ኄ ࡓ˗ڎúˌᄪ׸ҭˁઆᠫ࢏͘ the 11 China-ASEAN Business And

ኄ ࡓ˗ڎúˌᄪ׸ҭˁઆᠫ࢏͘ the 11 China-ASEAN Business And

úˌᄪ׸Ҭˁઆᠫ࢏͘ڎ˗ኄࡓ The 11th China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit ᬅጸጻ̽᛫ڎ֗ܫ˺ࠒᮗ࠮̡njˌᄪሜڎѣࣞनܸ࣫͘ᄊ State Leaders and Representatives of the ASEAN Secretariat and International Organization at the Opening Ceremony ࠒҞ˟ࣞ ፵ႅҞ঴ፒڎ঴ေ Ꮵ૑ڹࠧᯫᄱ ழҫۥҞ঴ေ ಌڎ˗ सᰴˠ ห೨ ౄ௭ᴝ వੴ լࣲ՜ H. E. Zhang Gaoli H. E. Samdech Hun Sen H. E. Lee Hsien Loong H. E. Boungnang Vorachith H. E. U Nyan Tun Vice Premier of China Prime Minister of Cambodia Prime Minister of Singapore Vice President of Laos Vice President of Myanmar Ҟሜ˺᫂ ˇႍ᠟௜ጸጻҞ঴ࣰ̃ܫ˺Ҟ঴ေЪܱ̔ᦊ᫂nj ᡕӯҞ঴ေnjܱ̔ᦊ᫂ ˌᄪሜڎฑ ʼй঴Ճ̾܉ጪᖼeࣅᤔထ࣋ઢҪ ᔵࣱ௚ ࣲ౤ ௜࠵ю General Tanasak Patimapragorn H. E. Pham Binh Minh H. E. Nyan Lynn H. E. Yi Xiaozhun Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Deputy Secretary-General Deputy Director-General of the of Foreign Affairs and Commander- of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam of the ASEAN World Trade Organization in-chief of Thailand नܸ࣫͘ Opening Ceremony ᒱᣯᮗ࠮ Leader Giving Remarks ༌ܸѾ̎᯿ˌᄪܸΎڎ׸ҬᦊҞᦊ᫂ ྲᥙ᠜ࠖڎ˗ ͘˟͊njނúˌᄪ׸Ҭˁઆᠫ࢏͘ጸڎ˗ ᝮnj˺ނᒭ෵ӝЗீܥࣹ᜵ڎ˗ ͛ ੝ྖԇ ᜵ᗜe೏᧗ᖧ࠷ॴܙކր᫂͘͘ނᬅ᠟௜Ψᤉڎڎ˗ ͘˟͊॔ຍӨނ࣢̡ܸ H. E. Peng Qinghua H. E. Jiang Zengwei Mr. Fang Aiqing H. E. Simon Merrifield Secretary of the CPC Guangxi Chairman of the Organizing Committee Vice Minister of Commerce Australian Ambassador to ASEAN Committee and Chairman of of CABIS and CCPIT of China and representative of Special Guest Guangxi People’s Congress, Country of CAEXPO China नܸ࣫͘˟ે̡ Chair of the Opening Ceremony ࠒԧ࡙ᦊڎ᠟௜ˁࢺˊᦊЪڹᒭ෵ӝ̡ඟ஋ऊ˟ࣞ ழҫீܥࣹ᜵ڎ˗ ᬈ൧ ᰴጟ஋Ҭᦊ᫂ౄݑ᠋ H. E. Chen Wu H. E Lee Yi Shyan Governor of