Environmental Assessment Report Summary Initial Environmental Examination for Peradeniya – Badulla - Chenkaladi (A005) National Highway Project Number: 38357 November 2007 Sri Lanka: National Highway Sector Project Prepared by [Author(s)] [Firm] [City, Country] Prepared by Road Development Authority for the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Prepared for [Executing Agency] [Implementing Agency] TheThe initial views environmental expressed herein examination are those is of a thedocument consul tantof the and borrower. do not necessarily The views representexpressed those herein of do ADB’s not necessarilymembers, Boardrepresent of Director those s,of Management,ADB’s Board ofor Directors,staff, and mayManagement, be preliminary or staff, in nature. and may be preliminary in nature. National Highways Sector Project Improvement and Upgrading Section from Nuwara Eliya (km 75.5) to Badulla (km 130.3) of Peradeniya – Badulla - Chenkaladi (A005) National Highway Summary Initial Environmental Examination Report Submitted to Asian Development Bank November 2007 By Road Development Authority Ministry of Highways and Roads Development Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank CEA – Central Environment Authority EMP – environment management plan EMoP – environmental monitoring plan ESD – Environmental and Social Division GSMB – Geological Surveys and Mines Bureau HSNR – Hakgala Strict Natural Reserve LHS – left-hand side NBRO – National Buildings Research Organization PIU – project implementing unit RDA – Road Development Authority ROW – right-of-way SC – supervision consultant Figure 2.1 Location map of subproject area from Nuwara Eliya to Badulla of A005 highway End (Badulla) Start (Nuwara Eliya) Nuwaraeliya A005 highway Badulla Subproject road section of A005 Map 7 Gregory Kale, Hakgala botanical gardens and HSNR Gregory Lake A005 highway Hakgala botanical garden and HSNR area Summary Initial Environmental Examination Introduction and Background 1. This document presents the results and conclusions of the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) conducted on approximately 55 km section of Peradeniya – Badulla – Chenkaladi (A005) highway, within Nuwara Eliya and Badulla districts of Central and Uva Provinces. The construction works of this subproject is partly funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Loan 2217-SRI: National Highway Sector Project. 2. This IEE report was prepared according to ADB Environmental Guidelines, May 2003. The Central Environmental Authority (CEA) under the provision of National Environmental Act amended by Act 56 of 1988 approved this subproject by issuing the environmental clearance on 1 February 2006. 3. The IEE study covers approximately 55 km section of road the existing road from km 75.5 (at Nuwara Eliya) to km 130.3 (at Badulla). The field survey in connection with the IEE study was conducted during April and May 2007. The study area included the road corridor and the area on either side of the road to be used for improvement works with observation area of about 50m from the centre line of the existing road trace with the following exceptions; (i) for hydrology and drainage the extent was extended to the catchment boundaries of the streams and other drainage paths crossing the road and to the downstream of the stream as far as the effects on the stream exerted by the hydraulic structures such as bridges and culverts and the restrictions created by the road embankments in some segments; (ii) for air, water quality, noise and vibration the study area extend beyond 50 m corridor depending on the intensity of the impacts; (iii) any socially sensitive entity such as school, temple, hospital beyond the 50 m corridor was considered based on the significance of the impact. 4. As this road section traverses adjacent to Gregory Lake Environmentally Protected Zone, Hakgala Botanic Garden and Hakgala Strict Natural Reserve (HSNR) an ecological survey to observe and record terrestrial and aquatic ecology was carried using the following methodology; (1) Direct observations were made to identify the flora and fauna up to 100 m to either side of road and were recorded along with habitat information; (2) A 100m x 5m line transect survey (vegetation) and rapid wildlife assessments were carried out through natural forest within the sanctuary. During the study, 3 line transects were made at different places in natural forest habitat in HSNR. Flora of over 10 cm diameter at breast height in line transects was recorded. 5. Public consultation was also carried out in line with ADB guidelines to establish meaningful feedback from the stake holders. An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and an Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) were developed based on best practices of environmental management. Description of the Project 6. This project is a road rehabilitation and improvement subproject which involves developing the existing road to a standard two-lane status with improvement to road side drainage by reconstructing constructing, improving and extending bridges across 2 streams, lengthening and replacing about 480 culverts. Parking lots/ bus stops and pedestrian walks will also be included at required locations. 