Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol. XLI No. 13 July 7, 2010 www.philippinerevolution.net Editorial Noynoy Aquino: The new face of counterrevolution enigno “Noynoy” Aquino III is the new face of the people, Aquino signalled his support for the mil- counterrevolution. Formally installed on June itary's evil fascist campaign of suppression that has B30 as the new head of the puppet reactionary resulted in tens of thousands of human rights viola- government, he is now the main advocate of US impe- tions. He has been outrightly dismissive of the griev- rialist rule and that of the local big comprador bour- ances of human rights advocates and tens of thou- geoisie, bureaucrat capitalists and land- sands of victims of military violence. He has not even lords. promised a just accounting of the tens of thousands On his shoulders rests the main re- of fascist crimes perpetrated under the previ- sponsibility of continuing the adminis- ous regime and the punishment of the mas- tration of the bankrupt semicolonial terminds among the officers of the puppet and semifeudal system, consolidating military and security forces. and running its state and suppressing Even as he has gone out of his way to any challenge to puppet reac- ingratiate himself with the AFP, Aquino tionary power. has not given the slightest attention Just as US imperialism and to the people's basic probems and the local ruling classes expect- their cries for social justice. ed of him, Aquino focused his His first days in power were first few days on consolidating devoted to sheer gimmickry the puppet army. Aquino is well such as his prohibition of aware that the Armed Forces of sirens in the streets in order the Philippines (AFP) is the main to make a show of being one pillar of reactionary rule in the with the people against the abuses of Philippines. It will also serve as the mighty. his main instrument in wielding He claims that he is not impervious to the power and fulfilling his duties. people's grievances, but he feigns ignorance in Thus, he has gone allout in pro- the face of demands for land by the peasant viding it support, promising more masses. He babbles about agricultural services troops, new equipment and hous- but has not said a word about dismantling the ing for soldiers. monopoly of land ownership and the suffering In his failure to castigate the and oppression that this has wrought on the AFP for its grave crimes against peasantry. And he definitely has not said any- This issue’s Aquino and the peace BM coordinator slain Crisis in the European highlights... talks PAGE 3 PAGE 8 Union PAGE 11 thing about his clan's Hacienda country's national resources and governance leading to a better Luisita. exploiting its cheap labor force. life” has been practically lifted Unemployment is glaringly ob- It is this same policy along word for word from the US Counter- vious as is the severe inadequacy with rampant corruption that are insurgency Guide (USCG). of workers' wages. But all he has behind the reactionary govern- The USCG focuses on winning had to offer is his showcase “emer- ment's severely bankrupt and debt- the people's trust through show- gency employment” scheme osten- ridden state. Despite all this, Aqui- case gimmick-laden and public re- sibly for the benefit of millions of no does not have any plans of put- lations programs even as it relies jobless workers. As before, this can ting a stop to the practice of on fascist force to suppress critical only succeed in creating the illu- squandering the government's big- oppositionists. It feeds the people sion of employment. It will be of gest budgetary allocation on debt deceptive and empty propaganda no real consequence because what- service. It will not be long before while holding a gun to their heads. ever jobs will be created will be Aquino ends up imposing more tax- This is the core of Aquino's coun- very few and temporary in nature. es, scrimping on essential social terrevolutionary line. It will only obscure the basic prob- services, privatizing public assets The USCG does not value peace lem of economic backwardness, the and resorting to more debt. talks as a means of resolving the absence of genuine national indus- Aquino has not turned his back roots of civil war. Neither has Aqui- try and the breakdown even of ag- on the policy dictates of US impe- no shown any great interest in re- riculture. rialism. The wanton trampling of suming the peace negotiations be- Aquino will not be able to re- Philippine sovereignty, the plunder tween the Government of the Re- solve these issues just by parroting of the country's economy and the public of the Philippines and the the old neoliberal shibboleth of the expoitation and oppression of the