Guangxi Zhuang Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry Autonomous Region, China and National Development of Singapore úˌᄪ׸Ҭˁઆᠫ࢏͘˟ᮥ֗ำүڎ˗ኄࡓ Theme and Main Events of the 11th CABIS ௑NjNjᫎὉࣲథெ Time: September 16-19, 2014 st ˟NjNjᮥὉСथˇጢ๒ʽˍ፩˨᡹ Theme: Jointly Building the 21 Century Maritime Silk Road ˟ᮥำүὉdžनܸ࣫͘ Main Events: dž Opening Ceremony dž Round-Table Dialogue between H. E. Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister 0&$ˊ͍ڎ˗঴ေౄ௭ᴝˁڎС֗ڹdžழҫ of the Republic of Singapore and CEOs from China ಸࠫភ͘ړ —Deepening China-Singapore Economic and Trade Cooperation úúΨᤉ˗ழፃ᠟ՌͻࠄဘСՏԧ࡙ for Mutual Development úᯱ౏᜵̎ᐏՌ׸Ҭေ̃͘͘ᝬ thڎ˗džኄࡓ dž The 11 Malaysia-China Joint Business Council Meeting ÿळᮗ˗ᯱፃ᠟Ռͻڇԥڎúúþː —“Twin Parks In Two Countries” Facilitating Malaysia-China úˌᄪ׸̃ข॥఩ҬՌͻᆑᝧ͘ Economic Cooperationڎ˗dž úúСՏऄ્੍ࠫࠄဘСᡅԧ࡙ dž Symposium on China-ASEAN Business Law Service Cooperation Jointly Tackling the Challenges for Win-Win Development— ڳúˌᄪ׸ႍᮗ᛾᝷ڎ˗dž úúСथˇጢ๒ʽˍ፩˨᡹ dž China-ASEAN Business Leaders Forum st ࠧnjᏥ૑֗፵ႅ᠟௜ԧ࡙ᆑᝧ͘ —Jointly Building the 21 Century Maritime Silk Roadۥˁಌڎ˗dž ӝ۫᠟௜˗ᄊ dž Seminar on the Development of China Trade with Cambodia, Laosښࠒڎúúଢᰴ̎ฯతˀԧ᣺ ѣ԰ᑟҧ and Myanmar úᯱ౏᜵̎ᐏՌ׸Ҭေ̃͘njᯱ౏᜵̎ —Enhancing Export Capacities of Least Developed Countries inڎ˗dž దТ஋ऊ߾ր̿ԣ͍ˊ̽᛫Ꮶࠣ˗ᯱᨆࢷ̗ Asia for Intra-regional Trade njᨆࢷδሰມӝࣳˁᨆࢷ࣊ऐេ dž Seminar between China-Malaysia Joint Business Council and Qinzhouڇˊ Side and Field Visit ڹր͘ˁழҫނᬅ᠟௜Ψᤉڎڎ˗dž ঄ैኤᎸ́र dž MOU Signing Ceremony between China Council for the Promotionܬࢺ׸ᐏՌ঴͘ើᝍ ր͘ of International Trade and Singapore Business Federationނᬅ᠟௜Ψᤉڎڎ˗dž úܸӨᩐᛡΨᤉ͍ˊ๒ܱઆ dž Alliance for