DuPage County South DuPage Airport Corridor BUILD 2019 Application Letters of Support 1. Dan Cronin, Chairman, DuPage County Board 2. Dick Durbin, U.S. Senator 3. Tammy Duckworth, U.S. Senator 4. Sean Casten, U.S. Representative, 6th Congressional District of Illinois 5. Lauren Underwood, U.S. Representative, 14th Congressional District of Illinois 5. Jim Oberweis, Illinois State Senator 25th District 6. Rubin Pineda, Mayor, City of West Chicago 7. Raymond Rogina, Mayor, City of St. Charles 8. Jeff Schielke, Mayor, City of Batavia 9. Mark Doles, Interim Executive Director, DuPage Airport Authority 10. Steve Chirico, President, DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference 11. Tom Rickert, Executive Director Kane Kendall Council of Mayors 12. Lisa Miceli, Vice President, Choose DuPage Economic Development 13. Mark Moran, Vice President, Hiffman Commercial Real Estate Services 14. Omer Osman, Acting Secretary, Illinois Department of Transportation 15. Christopher Lauzen, Kane County Board Chairman Daniel J. Cronin (630) 407-6023 County Board Chairman [email protected] July 10, 2019 Elaine Chao, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 205990 Dear Secretary Chao, I would like to take this opportunity to express the importance of DuPage County's Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development {BUILD) Transportation Discretionary Grants program application. The Fabyan Parkway and Kautz Road project will complete the necessary transportation improvements to ensure access to new economic generators in local communities and two counties. Local and regional governments have been working in partnership to address economic development and transportation issues in this portion of DuPage and Kane Cou nties. Modernized access is crucial to the viability and susta inability of the proposed developments in the 640-acre DuPage Business Center and 500-acre Geneva Southeast Subarea. The transportation improvements will vastly improve access to t he DuPage Airport Authority, the t hird-most active airport in the State of Illinois, and to the Union Pacific West Chicago Vehicle Distribution Center. Based on the number of projects focused on this area in Chicago Metropolitan Area Planning MPO Transportation Improvement Program {TIP), it is evident that local entities are very serious about updating and upgrading regional transportation facilities. Access is important for economic development and job growth in this part of t he Chicago land western suburbs, but safety and efficiency of commercial transport are equally important. Regional commerce travels to and through this corridor, and with accelerating freight growth it is imperative to build resilient and durable roads. Key project area facilities Fabyan Parkway and IL 38/Roosevelt Road, both Strategic Regional Arterials, have experienced too many fatal and injurious accidents over the last decade. This project will address the design of Fabyan Parkway in order to make the entire area a safer and more efficient corridor. This project's gains will be realized above and beyond economic generators. Transportation and economic development benefits will positively impact local residents. By improving the transportation system and drawing new economic development opportunities into the DuPage Airport area, this project can spur life-changing opportunities for residents-many of whom are low­ income with minimal skills. By providing new job openings this project will uplift t he quality of life for local job-seekers. 421 N. County Farm Road , Wheaton, Illinois 60187 (630) 407-6023 • www.dupageco.org On behalf of DuPage County, I believe that this is the type of project that the BUILD grant is designed to make possible. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this letter in support of this regionally significant project. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can answer any questions. Sincerely, Dan Cronin DuPage County Board Chairman RICHARD J. DURBIN COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE. NUTRITION ANO FORESTRY ILUNOIS COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS DEMOCR/\TIC WHIP 1ilnitcd ~tares ~cnatc COMMITTEE ON THE J UOICl/\RY 1.l))ashington. BQ: 20510-1 >o-t COMMITTEE ON RULES AND ADMINISTRATION July 15, 2019 The l lonorable Elaine Chao Secretary lJ .S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington. D.C. 20590 Dear Secretary Chao. l am writing in support of DuPage County's application for Better Utilizing lnvestments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Transportation Discretionary Grants funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation. This federal funding will enable DuPage County to complete the Fabyan Parkway and Kautz Road Project-necessary transportation improvements to ensme access to new economic generators in two communities and rwo counties. Local and regional governments have been working in partnership to address economic development and transportation issues in this portion of DuPage and Kane Counties. Modernized access is crucial to the viability and sustainability of the proposed developments