1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1413 House Resolution 93; without amendment United States relative to apportionment of calling for the equal levying of taxes: to the (Rept. No. 125). Ordered to be printed. members of the Supreme Court; to the Co~· Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. KEE: Committee on Foreign Affairs. mittee on the Judiciary. 59. By Mr. MARSHALL: Petition of citi­ Background information on the use of United By Mr. ELLIOTT: zens of Pillager, Minn., urging that the serv­ States Armed Forces in foreign countries H. Con. Res. 63. Concurrent resolution au­ ing and selling of alcoholic liquors and alco­ pursuant to House Resolution 28; without thorizing the printing as a House document holic beverages to service men and women be amendment (Rept. No. 127). Referred to of the compilation of Federal laws pertain­ discontinued; to the Committee on Armed the Committee of the Whole House on the ing to veterans, 1914-'.-50; to the Committee on Services. State of the Union. House Administration. 60. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Miss By Mr. BUDGE: Doris Hollingsworth, Washington, D. C., rela­ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PRIVATE H. Res. 140. Resolution to authorize the tive to requesting the impeachment and re­ BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Committee on Armed Services to conduct a moval from office of Edward M. Curran, judge full and complete investigation and study of the United States District Court for the Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of of the suggested plan for national defense District of Columbia; to the Committee on committees were delivered to the Clerk prepared by the Committee on National De­ the Judiciary. for printing and reference to the proper fense of the American Association of Junior 61. Also, petition of John DeLaMater, sec­ calendar, as follows: Colleges; to the Committee on Rules. retary, Mount Pleasant Citizens Association, By Mr. McCORMACK: Mr. BURLESON: Committee on House Ad­ Washington, D. C., relative to appointing a H. Res. 141. Resolution to provide for the ministration. House Resolution 138. Reso­ committee to study the public transporta­ unity of Ireland; to the Committee on For­ lution for the relief of Mrs. Annie L. Bourke; tion systems in the metropolitan area of eign Atrairs. Without amendment (Rept. No. 126). Or­ Washington; to the Committee on the Dis­ dered to be printed. trict of Columbia. MEMORIALS PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Under clause 3 of rule XXII. memo. Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public· rials were presented and referred as SENATE bills and resolutions were introduced and follcws: severally referred as follows: By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1951 By Mr. BUDGE: lature of the State of Montana, relating to · H. R. 2792. A bill to provide for the crea­ Senate Joint Memorial No. 1, requesting that (Legislative day of Monday, January 29, tion of a Students' Armed Forces Training Congress continue and enhance its program 1951) Corps, and for other purposes; to the Com­ of rehabilitation of the landless Indian in mittee on Armed Services. Montana, known as nonwards; to the Com· The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, By Mr. CELLER: mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs. on the expiration of the recess. H. R. 2793. A bill to clarify the provisions · Rev. John C. Millian, D. D., district· of section 8 of the Immigration Act of Feb­ bruary 5, 1917 (39 Stat. 880; 8 U. S. C. 144); PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS superintendent, Methodist Church, Washington, D. C., offered the following to the Committee on the Judiciary. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private By Mr. CROSSER: . prayer: H. R. 2794. A bill to amend section 319 of bills and resolutions were introduced and the Communications Act of 1934, so as to severally referred as follows: Holy and eternal God, ruler of men nmke inapplicable, in the case of certain By Mr. BEAMER: and nations, bestower of grace, mercy, radio stations, the requirement that a. con­ H. R. 2802. A bill for the relief of Ming and peace, we bow humbly and prayer· struction permit be obtained prior to issu­ Foon Tow; to the Committee on the Judi­ fully in Thy presence. ance of an operating license; to the Com­ ciary. Keenly aware of our failures, we come mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. By Mr. FINE: in deep contrition praying that in Thy By Mr. ELLIOTT: H. R. 2803. A bill for the relief of the Sun redeeming grace we may find strength H. R . .2795. A bill to amend Veterans Regu­ Laundry Corp.; to the Committee on the for the facing of this hour. lation No. 1 (a), as amended, to