Their New Year's Resolutions Local Notables Go Public with Eyes ULS Property

Their New Year's Resolutions Local Notables Go Public with Eyes ULS Property

Local notables go public with their New Year's resolutions By MIIgle ReIn. Smith Staff Writer one's own mgrained behaviut and attitudes of Grosse Pomte, never the same route be- stands for Mane, whIch I've never used." - is - well, THE QUESTION Merely five days into 1989 - and millions cause It'S bormg. Brandon Rogers, city planning consultant, Ask them. of New Year's resolutions have hit the owner of Brandon M. Rogers & Associates, dumpster. M Jane Kay, vIce presl- David Lawrence Jr , pub- dent-adnllmstratlOn for De- PC, IS Involved in planmng for the City, Bright.eyed resolution.makers, firm and lisher and chairman of the troit EdIson, saId, "I've been and often works on assIgnment for the flinty, earnestly committed to various forms DetrOIt Free Press, saId he lIldulgmg so much. I'm Woods, Farms, Park and Harper Woods of self.denial, self-control and self.improve. resol ves to keep on 1'1ll1nmg gomg to take It easy on the Rogers has three resolutIOns: ment, have slipped into spineless surrender, "I started runnmg seven food My waistbands are too "To support continued revitahzation of the have given up their good intentions. months ago and I rull two or tight" Pomtes' commercial districtS, includmg the We queried some notable Grosse Pam tel'S three Imles a day, SIXtimes Because of some early In 7.Mack area, Kercheval on the Hill, the VII. about their resolutIOns for 1989. a week," he sald "I've lost the-year soctal obhgations, lage and East Jefferson m the Park Whether these optimlstic forward.lookmg ! 30-plus pounds so fal' I re- however, Kay said her dwt "To plan some affordable housing for cItizens have held fast for the first five days solve to keep on gomg and won't begin untll mld-Janu Pomte semor Citizens of the year, whether they've displayed the M. Jane Kay to lose 10 more poundf- " 3ry "And to help In histonc preservatIOI! ef. pluck and moral fiber and serious single. David Lawrence Lawrence ~ald he runs "I also resolve not to be short WIth people fOl'ts of the Pomtes' few remaming land. minded purposefulness necessary to change Jr. tlll ough the ~tleets who call me Mary The M 111 M ,J,1l18 Kty See RESOLUTIONS, page 4A Grosse Pointe News Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 35~ Thursday, January 5, 1989 Lakefront Woods '~: attack trial Park gets Esquire 2A starts Jan. 9 eyes ULS Neff Marina may The tnal of four suspects m need dredging 3A the July rape of a Grosse Pomte property Woods woman and the beatIng of A tale of her boyfriend behInd the War two centuries 6A Memorial IS scheduled to begm By John Minnis Jan. 9 Slaff Wnter Exercise? A public hearing h!l.~ been The tnal IS In DetrOIt Record scheduled to dISCUSS the poSSible Yeah, right 7A er's Court before Judge George dIsposItion of the Umversity Lig. Obituaries BA Crnckett III KeVin SlmowskI, the Wayne gett MIddle School property if Expensive cars 10A County assIstant prosecutmg' at the private mstItutIon decIdes to tomey handling the case, SaId consohdate ItS campuses Dear Mr. Presldent ..13A the four suspects wIll be tned Last week the Grosse POInte together. Woods Planmng CommIssIOn Star students 14A scheduled a Jan 24 hearmg for One Jury will deCIde on each of CitIzen mput on what should be Saying 'No' 15A the three adult suspects, while done WIth the ULS property on the fourth suspect who was a JU' Bnarchfl Dnve If It IS no longer The travelling venile at the time of the attack used by the school accountant 20A has waived hiS rIght to a Jury Last Api'll the ULS Board of and WIll rely on a verdIct from T1 llstees announced its decision Glancy speaks Crockett. to "accept In princIpal" a com. to area kaders .......21A Pohce responded to a call at 3 mlttee recommendatIOn that the a m July 12 and found a 19 Community ed mIddle school be relocated to the year-old woman at the scene who mam campus on Cook Road classes listed 22A saId she was raped and she Both campuses are In Grosse thought her boyfriend, also a When resolve Pomte Woods Woods reSIdent, had been beaten dissolves lB The consohdatIOn of campuses to death and thrown mto the Pointers go lake on Cook Road would mean the pnvate educatIOn would have to The couple had been SIttIng Pewabic 3B sell ItS Bnarchff DrIve propelty near the lake behmd the War and bUIld a new mIddle school at Pride of the MemOllal when the attack oc. the Cook Road campus