BIWEEKLY BULLETIN EDITED BY AGERPRES ROMANIAN NEWS AGENCY i 10th year - No. 13-14(911-^ 12) Febiuaiy 19» 1968 CONTENTS : COMMUNIQUE ... 1 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE GRAND NATIONAL'ASSEMBLY OF THE ■ SOCIALIST HEPUBLIC OF RP^LAlJlA . 6 1 NEW ADMINI3THATIVE ORGANIZATION OF'THE'TERRITORY OP - ' j to SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF ROMANIA . 7 11 1 SETTING UP OF COUNTY PARTY COMMITTEES AND OF I PROVISIONAL COUNTY PEOPLE’S CQUNCII^ .. 10 SPEECH BY NICOLAE CEAUSESCU AT THE MEETING OF'THE || PARTY ACTIVE OF THE PRAHOVA COUNTY.. 11 NICOLAE.CEAUSESCU TOURS PLOIESTI TOWN ENTERPRISES ... 18 19 Ill / —.*■. rr~ •—r-r-r :-^■ ' r rr—■ • ■. mimma AGERPRES, Plata Scinleii, Bucharest,''Phone ; 18.20.3^ Telex: 00225 00272 [ 42710 i LIBkAa,' UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA 1 COMMUHIi^US aamaMmmaaamasvaaaam The Plenary Meecin^ of the General Co^nfflittee of the Romanian Communist Party took place on February 14, 196d« Attending the plenary Ueeting as invitees^ were heads of section of the CC of the HCP, first secretaries of re¬ gional Party committees, chairmen of regional people's councils, heads of central state institutions, chief edi¬ tors of leading news-papers« 1« The plenary Meeting examined and endorsed the proposals presented by Comrade Nicolae Ceau^escu concer¬ ning the organization of counties and municipalities, pro¬ posals that have been finalized by the Party and State Central Commission based on the principles adopted by the National Conference of the Romanian Communist Party and on the public debates which took i^lace in this period* The Plenary Meeting decided that these proposals be sub¬ mitted for debate and legislation to the Grand National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Romania* 2* The Plenary Meeting examined the information presented by comrade Virgil Trofin on the structure of the new local Party organizations, in compliance with the measures of improvement of the country's administrative- territorial organization* ^ In keeping with the mandate given by the National Conference, namely of implementing on a Party line the measures following from discostinustia)of the regions and districts as administrative-territorial units and from the organization of counties and mtmicipalities, the Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee decided on the cessation of the activity of the regional and district Party orga- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Alberta Libraries https://archive.org/details/newsfromromaniab9119ager - 2 - QizatioaS) on the eetablishment of county and municipal (town) Party organization, of their provisional leading bodies* In accordance with rules provisions, the leading committees of these organizations are to be elected at Party conferences to be held at the end of this year* The Plenary Meeting heard the information presented by comrade Paul liculescu-Mizll in connection with the international activity of the Romanian Gon^imis Party* The Plenary Meeting approved and assessed highly the activity carried on by the Executive Committee of the Central Committee for the development of comradely rela« tions, of contacts and exchanges of views between our Party and the fraternal parties conducted correspondingly with the cause of strengthening the unity of the communist and working-class movement, of all anti-Imperialist for¬ ces* The Plenary Meeting reasserted the full soli¬ darity of our Party and people with the heroic fight - of the Vietnamese people, the determination to grant it# henceforth too,full support, to militate for the immediate and unconditional cessation of the American bombing of the Vietnam democratic Bepublic, for putting an end to the imperialist aggression in South Vietnam and the with> drawal of the interventionist troops, for observance of the Vietnamese people’s right to decide its own fate# without a^ outside interference* The Plenim:y Meeting examined the problems re¬ lated to the Invitation of .the Eomanian Communist Party to the consultative meeting annotmced for Pebruary 26# 196S# in Budapest# in preparation of an international conference of the communist and workers’parties* The Eomanian Communist Party conceives the consultative seeting in Budapest as an opportunity for an exchange of views between parties with regard to the p:jwQ'^3p: \miQX^M9ijLa «'* • ‘^'siabSt ^jthX^si wl O'^.iiioxj||»4iio^»%tfai5,- l»«Oi<IJMftt'.ia«Jt ..:«ii £f5»JW hxljAhM im tmmw'vM%sn: %a^ •t^.tjn^ ^ L J ., jf.* &.' ' ■ ' 'to ^npmifiSprpii pdt wl •taajtrai»oO XatiinoCf -ifjw ;pp<iwa»o iw?i»*iv SO ap5^DfigJ03{'^ .?'0« a^OAtoo Sb#j«ooii' a«ib&Boo.