Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02072-6 - Ancient and Modern Democracy: Two Concepts of Liberty? Wilfried Nippel Index More information Index “f.” after page numbers means: ‘and following page’ Abbt, Thomas (1738–1766), 114 Antonius [Marcus Antonius] (83–30 BC), 138 , abolitionists, 143 , 176 , 266 , 361 ; see also 161 , 167fn108 slavery Anytus († after 395 BC), 41fn128 , 237 Acton; see Dalberg-Acton archons Adams, John (1735–1826), 119fn4 , 120 , in Athens, 17f. , 20 , 23 , 40 , 51f. , 57 , 125f. , 129 , 131 , 133 , 135f. , 145f. , 157 , 213 , 231 186fn207 , 250 in Naples, 188 Addison, Joseph (1672–1719), 123 Arendt, Hannah (1906–1975), 158 , 345f. , 365 Adler, Georg (1863–1908), 231 Areopagus, 18 , 20f. , 51 , 72 , 172fn145 Aeschines (389–314 BC), 40fn121 , Arginusae trial, 208 , 218 , 221 , 231 , 234 – 236 , 42fn137 , 70 238 , 243 , 257 , 320 , 345 , 352 , 362 Aeschylus (525–456 BC), 74 Aristides (†c. 467 BC), 16fn26 , 31fn85 , Agis IV, Spartan King (244–241 BC), 93 122f. , 343 agrarian laws, 96 , 138fn113 , 183f. , 260fn78 , aristocracy, concept of, 75 , 82 , 85 , 95f. , 125 , 320fn27 , 332 135 , 280 , 289 , 358 Alcibiades (450–404 BC), 15fn20 , 17 , Aristogeiton (†514 BC), 12 , 163 43fn142 , 49 , 63 , 66fn259 , 77 , 96 , 232f. , Aristophanes (c. 445–386 BC), 17 , 22 , 25 , 237 , 245fn150 , 263 , 272 , 314 47f. , 56 , 82 , 105 , 172 , 237 , 241 , 255 , Alexander III, the Great, King of Macedon 264 , 269 , 309 (336–323 BC, *356), 73 , 189 , 245 , Aristotle (384–322 BC), 30 , 71 , 75 , 79 , 81 – 83 , 258 , 272 86 , 88 , 94f. , 98f. , 121 , 134 , 143 , 152 , amnesty, Athenian of 403 BC, 39 , 64f. , 206 , 226 , 231f. , 249fn11 , 258 , 270 , 276 , 218f. , 232fn70 , 257 279 , 311fn177 , 345 , 349fn60 , 351 , 353 Amyot, Jacques (1513–1593), 112 Arndt, Ernst Moritz (1769–1860), 199 Anacharsis, legendary Scythian prince, 111 , 178 Aspasia († after 428 BC), 24fn53 , 32fn92 , 122 Anne, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland assembly, popular (1702–1714, *1665), 91 in Athens, 15f. , 19f. , 32 – 48 , 55 , 61 – 63 , Antigonus Gonatas, King of Macedon 66 – 72 , 79fn1 , 80 – 83 , 95 , 99 , 102 , 126 , (283–239 BC, *c. 319), 105 196 , 216 , 221f. , 228 , 231 , 234f. , 241 , Antipatros, Vice-Regent of Macedon 244 , 264 , 306 , 334 , 343 , 345 , 347 (†319 BC), 272 in Rome, 84f. , 108 , 112f. , 310f. Antiphon of Rhamnus (c. 480–411 BC), 54 in Sparta, 84f. Antisthenes (c. 455–360 BC), 80 Athenaeus (3rd century AD), 109 , 199 , 250 375 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02072-6 - Ancient and Modern Democracy: Two Concepts of Liberty? Wilfried Nippel Index More information 376 Index Augustine [Aurelius Augustinus] Bodin, Jean (1529/30–1596), 82f. , 88 , 98 (354–430), 85 Bogner, Hans (1885–1948), 326 Augustus, Roman Emperor (27 BC–14 AD, Bolingbroke [Henry St. John, 1st Viscount *63 BC), 93 , 138 , 159 , 167fn108 , Bolingbroke] (1678–1751), 91 , 139 189 , 324 Bonald, Louis Gabriel Ambroise de (1754–1840), 209 Babeuf, François Noël [‘Gracchus’] Bonaparte, Louis; see Napoleon III (1760–1797), 181 , 183 – 185 , 250fn15 Boutmy, Émile (1835–1906), 150f. Bakunin, Michail Alexandrowitsch Brissot [de Warville], Jacques Pierre (1814–1876), 