Guide to the Walvis Bay Corridors CONTENTSCONTENTS WELCOMEWELcoME NOTENote 02 30 38 44 e are excited to bring to you the More than 19,000 copies tion on using the Walvis Bay fourth edition of the “Guide to the have been distributed to Corridors. I would further WELCOME NOTE 02. NAMIBIAN 04. WALVIS BAY- 06. trans-OranJe various countries around like to express my sincere Walvis Bay Corridors”. PORTS AUTHORITY NDOLA- CORRIDOR W the world since the launch gratitude to the publishers, The Port of Walvis Bay LUBUMBASHI Distance table of our first edition in 2009. advertisers and stakehold- The Port of Lüderitz DEVELOPMENT Border post operating The Guide serves as an im- dors. Information about the The “Guide to the Walvis ers who have made the pro- 04 CORRIDOR hours portant strategic promotion- Port of Walvis Bay and the Bay Corridors” is distribut- duction and distribution of Distance table Customs and road al tool that provides general Botswana and Zambian Dry ed to the national, regional the third “Guide to the Walvis authorities 01. WALVIS BAY Border post operating information on the Walvis Ports are featured in this and international market Bay Corridors” possible. 34 hours Bay Corridors. This includes publication. As Namibia con- including the various Na- CORRIDOR GROUP Members of the Walvis Customs and road the members of the Walvis tinues to develop itself into mibian Embassies and High Bay Corridor Group 03. TRANS authorities Bay Corridor Group (WBCG), a gateway for the region, we Commissions abroad and at 46 Johny M. Smith Strategic Partnerships KALAHARI CORRIDOR the unique Public Private further promote intercon- various awareness creating Chief Executive Officer Benefits of using the Distance table 07. GENERAL Partnership arrangement, nectivity between the coun- platforms. Supplementary Walvis Bay Corridor Group Walvis Bay Corridor Group Transit table INFORMATION the various projects that the tries in the SADC Region. distribution is done through 42 Projects: Port and railway WBCG embarks upon and the With contact details and the WBCG branches in Lusa- Border post operating - Logistics Hub Project hours Information benefits of using the Walvis company profiles, the “Guide ka, Zambia, Gauteng, South 05. trans-Cunene - Spatial Development Shipping lines and routes Bay Corridors. to the Walvis Bay Corridors” Africa, Lubumbashi, DRC and Customs and road CORRIDOR Initiatives authorities is an asserted effort to- Sao Paulo, Brazil to create Distance table - WBCG Wellness Service With this Guidebook, we aim wards promoting the Walvis further awareness in each of - Corridor management Border post operating to share vital information Bay Corridors as economic those markets. roles hours 48 about the Walvis Bay Cor- stimulants for the country Achievements of the Customs and road ridor Group, our corridors and agents in infrastructure We believe that this Guide Walvis Bay Corridor Group authorities COMPANY and the main projects we development. will add immense value to ADDRESSES manage to improve the ser- your business by providing vices provided on our corri- you with relevant informa- 4 5 tify, formulate and manage proach will scale up health ture, fisheries and logistics This has been supported by Corridor projects, in order to service provision and create sectors. the National Development ensure and mobilise interna- demand for health services, Plan 5 (NDP5) that has made tional support and funding. while also improving health- With the rapid growth in provision for the develop- WALVIS BAY seeking behaviours amongst cargo volumes along the ment of a Logistics Hub, WALVIS BAY transport workers. The WBCG Wellness Service Walvis Bay Corridors through hence the NDP5 has priori- Programme is proactively in- the Port of Walvis Bay and tised the creation of a Logis- CORRIDOR volved in mainstreaming the To further support the ac- the benefits that the trade tics Hub. Already, the Port of HIV/AIDS response by as- celeration of corridor de- routes have to offer, Namibia Walvis Bay is gearing itself to sisting transport companies velopment, the Ministry of has been identified to be- accommodate the increased GROUP in Namibia to design and Industrialisation, Trade and come the Logistics Hub for capacity through the port CORRIDOR GROUPimplement workplace HIV/ SME Development in Na- Southern Africa. The Port of expansion. AIDS wellness interventions. mibia with the support of Walvis Bay, with its deep-wa- The programme also focuses the Department of Trade in ter depth and stable weath- on developing and commu- South Africa has mandated er conditions, is strategically 01 from both the public and a Memorandum of Under- he Walvis Bay Corridor Group nicating a clear workplace the WBCG to identify ways of located to accelerate the private sector. The