FDI Promotion - Gala Dinner ᠫᐏᄪ˨ܴúúіᐑ˗ழթᓈ —Embarking Towards Greater Collaboration dž׸Ҭӥᯀ͘ dž Business Luncheon úˌᄪ׸Ҭˁઆᠫ࢏͘˟᜶ੇ౧ڎ˗ኄࡓ úˌᄪԤݞՌͻᎿݞళ౏ÿᄊ˟௉ڎ˗नܸ࣫͘ʽԧ᛫ᮥ˞þ୆੤Сथˇጢ๒ʽˍ፩˨᡹СѹښҬᬓҞ঴ေसᰴˠڎڎ˗ ௧ܸҧپúˌᄪᒭ᠟ӝ᠏᧚֗ඵࣱἻʼ௧ܸҧҫू̉ᐏ̉ᤰथ᝺Ἳڎ˗໦ᝯἻଢѣགϏᝬὉʷ௧ܸҧງӑ஋෵̉ηἻ̄௧ܸҧଢᰴ ᤉ̡஡̔ืǍܙन࡙๒ʽՌͻἻ̋௧ܸҧ଎ᤉ൓ӝ۫ՌͻἻО௧ܸҧ ܉Ҟ঴ေЪܱ̔ᦊ᫂njʼй঴Ճ̾ڎࠒҞ˟ࣞవੴnj፵ႅҞ঴ፒլࣲ՜njฑڎ঴ေౄ௭ᴝnjᏥ૑ڹࠧᯫᄱห೨njழҫۥಌ ڎ˗ጪeࣅᤔထ࣋ઢҪnjᡕӯҞ঴ေЪܱ̔ᦊ᫂ᔵࣱ௚Ἳˇႍ᠟௜ጸጻҞ঴ࣰ̃௜࠵юnj༌ܸѾ̎᯿ˌᄪܸΎ᜵ᗜe೏᧗ᖧ࠷ॴἻ րނᬅ᠟௜Ψᤉڎڎ˗नܸ࣫͘ʽѬѿԧ᛫ᝯភǍښ͘˟͊॔ຍӨނᝮnj̡ܸ࣢˺ނᒭ෵ӝЗீܥࣹ᜵ڎ˗׸ҬᦊҞᦊ᫂੝ྖԇἻ ࠒԧ࡙ᦊᰴጟڎ᠟௜ˁࢺˊᦊЪڹழҫ ᒭ෵ӝ̡ඟ஋ऊ˟ࣞᬈ൧ீܥࣹ᜵ڎ˗úˌᄪ׸Ҭˁઆᠫ࢏͘ᒱᣯǍڎ˗͛̽᛫ܙކ᫂͘͘ ஋Ҭᦊ᫂ౄݑ᠋ᐏՌ˟ેनܸ࣫͘Ǎ ښಸࠫភ͘Ǎ˟ᮥὉΨᤉ˗ழፃ᠟ՌͻࠄဘСՏԧ࡙Ǎౄ௭ᴝ঴ေˁړ0&$ˊ͍ڎ˗঴ေౄ௭ᴝˁڎС֗ڹҪˡҩழҫੇ ࢺ׸ᩐᛡᐧ͋దᬍНՃҞᛡ᫂ڎ˗НՃᗉ̃᫂ߜቡnjڄᓈቇ෴நᬷڎ˗0Ὁ&$ˊ͍ڎ˗଎ү˗ழፃ᠟Ռͻ˗ԧ૙̀᧘᜶ͻၹᄊͯ чࢺሮ੿షదᬍНՃᗉ̃᫂ࡽຍ၌nj̛ڎ˗దᬍНՃᗉ̃᫂߸थฉnjڹ៮༇njӨ˞੿షదᬍНՃᰴጟҞ঴ᜇᅵ஡Ѻnjӯࡣᨸˊழҫ ኎ᮗ۫ፃ᠟Ռͻᮊᄬ̣ᎿЋǍڇˊඟၷઆᠫᐧ͋దᬍНՃᗉ̃ࡍ˟ࣞᗉ஡ಖ࡙नࠫភἻ଎үᑟູnj᧛ᚸnjႃηnjᆃӑ֗ࢺڎ˗ ͛ᒱन࣫ܙކր᫂͘͘ނᬅ᠟௜Ψᤉڎڎ˗͘˟͊njނúˌᄪ׸Ҭˁઆᠫ࢏͘ጸڎ˗ࠫភ͘Ἳે˟ܦࢺ׸ᐏՌ঴͘˟ࣞस౛ڹழҫ ᠟ڹԣඵᠫູᦊኄ̄ᦊ᫂Ϭ๒ྊnjழҫܒ঴ေНᎸᦊ᫂njܱ̔ᦊЪဗڹᒭ෵ӝ̡ඟ஋ऊ˟ࣞᬈ൧ᒱൔᤁᣯἻழҫீܥࣹ᜵ڎ˗ᣯἻ ᒭ෵ӝ̡ඟ஋ऊ࣢ҬҞ˟᳧ࣞ᥋͛ѣࣞࠫភ͘Ǎீܥࣹ᜵ڎ˗ࠒԧ࡙ᦊᰴጟ஋Ҭᦊ᫂ౄݑ᠋njڎ௜ˁࢺˊᦊЪ úˌᄪڎ˗úˌᄪ׸̃ข॥Ռͻ఻҄ᄊथቡǍڎ˗úˌᄪ׸̃ข॥఩ҬՌͻᆑᝧ͘Ǎᆑᝧ͘଎ᤉ̀ڎ˗࢏͘಴౶ʾᯫ൓ˡҩښ ॥࣎ڹᒭ෵ӝ̡ඟೝࠣᬓೝࠣ᫂࢖అԤἻழҫீܥࣹ᜵ڎ˗ր͘Ҟ᫂͘ࡆ߽Өnjނᬅ᠟௜Ψᤉڎڎ˗͘Ҟ˟͊njނ׸Ҭˁઆᠫ࢏͘ጸ ঴׸͘njˌᄪࢺሮሙ੿ᬓข॥ᮏ᳧᫈஡Өnj፵ႅࢺ׸͘ڎ˗ࠒࢺ׸͘ข॥ᮏ᫈ߘ໷njᯱ౏᜵̎úڎН᫂͘͘ว፥௚ѣࣞࣳᒱᣯǍᏥ૑ njѣڎ᫂ᔵ૝ܫܫ"ր͘ข॥̃Ҭᦊ"5ނᬅ᠟௜Ψᤉڎڎ˗úˌᄪข॥֧វ˗ॷҞ˟͊᫷௣ᔮnjڎ˗ᐏՌ͘ข॥ᮏ᫈լ˝᠂njᡕӯú ր͘ข॥̃Ҭᦊᦊ᫂१͛˟ેǍނᬅ᠟௜Ψᤉڎڎ˗͘ʽԧᝓǍᆑᝧ͘ႀښ᫂सఅᡔܫ᫂᫆̈njូᝍ˗ॷҞܫܫ᝽ᝣ᝽ ࢺ׸ᐏՌ঴ڹր͘ˁழҫނᬅ᠟௜Ψᤉڎڎ˗ኤᎸǒܦࢺ׸ᐏՌ঴͘˟ࣞस౛ڹ͛ˁழҫܙކր᫂͘͘ނᬅ᠟௜Ψᤉڎڎ˗ ঄ܬӨᩐᛡТ̆ҫूઆᠫΨᤉՌͻᄊܸڹր͘ˁழҫނᬅ᠟௜Ψᤉڎڎ˗঄ैǓnjˁܸӨᩐᛡҞ˟ࣞЪ঴ᜇ᳧ʷ߽ኤᎸǒܬ͘ᄊើᝍ దᬍНՃˁழڄᬅదᬍНՃ঴ᜇ᳧ӨౕኤᎸǒࣹ᜵஻຤ԧ࡙ᬷڎ"%*ڹదᬍНՃᗉ̃ЪҞ঴ᜇ៤ํӨˁழҫڄǓǍࣹ᜵஻຤ԧ࡙ᬷै ѹᏫழሙ੿దᬍНՃᗉ̃᫂Ъ$&0ౄਦӃڹదᬍНՃᗉ̃᫂ొ೨njழҫڄᬅదᬍНՃ੍႕Ռͻөᝬ˺Ǔnjࣹ᜵ѣྠ͜޵ᬷڎ"%*ڹҫ దᬍНՃᗉ̃᫂Ъ$&0ѶঃᬵኤᎸǒஔᐲᠫູथ᝺ˁఅਦ஝ߚஔᐲ੍႕Ռͻ಴౶өᝬǓǍڄʼឳ஝ᆊᬷ֗ ᒭ෵ீܥࣹ᜵ڎ˗úᯱ౏᜵̎ᐏՌ׸Ҭေ̃͘͘ᝬǍᯱ౏᜵̎঴ေࠫӨྲΎnjᯱ˗׸Ҭေ̃͘˟᳧ࣞࠒࠀnjڎ˗ˡҩኄࡓ ր͘Ҟ᫂͘ࡆ߽ӨᒱᣯǍᯱ౏᜵̎᯿Өނᬅ᠟௜Ψᤉڎڎ˗͘Ҟ˟͊njނúˌᄪ׸Ҭˁઆᠫ࢏͘ጸڎ˗ӝ̡ඟ஋ऊҞ˟ࣞस௴ᨆnj