International Virginia Woolf Society Bibliography of Woolf Studies Published in 2004 (with addenda for previous years). Compiled by Mark Hussey 1. ADDENDA Prior to 2003 (all categories) Banfield, Ann. “Describing the Unobserved: Events Grouped Around an Empty Center.” The Linguistics of Writing: Arguments Between Language and Literature. Eds. Nigel Fabb, Derek Attridge, Alan Durant, Colin McCabe. NY: Methuen, 1987. Campbell, Karlyn Kohrs. Three Tall Women: Radical Challenges to Criticism, Pedagogy, and Theory. The Carroll C. Arnold Distinguished Lecture, National Communication Association. Boston: Pearson Education, 2001. Graham, Jill Watson. “Skirting the Kunstlerroman: Psychoanalysis and the Transformative Artist in Virginia Woolf and Stevie Smith.” PhD U of New Brunswick, 2001. Greaves, R. Rev. Daily Modernism: The Literary Diaries of Virginia Woolf, Antonia White, Elizabeth Smart, and Anaïs Nin by Elizabeth Podnieks. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2000. Review of English Studies 53.210 (May 2002): 287-89. Lassner, Phyllis. “‘The Milk of Our Mother’s Kindness Has Ceased to Flow’: Virginia Woolf, Stevie Smith and the Representation of the Jew.” Between ‘Race’ and Culture: Representations of ‘the Jew’ in English and American Literature. Ed. Bryan Cheyette. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1996. Lawrence, Karen R. “Gender and Narrative Voice in Jacob’s Room and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.” James Joyce: The Centennial Symposium. Eds. Morris Beja, Phillip Herring, Maurice Harmon, and David Norris. Chicago: U of Illinois P, 1986. 31-38. -----. “Woolf’s Voyages Out: The Voyage Out and Orlando.” Penelope Voyages: Women and Travel in the British Literary Tradition. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1994: 154-206. Levenback, Karen. Rev. The Phantom Table: Woolf, Fry, Russell and the Epistemology of Modernism by Ann Banfield. NY: Cambridge UP, 2000. Albion (Spring 2002): 163-66. Lü Hongling. “The Spirit of the Age and the Conception of Androgyny in Orlando.” Foreign Literature Studies (Wuhan, China) 95 (2002): 61-65. Plate, Liedeke. “Wie is er nog bang voor Virginia Woolf? Michael Cunninghams The Hours en Virginia Woolfs imago [Who’s Still Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Michael Cunningham’s The Hours and Woolf’s Public Image].” Armada 6.1 (January 2001): 115-26. Puga, Rogério Miguel. “Orlando ou a paródia em torno dos géneros.” Op. Cit A Journal of Anglo-American Studies/Uma revista de Estudos Anglo-Americanos (Portuguese Association of Anglo-American Studies) 5 (2002): 91-125. Rodier, Carole. L’univers imaginaire de Virginia Woolf. Preface by Jean Guiguet, Postface by Gilbert Durand. Paris: Editions du Temps, 2001. Usui, Masami. “Woolf’s Search for Space in Between the Acts.” Doshisha Studies in English 72 (2000): 25-48. -----. “The Trauma Caused by Mother’s Deaths in Virginia Woolf and Kyoko Mori.” Doshisha Literature 45 (2002): 59-81. 2003 (all categories) Aiello, L. “Fedor Dostoevskii in Britain: The Tale of an Untalented Genius.” The Modern Language Review 98.3 (July 2003): 659-77. Aimone, Laura Francesca. “Waiting for a New Sun: Mr. Dalloway by Robin Lippincott.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 64 (Fall/Winter 2003): 9-10. Alley, Henry. “Mrs. Dalloway and The Hours: Two Narrators and a Film.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 62 (Spring 2003): 4-5. Apstein, Barbara. “Ian McEwan’s Atonement and ‘The Techniques of Mrs. Woolf’.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 64 (Fall/Winter 2003): 11-12. Banfield, Ann. Time Passes: Virginia Woolf, Post-Impressionism, and Cambridge Time.” Poetics Today 24.3 (Sept. 2003): 471-516. Barber, Keri. “Virginia Woolf’s Changing Vision of the Soldier from Jacob Flanders to North Pargiter.” Virginia Woolf Bulletin 14 (Sept. 2003): 26-34. Barkway, Stephen. “Note.” Virginia Woolf Bulletin 14 (Sept. 2003): 5-6. -----. “Virginia Woolf Today.” Virginia Woolf Bulletin 14 (Sept. 2003): 45-49. -----. Review of Death in the Life and Novels of Virginia Woolf by Hilary Newman; Virginia Woolf’s Wise and Witty Aunt: A Biographical Sketch of Caroline Emilia Stephen by Alister Raby; Virginia Woolf and Logan Pearsall Smith: ‘an exquisitely flattering duet’” by David H. Porter (pamphlets 32, 33, 34 in Bloomsbury Heritage Series. London: Cecil Woolf, 2002). Virginia Woolf Bulletin 14 (Sept. 2003): 57-61. Barton, Anne Ryan. “On Being a Common Reader.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 62 (Spring 2003): 3-4. Benzel, Kathryn N. “Modern In(ter)vention: Reading the Visual.” Visual resources 19.1 (2003): 321-38. Berlatsky, Eric Lawrence. “Fact, Fiction, and Fabrication: History, Narrative, and the Postmodern Real from Woolf to Rushdie.” PhD U of Maryland College Park, 2003. Bicknell, John. Rev. Who Was Dr. Jackson? Two Calcutta Families: 1830-1855 by Mary Bennett. London: British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia, 2002. Virginia Woolf Miscellany 62 (Spring 2003): 14-15. -----. [Letter] “Treating Typhoid in Jaffna.