developments in the our Fall Annual Conference will now ciation. Opportunities to become self storage industry. A silent auction be known as the West Coast Self more involved include committee will be held to benefit Kure It Cancer Storage Owners Conference. The participation, hosting an ambassador Research. speakers and content at this event meeting, working on our legislative Roundtables will cover a wide variety will be geared for owners and upper initiatives and much more. of current topics for owners, opera- level decision makers. The California The CSSA is always open to feedback, tors and managers, as you learn from Self Storage Association welcomes ideas and suggestions. Please do one another while discussing specific, you to experience the World Famous not hesitate to contact our office to industry-related issues. Napa Valley. This year’s venue, The learn more about our industry and/ Westin Verasa, is situated in walking And don’t forget our new venue: or organization. Call us anytime at distance from the Napa Valley Wine 949-783-4130, or visit our website: Wild Horse Pass, a Las Vegas-style Train, Oxbow Public Market and hotel and casino with comfortably www.californiaselfstorage.org.
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