^oi|bojda ^anioftpaaoo’xdi lo baifii® ptit d’aiv **!rol ittHtfiiAjjal-itJofi iflo lb , 9at«ftvoB tMio* iaiaC^too JWJ* ,»* ups iiBi jlp^'■ ••«*> ^iXo« XXOl oiltf jfeX^oolf ^jtuopXt pjdi^p oi^ oXgat^ an* xa^*^ mXPhcMkp'^Ph oda i*Xi^obq''0&ua)aao<»XV tdi ♦jjiiaftisn odd noS OtfcdiXX#'O0 , XXnS ,o6i . ttooll'^ 9d$ So noi|o««oo Mt bd ^afifflofj, ^oiid^i:^7 ^tot toJlx.tfosios:. oXdJiojooobc 6>*aa#ii? 64^ ' '’i^dXw jrig ao4^^/»,wto<^t'V'd.d doXij>i*xtgfti tda ip p^p^pi^p ^::|^i4bti'£o doxoomo^"'=to»ni^*^ £H^ iKdX 03 odriia ft^ox^ooqt tt'MitaodiXV odo ^ mmmy .M >0D0»'3C0!toSft30i’ paiSduO '\^ dliOdfJtP *•. ■-‘pc. iffipjCdpdt pdd Jb&a. kp^ :d^ttii;toi^oO.' dfc-Xn'j I0& odd. lo^ noid*3Jtd^l p.d:JbPtPl _ i^xci[A^_,ttol a •vXdoOlnspQo ^odd o3 ooX'd>^^4oti<l jxX iPoo^aS.^ £1^ jr^/lboo. ■ wia . ‘ ^4t;*6a9« . t»«j pm f ttppppp^' pppXv %Q PiptiiJ^p hp ■'»* m opportiteOttss aC tiie organization of an international confe¬ rence, to its nature and aim, to the actions which should be undertaken so that such a conference may represent a real contribution to the improvement of the climate in the communist movement, to the cause of unity. The aim of the exhange of views within the consultative meeting miist be of providing the possibility to the parties represented there to reciprocally set forth and know their points of view on the organization of an international conference, so that subsequently, after the consultative meeting, the respective parties, their leading bodies may be able to analyse the various points of view that were expressed and to decide on all the problems related to the preparation / of the conference. The Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party is of the opinion that an international conference, in order to serve the cause of unity, rapprochement and understanding among parties, must have the nature of a meeting aimed at a broad and fruitful exhange of views on the common problems of the struggle against imperialism,‘ for the achievement of a general consensus, without adop¬ ting programmatic directives and documents for the activity of the communist parties, the sole ones entitled to and apt to shape their own domestic and international policies. The Romanian Communist Party maintains that it? would be useful to make at the. consultative meeting an exchange of views concerning the conference agenda and shares the opinion that this should be limited to the prob¬ lem of the concrete tasks of the present struggle against imperialism. Likewise, it would be useful to analyse with¬ in the consultative meeting what should be undertaken in order to pave the way for the participation of all communist and workers* parties, without any discrimination, in the future international conference and, at the same time, for p- ■■'. 0 6^ a9^1} '1 nl'i^xirfiittiioo Xi^a !i«i,^<i^|l' 9^ osli' otf ■ ^^aflfaVoM ;jElnjyfi» !i;'l'P ■fiJJis-PQ. t$edi diiol di^B i '^old.^iixi^SO- ©43 «0- . ,^ill€kSR <rrf.S»W&BCO,© 'Spdl;®; 0 pXdii o4 ay,' ■'. I hMR(i*x.qa')k ^j-isrh ^ sdcXo^ *4^ f»<rcXw!i 45< eMoefc c #;lf 1^ *^’ ' ' "’■'' ’ "' 9iii 1 |)^;V #oXiia^oQ^flai4B!2oJI^ ^io dpiJjiX^cO #45 /J p ^^^^fS3.d4caAo*^XiiS^i ns isdLtf' croXii^o -O^ eX 51^ ^1/06 ^o paijjjo p £ "5p .^jEvi^' ;ia<*fl}, vBe^^qL'’'^o*i;^l>ni:i>n«d.BfX«bj: lo ia Jjfifflls gaitei BJS^p:iiii 'tffl4 to a^xio^ aoa»>i ex 4ijp£lz^jhL ,i^30Q«>n9^ to «< e^ajsajpopJb pjojg SCf* ;t^.'^*p©fto oXoB ", e 0^ S{^;5 eil^> 1 -4>, _ ■ . ;■, |^|5jjja' lijS^^BeXoXXoq^-XaapISlP^,# pi^Jeeaj'oir l.i- agflBiio; .ftfer' 'Spfe, soifi ‘■' ' ' = Y :p•49 tO' ffl' r4f.,-*'■ ■ii'.'M-■ ■■..; ._'. ’j^ii^'. -j‘' i;; ■ i-,- pW§^4*CSi^ 4'sA^ a-ta^epo' «rff, = C! ►2 09 llli> - 4 finding forms to render possible the participation of also other social-political forces which are conducting an active, sharp struggle against imperialism. An important requirement is the ensuring of condi¬ tions so that all the communist and workers* parties, whith- out exception, have the full possibility of participating in the preparation, under all aspects, of the international conference, thus making their contribution to its unfolding as a manifestation of unity* In this connection, the Plen- nary Meeting considers the non-invitation of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia and of other communist and workers* parties to the consultative meeting in Budapest as a discri¬ minatory act. The Plenary Meeting maintains that the whole acti¬ vity of preparation of the conference, and the conference itself, must proceed on the bases of strict observance of the standards of relationship between the communist parties, taking as starting point understanding and recognition of the fact that unity and internationalist solidarity - so much needed by the communist movement - can only be esta¬ blished on the groundwork of the independence and equality of all parties. The CC of the RGP is of the opinion that both the meeting in Budapest and a future international conference must not put into discussion and criticize the political line, domestic or international, of any fraternal party present or not at these meetings, must refrain from resor¬ ting under any form to the practice of blaming or condemn¬ ing other parties - a practice which has caused profound harms to the communist movement.
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