ᇫ͘ڎ˗͘࣢ҬҞ˟͊ᔵҧnjނӝኮڇˊ׸Ҭᦊ̎ฯՃ׸ҬԠᡂఠᔮౕnjᨆࢷ࣊࣊᫂ౄழЋnj˗ᯱᨆࢷ̗ڎ˗НΎᛣԠᡂᏐই˧nj ˝ӝ֗ᯱ˗Тڇˊѣࣞ͘ᝬࣳԧᝓǍ͘ᝬΨᤉ̀˗ᯱᨆࢷ̗̥يሙߦᬓᆑቃրᬆथ̡njᯱ౏᜵̎ˌ๒ࢀፃเྲӝԧ࡙ࡍᰴጟፃေ१ ᬅᐏፏᦊҞᦊ᫂ဍή˟ે͘ᝬǍڎր͘ނᬅ᠟௜Ψᤉڎڎ˗ӝᄊथ᝺Ǎڇ ࣹڎ˗ր͘Ҟ᫂͘ࡆ߽Өnjނᬅ᠟௜Ψᤉڎڎ˗͘Ҟ˟͊njނúˌᄪ׸Ҭˁઆᠫ࢏͘ጸڎ˗Ǎڳúˌᄪ׸ႍᮗ᛾᝷ڎ˗ˡҩ ࠒࢺ׸͘Ҟ᫂͘᥋௓njᡕӯࢺ׸͘࣢ҬҞ᫂͘ڎᒱᣯǍᏥ૑ܦࢺ׸ᐏՌ঴͘˟ࣞस౛ڹᒭ෵ӝ̡ඟ஋ऊҞ˟ࣞᗰܹቡnjழҫீܥ᜵ దᬍНՃҞ঴ᜇᬈӨ̝nj ڄᬷ ఻೚ᤉѣ԰ڎ˗߷njڎ঴׸͘঴᳧᫂͘඾ᓢnjᖧ॥ࠖᖧӨழᐏН᫂͘͘ਖ਼ڎ˗njᯱ౏᜵̎úކ඀፥ ӝ˟ࣞਖ਼ᔪeᮏڡր͘Ӓᮗނ׸Ҭڎ˗ր՗ᕦ̥nj༌ܸѾ̎ނ͘ނੰܽ˗ԫႃࢺᐧ͋దᬍНՃҞ঴ፃေլॲnj፵ႅࢺ׸͘ᐏՌ͘ྲ ʽڳ᝷ښր͘Ҟ᫂͘ࡆ߽Өނᬅ᠟௜Ψᤉڎڎ˗͘Ҟ˟͊njނúˌᄪ׸Ҭˁઆᠫ࢏͘ጸڎ˗ࢺˊᐏՌ͘Ҟ˟ࣞ࣋॔ԧᝓǍڎඋnjฑ Ǎڳᮋ˟ે᝷يࢺ׸ᐏՌ঴͘ᖹᤂ঴ᜇᦀڹᮒԧ࢏͘ྲѿᮏ᫈᝽˺Ǎழҫܦࢺ׸ᐏՌ঴͘˟ࣞस౛ڹழҫ˞ ܥࣹ᜵ڎ˗njޛࠧnjᏥ૑֗፵ႅ᠟௜ԧ࡙ᆑᝧ͘ǍᏥ૑ࢺ׸ᦊᦊ᫂ќထࡉe᳁өۥˁಌڎ˗ᬅ᠟௜˗ॷՌͻˡҩڎڎˁᐏՌ ࠒᮊᄬᝠѳᎸ঴ᄣᬁ᜵ࠄe෢ᒱᣯǍ፵ႅࢺ׸͘ᐏՌ͘Ҟ᫂͘Ͳஐພnj፵ڎᬅ᠟௜˗ॷڎڎϤἻᐏՌ̥סᒭ෵ӝ̡ඟ஋ऊҞ˟ࣞீ ீܥࣹ᜵ڎ˗ࠧ˄ࠒӵӵ᣺eேἻۥᬅ᠟௜˗ॷಌڎڎnjᐏՌڭeᑈᤰိڭࠒࢺ׸͘ሜ˺᫂ڎႅ఩ᜉ҄ᤵө͘ሜ˺᫂ᨆᨆጪnjᏥ૑ ׸Ҭᦊᆑቃᬓ̎᭤ᆑቃਫ਼Ҟ˟͊njҞᆑቃրᛶฉἻˌӨܸߦ׸ߦᬓ֗ጰጻፃเᆑቃਫ਼ੰᛡਫ਼᫂ڎ˗ᒭ෵ӝ׸ҬԊጢೝጸ᫂լ๒၁nj ڎڎࠒᮊᄬᝠѳᎸ঴ᄣᬁ᜵ࠄe෢njᐏՌڎᬅ᠟௜˗ॷڎڎ͘ʽԧᝓǍᐏՌښкˊܸߦፃเኮေߦᬓ౤๒Ҟஔ૿ڎ˗ᮏࣼᓢஔ૿nj Ҟሜ˺᫂ʸЋᴝ֗СՏ˟ેᆑᝧ͘Ǎܫ˺úˌᄪ׸Ҭˁઆᠫ࢏͘ሜڎ˗ᬅ᠟௜˗ॷ̎ܺᦊ˟͊ᗘߦй֗ Achievements of the 11th CABIS 1. H. E. Zhang Gaoli, Vice Premier of China delivers a keynote speech at the opening ceremony on “Joint Hands to Build the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and Work for an Even Brighter Future” and puts forward 6 proposals (1) to work hard to deepen political mutual trust, (2) to work hard to improve the quality and performance of CAFTA, (3) to work hard to increase cultural and people-to-people exchanges. 2. H. E. Samdech Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia, H. E. Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore, H. E. Boungnang Vorachith, Vice President of Laos, H. E. U Nyan Tun, Vice President of Myanmar, General Tanasak Patimapragorn, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Commander-in-chief of