Special thanks to: Cardinal Levada, Bishop Bruskewitz, Bishop Timlin, Bishop Slattery, Solemn Consecration of Bishop Finn and Abbot Anderson for their gracious assistance at the Consecration of our new Chapel. Sts. Peter and Paul Chapel The members of the Religious Communities and lay associations With its who have helped to add solemnity to this blessed occasion. EWTN for all of their hard work in broadcasting this Ceremony. First Pontifical High Mass We offer devoted prayerful gratitude to all who have contributed in any way to the construction of this sacred edifice. And finally we thank everyone who has joined in prayer with us today to give honor and glory to Almighty God. May God reward you! The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter Mass of the Dedication of a Church www.fssp.org 3 March 2010 Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary 7880 West Denton Road * PO Box 147 Denton, Nebraska 68339 Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary Phone: (402) 797-7700 www.fsspolgs.org Denton, Nebraska 52 1 2 51 Established in 1988 by Pope John Paul II, the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter of Saint Peter is a Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right. The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter serves the Catholic Church by means of its own The Chapel Consecration Ceremony particular objective, which is the sanctification of priests through the faithful celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. Through the spiritual riches of the Church’s ancient Roman liturgy, the priests of the Fraternity seek to sanctify those entrusted to their care. The Priestly In the presence of Fraternity instructs and trains priests to preserve, promote, and protect the Church’s authentic liturgical and spiritual traditions. The Fraternity has over 200 priests worldwide. Over 125 seminarians study in its two international His Eminence, seminaries in Bavaria, Germany and Denton, ebraska. William Cardinal Levada, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary is the Fraternity’s English language international seminary and currently includes seminarians from the United and States of America, Canada, the French West Indies, England, Scotland, President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei Ireland, Belgium, Italy, igeria, India, China, the Philippines, Australia, and ew Zealand. Main Consecrating Bishop His Excellency, The Most Reverend Fabian Bruskewitz, D.D., S.T.D. Bishop of Lincoln Co-consecrating Bishops The Most Reverend James Timlin, Bishop Emeritus of Scranton The Most Reverend Edward Slattery, Bishop of Tulsa The Most Reverend Robert Finn, Bishop of Kansas City - St. Joseph Co-consecrating priests The Right Reverend Philip Anderson, O.S.B. The Very Reverend Father John Berg, F.S.S.P. The Very Reverend Father Josef Bisig, F.S.S.P. The Reverend Father Charles Van Vliet, F.S.S.P. 50 3 FIRST P ART : POSTCOMMUNION STAND = Dóminus vobíscum. = The Lord be with you. PURIFICATION AND D EDICATION OF THE C HURCH + Et cum spíritu tuo. +++ And with thy spirit. Orémus. Let us pray. VESTING OF THE BISHOP AND PROCESSION TO THE CHURCH epléti sumus, Dómine, e have been filled with Thy While the faithful await the arrival of the Bishop outside of the doors of the new chapel, the R munéribus tuis: tríbue, W gifts, O Lord; grant, we Main Consecrating Bishop arrives in the Chapel of the Relics inside of the Seminary where the quǽsumus; ut eórum et mundémur beseech Thee, that we may be relics of the Saints, which will be sealed in the altars of the new chapel, have been kept. After efféctu et muniámur auxílio. cleansed and strengthened by their some time kneeling in prayer, the Bishop puts on his sacred vestments assisted by his ministers. effect. He then intones the “Adesto Deus” antiphon which the clergy and schola complete. He then Orémus. Let us pray. proceeds with the prayer asking for the help of God in the great work which is to be done today. Q uos cǽlesti, Dómine, aliménto hrough the intercession of the desto Deus unus * omnipotens, e present, O God almighty, the satiásti: apostólica intercessióni- T Apostles, do Thou, O Lord, A Pater, Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus. B Father and the Son, and the Holy bus ab omni adversitáte custódi. Per guard from all adversity those whom Ghost. Dóminum nostrum. +++ Amen. Thou hast filled with heavenly food. Through our Lord. +++ Amen. = = Dóminus vobíscum. The Lord be with you. DISMISSAL + + Et cum spíritu tuo. And with thy spirit. = Dóminus vobíscum. Orémus. Let us pray. +++ Et cum spíritu tuo. = The Lord be with you. ctiones nostras, quaesumus, irect, we beseech Thee, O Lord, = Ite missa est. +++ And with thy spirit. A Domine, aspirando praeveni, et D our actions by Thy holy inspira- +++ Deo grátias. = Go, the Mass