Slog In HI Ft: Liszt, "Les1 rang Interlude: "Aloha" Preludes"; Haydn, Syna-, with-the King Sisters. phony No. 102; Rodrigo, Concerto d'Ete for Violin10:00 p.m. ICBM. (105.1). Gold MO JAY RADIO . and Orchestra; Chausson, Curtain: Gounod, "Romeo . and Juliette" excerpts. MONDAY.A111LY27. 1977 7:00 a.m. IgtHtf (94.7), Paul4:00 p.m...KHCA_(10541,_MusIo Poeme for Violiipcj Or. 1100 p.m. KNOB (97.0). Act Portraits: Berlioz, "Sum---c-strar;-11e-ellicift-n-TQUAtc10:30-p.m.-KBIQ (1043), Exotic Lebec: Vocals a Audrey RUC KFI KHJ 920 ICPOL - 1540 Rhone: Music of Paul let No. 12. Sounds: "Exotic Dreams," Morris. Weston. nier Nights";DeJibes, Azama.-- KALI - 1430 KFOX - 1280KIEV. 870 KPOP 1020 "Sylvia.", 8:00 p.m. KCBH (98.7), Con- 11:30 p.m. KPFK , (00.7), Mod. KBIG-740 11:00 p.m. KPFK (90.7). Mod. KFWB 980KLAC 570 ° 7:00 a.m. KNOB (97.9). Java5:90.p.m. ERH111 (94.7), Strict- certo: Handel, Organ Con. ern Jazz Scene: With Philp %MA 1490; Ktrizw.,.1130 With Jazz: "Swingin' Lov- em Jazz: Gerry Mulligan ip Elwood in weekly so gpAy .1580 . KGER, 1390KI6PC ly Dixie: Artistry of Bob certo No. 14;Paganini, 710 .KINIZ .1400 ers," Frank Sinatra. ViolinConcerto No.4: Quartette. ries. 1190KGFJ - 1230 KNX 1070 MOW - 1600 Scobey and the Dukes of Chausson, Symphony In KEZY'KFAC1/-'1330 KGIL 1260, MAC 1560 KXLA 1110 8:00 a.m. KCBH (98.7), Inter- lude: Offenbach, "Grand Dixieland. B Fla t:Rachmaninoff, 5:00 p.m. KPFK (90.7); Pro. "The Bells." DuchessofGerolstein" grams for Children: Sign-8:00 p.m. KB1Q (104.3), HI FI: //RADIO HIGHLIGHTS. , overture; Gapld, "Spirit posts for young scientists. "Porgy and Bess" sung ualsfor Orchestra";6:00 p.m. KRUM (94.7); Around by Sammy Davis Jr. SPORT ance e 8:30 ptn. KPFK (90.71, Record. 535 KEAY-13111Bro.ndlge ,10:00 KFA.07:CroSsrOad..1' "Great Waltzes," Koste- the World in Hi El: Folk , 5:30 KNXTom HarmonVARIETY- lanetz; "My Fair Lady' songs of Poland. eel Repertory: Alan Rich 6:00 KMPC--Bob Kelley 8:05 KFIBest orGroucho (original); "Gypsy" with in the first of a series dls. MUSIC 8:40 1<F1Monitor 6:00 'p.m. KNOB (97.9), Fisher missing -and comparing S:00 KFACEven'g Concert Concert, Hollywood Bowi Sym- Hour: Howard Rumsey's various recordings of ape. phony. Lighthouse All-Stars with elite works. the voice of Mel Torme. 9:30 p.m. KBIQ (104.31, Eve. KFI broadcasts Hews today, at 6, 7, 7:45, 8, 9, 10, 11. 9:00 a.m. KBCA (105.1), 6:00 p.m.,KBIQ (104.3), Dining rama: Beethoven, Piano Moods: Featuring piano 12:30, I, 2, 4, 5:15, 7, 8; 0, 10, 11. STAR EYEDDori Anne , Sonata No. 14., 10:00 a.m. KBCA (105.1), 18th of Roger Williams. Gray is new vocalist on 7:00 p.m. KUSC (91.5), SpecIal The Big Payoff, daily, on ' Century Concert: Torelli, program --with Sir John .._ 7:00 A.M. 12:13 K1IJ-News Concerto a Quattro; VI- KF1-News KFI-Anriculture KRJ-Travis KNXT (2), at 3 p.m.. Gielgud, Shakespearean CalmerKNX-31cIntnch KFAC.Milestones valdi, Mandolin Concerto; actor,- describing"The .1Martindu'e 12:30 KABC.News; Pinklel Agrell, Sinfonla in F; Mo- Ages of Man." 