TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from the President 1 Message from the Vice-President for the Loyola Schools 3 The Ateneo Education 5 History of the Ateneo de Manila University and the Loyola Schools 7 Vision and Mission of the Ateneo de Manila University 8 Purposes and Aims of the Loyola Schools 8 Vision of the Loyola Schools 9 Goals of the Loyola Schools 10 Specific Objectives of the Loyola Schools 11 The School of Humanities 11 The John Gokongwei School of Management 11 The School of Science and Engineering 12 The School of Social Sciences 12 The Government of the Loyola Schools 12 University Organizational Chart 15 Loyola Schools Organizational Chart 16 Commitment to Excellence 17 Academic Curriculum 19 Core Curriculum 19 Major Curriculum 19 The School of Humanities 19 The John Gokongwei School of Management 20 The School of Science and Engineering 20 The School of Social Sciences 21 Teaching Excellence 22 Answering the Call to Service 22 Nurturing the Ateneo Spirit 23 Admissions 25 Guidelines for Local Applicants 27 Guidelines for International Applicants 28 Guidelines for Transfer Applicants 30 Ateneo Provincial Testing Centers 32 Ateneo International Testing Centers 33 Scholarships 34 Merit Scholarships 34 Academic Scholarships 34 Athletic Scholarships 34 Financial Aid Grants 34 Credit by Examination Program 36 Advanced Placement Program 36 Student Services 39 Student Welfare Services 42 Registration and Documents Services 42 Guidance and Counseling Services 47 Health Services 48 Food Services 50 Career and Placement Services 52 Student Housing Services 53 Financial Aid Services 55 International Student Assistance 56 Student Emergency Assistance 57 Safety and Security Services 58 Logistics and Equipment Assistance 59 Student Development 60 The Loyola Schools Integrated Ateneo Formation (InAF) Program 60 Campus Ministry Services 63 Student Organizations and Activities 64 Student Government 65 Council of Organizations of the Ateneo 66 Leadership Development Programs 67 Student Publications 68 Sports Development Programs 69 Learning Support Resources 70 Ateneo Art Gallery 72 Merchandising and Commercial Resources 74 Loyola Schools Regulations 75 General Regulations 77 Academic Regulations 78 The Core Curriculum 87 The School of Humanities 99 Academic Degrees, Curricula and Course Offerings Department of English 101 Department of Filipino/Kagawaran ng Filipino 111 Fine Arts Program 123 Department of Interdisciplinary Studies 149 Department of Modern Languages 163 Department of Philosophy 169 Department of Theology 179 The John Gokongwei School of Management 183 Academic Degrees, Curricula and Course Offerings Department of Finance and Accounting 195 Department of Leadership and Strategy 203 Department of Marketing and Law 215 Department of Quantitative Methods and Information Technology 223 The School of Science and Engineering 235 Academic Degrees, Curricula and Course Offerings Science and Society 237 Department of Biology 239 Department of Chemistry 253 Department of Electronics, Computer, and Communications 275 Engineering Department of Environmental Science 291 Health Sciences Program 297 Department of Information Systems and Computer Science 303 Department of