7. The present condition within this section of road is very poor. The poor horizontal alignment, narrowness of the carriage way and road surface conditions has led to increase of operational cost of vehicles and travel time of road users between Nuwara Eliya and Badulla. The present traffic volume is about 5,800 vehicles/day at Badulla end and reduces to about 1,000 Vehicles/day over Welimada and Hali Ela sections, which is expected to increase up to about 10,000 and 2,000 vehicles/day2 respectively by 2025. 8. The subproject area is located in Nuwara Eliya and Badulla districts of Central and Uva Provinces, within the Divisional Secretary Divisions of Nuwara Eliya, Welimada, Hali Ela and Badulla. 9. In order to improve the existing road to a standard two lane status, land acquisition at selected sections will be required. The structures within the acquired land will be dismantled; the resettlement plan is being prepared in a separate document. Electricity power lines, telephone lines and water mains within the proposed right-of-way (ROW) will be shifted as and when necessary. The activities will also include; improving drainage within town areas and at other key areas; reconstructing bridges across rivers and streams, rehabilitating numerous culverts; constructing bus stopping areas and vehicle parking areas; and improving road alignment, landscape and accessories. Description of the Existing Environment 10. The construction of A005 road dates back to the early parts of the last century. The existing carriageway width varies between 7~7.5 m from Nuwara Eliya and gradually reduces to about 5.5~6.5 m between Hakgala and Welimada. Between Welimada and Hali Ela the existing road is extremely narrow between 3.5~4.5 m. But the road width again increases up to about 7~8 m from Hali Ela and Badulla. The first few kilometres of the road passes adjacent to environmentally sensitive areas such as the Gregory lake (between kms 76 and 78) and Hakgala botanical garden and Hakgala Strict Natural Reserve (HSNR, between kms 82 and 83). Towns that are passed by the road between Nuwara Eliya and Badulla are Sita Eliya, Keppettipola, Welimada, Ettampitiya and Hali Ela. Except for the townships the road winds mainly through areas of forest and few agricultural lands (vegetable plots) and home gardens. 11. A major portion of the subproject area falls within the eastern parts of the up- country intermediate zone. The subproject area receives an annual rainfall between 1500 and 2000 mm. High rainfall peaks are common in the months of November and December during the North East Monsoon with an annual average temperature in the range of 15 to 25 0C. The entire subproject area could be categorized as low noise area. 12. In the hilly area, the soil is dominated by Red Yellow Podzolic type and Mountain Regosols type could also be observed at few locations along the trace, especially close to the border of Nuwara Eliya administrative district. Geology of the area could be classified as “Highland Sires” with garnet- sillimanite, schist and gneiss, quartz feldspar, granulite, charnokitic gneiss, pyriclasite, pyroxenes and amphibolites etc. Traces of Marble, commonly dolomiteic; calcyphyre (diopside-scapolite, pyroxene amphibolite are found close to Badulla. The National Buildings Research Organization (NBRO) has 3 identified sections 91km to 93km, 104km to 107km, 109km to 114km and 117km to 122km as the landslide prone along A005 highway. Several landslides have occurred along this road in the recent past. 13. Major streams intercepted by this road are, Nanu Oya (at bridge No. 77/8), Kuda Oya (at bridge No. 100/6) and Mahatotilla Oya (at kms 106.7). The road traverse along the bank of Gregory lake for about one and a half kilometres from km 76 and Dougolla Oya flows parallel on the left-hand side (LHS) of the road between Welimada up to about kms 108. There are numerous small streams that crosses through the culverts and many of them are seasonal due being located in the intermediate zone of the country. 14. Gregory lake environmentally protected zone, Hakgala botanical garden and HSNR area are the most important ecological habitats located beside this road section. With respect to floral and faunal distribution six habitat types were identified as; Natural Forest, Aquatic and Associated Vegetation, Agriculture Lands and Forest Plantations, Home Garden, Disturbed or Degraded Lands, Road Side Vegetation. 15. A total of 137 plant species that belong to 62 families were observed during the study, these include 29 endemic and five nationally threatened species. A total of 93 aquatic and terrestrial faunal species were also recorded which included a single species of snails, nine species of butterflies, six species of fish, five species of amphibians, 10 species of reptiles, 40 species of birds and 22 species of mammals. From the total recorded fauna eight species are endemic and two species belongs to threatened category according to IUCN 1999 National threatened list.
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