establish Judiciary. for persons who served in the Armed Forces - By Mr. HELLER: As responsibility rests heavily upon us, a statutory award for the total loss of hearing H. R. 2804. A bill to record the lawful ad­ wilt Thou endow us with that true wis­ 1n one ear; to the Committee on Veterans• mission for pe.rmanent residence of the alien dom which comes only from Th~. with Affairs. Sophie Szenczi; to the Committee on the that spiritual insight without which we By Mr. FISHER: Judiciary. are sightless, with that understanding H. R. 2796. A bill to ame.nd section 13 (c) By Mr. KILBURN: heart whereby we can pray even for our of Public Law 393 of the Eighty-first Con­ H. R. 2805. A bill for the relief of Gustaf gress, first session; to the Committee on Edu­ enemies. May Thy divine spirit turn Henrik Walfrid Walden, and his wife, Anja their hate into love and their deception cation and Labor. Leila Sylvia Seijes Walden; to the Committee By Mr. MILLER of California: on the Judiciary. into honest cooperation. H. R. 2797. A bill to provide for home rule By Mf. KING: May our strength be renewed that we and reorganization in the District of Colum­ H. R. 2806. A bill for the relief of Miss may rise above our faltering selves and bia; to the Committee on the· District of Elizabeth Malak; to the Committee on the with Thy help courageously bring peace Columbia. Judiciary. By Mr. MOULDER: to nations and freedom to the imprisoned H. R. 2798. A bill to amend Public Law No. By Mr. MACHROWICZ: souls of men. 172, Eighty-first Congress, approved July 12, H. R. 2807. A bill for the relief of Stanislaw We pray this in faith, believing for 1949, chapter 340, 64 Statutes 440 (title 28, Poborski; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Thine is the kingdom and the power and sec. 2680, U.S. C.); to the Committee on the By Mr. MURPHY: the glory forever. Amen. Judiciary. H. R. 2808. A bill for the relief of Salvatore By Mr. EDWIN ARTHUR HALL: Di Benedetto; to the Committee on the THE JOURNAL H. R. 2799. A bill to strengthen national Judiciary. · On request of Mr. McFARLAND, and by defense by outlawing the gerrymander and By Mr. HUGH D. SCOTT, JR.: unanimous consent, the reading of the saving representative government; to the H. R. 2809. A bill for the relief of Fran­ Committee on the Judiciary. ciska Gruber; to the Committee on the Journal of the proceedings of Monday~ By Mr. McGUIRE: Judiciary. February 19, 1951, was dispensed with. H. R. 2800. A bill to provide an allowance By Mr. SCRIVNER: MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT for uniforms for certain officers recalled to H. R. 2810. A bill for the relief of James active service with the Armed Forces of the Nels Ekberg; to the Committee on the Messages in writing from the Presi· United States; to the Committee on Armed Judiciary. dent of the United States submitting Services. nominations were communicated to the By Mr. ROBESON: Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre· H. R. 2801. A bill to authorize Federal -co­ PETITIONS, ETC. taries. operation in the construction of a sewage­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions disposal system to serve the Yorktown area MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE of the Colonial National Historical Park, Va., and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and for other purposes; to the Committee on and referred as follows: A message from the House of Repre- _ Interior and Insular Affairs. 58. By Mr. GROSS: Petition presented by sentatives, by Mr. Snader, its assistant By Mr. COLE of New York: Virginia Kimm, of Cedar Falls, Iowa, bearing reading clerk, announced that the House H.J. Res. 168. Joint resolution proposing her name and that of 97 other residents of had passed, without amendment, the bill an amendment to the Constitution of the the Cedar Falls-Watei:loo, Iowa, area, and <S. 59) for the relief of Vernon Crudge. 1414 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE FEBRUARY 21 The message also announced that the H. R. 857. An act for the relief of Mrs. Rose H. R. 1840. ·An act for the relief of Bernard House had passed the following bills, in A. Mongrain; Spielmann; , H. R. 859. An act for the admission to the H. R. 1845. An act for the relief of Sam Pat­ which it requested the concurrence of United States of Mrs. Margot Kazerski; terson; the Senate: H. !t. 889. An act for the relief of Lena Val­ H. R. 1908. An act for the relief of Helena H. R. 31. An act for refund of customs samis and Lucy Balasa Valsamis; Jange Chinn; duties to the Preparatory Commission for H. R . 890. An act for the relief of Athina H. R. 1912. An act for the relief of Wilcox the International Refugee Organization; Mary Onassis; Electric Co., Inc.; H.
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