Thailand, H. E. Pham Binh Minh, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam, H. E. Yi Xiaozhun, Deputy Director-General of the World Trade Organization, H. E. Simon Merrifield, Australian Ambassador to ASEAN, H. E. Fang Aiqing, Vice Minister of Commerce of China, H. E. Peng Qinghua, Secretary of the CPC Guangxi Committee and Chairman of Guangxi People’s Congress, China, deliver speeches at the opening ceremony. H. E. Jiang Zengwei, Chairman of CCPIT gives remarks on behalf of CABIS. The opening ceremony is chaired by H. E. Chen Wu, Governor of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China and H. E. Lee Yi Shyan, Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry and National Development of Singapore. 3. The Round-Table Dialogue between H. E. Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore and CEOs from China is successfully held. Topic: deepening China-Singapore economic and trade cooperation for mutual development. H. E. Lee Hsien Loong has a dialogue with 6 CEOs from China: Mr. Sun Li, Chairman of China National Aviation Fuel Group Corporation, Mr. Gu Shu, Executive Vice President of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Mr. Qu Wenchu, Senior Vice President of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Mr. Song Jianbo, Chairman of Nanshan Singapore Co., Pte Ltd., Mr. Yue Qingrui, Chairman of China Jingye Engineering Corporation Ltd. and Mr. Dong Wenbiao, President of Minsheng Investment Corporation of China, who have played an important role in promoting the bilateral economic and trade cooperation between China and Singapore. Projects totaling USD 2.05 billion cooperated by Chinese and Singaporean enterprises in energy, finance, telecommunications, petrochemical and industrial parks sectors are promoted. The dialogue is chaired by Mr. Teo Siong Seng, Chairman of SBF. H. E. Jiang Zengwei, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of CABIS and CCPIT gives opening remarks and H. E. Chen Wu, Governor of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, gives welcome remarks. Ms. Grace Fu, Minister of Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Environment and Water Resources and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs of Singapore, Mr. Lee Yi Shyan, Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry and National Development of Singapore and Mr. Huang Daowei, Executive Vice Governor of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, attend the dialogue. 4. The Symposium on China-ASEAN Business Law Service Cooperation is held for the first time under the framework of CABIS for the establishment of the mechanism of China-ASEAN business law service cooperation. Mr. Yin Zonghua, Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee of CABIS and CCPIT, Mr. Cui Zhiyou, Chief Procurator of People’s Procuratorate of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China and Mr. Lok Vi Ming, President of Law Society of Singapore give remarks. Mr. Kongphanh Santivong, Law Consultant of LNCCI, Mr. Bong Boon Fah, Legal Advisor of Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce/ASEAN Academy of Engineering & Technology, U Than Maung, Legal Affairs Committee Member of UMFCCI, Mr.

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