ITS Terminology ITS Terminology ITS TERMINOLOGY NVF ITS utskottet Rapport 3/2012 Utskott: ITS Författare Arvid Aakre, NTNU, Norge Kristian Appel, Traficon Ab, Finland Peter Kronborg, Movea AB, Sverige Jens Toft Wendelboe och Peter Yde COWI A/S, Danmark Titel ITS Terminology Rapporttyp NVF-rapport (ITS-utskottet) ISSN 0347-2485 NVF-rapporter kan beställas från medlemsländernas sekretariat. Kontaktupplysningar finns på nästa sida. Pdf-versionen kan nedladdas från NVF ITS utskottets hemsidor. Där finns också en länk till en interaktiv elektronisk version. Dessa kan hittas via www.nvfnorden.org NVF – Danska avdelningen Vejdirektoratet Niels Juels Gade 13 Postboks 9018 1022 København K Danmark NVF – Finska avdelningen Liikennevirasto / Trafikverket Opastinsilta 12 A PL 33 00521 Helsinki Finland NVF – Norska avdelningen Vegdirektoratet Postboks 8142 Dep NO-0033 Oslo Norge NVF – Svenska avdelningen Trafikverket SE-781 89 Borlänge Sverige Oy Nord Print Ab Helsingfors 2012 Finland Contents Page Förord. 3 Contents . 5 Introduction. 7 1 Generic concepts and basic terms. 9 2 Monitoring and control . 52 3 Information and navigation. 91 4 Booking and payment . 106 5 Freight transport. 132 6 Public transport . 146 7 Driver assistance and vehicle control. 162 8 Abbreviations and acronyms . 196 Danish index. 207 English index . 213 Finnish index . 220 Icelandic index . 226 Norwegian index. 232 Swedish index . 239 7 Introduction Nordiskt vägforum, NVF (Nordic Road Association) is an organization which aims at promoting development within the road and road traffic sectors through an active co-operation between professionals in the field in Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The most important objectives of NVF are realised through the work carried out in its technical committees. The NVF ITS Committee is a Nordic forum for exchange of experience and knowledge about ITS and the application of ITS systems and services. The first edition of “Road Transport Telematics Terminology” was published by NVF Committee 53 (nowadays called the NVF ITS Committee) in 1997. That publication included English, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish terms and definitions for some 230 essential ITS concepts. The second edition of the terminology was published by NVF 53 in 2002 containing some 490 terms and definitions. The terminology was widely accepted in the Nordic countries and has also aroused interest outside these countries. It has been translated into several other languages, and the World Road Association PIARC has included the terminology into their web-based dictionary. The NVF ITS Committee commissioned an expert group to prepare the third edition of the terminology, with financial support from the National Road Authorities in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The third edition contains some 870 terms with definitions. As part of the preparation process, a draft edition was circulated for commenting by many professional organisations in the Nordic countries and by PIARC. As regards the structure and the English terms and definitions, the expert group has collected existing material from numerous professional sources including among others ISO/CEN, after which the material has been compiled and discussed within the group. The normative guidelines issued by ISO/CEN for the presentation of terms and definitions were also consulted. The expert group, along with the NVF ITS Committee, wishes to express the hope that this third edition of the terminology will be used as basis for improved mutual understanding and harmonisation within the field of ITS in the Nordic countries and that it will be used in international ITS standardisation within CEN and ISO as well. In this Nordic edition of the terminology, the terms are defined in English and in five Nordic languages: Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish. In addition to the pdf-version also a corresponding interactive web-version has been realised (see www.nvfnorden.org for links to the e- version and the feed-back facility). Reader’s guide The basic philosophy behind this terminology has been to provide definitions for ITS functions or services rather than products or technologies. However, in an effort to make the terminology more understandable and complete, many generic concepts as well some technology related terms have been included. The third edition of the terminology has preserved the division into functional groups introduced with the first edition. This closely resembles the approach of the (4th) EU Framework Programme 8 for Research and Technical Development in which a firm foundation for definitions of ITS functions was laid. Within the functional groups, terms are mostly organised in a hierarchy within subgroups. This division is not completely unambiguous but should