is ended. adjuvando prosequere; ut cuncta tions, and carry them on by Thy gra- nostra oratio et operatio a te semper cious assistance: that every prayer and incipiat, et per te coepta finiatur. Per work of ours may always begin from Christum Dominum nostrum. Thee, and through Thee be happily + Amen. ended. Through Christ our Lord. + Amen. KNEEL STAND RECESSIONAL 4 49 ndulgéntiam, absolutiónem, et ay the almighty and merciful ASPERSION OF THE EXTERIOR OF THE CHURCH I remissiónem peccatórum M Lord grant us pardon, The procession to the new chapel begins. All of the servers, clergy and co-consecrating bishops nostrórum tríbuat nobis omnípotens absolution and remission of our sins. and priests with their ministers walk in silence to the exterior front doors of the new chapel with et miséricors Dóminus. the Main Consecrating Bishop following at the end of the procession. When he arrives at the +++ Amen . +++ Amen doors, he intones the “Deus in adiutorium” antiphon and walks clockwise around the chapel The Bishop then turns to the clergy and faithful and showing them a sacred Host he says: sprinkling the exterior walls with specially blessed Gregorian Water. While the bishop blesses the exterior of the chapel, the schola sings: cce, Agnus Dei: ecce qui tollit ehold the Lamb of God, behold E peccáta mundi. B Him who taketh away the sins of Ant. Bene fundata est domus Domini Ant. The house of the Lord has been +++ Dómine, non sum dignus, ut + Lord, I am not worthy that Thou super firmam petram. well founded upon a firm rock. intres sub tectum meum: sed should come under my roof: say but Psalmus 86 Psalm 86 tantum dic verbo, et sanábitur the word and my soul shall be healed. Fundaménta ejus in móntibus sanctis: The foundations thereof are in the ánima mea. (3 x) * díligit Dóminus portas Sion super holy mountains: The Lord loveth the ómnia tabernácula Jacob .Gloriósa gates of Sion above all the tabernacles COMMUNION OF THE CLERGY AND SEMINARIANS dicta sunt de te, * cívitas Dei. (Rep. of Jacob. Glorious things are said of Clergy and Seminarians ascend into the Sanctuary to receive at the footpace. Ant.) thee, O city of God. (Rep. Ant.) COMMUNION OF THE FAITHFUL Memor ero Rahab, et Babylónis * I will be mindful of Rahab and of The reception of Holy Communion is a sign that the communicant accepts and believes all that sciéntium me. Ecce alienígenæ, et Babylon knowing me. Behold the the Roman Catholic Church holds and teaches. Tyrus, et pópulus Æthíopum, * hi foreigners, and Tyre, and the people General norms for receiving Holy Communion in the Catholic Church fuérunt illic. (Rep. Ant.) of the Ethiopians, these were there. Those who receive should: (Rep. Ant.) 1) be baptized Catholics in full communion and in good standing with the Church Numquid Sion dicet: Homo, et homo Shall not Sion say: This man and that 2) be in a state of Sanctifying Grace (i.e. not conscious of any mortal sin) natus est in ea: * et ipse fundávit eam man is born in her? and the Highest 3) have fasted at least one hour before receiving the Sacrament Altíssimus? Dóminus narrábit in himself hath founded her. The Lord shall tell in his writings of peoples and scriptúris populórum, et príncipum: * of princes, of them that have been in In the ancient Latin rite celebrated according to the liturgical books of 1962, the communicant horum, qui fuérunt in ea. Sicut lætán- receives the Sacred Host on the tongue while kneeling. The “Amen” is said by the priest. her. The dwelling in thee is as it were tium ómnium: * habitátio est in te. of all rejoicing. (Rep. Ant.) Corpus Dómini nostri Jesu Christi May the Body of our Lord Jesus (Rep. Ant.) custódiat ánimam tuam in vitam Christ preserve thy soul unto ætérnam. Amen. everlasting life. Amen. After blessing the exterior walls, the Bishop stops in front of the doors and sings: COMMUNION ANTIPHON (Schola) = Dóminus vobíscum. = The Lord be with you. Ps. 26:6 + Et cum spíritu tuo. + And with thy spirit. ircuíbo et immolábo in will go round, and offer in His Orémus. Let us pray. C tabernáculo ejus hóstiam I tent, sacrifices with shouts of mnípotens sempitérne Deus, lmighty and Eternal God, who jubilatiónis: cantábo et psalmum gladness; I will sing and chant praise O qui in omni loco dominatiónis A art wholly present in every place dicam Dómino. to the Lord. tuæ totus assístis, totus operáris: of Thy rule and fully dost Thou work: adésto supplicatiónibus nostris, et be present to our supplications and be huius domus, cuius es fundátor, esto Thou the protector of this house of protéctor; nulla hic nequítia contráriæ which Thou are also the founder; may potestátis absístat, sed, virtúte Spíritus no evil of the adverse power here Sancti operánte, fiat hic tibi semper hinder, but, by the powerful work of purum servítium et devóta libértas.
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