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 64 (Fall/Winter 2003): 21. Booth, Allyson. Rev. The Modern Androgyne Imagination: A Failed Sublime by Lisa Rado. Charlottesville: U P of Virginia, 2000; A Route to Modernism: Hardy, Lawrence, Woolf by Rosemary Sumner. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2000; Queering the Moderns: Poses/Portraits/Performance by Anne Herrmann. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2000. Virginia Woolf Miscellany 64 (Fall/Winter 2003): 16-18. Bradbury, N. Rev. Virginia Woolf and the Visible World by Emily Dalgarno. Camb: CUP, 2001. Review of English Studies 54.215 (June 2003): 430-31. Byrd, Carolyn. “An Examination of Two Wives and Mothers in The Hours.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 64 (Fall/Winter 2003): 5-8. Chapman, Wayne K. Rev. Modernism and Eugenics: Woolf, Eliot, Yeats, and the Culture of Degeneration by Donald J. Childs. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001. Virginia Woolf Miscellany 62 (Spring 2003): 15. Clarke, Stuart N. “Editorial.” Virginia Woolf Bulletin 14 (Sept. 2003): 3. -----. “The Lord Chief Justice and the Woolfs.” Virginia Woolf Bulletin 14 (Sept. 2003): 12-25. -----. “The 1901 Census.” Virginia Woolf Bulletin 14 (Sept. 2003): 54. -----. Review of The Spoken Word–Writers/Poets: Historic Recordings of writers/poets born in the 19th century (London: British Library [National Sound Archive]). Virginia Woolf Bulletin 14 (Sept. 2003): 68-70. Clements, Elicia. “Resonant Dis-closures: Aural Strategies of Resistance in Virginia Woolf, Gertrude Stein and Ethel Smyth.” PhD York U (Canada), 2003. Conley, Tim. “Mrs. Dalloway’s Italian Lust.” Notes & Queries 50.248.3 (Sept. 2003): 328-29. Cucullu, Lois. “Exceptional Women, Expert Culture, and the Academy.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 29.1 (Fall 2003): 27-54. Curtis, Vanessa. “Virginia Woolf and Burley.” Virginia Woolf Bulletin 14 (Sept. 2003): 50-53. -----. Review of Tracing Echoes by Nicky Bird. (Leeds: Wild Pansy, 2001). Virginia Woolf Bulletin 14 (Sept. 2003): 66-68. Daly, Theresa. “Reports of Society Events: Night and Day: The Second Annual Study Day.” Virginia Woolf Bulletin 14 (Sept. 2003): 74. Damon, Franke. “Modern Heresies: British and Irish Literature and Culture, 1883-1924.” PhD U of Iowa, 2003. Dell, Marion. Review of K: The Art of Love by Hong Ying, trans. Nicky Harman and Henry Zhao (London: Marion Boyars, 2002). Virginia Woolf Bulletin 14 (Sept. 2003): 61-63. Efron, Arthur. “Remembering Lucio Ruotolo.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 64 (Fall/Winter 2003): 2. Fleischer, Georgette. Rev. Virginia Woolf’s Women by Vanessa Curtis. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 2002. Virginia Woolf Miscellany 64 (Fall/Winter 2003): 15-16 Gosden, Margaret. “A Cinematic Sense of The Moment.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 62 (Spring 2003): 9-10. Hall, Sarah M. Review of Carlyle’s House and Other Sketches by Virginia Woolf. (London: Hesperus, 2003). Virginia Woolf Bulletin 14 (Sept. 2003): 55-57. -----. Review of Psychoanalysis, Psychiatry and Modernist Literature by Kylie Valentine (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003). Virginia Woolf Bulletin 14 (Sept. 2003): 64-66. -----. Review of Classic Serial: Night and Day. BBC Radio 4, Sundays 6 and 13 July, 2003. Virginia Woolf Bulletin 14 (Sept. 2003): 70-71. Harpman, Jacqueline. “Virginia Woolf, la vérité d'Orlando.” Magazine Littéraire, 426 (Dec. 2003) 46-47. Hussey, Mark. Rev. Ethics and Aesthetics in European Modernist Literature: From the Sublime to the Uncanny by David Ellison. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001. Virginia Woolf Miscellany 62 (Spring 2003): 16-17. -----. Rev. Alma and Mrs. Woolf by Anne Legault, trans. Daniel Libman. Blue Heron Theater and Arts Center, NYC, Mach 7-30, 2003. Virginia Woolf Miscellany 64 (Fall/Winter 2003): 12-13. -----. “In Memoriam [Roger Poole].” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 64 (Fall/Winter 2003): 3. -----. Kaplan, Sydney Janet. Rev. The Katherine Mansfield Notebooks: Complete Edition. Ed. Margaret Scott. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2002. Virginia Woolf Miscellany 64 (Fall/Winter 2003): 18-19. Karpay, Joyce Y. “‘This fountain and spray of life’: Virginia Woolf’s Polysemous Influence on Three Generations of Women Novelists.” PhD U of South Florida, 2003. Kelly, Shannon Jeanne. “The ‘Subject’ of Virginia Woolf’s letters: Dialogic Identity and Voice in Woolf’s Epistolary Style.” PhD U of Waterloo (Canada), 2003. Keyser, Glenn. “Transitional London: Anxiety and Urban representation in the British novel, 1859-1934.” PhD U of California, Davis, Kuno, Yoichi “Clarissa no keifu.” Eigo Seinen/Rising Generation 149.6 (Sept. 2003): 363. Levenback, Karen. Rev. Virginia Woolf Icon by Brenda Silver. Chicago: Chicago UP, 1999. Modern Philology (Aug 2003): 143-47. Levy, Heather Ann. “The House that Class Built: Desiring Spaces in Virginia Woolf’s
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