'WB-B. Hayes KLAC-News; EXPC.Bill Stewart. p!X-News;VC-News, Mel-News; Ed HartKFI-News; Finance zart, Symphony No. 33. 7:00 p.m. KPFK (90.7), Soviet Whiffing/till KNX-Galen Drake 0:50: Radio Features 11:00 a.m. KNOB (97.9). Jazz Press and Periodicals with KgBC-Hemingway 1:00 P.M. KABC,Eydie Gorme; for Housewives: Jimmy William Mandel. ItRAC-Concert KEIN ewe; Interlude Giuffre with Jim Hall and7:00 p.m. KNOB (97.9). Sleepy's KpAC-Kaye True Story 7:00 P.M. House Party, KNX, 2:03 p.m. Red Mitchell group. Hollow: HerbEllis on 7:15 KABC4. Ameche KNX.Business 12:00 noon KBIQ (IOU), Mat!. Guitar is featured. KFI-Hit Road KFAC-Serenado Amos Andy Art Linkletter takes the KNX-Bob Crane KNX-Newsl, KHJ.Fulton Lewis HousePartycrewto nee Varieties: Sammy Da-7:00 p.m. KRHM (94.7), Music KABC-Trotter R. Q. Lewis WB-Mitch Reed Portland, Ore.,to take vis Jr., Edmundo Ros Or- Theater:"Destry Rides 7:30 KLAC-News; ChurchliFI.1%; ewe; Relax chestra are featured. KNXFrank Goss KI1J-News; CrowellKABC.Sports; part in the celebration of -Again" (originall. 7:45 K3IPC-News; Cook liFAC-Interlude the Oregon Centennial. 12:00 noon KOLA (101.5), Lease7:30 p.m. KFMU (97.1). Clas. KF1-N ewe .1:30 7:23 on Life: "As Time Goes KNX-Harry BabbittKFACConcert RABC.Tomorrow; Amos 'n' Andy, KNX, By," with Tony Lease. 8:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. -News 1:00 p.m. KBIQ (104.3), Mod. KNX-Bob Crane Mg-News; ". 7:30 7:05 p.m. KF1-News, Hit Road Fem. Touch KNX-News; Andy Momma and Sapphire re- em Music: 'Carmen" by KHJ-News; KNX-Newsl Griffith Barney Kessel. Martindale Llnkletter KILI-News; Crowell cover from their unhappi- KABC.Cliff Engle KABC-Roger CarrollKFAC.Echoes and ness over Lerov's eneage-1:00 p.m. KRHM (94.7), Frank KMPCHoward 2:30 Encores ment to Veronica on hear- Evans:Featuringthe Flynn KFAC-Concert PopsKFI-World News ing that her father is a Modern Jazz Quartet. KLAC-News, Kaye KFI-Radlo Theater 7:40 1:30 p.m. KPFK (90.7),Or- KFAC-Stoek MarketKNX-Phit. NormanKNX-Burns, Allen wealthy man. 8:10 3:00 P.M. 7:45 chestral - Choral concert: KMPC.Business KABCRoger CarrollICNX-Bob, Ray Monitor Concert, KFI, Bach,CantataNo.76; X-News KFAC.News; Piano 7:55 Morris,"Passacaglia" BC-Trotter; K MPC-News: Grant KABC-People in 8:40 p.m. ".' Harvey KHJNews; Carroll News Shitch Henderson is host adagio and finale. -- KNX-News; Grant 8:00 P.M. of a musical program of2:0 p.m. KPFK (90.7). Press iX4111C-Bob Kelley and Condylis KFI-News and People: James Reston, 8:30 3;30 KH.J-News; Travis classical and semi-classi- New York Times corre- lip lNews, Turn KFACOpera KNXReport cal selections. spondent, is Interviewed -' Clock KM.Happy Time KFAC-Evening by Louis Lyon. X-Draper, Crane 4:06 P.M. Concert Thisic 'til Dawn, KNX, PC-Whittinghill KNX-News KABC-Vandeicook; hCl.AC;Sorts KABC-Carroll Zimmer 11:30 p.m. 9:00 Ad& KFAC-Musical KMPC-Stewart 'E in Heldenleben" by KFAC-Concert Masterpieces KLAC-News; K113-News; Carroll'. Bill Collie .Strauss and Schubert's KABC-Breakf set .