DETROIT, Since 1989 Gratis! www. laprensa1.com FREE! TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR LORAIN CLEVELAND Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! October/octubre 26, 2005 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal 24 Páginas Vol. 38, No. 7 President George W. Bush cultivates guestworker plan, page 3 Region’s incumbent Democratic minority mayors— including TOW Report, page 8 Lansing DENTRO: Latino— Bush: Like father, like locked in son.................................2 Michigan News...........4 uphill-election Ohio News...................6 U.S. Congresswoman 3011 Council St. Toledo, OH 43606 battles with Marcy Kaptur............6 419-242-7377 800.828.8564 www.BASequipment.com Carla’s Corner..........8 Democratic HOROSCOPO.............8 Horoscope(English)..9 challengers Deportes..............10-11 By Alan Abrams Raquel Julich y La Prensa Senior Béisbol.................10-11 Correspondent Events..................14-15 Se Habla Español The national political Obituaries....................15 For All Your Restaurant Equipment Needs pundits have overlooked Cleveland mayoral candidates debate....17 what may be a regional Lansing Mayor Tony Benavides—La Prensa Photo Classifieds...........18-22 Taquería El Nacimiento (Continued on Page 17) La Perla Breves: Mexican Wilma azota balneario moves down mexicano de Cancún Restaurant con 30.000 turistas Hill Avenue, Por WILL WEISSERT CANCUN, México Welcome! or is it up? La Perla Tortilla Fac- (AP): El huracán Wilma tory, a family name for envió marejadas sobre la Hours: Carry-Out over 15 years, has moved estrecha franja de tierra Mon-Thur: 9AM-12AM Phone: 313.554.1790 to a larger facility at 2742 donde se encuentran los Fri & Sat: 9AM-3AM 7400 W. Vernor Hwy. Hill Avenue, Toledo, ac- principales hoteles Sun: 9AM-12AM Detroit MI 48209 cording to owner, Jimmy turísticos de Cancún, que Martínez, exclaiming: inundaron los pisos bajos • Jugos/Tepache • Carne a la Parrilla “Come to our new loca- tion and watch for our de los edificios y • Tacos • Burritos grand opening!” obligaron a unos 30.000 • Aguas • Pollo Dorado (Continua en la p. 4) • Mojarra Frita • Licuados • Tortas • Quesadillas FLOC hosts • Tostadas • Pozole WE MOVED! • Caldos • Carne de Puerco en salsa verde Latinos for •Mariscos • Breakfast Super Burro Ford The Farm Labor Orga- I-75 nizing Committee (FLOC, ¡Bienvenidos! www.floc.com) hosts a Livernois W. Vernor Springwells “Latinos for Ford” rally at www.taqueriaelnacimiento.com its headquarters on South Broadway Avenue in To- ledo, Wednesday, October th 26 , at 5:30PM. The pub- Mayor Jack Ford (R) with FLOC’s Velásquez lic is invited to attend. As reported in the Sep- ties, to begin a healing pro- year’s election, including: tember 14th issue of La cess and forge a united front Robert Torres (Toledo SUPPLIERS OF Prensa, Baldemar to assist the respective com- Board of Education), MEXICAN FOOD Velásquez (president and munities’ candidates, on the Lourdes Santiago (Toledo PRODUCTS co-founder of FLOC) is no ballot November 8th. Municipal Court judge), novice at bringing people At this junta, Mayor Jack and Bob Vásquez (Toledo 2742 HILL AVE. together for a common Ford—who is up for re-elec- City Council, At-Large). TOLEDO, OHIO cause. On September 8th, tion against a formidable According to Ford 800-233-0142 Velásquez and FLOC opponent, Carty Finkbeiner, (www.fordformayor.com), 419-534-2074 Dine In or Carry Out 2395 North Scott St. reached out to leaders of former mayor of Toledo— “There are some griev- Sun. - Thurs. 11 am - 9 pm Napoleon, OH 43545 Toledo’s African-Ameri- committed to endorsing all ances that some have that We have moved down Hill Fri. & Sat. 11 am - 10 pm (419) 592-8808 Avenue so we could add 5,000 can and Latino communi- minority candidates in this (Continued on Page 5) sq. ft. to serve your needs. La Prensa Radio! Escuche WCWA 1230AM, cada domingo 8:00 PM Vote for Resolution 738-05, renaming the Buckeye Basin Greenbelt Parkway to: César E. Chávez Greenbelt Parkway, Page 5 Since 1989 www.laprensa1.com OHIO Gratis! TINTA CON SABOR LOTTERY’S FREE! TOW REPORT PAGE 8 IN CARLA’S CORNER • Lorain • Elyria • Cleveland • Painesville Editions • Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! October/octubre 26, 2005 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal 24 Páginas Vol. 38, No. 7 Serving the Restaurant Industry Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Elena Robles 6898 Commodore Drive, Unit C Walbridge, Ohio 43465 OCCHA DENTRO: (419) 666-6643 Recognized Bush: Like father, like son.................................2 Fax: (419) 666-6648 • Cell: (419) 392-5071 Top Right Photo: A.G. Gonzáles says Ohio Commission of Latino S. Ct. nominee Hispanic/Latino Affairs inevitable......................2 (OCHLA) Director Ezra Bush pushes for guestworker plan.......3 Best Mexican C. Escudero (center) U.S. Congresswoman Food in Town! and OCHLA Commis- Marcy Kaptur............6 sioner