Index to VORLÄUFER Journal of the German Colonies Collectors Group Whole Numbers 61 - 137 (1985 - 2004) compiled by John Kevin Doyle, March 2005 The index to VORLÄUFER #1 - #60B (1973 - 1984) is also available; please see the Back Issue Order Form for details. CONTENTS Philaclassica / Kruschel philatelic addressees, see ‘GENERAL’ Abbreviations Used 38 ‘Romanow’, supplement to #82; in this index Auctions and Dealers 1 86:1,18-20; 87:2,7 fake cancels, 62:20; 66:20; 67:11; Cancels and Postal Markings 1 Schnell collection, 108:10-11 74:16-17; 75:24; 79:8-9; 80:2; Offices in China 2 Sogg collection, 108:10 89:15; 90:11; 97:17-20 (Kiepe, Expertization and Fraudulent ‘Welfen’ collection, 82:16-18 Kaiser); 103:16; 108:21; 117:30- Material 3 auctioneers and dealers: 31 (Schlieper); 120:10-1 (Zollin- GCCG News 4 A & H Stamps, 119:27 ger); 122:12-13 (Zollinger); General 6 Cherrystone, 102:18 Bernhard Friedrich, 123:17-18 German East Africa 6 Corinphila, 124:29 (Zollinger); 124:13; 126:34; German New Guinea 10 Detlef H. Clausen, 101:19; 127:10-11; 131:7-9 (Zollinger) German South West Africa 13 105:23 Colonial cancels on Bavarian stamps Kamerun 16 Ulrich Felzmann, 107:14 and postal stationery, 73:13; Karolinen 18 Peter Feuser, 103:12 75:9,19-20; 76:12; 82:20-21 Kiautschou 19 Stanley Gibbons, 107:14 foreign cancels on German Colonies Literature 20 HBA, 118:16 stamps, 70:13-14,15; 73:5-7; Marianen 25 Ivy & Mader, 123:21 76:22 Marshall Inseln 26 Jennes & Kluttermann, 107:14 foreign cancels on German Colonies Modern Labels, William Kahn, 102:18 stamps, PAQUEBOT-related, 70:7- Cards and Cancels 27 Roger Koerber expelled from APS 8; 82:13-14; 84:23; 86:14; Offices in Morocco 27 and ASDA, 66:19 90:2,3-4; 92:4,5,19-20 Occupation and POW 28 Heinrich Köhler, 103:12 German cancels on German Colonies Postal Stationery and Forms 28 John S. Miller, 101:19 stamps, 92:6 Samoa 29 Hans Mohrmann, 105:23; 106:2 Atoll post, 63:10 (Miller); Diana Seapost and MSP 31 Peter Nagel, 123:23 cover, 68:14; 72:10 (Drechsel); Togo 35 Nordphila, 107:14 73:7-8 (Miller, Robertson); Offices in Turkey 36 § Nutmeg, 120:20 74:10; 81:20; 94:17; 105:5-6 Karl Pfankuch, 103:12 (Belau) AUCTIONS and DEALERS Philangles, 105:23 ‘Swiss’ cancelers, 105:24 see also “Auctions under the Glass” David G. Phillips, 102:18 ‘Abgereist / ohne Angabe der column in each VORLÄUFER Mike Piggin, 102:18 Adresse’ label, 97:22; 100:18 major auction sales: Prestige, Premier Philately, 135:1 ‘Das Ablösen von Frei-marken ist un- First (1913) Köhler auction, Peter Vogenbeck, 101:19; 130:1 zulässig’ label, 70:19 76:23 (Doyle) Württembergische, 106:2 A.R. (Avis de Réception), 132 :28-30 Spanish Marianas collection, Steven Zirinsky, 121:27 (Schlieper) 75:3-7 travels of GNG ovpt stamp through ‘Aus dem Briefkasten’, 95:24 Bothe collection, 93:1,9-11 auctions, 78:16 § (Farrant); 100:18 Davis collection, 108:1, 12-13 use of Dienstsiegel as