Mathematics 323 Department of Physics 337 The School of Social Sciences 353 Academic Degrees, Curricula and Course Offerings Chinese Studies Program 355 Department of Communication 367 Developmental Studies Program 381 Department of Economics 391 Department of Education 403 European Studies Program 407 Department of History 415 Japanese Studies Program 427 Department of Political Science 433 Department of Psychology 453 Department of Sociology and Anthropology 461 The Physical Education Program 473 Course Offerings 476 Song for Mary 481 Campus Map 483 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Ateneo de Manila University On behalf of the Ateneo de Manila University community, I would like to welcome you to the Loyola Schools. In this Undergraduate Bulletin of Information, you will find all the information about the services of the Ateneo de Manila and the Loyola Schools that you will need to make your studies and work productive. There is also a brief history of the University, its vision and mission, and its various “ways of proceeding” in its service of our people. As you spend this important time of your life here at the Ateneo, we hope that you will come to understand, appreciate, and share fully in the mission that is the Ateneo de Manila. We take pride in the excellent quality of our faculty and staff, and in the depth of our academic and formation programs that seek to form the whole person for others. May this Bulletin of Information be your guide in your journey of formation here at the Ateneo de Manila. With my best wishes, I remain Very truly yours, JOSE RAMON T VILLARIN, SJ President MESSAGE FROM THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR THE LOYOLA SCHOOLS More than one hundred fifty years after the establishment of the school that would become the Ateneo de Manila University, the Loyola Schools remains committed to the same tradition of excellence and service inspired by the values of St. Ignatius of Loyola and the Society of Jesus. In keeping with the times, this tradition has now been redefined in the context of global competitiveness, a uniquely Filipino and Asian perspective, and transformative leadership. Our undergraduate courses and programs are designed to mold you, our undergraduate students, into outstanding professionals who are not only capable of leading, but also committed to serving. We hope that by the time you graduate, you would have been formed into a leader who will contribute to development in your chosen field as well as positive transformation in society. This Undergraduate Bulletin of Information serves as your guide through the different facets of undergraduate education in the Loyola Schools, from admission processes and tuition scholarships, to curricula and course descriptions. It is also an invitation to engage in the vision and mission of the university. We invite you to join us in our journey. Welcome to the Loyola Schools! JOHN PAUL C. VERGARA, Ph.D. Vice President for the Loyola Schools thethe ATENEOATENEO EDUCATIONEDUCATION HISTORYȱOFȱTHEȱATENEOȱDEȱMANILAȱUNIVERSITYȱ ANDȱTHEȱLOYOLAȱSCHOOLSȱ Theȱ Ateneoȱ deȱ Manilaȱ Universityȱ tracesȱ itsȱ rootsȱ toȱ 1859ȱ when,ȱ atȱ theȱ requestȱ ofȱ theȱ Cityȱ ofȱ Manila,ȱtheȱJesuitsȱtookȱoverȱtheȱEscuelaȱMunicipalȱinȱIntramuros,ȱtheȱwalledȱcityȱofȱManila.