in the 640-acrc DuPage Business Center and 500-acre Geneva Southeast Subarea. The transportation improvements wi ll vastly improve access to the DuPage Airport Authority. the thi rd-most active airport in the Stale or fllinois, and to the Union Pacific West Chicago Vehicle Distribution Center. Access is important for economic development and job gro-w't h in this part or the Chicago land western suburbs. but the safety and efficiency of commercial transport are equally im portant. Key project area faci liti es Fabyan Parkway and IL 38/ Rooscvelt Road, both Strategic Regional Arterials. have experienced too many fatal and injurious accidents over the last decade. This project will address the design of f-'abyan Parkway in order to make the entire area a safer and more efficient corridor. By improving the transportation system and drawing new economic development opportunities into the DuPage /\irport area, this project can spur lile-changing opportunities for residents­ many of whom are low-income with minimal skills. 8y providing new job openings, this project will uplin the quality or life for local job-seekers. Please give full and fair consideration to DuPage County's application. lf you require additional information. please contact my Chicago Director, C larisol Duque. at (312) 353-4952. Sincerely. ~~ United States Senator 71 1 HAHT SF/\IATF or ..cF RLllLDING 7:10 5. Of AR80AN STRtET >25 SOUTH EIGHI H STREET 1!>04 THIRD AVENUE 750 w CHf nRv s rnrt r WASHINGTON. DC 20510 130d SUITE 3892 SPRINGFIELD. IL sno3 SUITE 271 SUITE 115 0 1102) 724 2152 CHICAGO, IL 60604 1717) •192 4067 ROCK ISLJ\NO. IL 61201 CARBONDALE ·L 62901 (312) 3!>3 ·49!>2 1309) 786-~· 1 13 <fi1Al351 1·77 rhu bm sr' <! IC qnv TAMMY DUCKWORTH .u.~·.•.r•us NOlh /•RMFO SER\,.CtS COMMERCE. SC'HJC[ . AN' lRA'll';roR·ATl(J" United ~rates ,Senate ENVIRO'll'.'lNT AND PllijL C WORKS "MAU HllSl'I SS A',Q ENTAFf'RENEU>lSHIP July 11, 2019 The Honorable Elaine Chao Secretary of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE Washington, D.C. 20590 Dear Secretary Chao: I write to express my support for DuPage County's application to the Better Utilizing Investment to Leverage Development (BUlLD) discretionary grants program offered by the U.S. Department of Transportation. This funding will enable DuPage to advance the Fabyan Parkway and Kautz Road project and ensure access to new economic generators in two communities. DuPage and Kane Counties have been working in partnership with local governments to address economic development and transportation issues affecting both counties. The Counties are proposing the Fabyan Parkway and Kautz Road project in order to address significant safety issues presented by the design of those roads and improve the viability and sustainability of the proposed developments in the 640-acre DuPage Business Center and 500-acre Geneva Southeast Subarea. DuPage believes that the proposed transportation improvements will vastly improve access to the DuPage Airport Authority, the third-most active airport in the State of Illinois, and to the Union Pacific West Chicago Vehicle Distribution Center. Access, safety and the efficient movement of vehicles through this corridor are important for economic development and job growth in this part of the greater Chicago Metropolitan Area. As a U.S. Senator and member of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, modernizing Illinois' infrastructure and transportation systems is a top priority. Federal funds will be used to support and draw economic development opportunities into DuPage and Kane counties. Funding for the Fabyan Parkway and Kautz Road project support the core goals of the BUILD prog_ram by promoting regional connectivity, improving public safety and potentially leveraging economic development. I urge you to give DuPage County's application your full and fa ir consideration for BUILD funding offered by the U.S. Department of Transportation. If you have any questions, please contact my State Grants Manager, Dan McManus, by calling (312) 886-3506. Sincerely, - /~/)~ Tammy Duckworth United States Senator 1 SIJITI 94 ~lllil 3900 S~<Jl•H1()111SJA' ('A 1· (I I Ai'' I ... -.me HA'n ~.1N '' ;i If ; s ,( 41•0 JtAllT BlJILOl'l!l KL1• r.~..: .~1 f[llfP.A tJ S"'1" l .IL fv."ll .Wl[:• 1W1LuW.S1 t' 1273? A,_r, !'. f • 1-1 ltl $·11 AH• WA5HIN1iTO\.. O< 2l:..i.~J :":SJ S. Or At-:Ac'fl~ S 1 J:t f .f1/i!l7H f.1}4 C.:.Akt<-1 N .\1 I I f;/~lfl1 H r..I >M1.1l61211 f-\r , 11, 1 11 t.221c1 1:i-n:r ='14 78!.4 Cit"""'•, ll 60601 r-1s1u11 1ow JU'll 6C • 1-Jf~ r,1 n~ 1010 1312 886 3500 SEAN CASTEN COMMITIEE ON 6TH DISTRICT, ILUNOIS SCIENCE, SPACE, AND TECHNOLOGY 429 CANNON House OFFICE BUILDING SUBCOMMITTEE ON ENEHCV WASHINGTON, DC 20515 1202) 225-45 61 QCongress of tbe ~nitell $tates SuscOMMIITEE ON ENVIRONMENT ;!)oust of l\tpresentntibt5 COMMITIEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES mnsbington, jjB<lC 20515- 1306 SUDCOMMITTE£ ON INVESTOR PAOlECTION, ENTREPHENEURSHIP, /IND CllPITAL MARKETS SURCOMMITI'EE ON Ove-ns1c;11T AND INVESTIGATIONS July 9, 2019 Elaine Chao, Secretary U.S.
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