partner- standing between Botswana, (WBCG) was established in 2000 to policy, peer education, ac- attracting investment along growth of the SADC region by ship allows for the pooling Namibia and South Africa cess to voluntary counsel- the Walvis Bay Corridors providing a good option of engage in business development of resources, expertise and in 2003. The WBCG has also Tactivities - thereby increasing cargo for ling and testing for the Na- through the Spatial Devel- gateway for Southern Africa, authorities from both the led the process to develop mibian transport sector by opment Initiative (SDI) pro- hence costs and time sav- ports and corridors linked to it, and to regulators and the opera- a transport forum along the facilitating the effective de- gramme. The SDI programme ings are achieved along the tors, who together form an Walvis Bay-Ndola-Lumbum- engage in the facilitation of corridor and velopment and implementa- aims to increase the scale of Walvis Bay Corridors by of- integrated transport and lo- bashi Corridor between Na- infrastructure development. tion of HIV/AIDS workplace/ economic activity and im- fering the shortest possible gistics service for potential mibia and Zambia in 2005 wellness programmes. It has prove the diversity of eco- regional route on the west The Walvis Bay Corridors are The Trans Kalahari Corridor customers. which has evolved into the become apparent that to ad- nomic activity along these coast. an integrated system of well- links the Port of Walvis Bay Walvis Bay-Ndola-Lubum- dress the health needs of corridors, thereby enhancing maintained tarred roads and to Gaborone and Gauteng in Due to the Group’s consti- bashi Corridor Development hard to reach populations the economic growth of the rail networks – accommodat- South Africa. From there, this tution as a PPP, it is able Committee between the such as long-distance truck region. The initial focus in ing all modes of transport – Corridor links with the Mapu- to lean on the public sec- Democratic Republic of the drivers, the project has had terms of economic activities from the Port of Walvis Bay to Corridor on the east coast tor for advice and action Congo, Namibia and Zambia, to implement a mixed model will be on the mining, tour- via the Trans Kalahari, Walvis of southern Africa. The Walvis on issues such as customs, in 2010. approach with a principle of ism, manufacturing, agricul- Bay-Ndola-Lumbumbashi Bay-Ndola-Lubumbashi De- transport regulation and in- combining static wellness Corridor, Trans-Cunene and velopment Corridor accesses frastructure development, The Walvis Bay Corridor centres, mobile wellness Trans-Oranje Corridors pro- the landlocked countries while the private sector can Group has a branch office clinics/facilities with on-site viding landlocked SADC of the Democratic Republic focus on business develop- that facilitates business de- HIV/AIDS and wellness work- countries access to the glob- of Congo, Zambia, Zimba- ment such as marketing and velopment in Lusaka, Zam- place interventions. This ap- al market. bwe and Malawi. The Trans- making practical operational bia, and in Johannesburg, Cunene Corridor extends proposals and logistics so- South Africa, Lubumbashi, Cargo offloaded at the Port through northern Namibia lutions. Both arms provide DRC, and Sao Paulo, Brazil. of Walvis Bay is handled with into southern Angola, and input into developing hu- state-of-the-art machinery serving the country up to Lu- man resources, the institu- The WBCG has developed a and in record turnaround anda. The Trans-Oranje Corri- tions themselves, and the new Strategic Plan for 2016 time. The Port is congestion- dor links the Port of Lüderitz associated infrastructure. – 2021, which focuses on ef- free, and its facilities are of a through the south of Namibia The WBCG has also extend- forts to increase cargo vol- world-class standard, which with the Northern Cape Prov- ed its footprint by develop- umes for the port of Walvis ensures that cargo is han- ince of South Africa. ing transport forums, based Bay and the Walvis Bay Cor- dled reliably and safely. Car- on the PPP principle across ridors, as well as on enhanc- go then makes its way from The Walvis Bay Corridor the borders of Namibia with ing the competitiveness of the Port along one of the Group’s main organisa- neighbouring countries. The the Corridors. Corridors across Namibia tional strength is its unique first transport forum that and into neighbouring SADC public-private partnership was set up was the Trans In support of this, the Group countries. (PPP) set-up of transport Kalahari Corridor Manage- established a portfolio for and logistics stakeholders ment Committee through projects & funding to iden- 6 7 Guide to the Walvis Bay Corridors
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