PAGE 01.qxp_Layout 1 24/02/2021 12:11 Page 1 TRADE MARCH 2021 TYRE TRADE NEWS - THE UK’s FAVOURITE TYRE TRADE MAGAZINE email: [email protected] TYRE FAVOURITE THE UK’s TRADE NEWS - TYRE MARCH 2021 TYRE NEWS THE NO. 1 MAGAZINE FOR THE TYRE INDUSTRY MARCH 2021 NEW Eco-Responsible, made to last Find out more: michelin.co.uk/auto/tyres/michelin-e-primacy Auto Garage Network.qxp_Layout 1 30/07/2020 13:27 Page 1 12: 67+(7Ζ0( '2025(21/Ζ1( -RLQWKHPDQ\ΖQGHSHQGHQW*DUDJHVZKRDUHDOUHDG\EHQHȴWLQJIURP $XWR*DUDJH1HWZRUNȇVWHFKQRORJ\WKDWFRYHUV7\UHV$OLJQPHQWV 0RELOH)LWWLQJ027ȇV$OOR\:KHHOVDQGVRPXFKPRUH +DYH\RXURZQEHVSRNH$*1RQOLQHSODWIRUPWKDWZLOOLQFUHDVHHQTXLULHV LQFUHDVHVDOHVDQGLQFUHDVHSURȴWV ȏ.HHS\RXURZQLQGHSHQGHQWLGHQWLW\DQGGRPDLQQDPH ȏ*XDUDQWHHGSDJH*RRJOHWKURXJK6HDUFK(QJLQH2SWLPLVDWLRQ ȏ950ORRNXSVDQGLQGXVWU\OHDGLQJWHFKQLFDOYHKLFOHGDWD ȏΖQWHJUDWHVDXWRPDWLFDOO\ZLWKDOORI\RXUVXSSOLHUV ȏ6HWXS\RXURZQVHOORXWSULFLQJWRPD[LPLVHPDUJLQV ȏ(DVLO\FRPSDUH\RXUEX\LQJSULFHVDQGORFDOFRPSHWLWRUSULFHV ȏ%RRNLQJFDOHQGDUDQGHPDLOWH[WUHPLQGHUV ȏ$XWRPDWHGRUGHULQJDQGIXOȴOOPHQW ȏ0RELOH$SSDQG)DFHERRNSUHVHQFH ȏ$QGPDQ\RWKHUIHDWXUHV )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHFDOORU 2UHPDLOVDOHV#DXWRJDUDJHQHWZRUNFRP 2UVLPSO\YLVLWRXUZHEVLWHZZZDXWRJDUDJHQHWZRUNFRP 0$;Ζ0Ζ6Ζ1*352)Ζ7 7+528*+7(&+12/2*< PAGE 04.qxp_Layout 1 01/03/2021 19:01 Page 1 T 25/11/2019 15:06 Page 1 C o n t e n t s Industry News 5-26 TRADE Michelin Tyres 100% Sustainable by 2050 5 TYRENEWS THE NO. 1 MAGAZINE FOR THE TYRE INDUSTRY Goodyear Acquire Cooper 8 Intelligent CV Show - New Date Announced 8 Business Thinking Tyre Cologne Cancelled 9 Traingle 4th in Chinese Tyre Brands 10 Apollo - Future-Ready Amazer XP 12 Michelins First Tyre Recycing Plant 15 Nexen OE for New Audi A3 18 Michelin - 100% Sustainable By 2050 Page 5 Falken Azenis FK510 in Tyre Test 20 DCR’s Cutting Edge Technology 26 People in the News 27-28 Promote Your Business, Product or Vacancy Commercial Vehicle Tyres 29-44 www.tyretradenews.co.uk Wheel Balancing & Alignment 45-52 tyretradenews.co.uk 01296 655833 Workshop Tools 53-54 Motorsport 55-57 April 2021 Features High Performance Tyres Classified Advertisers 58 TPMS Motorbike & Leisure Tyres Tyre Recovery Association Members 59 Pirelli - Intelligent Tyre Page 14 Publisher/Editor Jane Chenery Business Development Manager Maria Vowles Admin & Accounts Mary Scanlon Design & Production Megan Chenery Vol 28 Issue No 3 March 2021 DISSN 1476- 6744 Tel: 01296 655833 Email: [email protected] www.tyretradenews.co.uk UK Subscription: £75 pa Overseas: £100 pa Single copy: £8.00 (UK) Others £10.00 Technique Publishing Co Ltd, 9, Townsend, Quainton, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP22 4BB All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photographic, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Technique Publishing Co Limited Tyre Trade News & the Publisher accept no responsibility for the veracity of claims made by contributors, manufacturers or advertisers. PAGE 05.qxp_Layout 1 01/03/2021 19:08 Page 1 NEWS Michelin Tyres will be 100% Sustainable By 2050 nspired by the VISION concept tyre go well beyond the world of tyres and synthetic rubber for tyres and a wide introduced in 2017, an airless, could be used in other industries, variety of consumer goods. Eventually, Iconnected, rechargeable and entirely enabling them to benefit as well from tens of thousands of tonnes of sustainable solution, the Michelin Group recovered raw materials that are infinitely polystyrene waste could be recycled back is committed to making its tyres 100% reusable. These technologies will also into its original products as well as into sustainable by 2050. make it possible to recycle polystyrene Michelin tyres every year. Today, nearly 30%* of the components and recover carbon black or pyrolysis oil The revolutionary process developed used in the manufacture of tyres from used tyres. by French start-up Carbios, which will be produced by the Michelin Group are Axens and IFP Energies Nouvelles, based on a Michelin site from Autumn already made from natural, recycled or the two companies that are spearheading 2021, uses enzymes to deconstruct otherwise sustainable raw materials. the BioButterfly project, have been PET*** plastic waste into its original pure A Michelin tyre is a high-tech product working with Michelin since 2019 on monomers, which can be infinitely comprising more than 200 ingredients. producing bio-sourced butadiene** to recovered and reused to make new PET The main one is natural rubber, but the replace petroleum-based butadiene. plastics. One of these recovered plastics many ingredients also include synthetic Using the biomass from wood, rice husks, just happens to be the polyester yarn rubber, metal, fibres and components that leaves, corn stalks and other