National Democratic Front of the previous regime of “providing a people are all of no consequece to Philippines (NDFP). level playing field for business and him. He has not declared any plans Nonetheless, in response to the making the country attractive to to review the unequal treaties, NDFP's expression of its openness foreign investors.” This has refer- challenge or oppose the US' contin- to continue the formal peace talks, ence to no other than providing ued intervention in the country. the new regime has declared its big capitalist countries even more In fact, it is the US' designs readiness to resolve the armed freedom to dump their surplus pro- that he has been hewing closely to conflict through negotiations. But ducts in the country, pushing small in his counterrevolutionary line. the new Aquino regime must recog- local capitalists and the people to His declaration of defeating “the nize and abide by previous agree- the wall, destroying the local for- enemy by wielding the tools of jus- ments and seriously pursue the ces of production, plundering the tice, social reform and equitable talks on the remaining agenda for the negotiations to prosper. ANG The revolutionary forces are Contents aware that the new Aquino regime is but a continuation of the previ- Vol XLI No. 13 July 7, 2010 Editorial Aquino: New face of reaction 1 ous regimes. It may sport a new Ang Bayan is published in Pilipino, Aquino and peace talks 3 face, but nothing has changed in Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligaynon, Waray and Surface Calubid, et al 3 essence. The state led by Noynoy English editions. Old faces in Aquino’s cabinet 4 Aquino is the class dictatorship of It is available for downloading at Debts, taxes and austerity measures 5 the exploiters and oppressors that the Philippine Revolution Web Central BM charges Arroyo 5 located at: Corrupt to the very end 6 Gloria Arroyo and previous chief www.philippinerevolution.org. NPA military actions 7 puppets of the US had led. Ang Bayan welcomes contributions BM coordinator slain 8 As in the time of previous pup- in the form of articles and news. Union busting at ABSCBN 9 pets and reactionaries, the revolu- Readers are likewise enjoined to send 42 arrested in Mendiola 10 tionary movement stands ready to in their comments and suggestions for Cardeño’s death up for reinvestigation 10 deal with the new US-Aquino re- the betterment of our publication. You Worsening crisis in the European Union 11 can reach us by email at: Protests shaking up EU 12 gime to advance the people's na- [email protected] Bangladesh, G8 protests 13 tional and democratic aspirations in all arenas of struggle—in the Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee arena of armed struggle, of open of the Communist Party of the Philippines struggle and peace negotiations.~ 2 ANG BAYAN July 7, 2010 and NDFP chief political consultant Is Aquino serious Comrade Jose Ma. Sison on the list about the peace talks? of “foreign terrorists.” The CPP also called on the ased on his inaugural speech, Benigno Aquino III has a low regard Aquino government to be account- Bfor the peace talks with the National Democratic Front of the Philip- able for, and surface, NDFP con- pines (NDFP) as a way of resolving the roots of the armed conflict. sultants Leo Velasco, Prudencio He did not even express any in- Philippines (CPP) welcomed the Calubid and Rogelio Calubad as tention of talking with the NDFP Aquino official's statement. None- well as NDFP staff abducted by and instead declared that he “shall theless, it reminded Aquino that fascist agents in 2006 who have defeat the enemy by wielding the for the formal peace talks to pros- not been surfaced to date. Other tools of justice, social reform and per, he must abide by all the previ- NDFP consultants and staff as well equitable governance leading to a ous agreements between the NDFP as other activists and harsh critics better life.” and the reactionary government. of the puppet reactionary state A few days after his inaugura- Among these agreements are and system who are illegally de- tion, Aquino's Presidential Peace The Hague Joint Declaration of tained must also be released im- Adviser Teresita Deles said that she 1992 that laid down the principles, mediately. had already sent the NDFP a mes- framework, agenda and methods The CPP also demanded that se- sage saying that the stalled peace for the talks; the Joint Agreement rious violations of human rights be talks will be resumed and that the on Safety and Immunity Guaran- given appropriate resolution. In government was in the process of tees (JASIG) and the Comprehen- this regard, CARHRIHL's provisions forming its peace panel.
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