cancellers, Drechsel German Colonies CANCELS and POSTAL 130:7-8 (Zollinger) collection, 68:14 MARKINGS ‘Die Freimarken dürfe nicht abgelöst Col. Harrie Evans collection of see also “cancels and postal mark- …’ markings, 132:26 (Stadler); New Guinea, 126:22-23 ings” subheading under each 137:17-20 (Stadler) Fontane collection, 95:14-16 Colony/Office listing in this ‘Kikötöben’, 120:8-9 (Taylor, Fuchs collection, 99:1 index, and ‘GENERAL’, ‘OCCUPA- Doyle); 121:1 Gibbs ‘G.R.I.’ collection, 78:1,3- TION and POW’, and ‘SEAPOST ‘Kriegsgefangenensendung’, 102:1 10,11-15 and MSP’ listings in this index ‘lag’ marking, 99:12; 100:19; Hennig GEA collection, 67:1,14- landing postmarks, see ‘SEAPOST and 104:22-23 15 MSP’ in this index ‘Marke Bildseitig’, 93:7-8 (Ellis); primer on German Colonies cancels, 96:9-10; 100:17 92:3-6 (Meyer) (continued) 2 March 2005 Index to VORLÄUFER #61 - #137 Nachnahme (cash on delivery), 75:9; around-the-world card, 81:22 Berlin, 111:23; 112:18; 99:10; 102:3-6 (Stadler) pen cancel?, 81:22 123:21-22; fake, 125:9; ‘Nicht eingelöst’, 102:4,6 ‘17’ year slugs, 88:3-4 (Heinemann) 126:19; fake, 128:15-16; Opened by German Law 1324, GSWA Soldatenbriefstempel, 94:2; 129:3-4; 135:20 127:12-13 (Ellis); 131:28 (Pizer) 97:2 Boxer provisionals (Mi. Va-Vm, Russian censorship, 116:2 (Fricke) returned mail, from Nicaragua to Vaa-Vaf, VIa-VIn), 61:14; ‘ÜBERWACHUNGSSTELLE 3 DES Offices in Turkey, 101:2 (Lauber) 63:22; 76:23; 85:1,22; 89:1; GARDEKORPS BERLIN’, 102:1 literature: 92:13,15; 93:9; 95:1; 102:8; ‘Unbekannt. / inconnu’ sticker, ArGe Kolonial Stempelkatalog, 104:15; Mi. Vk plate flaw, 119:32 13th edition, 71:16; 72:11; 14th 105:24; 118:16; 131:22; ‘Unbestellbar gemeldet’, 102:4,6 edition, 96:6; 97:12; 105:13; 135:20 ‘Specimen’, “Ultramar’ and other 15th edition, 116:7-8 (Taylor); 1901 issue (Mi. 15-27), Mi. 17 specimen markings, Portuguese, 16th edition, 133:33 plate flaw, 66:5; registered 124:14-15 (Lynes) The Atoll Post or Manuscript cover, 98:1; Mi. 24 plate flaw, ‘via Siberien’, 116:2; fake, 128:15-16 Cancellations of the German 105:24 (Schlieper) Marshall Islands (Laup), 68:5 1901 Reichspost provisionals ‘ZURÜCK’ markings, ‘WEGEN KRIEGS- Beiträge zur Kenntis der Postan- (Mi. VIIa-VIIn), 111:31 ZUSTAND’, 83:4; 92:18-19; stalten Deutsch-Ostafrikas (Nagel) ‘Keine Beförderungsgelegenheit’, und ihrer Abstempelungen 1905/19 issue (Mi. 38-47), varie- 104:20; 112:21-22 (Schlieper); (Brönnle), 62:12; 75:2 ties of Mi. 46, 73:1,3-4 115:29-31 (Stadler, Schlieper); German ‘Seepost’ Cancellations (Fritzsche); Mi. 44BIIaa, 120:6 (Fricke); 121:19-21 1886 - 1939 (Cockrill, Gotts- 76:23; Mi. 45BIba, 96:1; (Argyropoulos); 123:20; 123:25 penn), 68:5 § Mi. 44BIIaa, 108:12-13; (Schlieper); 125:21-22 (Pizer); 122:19 125:23 (Parker); 130:24; 130:32- OFFICES in CHINA IRCs, 99:3-9 (Doyle) 33 (Taylor) see also ‘KIAUTSCHOU’ in this index postal stationery, 64:12,14; 91:20 transnational