269fn137 , 303 (1754–1793), 152fn22 , 153 , 165 , 169 , ballot, secret vote, 22fn47 , 34 , 38 , 47 , 54 , 56f. , 174fn154 , 175 67 , 113 , 179fn177 , 236f. , 253 , 259fn75 , Bruni, Leonardo (1369–1444), 86 262f. , 295 , 310f. , 312fn181 , 313 , 318 Brutus [Lucius Iunius Brutus] (Roman consul Bamberger, Ludwig (1823–1899), 294 509 BC), 122 – 124 , 140 , 159 , 162f. , 182 Barère, Bertrand (1755–1841), 191 Brutus [Marcus Iunius Brutus] (85–42 BC), Barnave, Antoine (1761–1793), 153 122 – 124 , 140 , 160 , 163 , 188 Barthélemy, Jean Jacques (1716–1795), 111 , Bulwer-Lytton, Edward (1803–1873), 256 159 , 178 Buonarroti, Filippo (1761–1837), 181 , 185 Bauer, Bruno (1809–1882), 178 Burckhardt, Jacob (1818–1897), 2 , 215 – 219 , Baumgarten, Hermann (1825–1893), 224 – 226 , 273 , 333 , 353f. 278f. , 295f. Burke, Edmund (1729–1797), 116 , 135 , 152 , Bebel, August (1840–1913), 303 , 308 175 , 187fn215 , 198 , 248 , 255 Beccaria, Cesare (1738–1794), 60 Bürkli, Karl (1823–1901), 300 Belgium, 263 , 284 , 307fn156 , 314 Byron, George Gordon [Lord Byron] Beloch, Karl Julius (1854–1929), 221 , 224 , (1788–1824), 279 271 , 319 , 325fn56 Below, Georg von (1858–1927), 314 Caesar [Gaius Iulius Caesar] (100–44 BC), Bentham, Jeremy (1748–1832), 174 , 251 , 6 , 97 , 103 , 123 , 134 , 146 , 159f. , 163 , 262fn93 , 266fn121 165 – 167 , 169 , 189 , 296 , 324 , 327 , 331f. Bergk, Theodor (1812–1881), 241f. Caesarism, 293 – 296 , 327 Berlin, Isaiah (1909–1997), 210fn31 , 348 Camillus [Marcus Furius Camillus] (†364 BC), Bernstein, Eduard (1850–1932), 101 , 301 122f. , 163 , 183 Berve, Helmut (1896–1979), 329 , 335 – 337 Campe, Joachim Heinrich (1746–1818), 148f. Besold, Christoph (1577–1638), 88 Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881), 154 , 250 , 289 bicameralism; see two-chamber system Cassander, King of Macedon Biedermann, Karl (1812–1901), 290 (305–297 BC, *c. 355), 65 Bill of attainder, 166fn97 , 236 , 255 Catilina [Lucius Sergius Catilina] (108–62 Billaud-Varenne, Jean Jacques Nicolas BC), 161 , 164 – 166 , 169 (1756–1819), 170 , 191 Cato [Marcus Porcius Cato ‘Censorius’] Bismarck, Otto von (1815–1898), 242 , 264 , (234–149 BC), 122 – 124 , 163 , 238 , 255f. 272 , 295 – 298 , 303 , 312fn183 , 326f. Cato [Marcus Porcius Cato ‘Uticensis’] (95–46 Blackie, John Stuart (1809–1895), 267f. BC), 122 – 124 , 163 , 188 Blackstone, William (1723–1780), 90 , 120 , censors, Roman, 45 , 112 , 130fn66 , 206fn9 , 283fn25 209 , 220 Blanc, Louis (1811–1882), 287 , 301fn118 Chamberlain, Houston Stewart (1855–1927), Blanqui, Louis-Auguste (1805–1881), 185 , 277 , 309fn168 292 , 303 Charlemagne [Charles the Great], Frankish King, Bleicken, Jochen (1926–2005), 353f. Roman Emperor (768/800–814, *742), 189 Blos, Wilhelm (1849–1927), 202 Charles I, King of England, Scotland and Bluntschli, Johann Caspar (1808–1881), Ireland (1625–1649, *1600), 89f. , 275 , 280 94fn81 , 136 , 164fn89 , 167 , 255 Böckh, August (1785–1867), 109 , 215 , Charles II, King of England, Scotland and 226f. , 252f. Ireland (1660–1685, *1630), 100 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02072-6 - Ancient and Modern Democracy: Two Concepts of Liberty? Wilfried Nippel Index More information Index 377 Charles X, King of