Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00564-8 - Commerce and Its Discontents in Eighteenth-Century French Political Thought Anoush Fraser Terjanian Index More information Index abolition, 71, 72, 85, 94n2 America New World, 89 “adventurer” name given in, 104, 106, 129 Old World, 86 colonial presence in, 18, 48, 57 See also slavery Cornélius de Pauw on “Americans”, absolutism, 20n71, 70n9 75n27 Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, filibusterers of, 132 28n8, 46 Virginians’ and Marylanders’ Admiralty Court, 71–72, 83, 86 dependency on Old World, 58 adventurers, 103–5, 106, 113, 129, 130, American and French Research on the 132 Treasury of the French Language Aeneid (Virgil), 52, 65n145 (ARTFL), 69n5 Affair of the Indies Company. See Indies Amerindians. See Indians Company anagrams, 137, 148 Affiches, 29n9 “ancients” vs. “moderns”, 59–61 Africa debate on, 63 European control of, 75n27 Anderson, Wilda, 21n77, 60n131, goods exchange with Europe, 89 106n37 piracies in, 133 Andreau, Jean, 32n19 slavery in, 24, 71–72, 74–77, 86–88, Antilles, 73 169, 185 Appadurai, Arjun, 13n44 See also Guinea/Guineans; Aristotle, 31, 103n25, 122n88, 141n11 slave trade armateur. See ship-owner agriculture, 4n13, 65 Arnould, Ambroise-Marie, 151n45 Physiocrats on, 32–33, 51, 59, 116 artificial needs, 164 Voltaire on, 4n11 Augustine, 94n4 Alcibiades, 159 auri sacra fames, 52, 65n145 ambivalence See also gold in discourse of commerce, 16n56, avarice, 39, 132, 177 159–60, 161, 165 aventuriers, 104, 113n53 about luxury, 30, 59, 67 See also adventurers about monopoly, 140 as psychoanalytic category, 16, 186 Bachaumont, Louis Petit de, 150, 151n44 towards commerce, xii, 11 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 153 215 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00564-8 - Commerce and Its Discontents in Eighteenth-Century French Political Thought Anoush Fraser Terjanian Index More information 216 Index barbares, 15n51 Christianity, 43, 71n14 See also civilisation; moeurs Montesquieu’s thesis on, 83, 84 Bates, David W., 106n37, 38 Churchill, Winston, 2n5 beaver trade, 177, 178–79, 180–81 Cicero, 31, 32n19, 94, 99, 122, 123n90–24 Beccaria, Cesare, 150 civilisation Bell, David A., 2n6, 63n138 Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Belley, Jean-Baptiste, 183, 184 Lettres and, 28n8 Benot, Yves, 1n3, 72–73, 81n40 Freud on, 186–87 Benveniste, Émile, 10n31, 31n14, 41n58 HDI on, 18, 41n58 Berg, Maxine, 29n9 luxury and, 41n58, 48 besoins factices, 164 origin of term, 41 Bhabha, Homi, 16 Rousseau on, 63n139, 69n4, 186 Black Beard, legend of, 131 “civilised peoples” or “man”, 66, 70, Black Legend, 75 106 blé, term usage, 4n11 classical republicanism, 8n26, 30n13, See also grain trade 70n8, 122 Boétie, Estienne, de la, 69 Cleopatra, 57, 58 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 93n2, 183n6 climate Booth, James, 31n17 of Africa, 74 booty. See Grotius, Hugo; prize of the Indies, 170 boucanier. See buccaneer of the Middle Ages, 86 Boucher d’Argis, Gaspard, 102, 107, 141, Code Noir, 42n60 142, 143, 145, 146n29 coffee, 26, 54, 171 Boulainvilliers, Henri comte de, 69 Coke, Edward, 99n14, 131 Boulle, Pierre, 5n17, 72n15, 148 Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 124 buccaneer, 104–5, 106, 113–14, 115 policies of, 5 bulls, 62n137, 107, 113 See also mercantilism Bureau des colonies, 23, 90n78, 138 “colonial aphasia”, 22 Butel-Dumont, Georges-Marie, 46–51 Colonial Office, 23, 90n78, 138 colonies caisse d’escompte, 149 British, 18, 26 calicoes, 179 Dutch, 173 Calonne, Charles-Alexandre de, 152, 165n92 entry in Guyot’s Répertoire universel, Canada, 176 129 Cantillon, Richard, 7 European, 26 Cape of Good Hope, 147, 171, 173 fear of losing the, 165n93 Capital (Marx), 10 liberty of commerce in, 178 capres, 103 luxury goods from, 42, 48, 55n112, 58 Carra, Jean-Louis, 70 resource extraction from, 5 Cary, John, 47 slavery and, 42, 94n2, 171 Caspian Sea, 174 See also Bureau des colonies Champlain, Samuel de, 176 commerce Charlemagne, 166 “commerce amer”, 1n4 Charles, Loïc, 45n78 commerce odieux, 1n4, 88, 90, 165–66, Charlevoix, Pierre-François-Xavier de, 131 181 Châtelet, Émilie du, 44 etymology of, 10 Cheney, Paul, 3n8, 7n23, 20n71, 48n89, histories of, 23 138n3, 4 hymn to, 1, 23 Child, Josiah, 47 illicit, 90, 143, 145 Choiseul, duc de (Étienne-François), “in man”, 73, 88 47n87, 149 intendant de commerce (Vincent de policy of, 151 Gournay), 6, 148 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00564-8 - Commerce and Its Discontents in Eighteenth-Century French Political Thought Anoush Fraser Terjanian Index More information Index 217 intendantde commerce (Vincent de of confidence, 2n6 Gournay), 47 luxury and, 30 liberalisation of, 85, 87–88 of Seven Years War, 2, 44 ode to, 1–2 Cromwell, Oliver, 175 “traffic”, 141, 145 cruise, 101, 112–13, 114, 125 vil term and, 1n4 meaning of, 107 with the Indies, 150, 152, 161, 167, 171, Curran, Andrew, 95n6 175 See also doux commerce d’Alembert, Jean le Rond, 101n18, commercial society 104n27, 106n37, 38 expansion in France, 27–28 d’Orléans, Philippe, 7, 27 four stages theory on the rise of, 82 Davis, David Brion, 91n83 Freud and, 15n53 De iure praedae (Grotius), 95, 96, 117, Histoire des deux Indes on, 76 118n71, 72, 119n74 luxury and, 33, 49, 55, 67 See also Grotius, Hugo as a new phenomenon, 30–32 De l’Esprit des lois (Montesquieu), 14n48, Rousseau on, 186 19n67, 37n44 views of, 16 De officiis (Cicero), 30n13, 31, 99n14 Compagnie des Indes. See Indies Company definition, politics of, xii, 23–25, 97, 185 Compagnie Royale des Indes Orientales of piracy, 124 (CIO). See Indies Company See also dictionaries; Encyclopédie Company of the East Indies. See Indies Defoe, Daniel, 10n30, 96n8 Company Denisart, Jean-Baptiste, 126–27, 144–45 competition, 134, 145n24, 156 depopulation, 37n44 compilation Derrida, Jacques, 29n9 of HDI, 131 despotism of items in Dictionnaire universel de French Enlightenment and, 3n7 commerce, 96, 109 labour and, 180 of pirate narratives, 131 language used to represent, 70n8 of texts from Diderot to the empress of monopoly and, 138 Russia, 60 orientalisation of, 70 Conagi Angria (pirate), 130–31 slavery and, 24, 69n4, 70–71, 77 Condorcet, marquis de Dialogues sur le commerce des blés (Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat), (Galiani), 55n112, 139, 154n58, 157 163–64 Dickey, Laurence, 10n30 Conseil de Marine, 