Dr. Silvia Carla’s Corner..........8 Lunch & Dinner Jiménez-Hyre present HOROSCOPO.............8 Specials Every Day! the Commission’s proc- Horoscope(English)..9 Carry Out & Gift lamation to Benito Deportes..............10-11 Certificates Available! Velázquez, Jr., Presi- Raquel Julich y Béisbol.................10-11 dent of the Organización Events..................14-15 Visit our OREGON Fiesta! Civica y Cultural Obituaries....................15 Vermilion, OH Oregon,OH Hispana Americana, Cleveland mayoral 4801 Liberty Ave. 1705 S. Wheeling Inc. (OCCHA), for candidates debate....17 (440) 963-0425 (419) 691.6728 OCCHA’s 33 years of Classifieds...........18-22 service to the Latino www.casafiestarestaurant.com community in Mahoning County. Breves: Right Bottom Photo: Wilma azota balneario Maggie McClendon (Co- mexicano de Cancún ordinator, Office of Un- con 30.000 turistas dergraduate Admissions Por WILL WEISSERT at Youngstown State Uni- You can now search La Prensa’s website using CANCUN, México versity), Juan Santiago our partner Google Search to find past issues, (AP): El huracán Wilma (Mortgage Loan Special- stories & photos. Go to www.laprensa1.com. envió marejadas sobre la ist, Home Savings We have issues going back over three years! estrecha franja de tierra Bank), and Patty donde se encuentran los Quiñonez (Financial Ad- principales hoteles viser with Quiñonez and turísticos de Cancún, que MODIFIED Associates) in atten- This event was well at- and Merengue were pro- inundaron los pisos bajos DAILY dance at the OCCHA tended with over 600 guests, vided by Grupo Fuego de los edificios y recognition last Friday students, and dignitaries of Cleveland and “DJ” obligaron a unos 30.000 Visit our website at: www.laprensa1.com in Youngstown, Ohio. from Northeast Ohio. Salsa Chico. (Continua en la p. 4) If it has 342/.'7/-%. "%!54)&5,-%. anything to do with money... $ We can help! See us for: • Home Loans • Debt Consolidation Loans • Car Loans • Totally Free Checking* • Savings Plans Visit us at: • Investments 2850 Pearl Avenue • Trust & Estate Planning ­`iÌ>®]Ê£ÓÈ]Ê ÀÊÜ`LVÊ«ÀÌ or any of our other 20 office locations! V >Ü>Ê-ÕâÊ6Ê>ÃÊ- À>Ê«>V Ê 440-989-3348 EQUAL HOUSING >ÌÀÊ- ÕÃi]Ê 800-860-10007 LENDER *Customer pays for checks. /CTOBERn$ECEMBER www.4LNB.com Member FDIC. -ÌÀ}Ê7i]Ê i>ÕÌvÕÊi\Ê>«>iÃiÊ*ÀÌÀ>ÌÊ*ÀÌÃÊvÀÊ/Ê ÃÊÃÕ««ÀÌi`ÊÊ«>ÀÌÊLÞÊÌ iÊ °Ê, `iÃÊ>`Êi>Ê °Ê >À«iÌiÀÊÕ`>Ì° Ê7>>Ê iÊÛi`Ê ÞÊ9Õ\Ê* Ì}À>« ÃÊvÊ>ÀÞÊÀiÊvÀÊÌ iÊiÊ>`ÊV >i>Ê ÃÌ>ÌiÀÊ iVÌÊ >ÃÊLiiÊÀ}>âi`ÊLÞÊÌ iÊ ÀÞÊÕÃiÕ° Escuche La Onda Cultural Latina Radio 89.1FM, Lorain • Escuche La Onda Cultural Latina Radio 89.1FM, Lorain Página 2 La Prensa Político October/octubre 26, 2005 Life father, like son: similar troubles plague W. Gonzáles says Latino Supreme Court nominee Bush, as papá H.W. Bush ‘inevitable’ An AP News Analysis by TOM RAUM By MARK SHERMAN WASHINGTON (AP): servative like Justice Associated Press Writer Throughout his first term, Antonin Scalia, but he gave could pretty much do any- WASHINGTON (AP): there will be a Hispanic on President George W. Bush them a conundrum. Politi- thing he wanted in other ar- Attorney General the Court. It is inevitable. I (“W”) struggled to avoid cians of all stripes hate un- eas and the conservatives Alberto Gonzáles, know that you want to hold repeating his father, H.W.’s certainty. would stand behind him,” passed over twice for a that appointment up as an mistakes. Yet less than a year Congressional misgiv- said Bruce Bartlett, who was seat on the Supreme example, as a role model to after he claimed the re-elec- ings over Miers and the CIA deputy assistant treasury sec- Court, said Wednesday our children,” Gonzáles tion mandate denied his dad, leak investigation involving retary in H.W.’s administra- that Latinos should get said. he is confronting some of White House advisers have tion. over their disappoint- Gonzáles, the first Harriet Miers the same problems that be- cast a cumulus cloud over “And that worked for ment and give Harriet Latino attorney general, nation at every public ap- deviled the H.W. presi- W’s administration. Soaring quite a while. But it was a Miers a chance to show was widely viewed as a pearance. His speech to dency. gas prices, hurricane recon- shortsighted point of view,” why she deserves to be strong contender for both the association also put Like father, like son: struction costs, the war in said Bartlett, who has just confirmed. Supreme Court vacancies him in front of an audi- • Conservatives are re- Iraq, and declining consumer written a book, “The Impos- “Some, including this year. President Bush ence that strongly advo- belling. confidence have darkened tor: How George W. Bush many members of this or- chose John Roberts to take cated the nomination of • His poll numbers are in the economic outlook. Bankrupted America and ganization, I know had the seat of the late Chief Gonzáles or another lead- the basement.
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