France (1824–1830, Constitution *1757, †1836), 282 concept(s) of, 3f. , 68f. , 100 , 127 , 139 , Chartists, 102 , 249f. , 264fn109 , 267f. , 286 149 – 156 , 171 , 187fn215 , 227 , 249f. , 255 , Chateaubriand, François-René de 279 , 281 – 283 , 357 , 359f. , 362 – 364 (1768–1848), 198 mixed constitution, 6fn12 , 84f. , 87 , 89 – 94 , checks and balances; separation, division 98 , 99fn105 , 124f. , 133 , 136 , 146 , 157 , of powers, 4 , 68 , 87 , 91 , 125 , 133 , 186 , 250 , 353 136 , 138f. , 147 , 151 , 156f. , 194 , revision of constitutions, 130 , 143f. , 225 , 281 , 288 , 350 , 352 – 354 , 155 , 306f. 363fn32 constitutional conventions, 100fn114 , 131 , Chénier, André Marie de (1762–1794), 162 143 , 155 , 171fn138 , 249 Cicero [Marcus Tullius Cicero] (106–43 constitutional courts, 68f. , 186 , 188 , 347 , BC), 62 , 79 , 85f. , 93 , 121f. , 125 , 160f. , 364fn36 164 – 166 , 188f. , 213 , 224 , 249fn11 constitutional monarchy, 153 , 158 , 281 , 283f. Cimon (c. 510–c. 450 BC), 15 , 16fn26 , consuls, consulate 20fn39 , 47 in France, 188f. Cincinnatus [Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus] in Rome, 84 , 123 , 138 , 160 , 189 (c. 519–c. 430 BC), 122 – 124 , 163 Corneille, Pierre (1606–1684), 105 Cleisthenes († after 507 BC), 1 , 12 – 14 , 18 , Cornelius Nepos (c. 110/100–c. 25 BC), 161f. 245 , 254 , 350 Cortés, Donoso (1809–1853), 155fn36 , Clemenceau, Georges (1841–1929), 321 292 , 317 Cleon (†422 BC), 43fn141 , 47f. , 62fn240 , 76 , Council of 500 81 , 196 , 221 , 228 , 231 , 241 , 255f. , 264 , in Athens, 13 , 20 , 23 , 33 – 40 , 43fn141 , 63f. , 269 , 271 , 298 , 308f. , 314 , 343 67f. , 70 , 81f. , 95 , 110 , 232 , 235 Cleophon (†404 BC), 232 in France, 186 Cloots, Jean-Baptiste [‘Anacharsis’] councils of workers, 302 – 304 , 318 , 365 (1755–1794), 177f. Couthon, Georges (1755–1794), 165 , 168f. Coke, Edward (1552–1634), 120 , 141 Critias (†403 BC), 237 Collot-d’Herbois, Jean-Marie (1749–1796), Cromwell, Oliver (1599–1658), 93f. , 96f. , 170fn126 , 191 100f. , 124 , 134 , 152fn20 , 166f. , 169 , comedy, Athenian, 30 , 32 , 54 , 82 , 172 , 217 , 182 , 304 240 – 242 , 269 , 348 , 355 Crossman, Richard (1907–1974), 341 Committee of Public Safety, 152fn22 , Cucumus, Conrad (1792–1861), 275 155fn39 , 156 , 165 , 168 , 170 , 172 , 177 , 191fn3 , 192 , 197 , 234 , 250 , 303 Dahlmann, Friedrich Christoph (1785–1860), commonwealth, concept of, 93fn77 , 94 171 , 203 , 283fn25 Commune of Paris Dalberg-Acton, John Emerich Edward [Lord during the French Revolution, 167 , 181 Acton] (1834–1902), 218f. , 224 , 340 in 1871, 200 , 302 – 304 , 365 Danton, Georges (1759–1794), 166 – 168 , communism, communists, 83 , 101 , 111 , 185 , 169fn119 , 176 , 180 270 , 286 – 288 , 294 , 311 , 317 , 328 David, Eduard (1863–1930), 317f. Condorcet [Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas David, Jacque-Louis (1748–1825), 159 , 161 , Caritat, Marquis de C.] (1743–1794), 163 , 174 150f. , 154 – 157 , 174f. , 177 , 193 , 195 , De Lolme [Delolme], Jean Louis (1740–1806), 205 , 301fn118 , 306 , 348 91 , 157 , 283fn25 confederations, ancient, 107 , 121f. Declarations (Bills) of Rights, 61 , 118 , Connecticut, constitution
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