2016 Media & Marketing { PLANNER } JuNe 2015 Te Ofcial Magazine of the World Waterpark Association october/november 2015 Dollywood’s CONVENTION ISSUE Splash Country ation Turns 15! Pigeon Forge, Tenn., u.S.A. Te Ofcial Magazine of the World Waterpark Associ What A Wonderful SPLASHWORLD!In Provence, France Evolution Of A Waterpark At Illinois’ Bensenville Wat A Wonderful World Ofer ParkAquatics The City of Henderson, Nevada Splashing With Tropical Style! offers a great mix of aquatic ven At Tianmu Lake Water ues World in Jiangsu Province, China regina centre conference travelodge Hotel & Getting Totally Soaked! Soaked Waterpark! at adds Safari SplasH erpark case studies Giraffes, Snakes, Elephants & Waterslides! exas’ Fort Worth Zoo t sumption ratios using fve wat One Drop At A Time, Part II Understanding water con MAGAZINE The ONLY mONThLY magaziNe devOTed TO waTerparks & resOrTs & wwa ONLiNe CONNeCT A fast, convenient way to reach qualifed buyers in the water leisure industry Why {advertise?} “Some of the best “World Waterpark Magazine” and WWA Online Connect ofer you the inside track products we use in our to water leisure buyers and decision makers. More waterpark professionals read our publications than any others. Tat is because our publications ofer news, best practices, park have come from the park case studies and more—all contributed by members and other trusted industry profles and articles found sources. When you advertise with the WWA, you have the potential to reach an audience in ‘World Waterpark comprised of waterpark owners, operators, developers & administrators Magazine.’ It’s a must- who represent 10,000+ readers on the forefront of the water leisure industry, many read for any waterpark of whom make the purchasing decisions for their departments in their facilities. And operator.” when our members need solutions, they turn to the only monthly magazine devoted Chris swarTz completely to waterparks and resorts. wiLd wadi waTerpark july/august 2015 2015 jANUARY The Parrot Has rpark Association Splash Landed! Parrot Island Waterpark in Fort Te Ofcial Magazine of the World Wate smith, ar WAtERPARk sEGMENts u.s.a. kansas, Cartoon Network Amazone FoR MEMbER FACILItIEs: Takes InFlight Bangsaray, Thailand A ‘50s Classic Gets Modern Upgrades Del Mar Family aquatic Center in Aquafan Brings The Aqua Fun!aurora, Colorado argentina’s Parque de la Costa adds a waterpark to its attractions mix Get The Story of Adventure Reef the City of Kettering, Ohio’s waterpark renovation Other 3% Developer 15% innovation awaits! review convention preview Resort/Indoor 20% page 10 personalized It’s So Big & So New At Wet’n’Wild SplashTown In Houston, Texas, U.S.A. ia Posts That Drive Responses All Year How-To: Marketing ith unique attractions Public Make Effective Social Med A Fresh Take On A Beloved Brand serviCe Sector Great Wolf Lodge New England reopens w whenever you 20% need it! advertisers receive exposure in both the print and digital versions of “World Waterpark Magazine.” Outdoor 42% our services include designing an ad for you at no additional charge. WE MAkE MARkEtING EAsy! “I’ll help you launch a new product and answer your questions about this great industry.” CoNtACt: Patty Miller E-MAIL: [email protected] PhoNE: +1-913-381-6734 FAx: +1-913-381-6722 ouR 10,000 readers ARE: • WAtERPARk oWNERs & oPERAtoRs • REsoRt & hotEL oWNERs & MANAGERs MAGAZINE • DEvELoPERs & PRosPECtIvE DEvELoPERs • INtERNAtIoNAL FACILItIEs editorial • MuNICIPALIty MANAGERs & ADMINIstRAtoRs } content } IN-DEPth PARk How-To: MAINTENANCE hoW-to CoLuMNs CHOOSING THE RIGHT MANUAL WATER QUALITY TESTING METHOD AT YOUR PARK BY LEE HOVIS titrimetriC kits Titrimetric kits are primarily used to test dis- Tese columns cover FEAtuREs infection, total alkalinity and calcium hardness. Tese kits are more accurate than test blocks but replacement test chemicals are not as read- ily available. Titration tests are less subjective than those that compare colors through a viewer. Tese kits use color change as a determination factor, and depending on the test and sample size, Our features use a number factor to get the results. topics and technical test strips Test strips are also an alternative testing meth- While the science of maintaining od. Regarded mostly as a consumer product, these water quality has advanced THERE ONCE WAS A DAY when chemi- treated plastic strips ofer a quick check on pools. greatly, the manual test methods cal adjustments were only made afer manual Many states however do not accept test strips as still have a role to play in an ofcial testing method for commercial pools. operations. test were recorded. With chemical automation systems now the norm instead of a luxury item, An advantage of these tiny pieces of plastic is the issues with specifc, are content-rich some would believe that manual test kits are not fact that one strip can