ȱAȱ primaryȱschoolȱoriginallyȱintendedȱforȱtheȱsonsȱofȱSpaniards,ȱtheȱEscuelaȱMunicipalȱwasȱopenedȱ byȱtheȱJesuitsȱtoȱnativeȱFilipinosȱasȱwell.ȱInȱ1865,ȱtheȱJesuitsȱreceivedȱgovernmentȱapprovalȱtoȱaddȱ aȱfiveȬyearȱprogramȱleadingȱtoȱtheȱdegreeȱofȱBachelorȱofȱArts.ȱInȱkeepingȱwithȱitsȱnewȱacademicȱ status,ȱtheȱschoolȱwasȱrenamedȱtheȱAteneoȱMunicipalȱdeȱManila.ȱAmongȱtheȱgraduatesȱinȱthoseȱ earlyȱdecadesȱwasȱJoseȱProtacioȱRizalȱ(A.B.ȱ1877).ȱȱ Withȱtheȱwithdrawalȱofȱcityȱsubsidyȱinȱ1901,ȱtheȱAteneoȱbecameȱaȱprivateȱinstitution,ȱdroppingȱ theȱwordȱ“Municipal”ȱfromȱitsȱofficialȱname.ȱInȱ1921,ȱtheȱAmericanȱJesuitsȱofȱtheȱMarylandȬNewȱ YorkȱProvinceȱreplacedȱtheȱSpanishȱJesuitsȱasȱteachersȱandȱadministratorsȱofȱtheȱAteneo.ȱȱ Theȱ Intramurosȱ fireȱ ofȱ 1932ȱ completelyȱ destroyedȱ theȱ Ateneoȱ buildings,ȱ forcingȱ theȱ schoolȱ toȱ moveȱ toȱ aȱ newȱ locationȱ onȱ Padreȱ Fauraȱ Street,ȱ Ermita.ȱ Duringȱ theȱ battleȱ forȱ theȱ liberationȱ ofȱ Manila,ȱ theȱ Padreȱ Fauraȱ complexȱ ofȱ buildingsȱ wasȱ razed.ȱ Temporaryȱ structuresȱ wereȱ quicklyȱ built,ȱbutȱinȱ1952,ȱtheȱAteneoȱmovedȱtoȱitsȱpresentȱspaciousȱcampusȱinȱLoyolaȱHeights,ȱQuezonȱ City.ȱȱ Inȱ 1958,ȱ theȱ Societyȱ ofȱ Jesusȱ inȱ theȱ Philippinesȱ wasȱ raisedȱ toȱ theȱ statusȱ ofȱ aȱ fullȱ province.ȱ AdministrationȱofȱtheȱAteneoȱpassedȱfromȱtheȱNewȱYorkȱtoȱtheȱPhilippineȱProvinceȱofȱtheȱSocietyȱ ofȱJesus,ȱandȱshortlyȱafter,ȱtheȱfirstȱFilipinoȱRector/PresidentȱofȱtheȱAteneoȱwasȱnamed.ȱSinceȱtheȱ growthȱofȱtheȱAteneoȱdemandedȱaȱnewȱstatus,ȱtheȱschoolȱobtainedȱitsȱcharterȱasȱaȱuniversityȱinȱ 1959.ȱȱ TodayȱtheȱAteneoȱdeȱManilaȱUniversityȱcomprisesȱtheȱfollowingȱunitsȱofȱhigherȱeducation:ȱtheȱ SchoolȱofȱHumanitiesȱ(SOH),ȱtheȱJohnȱGokongweiȱSchoolȱofȱManagementȱ(JGSOM),ȱtheȱSchoolȱofȱ ScienceȱandȱEngineeringȱ(SOSE),ȱandȱtheȱSchoolȱofȱSocialȱSciencesȱ(SOSS),ȱcollectivelyȱknownȱasȱ theȱLoyolaȱSchoolsȱ(LS);ȱtheȱAteneoȱGraduateȱSchoolȱofȱBusinessȱ(AGSB),ȱtheȱAteneoȱLawȱSchoolȱ (ALS),ȱtheȱAteneoȱSchoolȱofȱGovernmentȱ(ASOG),ȱandȱtheȱSchoolȱofȱMedicineȱandȱPublicȱHealthȱ (ASMPH),ȱ collectivelyȱ knownȱ asȱ theȱ Ateneoȱ Professionalȱ Schools.ȱ Inȱ addition,ȱ likeȱ mostȱ Philippineȱuniversities,ȱTheȱAteneoȱdeȱManilaȱhasȱaȱhighȱschool,ȱaȱjuniorȱhighȱschoolȱandȱaȱgradeȱ school.ȱTheȱLS,ȱtheȱbasicȱeducationȱunits,ȱandȱsomeȱofficesȱofȱtheȱASOGȱareȱlocatedȱonȱtheȱLoyolaȱ Heightsȱcampus,ȱalongȱKatipunanȱAvenue,ȱQuezonȱCity.ȱTheȱAGSB,ȱALS,ȱandȱASOGȱareȱonȱtheȱ Rockwellȱ campus,ȱ Makatiȱ City.ȱ Finally,ȱ theȱ ASMPHȱ isȱ housedȱ inȱ theȱ Donȱ Eugenioȱ Lopez,ȱ Sr.ȱ MedicalȱComplex,ȱOrtigasȱAvenue,ȱPasigȱCity.ȱ ȱ AȱnumberȱofȱcentersȱareȱpartȱofȱtheȱLoyolaȱSchools.ȱTheseȱareȱtheȱfollowing:ȱȱ ȱȱ AteneoȱCenterȱforȱAsianȱStudiesȱ(ACAS)ȱȱ ȱ AteneoȱCenterȱforȱEconomicȱResearchȱ&ȱDevelopmentȱ(ACERD)ȱȱ ȱ AteneoȱCenterȱforȱEnglishȱLanguageȱTeachingȱ(ACELT)ȱȱ ȱ AteneoȱCenterȱforȱOrganizationȱResearchȱ&ȱDevelopmentȱ(AteneoȱCORD)ȱȱ ȱ AteneoȱCenterȱforȱSocialȱEntrepreneurshipȱ(ACSent)ȱ ȱ AteneoȱInnovationȱCenterȱ(AIC)ȱȱ ȱ AteneoȱInstituteȱforȱLiteraryȱArtsȱ&ȱPracticesȱ(AILAP)ȱȱ ȱ AteneoȱJavaȱWirelessȱCompetencyȱCenterȱ(AJWCC)ȱȱ ȱ AteneoȱLanguageȱLearningȱCenterȱ(ALLC)ȱȱ
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