THE IRISH NEWS NEWS FRIDAY OCTOBER 152010 5 Documents shed .. :zC:J8 leenti!1e Pc .e181­ more light on Burntollet attac EW docwnents have WMajor Bunting's followers, ireland in 1968 and 1969; helped shed more light carrying a Ulster nag and the "The windoWs of the on the infamous attack Union flag, t.hen preceded the Guildhall were smashed and on civil rights protesters at parade througb BeHasl.ft the men Inside the hall were Burntollet In 19'69 - when It was noted that members of apprehensive for their safety Major Ronald Bunting and his the People's Democracy had and that of the women and son Ronnie stood on been carrying placards and children who were present.ft opposing sides. hanners,wlth messages He added: "Major Bunllng, In The documents have been Including: 'Civil rights 1969', addressing the audience and released by IbePubllc 'Civil rights march', Instructing lhem to organise Records Office In Belfast and 'Anll-poverty march', 'Houses for df'fence of their women made public days before the for all, jobsfor all' and '()ne and children as they left the 30th anniversary of Ronnie house, one family'. hall, stated that the rioters Buotlng's murder. The documents Include the oulslde were a civil rights Among them is an RUC names and addresses 01 some mob. document marked wlmprovised weapons were • SAME ADDRESS: A document just released by the Pub lic Records Office in Belr:asl lists '5'Jme of those 'Confidential' which shows obtained by breaking up present in BurntDllet outside Deny In January 1969, Wlttl Ronnie Bunting on the ("ivil rights side and his how the People's Democracy ~The People's chairs and stair bannisters father Major Ronald Buntlilg. of tile same address, on the opposing side student marchers found and In 11 protective fonnation themselves under thri:at from Democracy the audience attempted to loyalists fTOm the beginning supporters leave the haJl. ft of their four-day Lord Cameron concluded demoostratJOn, formed up at that Bunting was wrong In The newly formed group, 9.1Sam and claiming that the rioters were which had called for radlcaI civil rights protesters. clvll rights relanu, had moved off along He also noted Bunting's decided to lTlarch from Donegall Place rallying call 10 Lhe Palsleyites Belfast to Derry to raise to be close to BurntaUet the awareness of the cause. and as they did [ollowing morning 10 "see the The documents - released to marchers on their way" the UniVersity of Ulster's so, an attempt Il was saId that on leaving coomct Archive on the was made by Claudy on the final day of Internet (Cain) - confirm that their march, the People's loyaUsts targeted the some of Major Democracy leaders chose to marchers as sOOn as they set Bunting's Ignore police advice that they oU from Beltast. should avoid BurntoJlet Dated January 131969 the supporters to bridge, five miles from Derry. docu ments state that the pull down a civil At Bumtollet the marchers RUe was Informed of the were attacked by a march in December 1!l68. rights banne r" w ~ ~l;> ~~ is~><l l oyalis t mob studcll'nl8reherslollnd an,1 111 " pr ol.,~·tIvc formatiun : lhelllselve~ under thrp.il t Imm Democracy h e audiellt:e attempted t o loyalists from the begtoning supporters leave the hdll. of their four~ay Lord Cameron concluded demonstration, formed up at :hal Bunting was wrong in The newly formed group, 9.15am and claiming that the rioters were which had called for radical civil rights protesters. civil rights refonn, had moved off along He also noted Buntlng's decided to march fl"Om Donegall Place rallying call to the Palsleyltes Belfast to Derry to raise to be close to Bumtollet the awareness of the cause. and as they did following momlng to "see the The documents - released to marchers on their way" the University o( Uiliter's so, an attempt Il was said that on leaving Conlllct Archive on the was made by Claudy on the final day of Internet (Cain) - confirm that their march. the People's loyalists targeted the some of Major Democracy leaders chose to marchers as soon as they set Bunting's Ignore police advice that lhey 011 from Belfast. should avoid Bumtollet Dated January 13 1969 lhe supporters to bridge. five miles trom Derry. documents state that the pull down a civil At Bumtollet the marchers RUC was informed of the were attacked by a march in December 1968 rights banner" well-organised loyalist mob kAt 8.50am on Wednesday, 1st which induded many January 1969. about SO members of the B Specials. members 01 the People's of those Involved In the The attackers had stockpiled Democracy assembled at lhe march and protest stones and other missiles, front ot the City l-\all, Among the marchers was Including sticks studded with Oonegall S4uare, north Ronnie Bunting, of 6 stones, with which they beat Belfast," one document says Cumberland Drive, both maJe and CemaJe WSlm ul taneously, a number of Dundonald, while the students. Major Ronald Bunting's protesters included Major "For moderates this march or/and Rev Ian R K PaIsley's RonaJd Bunting of the same had disastrous effects, ' Lord supporters assembled at the address. Canleron said. same venue with a Union nag What happened in th "II polarised the extreme and the Ulster flag. following days fiercely elements III the communities "The People's Democracy polarised communities in each place it entered. supporters formed up at across the north. "It losl sympathy for the civil 9.15am and moved off along On the night of January 3 rights movement and led to Donegall Place and as Lhey serious rioting broke out In serIous rioting in Maghera SPECIAL did so, an attempt was made Derry alter a meeting at the and Londonderry." by some of Major Bunting's city's Guildhall led by Ian While he criticIsed the 9 pi: " ~e't ir. ... ~~Jd supporters to pull down a Paisley and his supporters. People's Democracy leaders, 4ft 6 Bed, Double Robe, Tallboy, civil rights banner bUl they According to Lord Cameron, Lord Cameron also said the 3+2 Chest of Drawers, Double were prevented by pollee In who compiled a report into protection afforded them by OrossingTable,Stool, 2x Bedside IAlI"IM'"'' ._ 21 uniform, civil unrestIn Northem pollee was Mnot always Lockers, Blanket Box. f ; · ....... ,r : adequate-. Weeks before the attack, Major Bunting had also been at the frontline of another demonstration againslthe civil rights movement which resulted In him being Jailed wLt h Ian Paisley. he pair began a prison sentence In March 1969, havlng been found guilty of unlawful assembly at a march in Armagh in Novemuer 1968. The pair served two months and were freed under generaJ amnesty in May J969. Major Bunting broke away (rom Ian .Paisley in 1970. He • BE"EAV£D: Ronald Bunting at his son Ronnie's funeral in 1980 died in 1984. .
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