plant waste, used in tyre manufacturing. Some four strengthen a tyre’s structure, like carbon 4.2 million tonnes of wood chips could be billion plastic bottles could potentially be black, silica and plasticizers (resins, etc.). incorporated into Michelin tyres every recycled into Michelin tyres every year. Incorporated in perfect proportions, these year. Lastly, Michelin announced in materials interact to deliver an optimal Signed in November 2020, the February 2021 that it will launch the balance of performance, driveability and partnership between Michelin and construction of its first tyre recycling plant safety, while steadily reducing the tyre’s Canada-based Pyrowave can produce in the world with Enviro. This Swedish environmental impact. recycled styrene from plastics found in company has developed a patented * In 2020, 28% of the materials used in packaging, like yogurt pots and food technology to recover carbon black, manufacturing Michelin Group tyres were trays, or in insulating panels. Styrene is pyrolysis oil, steel, gas and other new, sustainable. an important monomer used to high-quality reusable materials from end- An objective being met with powerful manufacture not only polystyrene but also of-life tyres. It will enable everything in R&D capabilities…. these tyres to be recovered and reused in Michelin’s maturity in materials several types of rubber-based production technology stems from the strength of its processes. R&D capabilities, which are supported Michelin also supports the circular by 6,000 people working in seven economy, as attested by its research and development centres participation in the European around the world and mastering BlackCycle consortium. This 350 areas of expertise. The project, which is coordinated commitment of these by the Group and financed engineers, researchers, by the European Union, chemists and developers brings together 13 public- has led to the filing of and private-sector 10,000 patents covering partners to design tyre design and processes to produce manufacturing. They new tyres from end-of- work hard every day to life tyres. find the recipes that will improve tyre safety, durability, ride and other **Butadiene is a one of performance features, the components in the while helping to make synthetic rubber used them 100% sustainable to make tyres. by 2050. *** Polyethylene ….and bold partnerships terephthalate (PET) is a with innovative companies plastic that is currently oil Michelin is also aware that based, with its two the speed and nature of monomers, ethylene glycol innovation requires new forms of and terephthalic acid, being cooperation, which is why it has derived from petroleum. It is forged partnerships with innovative start- used to make one of the main ups whose advances offer unlimited polyester fibres used in tyre prospects. The developed technologies reinforcements. 5 For the latest news, subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter free of charge www.tyretradenews.co.uk/subscribe 1) Tests carried out by TÜV SÜD on the request of Bridgestone in July-September 2020 at the facilities Bridgestone EUPG (Italy) for dry and wet tests with Audi S4 3.0 TFSI, on tyre size 245/40 R18. Potenza Sport compared to the performances of main competitors in the same segment: Continental Premium Contact 6, Michelin Pilot Sport 4, Goodyear Eagle F1 Asymmetric 5, Pirelli P Zero PZ4. Annex Report No. [713190691-PS]. 2) Maintain vehicle stability when travelling both in a straight line and through a curve. Straight stability, rating: Bridgestone Potenza Sport (9.33), Continental Premium Contact 6 (9.00), Michelin Pilot Sport 4 (8.67), Goodyear Eagle F1 Asymmetric 5 (8.67), Pirelli P Zero PZ4 (8.56). Cornering stability, rating: Bridgestone Potenza Sport (9.21), Continental Premium Contact 6 (8.13), Michelin Pilot Sport 4 (8.67), Goodyear Eagle F1 Asymmetric 5 (8.33), Pirelli P Zero PZ4 (8.58). 3) Shortest braking distance on dry surface. Dry braking distance (100 km/h to 0 km/h), metres: Bridgestone Potenza Sport (33.4), Continental Premium Contact 6 (35.4), Michelin Pilot Sport 4 (34.5), Goodyear Eagle F1 Asymmetric 5 (35.9), Pirelli P Zero PZ4 (34.8). 4) Awarded EU Label Grade “A” for Wet Grip Index. For your nearest Bridgestone Authorised Dealer, visit our website www.bridgestone.co.uk BS_EN_Ad_2/1_PotenzaSport_B2B_addUSP_explicit_PAGES_420x297_v4.indd 1 23/02/2021 09:14 NEW NUEVO BEST CORNERING BEST OUTSTANDING & STRAIGHT LINE DRY BRAKING 1) 3) WET PERFORMANCE 4) STABILITY 1) 2) BS_EN_Ad_2/1_PotenzaSport_B2B_addUSP_explicit_PAGES_420x297_v4.indd 2 23/02/2021 09:14 PAGE 08.qxp_Layout 1 01/03/2021 19:25 Page 1 NEWS Brad Hughes, Cooper President & Chief Executive Officer, added, Goodyear to Acquire
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