The ULS Pointes 12B curred The VIctIms were treated board has not yet announced and released from St John Hos- whether It will defimtely close From Down Unda' lC pItal the Bnarcliff school Three of the suspects were al Young Peles Planning CommIssIOn ChaIr- rested wlthm 90 mInutes of the man John Kennedy saId the pub- wanted 2C attack, and the fOUlth man was lic heanng IS a "forum for dIS. arrested July 18 Cold and dry Preventative cusslOn" on what should be done One of the suspects was a JU medicine 3C Taking advan~age of the Illth the PIOpelty should the venlle, 16 years old, at the time last few days of Christmas school consohdate ItS campuses Classzfied 4C of the attack Now 17, he WdS vacation. the Shirilla family He Said one of the optIOns IS re ordered to stand tnal as an of the City took Max, their zonmg the propelty from genel al adult - John Mtnnls neighbor's dog. down to the facilItIes to residential track field at Grosse Pointe The public heal mg and rezon South Friday for a litlle wor- IIlg con<'lderatlOns are not m reo kout. That's mother Joan. >.pon"e to any request by Umver- from the left, CoHeen. Kath. ;'lty LIggett, Kennedy SaId The P~~'~ ryn and Matt. planmng commISSIOn IS tryIng to At the right. Chris Lopez of be "pro-active" rather than rear- Salvatore Ventimiglia the Farms shows where tlve, he saId, meanmg that the there's a supply of snow for cIty would like some say m what those who were dreaming - By Pat Pahofsky happens to the property should He's on the boald of the Boy" Editor in vain - of a white Christ. the ...chool deCide to sell It and GIrls Clubs of Southeastel 11 Salvatore "Sam" Venttmlglia mas. Well. there were a few Woods City Admmlstrator/ Michigan, an orgamzatlOn he's exudes an mtense passIOn - for flakes. The snow is in the elel k Chestel Petersen Said the hiS famIly, hIS work, hIS CIVIC been mvolved WIth for seven parking lot back of !he Vil- pl,mnmg commiSSIon IS trymg to years He was chairman of th(' mvolvement, his leisure.time ac. lage shopping district. m<1ke SUIe that the now nOT)- U11It Management CounCIl fOl tivltles, for life In general He tax,\hle PIOPClty IS put to Its the Holden BUlldmg, one of cares and that explains why he ht,<;t, hlghe>.t use, whIch could be C1ght complexes the organl7atlOll gets thmgs done Ie70nlllg the property and hay supports HIS only lament IS "It's gomg mg It developed mto reSIdential "The orgamzatlOn 1<; abollt by so fast" and that explams home~ working for kIds," he explain", why he's in a hurry to get thmgs Contacted last week followmg "not SIck kIds or dymg kIds, but done. the Dec 27 planmng commIssion kids on the street They're fight meetmg, ULS board PreSIdent mg what's on the street" W MelTltt Jones Jr Said he was And that, for Ventlmlgha, 1<; unaware that ~he cIty ",as gomg reason enough to volunteer hI;' to hold a public hearmg concern tIme IIlg the rezomng of the mIddle He's also a member of the ex ...chool PloPClty He "aid he could ecutlve board of the Itahan Farms police bust underage party lIot comment further concerning Amencan Cultural Socwty, an till' pnvnte school's plans orgamzatlOn dedIcated to pI e Tll<' I(,l'lwg(' ll<'pl1<'\1 of a ('I,ll of tlll' occupnl1h III IJll' hI III II cI 10 hI' l]whol 1'lw "u... In a statement released m servmg Itahan hentage Fill In'" I ("'lr!rnl md\ 1)(' chm ged 11011](' dll( k('d out of "'lght. poll( (' 1)(( II'd ,Ii( oholl< hl'H'1 age... II CI (' April. the ULS board saId the With a semor cItizen day care for Ih)(mmg a loud p,lll\ ,It hI<, ~,lId Police knockrd on the flont Illllll~(,1tl d 1m ('\1(1('11('(' Th(' po I{'a!.oll~ for consolidlltmg thc pl"Ogram, chIld care program, hot uncl('.... home and dll(}\\ 1I1g' un dOIll ami <;omeOlll' linn]]y 01'('11<'<1 hI I II pili t ..,1"I ('d t ht, mll'l'Iol of campuses Illcluded the fact that lunch program, clas'les and othel d(,1 dg'(' dl III k llIg II 1111' llOllIl' 1\ " ... qUilt' 111(.......y, hut tIll' ImddlC' !.chool WIll soon "re- actrvltws, the center I" alcorn !",IIIll'" poh«' I(''''polld('d to ,I 11" c1,11l1.. ,.:"(' \1,1'" 1l01lU,d qUlI <' a very i'luhstantlal capItal 1('POll of ,I "1('1'11 (h lIlklng p.lI 1\" 'I'll<' P('hOI\ ,II the dOOl told po phshmg Its goal", IlUt t hpl (' 1<, a 1'0111 1I!l'lIt Ifil'd 1110 I~ \<"U )ICI' Iholl Ill<' 111'1...01\ 111 (h,lIgl' olltlav," prc'lumably m upkeep ,It I ,I III ,II ,\ homl' III thl' co"t 0, P', III I]' .., Illd 11\0 II nI,Ill'''' ,Ig'<'''' \1.1'" ,I r 1'1,ltII (.

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