convenience usage, stamps and postal stationery: Privat Zudruck postcards, 79:12- 70:13-14 (Wenten); 70:15 vorläufer, 66:1; 73:12; 76:23; 18 (Doyle, Frech); 104:19 (Bratzel); 73:5-7 (Davis); 76:12; Mi. V44b, 77:19; 78:2; 78:19- packet cards, 78:19-20 76:21 (Coulton); 76:22 (Coulton); 20 (Heinemann); 80:15; (Heinemann); 92:12 109:3-7 (Vogenbeck) 81:21,22; 1861 cover, 84:13; (Maddocks) ‘poem’ cards, 71:15 (Kenworthy); 85:1; Mi. V37, 85:16-17 cancels and postal markings: 105:9-11 (Farrant); 90:12; 92:12; ‘poem’ card, 71:15 (Kenworthy) Flaggenpost, Parlamentärpost, 71:19; Mi. V50a (fire-red), 93:1; combination franking, 95:14; 83:24; 100:3-11; 104:17-18; 95:14; 103:1; 105:16; 108:12- 97:22-23 105:16; 120:21; 121:23; 13; 119:25; 122:1; 123:22; German cancels on Offices in 122:17,18 125:18; 132:10; VP25a, China stamps, 92:6 buried mail, 73:14-15 (Leven) 132:25 Pisa card, with Offices in China Kiautschou censor cancel?, 75:8; 1898 issue (Mi. 1I-6I, 1II-6II), stamp, 95:14-15; 127:27; 76:8 Mi. 1Ib, 63:20; Mi. 1Ib, 129:32 official mail, with stamps, 76:8-9 65:18; Mi. 1Ib, 70:18; plate cover to Germany with Russian postage due or ‘PORTO’ markings, flaws, 76:10 (Bratzel); censor mark, 95:15 77:13 (Farrant); 79:19 (Farrant); Mi. 1Ib, 76:23; 79:20; 88:17; 1891 cover to Nova Scotia, correction, 80:2; 86:14; 93:11; 92:1; 118:16; 120:20; Mi. 1Ib, 111:32 (Vogenbeck) Kamerun to Germany cover, 123:1; 125:18; Mi. 1Ic, 1893 German postal card to Hong 99:12 (Maddocks); 100:18-19; 129:23-24 Kong, forwarded to 105:24; Togo, 120:3-5 (Mayne); fake ovpts, 65:20; 74:16; 75:24; Yokohama, 130:22 122:10-11 (Mayne); 124:21; 103:16 (Lauer) 1916 cover to USA, refused and 127:17 (Loughran); GEA, 128:25 Futschau provisional (Mi. 7), returned, 133:32 (Kemper); Togo, 130:28 (Mayne) 61:1; 66:11; strip of 30, cover to Samoa via Australia, additional postage added in Ger- 83:23; Mi. 7IIDD, 103:8; 105:20-21 (Belau) many, 95:23 (Farrant) 112:18; 120:19,20; 126:19; cover to Sweden with Chinese Barfrankierungen, Vorausfrankier- 127:29; 129:3-4 transit markings, 99:10 ungen, 61:14; 63:21,23; 70:19; Tientsin provisionals (Mi. 8-14, I- cover photocopies, 104:13 72:12; 80:14,21-22; 84:5; 86:17; IV), 65:18; Mi. 10 plate inward cover opened by post 87:4-6; 95:14-15,16; 99:13-14; flaw?, 66:5; 73:13; 76:23; office and resealed, 106:5 100:25; 103:3-6; 106:7; unused 78:12; 85:1; 94:19; fakes, ‘via Siberien’ marking, early Vorausfrankierungen envelope, 96:11-13; 97:21,23; Mi. 8DD, cover, 127:27; fake, 128:15- 106:11; 114:21-23 (Lobdell); 106:7; with ovpt applied in 16 (Schlieper); fake, 129:16 116:19; 120:19 Index to VORLÄUFER #61 - #137 March 2005 3 WWI cover, 69:2 (Mueller); 1917 K.D. FELDPOSTEXPED. / DES / OST- Imperialism and Chinese Nation- cover to Denmark, 114:19-21 ASIATISCHEN EXPEDITIONS- alism: Germany in Shantung (Taylor); 1917 cover opened CORPS a (Fr.
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