-EreieMPC-Grant 8:05 Grande Marche in E Ma- Club 4;15 KFI-Best of Groucho jor are featured for late KNX-News, Crane KFI-Myron Bennett 8:15 ICFWB-Joe Yocam KABC.HemIngway KNX-Thls Is L.A. listeners. Smetana's over- KiPI-News; Clock KNX-Grant and 8:30 turetothe"Bartered KJAC-News: Kayo Condylis KFI-Stardust Bride" will also be heard. 9:30 4:30 8:40 KFAC-Planoi6aradeKFI.Music KFI-Monitor Concert MI-Lad lesay; KLAC-Nick Paul 8:55. .- Bob Richards KABC.Roger CarrollKNX-B. Richards SANTA BARBARA TV 10:00 A.M. 4:55 KX: BC-Peter & Mar!KNX.Point of Law 9:00 P.M. KEYT (3) KABezSportscatt KFI-News; Concert Mel-News: NetworkEAPC-News; KNX-News; Opinion Cook 5:00 P.M. 9:25 (3) News, PAC-Concert StageKNX.Thomas; KHJ-News; TravisKABG-Zimmer 9:30 (3) Treasure Hunt X-News; Rizzuto 10:00 (3) Price Is Right ," Happiness ,KHJ.News; Carroll KFWB.13111Ballance10:30 (3) Concentration ICLIC-New. McCoyKFWBElllott Meld 9:50 11:00 (3) TIcTaeDough 10:15 KFI-News 11:30 (3) It Could Be You KFINews, Weather 12:00 (3) Queen for a Day KVX-Mrs. Burton KFAC.Serenade 10:00 P.M. 12:30 131 Human Relations. 1r4BC-Tello Test KABC.Carroll KFI-News 1:00 (3) Young Dr. Malone 10:30 5:15 KH.T-Newsf Travis 1:30 (3)' From These Roots MiAC-Musie Loom 00 (3) Truth or Consequences KNX-Carrolalcott KABC-Zinuner 2:30 (3) County Fair MIX-Dr. Malone KFI.News KFWB.Ballance 3:00 131 Margo Cobey KABC.J. Holbrook KABC-Weaver; KNX-Reporter 3:30 (3) Who Do You Trust? 10:45 Carroll KFAC-Crossroads 4:00 (3) Bandstand 1X-Ma Perkins 530 KLAC-News; Collie 5:00 (3) Three Stooges KA$C-Ameche 5:30 (3) Passerby KFACNarieties - 10:15 5:45 (3) News 11:00, ' KNXg,__Darmon ICFI-Man on Go 6:15 (11) Huntlev-BrInkley KHJ-News; KABC-Winter; MusicKNX-Sportsession 6:30 (3) Nome That Tune e KHJ-Sports - 10:30 7:00 (3) Film Drama Kppmewe;MartInttworxe KFISid Fuller KM-Called Life 8:00(3) Flight KNX-News;Map. 8:30 (3) Wells Fargo 5:45 KNX-Phllip Norman 9:00 (3) Peter Gunn Streets KABCNews KMPC-Dancetime 9:30 (3) Frontier Justice KFAC-Min. Masters KNXGosst News 10:45 10:00 (3) Joseph Cotten 11:15 KFINows - KFI-Just Music 10:30 (3) SA-7 KNX4Jouple Next KLACSamBalter 11:00 (1) Industry on Parade Door COO PO. 11:00 P.M. 11:15 (3) Jock Pnnr KFAC.Folk Songs K FI.News KFI-News & Sports 11:30 KFIJNews; CowellKNX-News; MI-Notebook KNX-Sports Bob Richards KFAC-Musle: News KA BC.E. Morgan KILI-Newswheei KNX-Helen Trent KM PC.Bob Kelley 11:13 11:45 KFWB.Mitch Reed KFI-Conversatlon MI-News KLAC-News; Paul KNX-Muslc KNX-Enterta1nmen1 6:15 11:30 12 NOON KNX-World TonightKNX-Music Till KFI-Parm Rent.
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