128 dictionaries Conseil des Prises, 128 bilingual, 102 Constant, Benjamin, 10n30, 30n12 of commerce, 13, 150 Constantinople, 56 Dictionary of, 23 Constituent Assembly. See National Assembly of French language, 10 consumption, luxury and, 27n3, 33, 38, of jurisprudence, 95, 96, 100, 126, 128, 48, 57 147 corps, 138, 163, 171, 173, 175–76 politics and, 23 monopolies of, 141, 185 See also Dictionnaire universel de corsaires and corsairs, 99–102, 103, commerce (Savary des Bruslons) 111–13, 115, 126–27 Dictionnaire universel de commerce corvée, 179 (Savary des Bruslons), 13, 95, 101, courir les bois, 178 104n28, 115, 117 course. See cruise piracy concepts, 108–9 Coxinga (pirate), 130, 134 Diderot, Denis crisis on book-banning, 20n69 Affair of the Indies Company, 149 as co-editor of Encyclopédie, 21 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00564-8 - Commerce and Its Discontents in Eighteenth-Century French Political Thought Anoush Fraser Terjanian Index More information 218 Index Diderot, Denis (cont.) Duval d’Eprémesnil, Jean-Jacques, 150 commentary on Morellet, 159, 160–61 on commerce as soul of the world, 187 East India Company. See Dutch East contradictions, 21, 62 India Company; English East India as contributor to HDI, 16, 21n77, 78 Company; Indies Company critique of Necker, 157–60 éclat, 58 crowning himself “King Denis”, 63 economic thought defence of Galiani, 161–62 and commerce in humans, 2 on definition of “definition”, 29n10 and doux commerce, 9, 11 on filibusterers, 132–33 Diderot and, 21 on gold, 61–63, 64, 65 history of, 5, 9, 48, 59 on Indies Company, 152–53, 157 influence of English writing on, 38 on luxury, 29–30, 44, 58–67 economics on monopoly, 140, 181 Anglophone origins of, 8 Raynal and, 171–72 classical and neoclassical, 7, 10 response to Lauraguais’s Mémoire, 156 connection to politics, 31 response to Morellet’s Mémoire, 153–56 histories of, xii Rousseau and, 34 science of, 7n25 on slavery, 81–82, 83–84, 86n60, 87, économistes. See Physiocrats 91–92 economy Discourses, The. See Rousseau, characterised by monopoly, 179 Jean-Jacques Diderot on, 162 Ditz, Toby, 32n19, 68n1 of France, 4n11 Dobie, Madeleine, 8n28, 9n29, 42n60, interdependence of, 162 55n110, 70n9, 100n17, 138n4 of New France, 180 dog, Alcibiades’s, 159 Quesnay on, 4 douceur, 12, 14, 100, 103, 187 sex and, 51 Douin de Caen, Firmin, 1 See also economics; political economy doux commerce écumeurs de mer. See sea-rovers gendered aspect of, 12n39 Edict Hirschman’s influence on, 11, 15n55, 17, of Compiègne, 142 85, 186 of Reunion, 147 in HDI, 87, 95, 185 education, 60, 61, 63 monopoly and, 136 Ehrard, Jean, 72 Montesquieu’s use of, 14–15 Encyclopédie origin and meaning, xii, 9–11, 12–13, 15 on adventurer term, 104, 113 slave trade and, 67, 89, 92 on buccaneer term, 114 vs. commerce amer, 1n4 connection to Dictionnaire universel, 96, vs. commerce odieux, 88–89 106, 108–9 Du contrat social (Rousseau), 68–69 on corsaire term, 113 See also Rousseau, Jean-Jacques on cruising, 107 Dubucq, Jean-Baptiste, 73n21, 149, 165n93 cultural forces of, 106 Duchet, Michèle, 21, 22n78, 69n4, 73n21, Diderot as co-editor of, 21 74n22, 81n42 Diderot’s
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