21004 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 9, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS DR. CHARLES EHRLICH: POLITI­ way he ran the office of the county clerk, a home canners are willing to buy a case CIAN IN BEST SENSE position he held from 1960 to 1970. During of instant coffee, they can get the lids each of those years, the budget he submitted to the freeholders was less than the year they need. They cannot, however, find before. It was no small feat. Inflation and enough separate lids to use on their old HON. FRANK THOMPSON, JR. rising taxes were with us then too. jars. They are being forced to buy jars, OF NEW JERSEY His role as a watchdog for the people some­ and coffee, they do not need in order to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES times conflicted with his role as a loyal get the lids they do need. Democrat. "Doc" seemed always to be a mem­ Mr. Speaker, we need to look further Tuesday, July 8, 1975 ber of the loyal opposition, no matter which into this problem and I urge my col­ Mr. THOMPSON. Mr. Speaker, it has party was in power. leagues who have received mail on this When he first came on the freeholder become the fashion in these post-Water­ board, the Republicans were in control, and subject to get involved, too. gate days to view those who served in he soon established a reputation as a barb in At this time I would like to share with public office with distrust and, unhap­ their side. He teased them, keipt them on my colleagues my testimony before the pily, in some cases with disdain. And yet, their toes, tore into them when he thought Subcommittee on Commodities and Serv­ there are those public servants who have they were going astray. ices of the Small Business Committee served their fellow citizens with courage, When his own party took over, it seemed as follows: with ability, and with good humor. he couldn't quite adjust to being a mem­ TESTIMONY OF THE HONORABLE BOB TRAXLER, ber of the majority, and, in fact, he didn't. One such public servant was Dr. U.S. REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE EIGHTH DIS­ He continued to play the role of antagonist, TRICT OF MICHIGAN Charles Ehrlich, a man whom I was watchdog, and became known as a "maver­ pleased and proud to call my friend. ick." It was a role thiat got him into trouble Mr. Chairman, I want to thank you and "Doc" Ehrlich, as we called him, epito­ with the powers to be in his party in the the members of this Subcommitee for this mized the best that there is as a public last few months. opportunity to speak on behalf of the home­ officeholder. I could describe at length He talked like he acted, straightforward canners of Michigan and my district on the and plain. He never attempted to mislead critical shortage of canning lids. Your Sub­ his many virtues and qualities, but the committee is to be commended for its in­ following editorial which appeared in the the press or the public. He was not without a sense of humor, how­ quiry into this most vexing of consumer July 3 edition of the Burlington County ever, nor lacking compassion. The work he problems, one that affects millions of house­ Times does it much better than any ef­ was most proud of was his drive to improve holds across the nation. fort that I might produce. Buttonwood Hall, the county home for the I know that a subject like "canning lids" My sympathies and those of my wife aged, and to replace Evergreen Park, the may not capture the interest of sophisti­ go to his widow, Elsie, and his family. county mental hospital. cated city people in Washington, but back The editorial reads as follows: There's much that can be written about home in Michigan it is the number one issue "Doc" Ehrlich. He was born and raised in that I hear about when I visit with constit­ DR. CHARLES EHRLICH; POLITICIAN IN BEST uents. I think it is definitely time for the SENSE Ri verslde and never strayed further from that old industrial town than Delanco. He Congress to get more deeply involved in this Not too long ago Delran resident Dollie was a football star in high school and college problem. DeFlece went before the board of chosen free­ and laiter with a semi-pro team. He was a Mr. Chairman, I represent a Congressional holders to plead for improvement of Creek practicing dentist all his working life. He district with both urban and rural areas. Road. Mr. DeFlece lives on Creek Road and served a plethora of charita.ble and service The people of Snover and Wilmot and Bad had come to complain about its potholes, organi~tions over the years. Axe and Bay City are a.ngry. They are angry some 300 of them by his count. This newspaper by no means always agreed because they cannot buy, at any price, can­ The freeholders listened attentively, shuf­ with "Doc" or thought his ways angelic. ning lids for their jars. The canning season fled the request around a bit getting advice But, in the balance we saw him as a has begun for certain fruits, a.nd other from their solicitor and engineer, and con­ dedicated public servant, as a politician who crops will soon follow. These crops will go to cluded nothing could be done. Creek Road genuinely cared a.bout the people he served, waste if they cannot be preserved. was not a county highway, so there was not just his own career. Listen to the words of just a few of my nothing the freeholders could do. Not everyone keeps up with county pol­ constituents who have written me in the Why not have the county take it over, itics nor knows the personalities involved. past week: Mr. DeFlece suggested, noting that the town­ Not everyone, then will miss "Doc" Ehrlich. Mrs. Rittmueller of Frankenmuth says, ships involved would be glad to get rid of But know it or not, his constituents have "The strawberries are ripe and beautiful. it. suffered a loss in his passing. Cherries are beginning to blush ... and NO That might be a solution, the freeholders lids for our jars. Why?" acknowledged, but the federal government Mr. Lanczek of Pinconning writes, "Most had already agreed to fund a major over­ Michigan housewives are very upset as there haul of the road sometime in the future are still no lids available. Jars and lids, but (inasmuch as Creek Road had become a TIME TO ACT ON CANNING LID no lids alone." major feeder route for interstate 295). The SHORTAGE Mrs. Daenzer of Frankenmuth: "We all county, the freeholders asserted, couldn't were taught to save and be conservative. As st art working on a highway t hat the feds long as I can remember, our grandparents, would soon be doing over. HON. BOB TRAXLER parents, ourselves and our children have had Soon, DeFlece retorted, could be fiv~ years OF MICHIGAN a garden. Now as we would like to can, there or more the way the federal government IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is not one canning lid available in any store moves. since January. The government tells us that That's true, the freeholders sympathized, Tuesday, July 8, 1975 we should all make a garden, but what b ut ... sorry, there's just no way. Mr. TRAXLER. Mr. Speaker, I am sure should we do with the stwr we can't all eat. Th e discussion seemed over, DeFlece It's a sin to waste it. Is there anything you defeated. that many of my colleagues have re­ can do?" Then freeholder Charles Ehrlich spoke up. ceived numerous complaints from their And finally, Mrs. Tarkowski of Bay City We'll do it, Dr. Ehrlich said simply. constituents, as I have, concerning the summarizes the frustrations of many with Two months later the county crews had critical shortage of replacement lids for her comments: "You tell me the companies come, the potholes were gone, and Creek home canning jars. This is a problem that are working 24 hours a day, seven days a Road had a new asphalt surface. is particularly irritating to the 22 mil­ week. That sure is a lot of B.S. I'll tell you It was a typical Ehrlich perfonnance. lion home canners in this country be­ one thing, if they worked that steady, they The veteran freeholder, who passed away would make enough lids to pave Penn­ this week, was ever responsive to the needs cause the canning season is upon us and sylvania Avenue in Washington. Where are of those he served. they face the potential loss of their the canning lids? You tell me." " Doc" Ehrlich was a. member of the old home-grown fruits and vegetables if they Mr. Chairman, last fall President Ford school of politics. He was no ideologue, no cannot get lids. urged Americans to grow anti-inflation WIN advocate of any particular philosophy or We should note that there is no short­ gardens. Millions of Americans have re­ cause. He was a representative, and he saw it age of new jar-and-lid combination sponded. enthusiastically and patrtotica.lly as his duty to protect the people he served and the demand for canning supplies has and to help with their problems. units; in fact, manufacturers are plan­ increased. Indicative of the way he knew and re­ ning to produce an excess of 100 million Last year, the surge in new demand and sponded to the wishes of the majority ls the of these units this year.
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