none the less make it easier to navigate in the terminology, e.g. to look up terms associated with a specific subset of ITS. The division of terms into groups (chapters) can always be discussed, because many terms could be placed in several groups. A number of terms are thus included in more than one group either directly or by cross-referencing. The division into groups serves no other purpose than to facilitate the search for terms by users. Alphabetical lists (indexes) of the terms in the different languages are another helpful tool and can be found at the end of this document. In the definitions reference is given to other defined terms included in the terminology. When there is a clear risk of misunderstanding, “see also” references to closely related terms are given. Feedback and maintenance It is the intention of the NVF ITS Committee to organize a continuous maintenance of the ITS terminology database based on the following activities: - formation of a permanent editors group representing the four countries Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden with the responsibility for maintaining the terminology - encourage collection of comments and suggestions from the users: Users are invited to visit the e-version of the terminology via www.nvfnorden.org, navigate to the e-version and then use the feed-back facility included in that application - analysis of the feedback received as well as other identified needs and releasing of an updated database now and then (e.g. once a year) Copyright The dictionary is the property of the NVF ITS Committee. The terminology can be used without any charge at www.norden.org. Use of the on-line terminology and download of the terminology (pdf files) is free of charge as long as it is for personal use. Commercial use, copying, reproduction, imbedding, changing or spreading of the terminology, its content and software is not allowed without permission from the NVF ITS Committee. ITS Terminology9 1 Generic concepts and basic terms 1003 mobility 1.0 Generic The ability of individuals to utilise the transport system 1001 ITS, intelligent transport systems, intelligent transport SE mobilitet, rörlighet systems and services Individers möjlighet att dra nytta av transportsystemet Application of information and communication systems and services to NO mobilitet transport and the related infrastucture Det enkelte individs evne til å dra nytte av transportsystemet DK mobilitet SE ITS, Intelligenta transportsystem, Intelligenta Individers evne til at drage nytte af transportsystemet transportsystem och tjänster IS Användning av informations- och kommunikationssystem och - hreyfanleiki tjänster inom transporter och transportinfrastruktur Geta einstaklinga til að nýta sér samgöngukerfið NO ITS, intelligente transportsystemer, intelligente FI liikkuvuus transportsystemer og tjenester Yksilöiden mahdollisuudet hyödyntää liikennejärjestelmää Anvendelse av informasjons- og kommunikasjonssystemer og - tjenester innen transport og tilhørende infrastruktur 1004 DK ITS, Intelligente TransportSystemer, Intelligente mobility management TransportSystemer og tjenester Management of transport demand and traffic flows (people, vehicles and goods) either by information, education and motivation of transport Anvendelse af informations- og kommunikationssystemer og - customers, by laws, taxation, enforcement, physical planning or by traffic tjenester ifm. transport og transportinfrastruktur management IS Snjallkerfi í samgöngum reference: <1012> traffic management; <1306> enforcement; <1629> traffic Að nýta upplýsinga- og fjarskiptatækni í samgöngum og flow; <5002> goods samgöngumannvirkjum FI älyliikennejärjestelmät ja -palvelut, ITS SE hantering av mobilitet, mobility management Tietojenkäsittely- ja tietoliikennejärjestelmien ja -palveluiden Hantering av transportbehov och transportflöden (människor, fordon soveltaminen liikenteeseen ja liikenneinfrastruktuuriin och gods) genom information, utbildning och attitydpåverkan till tranportköpare, genom lagar, skatter, övervakning och fysisk 1002 planering eller trafikledning transport informatics, transport telematics NO styring av mobilitet, mobility management A group of techniques, using information technology and Håndtering av transportetterspørsel og trafikkstrømmer (mennesker, telecommunications, applied to achieve ITS kjøretøy og gods) enten ved informasjon, opplæring og motivasjon av kjøpere av transporttjenester, ved lover, skatter og avgifter, reference: <1001> ITS håndheving, fysisk planlegging eller styring av trafikk DK mobilitetsstyring, mobilitetshåndtering SE transportinformatik, transporttelematik, Styring af transportefterspørgsel og trafikstrømme (mennesker, väginformatik køretøjer og gods) enten ved information, uddannelse
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