Foundation Report 2020 This is a joint local government, central government and Iwi project and will deliver a 30 year spatial plan for the region with a list of projects and investment requirements. Wellington Regional Growth Framework | 1 Introduction Ka ora te wai If the water is healthy The process for developing the Framework will develop Significant investment in housing, urban development, Ka ora te whenua the land will be nourished and test possible future scenarios for the region transport and three waters infrastructure and services over the next 30 to 100 years. It will test the need for as well as regional and district planning and policy Ka ora te whenua If the land is nourished significant infrastructure and other investments and changes will be needed to support future growth Ka ora te tangata the people will be provided for recommend a prioritised regional programme of work, reflected in a regional spatial plan, that will require Whilst the Framework is primarily a spatial plan that Mo te iti - mo te rahi For the little - for the large joint action and investment. This Foundation Report will describe a long-term vision for how the region will provides background for the Framework and outlines grow, change and respond to key urban development the challenges that need to be addressed regionally. challenges and opportunities, all of the above challenges will need to be resolved for the future, not This is the Foundation Report for the Wellington The region has an immediate issue relating to a lack just where and how to develop more housing. Regional Growth Framework (the Framework). The of housing supply, a limited range of housing options document outlines the context for the development of and declining housing affordability, particularly for first These are regional issues that are best dealt with the Framework (a regional spatial plan) and identifies home buyers. together and not individually. Many of these issues the key challenges for growth in the region. cross local council boundaries (e.g. investment in Increasing numbers of vehicles on the roads, capacity water or transport), and maximum benefit can be had For the purpose of the Framework and this Foundation and reliability issues associated with buses and trains from planning and investing in these together and not Report the region includes the territorial authorities of and network resilience issues are straining the regional individually and with central government and mana Masterton, Carterton, South Wairarapa, Upper Hutt, transport system and may not result in the necessary whenua. This work on the Wellington Regional Growth Lower Hutt, Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti Coast and transport system shifts that we are seeking such as Framework provides an opportunity to further build on Horowhenua. This project is a collaboration between improving safety and access, reducing emissions and established relationships and partnerships with mana these councils, the Greater Wellington Regional Council, reducing reliance on private vehicle travel. whenua of the region. central government and mana whenua of the region. Other issues facing the region include projected sea This Foundation Report is a key milestone in the This report has been developed based on readily level rise, severity of weather events, environmental Wellington Regional Growth Framework project. The available data. Some parts of this report do not have stewardship pressure and natural hazards. All of which project partners will continue to work collectively and complete or consolidated information that extends are creating challenges as well as uncertainty. with other stakeholders on developing the Framework. to Horowhenua (as it may be based on the Greater The next phase of the project is development of an Wellington Regional Council area). We expect that Community infrastructure will also need more Options Report and work on this is currently underway. more up to date data will become available during coordinated investment to accommodate growth development of the Framework and additional work including open spaces, community facilities, schools may be commissioned. and health care facilities. Wellington Regional Growth Framework | 2 Contents Introduction ...........................................................................................................................2 Challenge 2: Impacts of natural hazards and climate change, improving resilience and enhancing the natural environment 29 The Wellington Regional Growth Framework ........................................................... 4 Natural Hazards and Climate Change 29 What is the Wellington Regional Growth Framework? 4 Assets at Risk 30 Why are we developing a Wellington Regional Growth Framework? 5 Natural Environment 32 Who is developing the Wellington Regional Growth Framework? 6 Challenge 3: Inequitable access 34 Building on the Wellington Regional Investment Plan and links to current projects 7 Inequitable Access 34 Context ....................................................................................................................................8 Access to Social Infrastructure 38 Tangata Whenua 8 Access to educational opportunities 39 Development of the Region 10 Challenge 4: Mana whenua and Māori access to affordable housing 40 The Region Today 11 Regional Profile 40 Our People 12 Why is poor access to housing a problem? 41 Our Housing 13 Housing development 41 Our Economy 15 Next Steps 42 Our Transport System 17 This Foundation Report 42 The Three Waters Infrastructure 20 Scenario Development 44 Our Environment, Natural Hazards and Climate Change 21 Shared Evidence Base – Technical Reports ............................................................. 45 Our Challenges ................................................................................................................... 23 Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 47 Challenge 1: Lack of sufficient and affordable housing supply and choice, investment needed in infrastructure 24 Housing – Affordability, Supply and Choice 24 Enabling Three Waters Infrastructure 27 Enabling Transport Infrastructure 28 Wellington Regional Growth Framework | 3 The Wellington Regional Growth Framework What is the Wellington Regional Growth Framework? The Wellington Regional Growth Framework (the resilience and natural hazards. It will seek to reflect the This Foundation Report completes the end of Phase Framework) is a spatial plan that will describe a long- housing and urban development aspirations of mana 1 of the project. It sets out our regional context, our term vision for how the region will grow, change and whenua in the region. initial evidence base using existing data sources, our respond to key urban development challenges and regional challenges, and presents the case for change. opportunities in a way that gets the best outcomes and It will draw on and incorporate the local and regional maximises the benefits across the region. planning and engagement work on growth that has During development of the Framework we expect that been undertaken already and be aligned with the more up to date data will become available and that It will develop and test possible future scenarios for the Transport Outcomes Framework and Government our partnership with mana whenua will evolve, so we region over the next 30 to 100 years. It will test the need Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding, the may commission additional work. for significant infrastructure and other investments and proposed National Policy Statements on Urban recommend a prioritised regional programme of work Development, Highly Productive Land, Freshwater Treaty of Waitangi obligations will be upheld by the that will require joint action and investment. Management and Biodiversity and the Governments’ Framework. Active engagement and collaboration between Urban Growth Agenda. project partners will be central to the development The Framework will identify where areas for housing, of the Framework. This includes a commitment to public transport and roads, three waters infrastructure Central Government, councils from the region and mana actively engage with mana whenua in good faith and (stormwater, wastewater and drinking water), whenua are working together to develop the Framework with a commonality of purpose. The Framework seeks businessesDiagram and 1: jobs, Phases are recommended of Wellington in the Regional context Growthand build an enduring regional growth partnership. to reflect mana whenua perspectives and recognises of issuesFramework such as housing affordability, climate change, the special relationship that tangata whenua have with The phases of the Framework are shown below. the environment and their role as kaitiaki. Diagram 1: Phases of Wellington Regional Growth Framework PHASE 4 PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 Finalise Develop Develop Develop Growth Foundation draft Growth Options Framework for Report Framework Report consultation Wellington Regional Growth FrameworkPHASE 4 | 4 PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 Finalise Develop Develop Develop Growth Foundation draft Growth Options Framework for Report Framework Report consultation Why are We Developing a Wellington Regional Growth Framework? The region is growing faster than it has done for many Community infrastructure will also need more override the Framework’s commitment to providing for decades and is facing immediate and longer-term coordinated
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