provide multiple test re- nearly as important as they once were. Afer all, sults with just one quick test. controllers check and maintain pool chemicals, eleCtroniC t e s t p r o b e s download reports, alert us when something is Electronic test probes ofers another quick check wrong and some can even backwash for us when test method. Using the same technology as auto- the flters need cleaning. Many of these control- mated controllers, these handheld portable devices Choosing the lers will even send staf text messages or calls can provide readings for pH, TDS, ORP, nitrates when something is not operating the way it is succinct insight and articles that and others. Advances in technology have made right kit for setup to operate. While we do depend on our au- these once expensive tools much more afordable. tomated controllers more and more, we should Drawbacks include the need for constant calibra- your facility not and cannot forget the importance of manual tion and proper storage; while a quick accurate pool checks. reading is an advantage worth considering. A Waterpark Tere are several reasons why manual pool can depend checks still matter to your facility, including cali- Choosing the right method for you: brating the controllers, meeting the local code Before you throw out your old test kit for the on your need, latest and greatest in technology or those massive direction on how to focus on in-park requirements and checking water balance chem- istry that cannot be checked with normal auto- test kits that can check one hundred and one dif- your code mation systems. ferent types of pool chemistry, here are a few sug- With Plenty of Choosing the right kit for your facility can de- gestions that may help on the selection process. pend on your need, your code requirements or Most government agencies and staf are prohib- Warner Beach Park offers a requirements ited from providing recommendations on specifc solarium with a sandy beach even your personal preference. Diferent methods where guests can play and or even your have diferent pros and cons. Here, we will look at kits or testing methods. Tey must allow the opera- sunbathe. these diferent methods in more detail. tor to make selections based on the code require- complete a specifc ments. However, fnding out which test kit your innovations and ColormetriC t e s t i n g ant to swim with Scooby Doo? Or catch some Adding a splash to the mix personal local Heath Department ofcials use during site in- rays with Betty Rubble and Wilma Flintstone? One thing that sets Parque Warner apart from other parks is it Colorimetric testing (probably the most com- spections can beneft your facility. Diferent meth- Character! Well, guests of Warner Beach Park can do that represents Hollywood´s atmosphere and glamour. As its core ap- preference. monly used) relies on reagents in water samples ods can produce diferent results so it can be helpful W to allow the operator to compare colors from a and much more when they visit Parque Warner peal, the park features six amazing thematic areas that are visited to test the same way that the inspectors are testing. Madrid’s latest addition. by over a million people every season. test block. Some use tablets while others use Health ofcials also appreciate your desire to use Opened in April 2002, Parque Warner Madrid is one of the New last season, Parque Warner Madrid added its sixth themed droppers. Because these kits are more widely the same methods that they use (not ofcially of Warner Beach park most complete and modern amusement parks in Europe—thanks area in 2014 at a budget of 8.5 million Euros (approx. $9.6 mil- used, replacement reagents are easily found. Te course). Forging a strong relationship with your lo- longevity of these kits can vary but most should project or solve a in part to its amazing services, which make a guest’s visit pleasant lion). Te park unveiled Warner Beach Park, its new unique developments. We cal inspectors is a critical need of any pool operator. and easy, and the park’s solid location in San Martin de la Vega, aquatic park in Spain—a place where visitors can chill out, enjoy be replaced afer one season. Te reagents them- Consider the staf that will be responsible for features fun attractions and plenty of theming only 28 kilometers (approx. 17 miles) from Madrid. and rest surrounded with their favorite Warner Bros. character, selves should be stored in cool areas out of sun- taking your pool readings and making adjust- Te park has been managed by Parques Reunidos since 2007. including “Looney Tunes,” “the Flintstones,” “Scooby Doo” and light. Failure to properly store and protect these ments. Staf abilities vary just as much as pizza that celebrate the park’s cartoon connections. Parques Reunidos is the second largest leisure park operator in Europe.
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