bindex.qxp 4/18/07 5:02 PM Page 317 INDEX Abercorn, Duke of, 76 death of, 2, 5, 39, 52, 76, 92–93, 97, 273, Abergeldie Castle, 161, 175 279 Act of Settlement of 1701, 25 depressive bouts of, 34 Adelaide, Queen Consort of Great Britain European royal intermarriages and, (formerly Princess of Saxe-Coburg and 48–49 Meiningen), 27, 35 health decline of, 38–39 Adolphus, Prince and Duke of Cam- image of monarchy and, 7–9, 48, 63, 223 bridge, 27 jewelry designed/given by, 108, 109 Adolphus, Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe, marital relationship of, 35–39, 63 50–51 mausoleum for, 96–97, 177, 258, 274, 285 Africa, 19, 274 memorialization of, 40–41, 160, 258, 279 Aga Khan, 112, 113 music arranged/composed by, 89, 258 Aix-les-Bains, 191 Osborne House and, 41, 178–186 Albany, Duchess of. See Helen as parent, 46–47, 48–499, 55, 63, Albany, Duke of. See Leopold 134–135, 136, 140, 184–185 Alberque, Charles, 199 personality of, 8, 34 Albert, Duke of Württemberg, 259 Prince of Wales’s problems and, 46–47, Albert, Prince (“Abby”) (grandson), 58 134–135, 136, 140 Albert, Prince (great-grandson). See royal court reforms of, 119–121 George VI royal mews design and, 69 Albert, Prince Consort of Great Britain royal role of, 35–37 and Ireland, 1, 32, 46, 130 Victoria Cross design and, 232 accomplishments of, 36 Victoria’s letters to, 11 Balmoral CastleCOPYRIGHTED and, 1, 41, 155–162 Victoria’s MATERIAL mourning for, 2, 5, 6, 19, birth and childhood of, 33–34 40–43, 50, 52, 60, 75, 76, 100, 136, Buckingham Palace and, 209, 210, 213, 144, 164, 260–261, 274 215, 217, 218–219 Windsor Castle and, 38–39, 83–84, 88, children’s marriages and, 48–49 92–97, 122 Christmas tree popularization by, 188 Windsor livery design and, 69 courtship and wedding of, 34–35 Albert, Prince of Prussia and Regent of death anniversary of, 76, 144 Brunswick, 259 317 bindex.qxp 4/18/07 5:02 PM Page 318 318 INDEX Alberta (royal yacht), 177, 280–281 Aldershot, 269 Albert Cottage, 185 Alexander II, Emperor of Russia, 54, 56, Albert Edward (“Bertie”) (eldest son), 166, 196 Prince of Wales (later Edward VII), Alexander III, Emperor of Russia, 166, 58, 133–142, 166 168 Abergeldie Castle lease of, 161 Alexander, Prince (grandson and Beat- ascension to throne of, 279–282, 284 rice’s son), 61 birth and childhood of, 45, 134–135 Alexander, Prince (grandson and Bertie’s Buckingham Palace events and, 221, son), 140 226, 228, 236 Alexander, Prince of Battenberg, 51 children of, 133, 136–137, 140–151 Alexandra, Empress of Russia. See Alix of Devonshires’ ball and, 251, 252 Hesse Diamond Jubilee and, 20, 259, 260, 263, Alexandra, Princess (great-granddaughter), 266 145 disdain for John Brown of, 43 Alexandra, Princess (“Sandra”) (grand- extramarital affairs of, 9, 137–139, 140, daughter), 57 200, 243 Alexandra, Princess of Wales and Queen governmental duties and, 61, 140 Consort of Edward VII (“Alix”) Karim and, 203 (daughter-in-law), 52, 92, 168, 182 levees and, 230 Buckingham Palace events and, 226, Marlborough House Set and, 240–241 227, 228, 236 marriage of, 83, 135–136 court scandal and, 71 mother’s death and funeral and, daughter Maud’s wedding and, 133, 147, 276–277, 279–282, 284 149, 150 on mother’s declining health, 273 Devonshires’ fancy dress ball and, 252 Osborne House and, 178, 182 diamond collar resille of, 245 parents’ expectations for, 41, 46–47, Diamond Jubilee and, 263, 266 134–135 marriage of, 135–136 personality of, 134–135, 139–140 maternal possessiveness of, 141, 144, Russian royals’ visit and, 168–171, 145–146 173–174, 175 personal appeal of, 136 Albert Memorial Chapel, 83–84, 143, 283, as queen consort, 279, 280, 282 284 resentment of Beatrice by, 61 Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. See Albert, son Albert Victor’s death and, 143 Prince Consort of Great Britain and Victoria’s death and funeral and, 277, Ireland 279, 280, 282 Albert Victor, Prince and Duke of Alfred, Prince (“Affie”) (son), Duke of Clarence (“Eddy”) (grandson), 165, Edinburgh and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 182 115, 167, 259 birth of, 136, 141 birth of, 45, 55 death of, 19, 45, 143, 144, 273 death of, 274 interment in Albert Memorial Chapel of, dislike of Brown by, 43 84, 143 as father’s favorite, 47, 55 youth and problems of, 141–143 marriage and children of, 56–57 bindex.qxp 4/18/07 5:02 PM Page 319 INDEX 319 mother’s Golden Jubilee bonnet and, aristocracy 19 education of, 238 personal traits of, 55–56 entertainments and, 244–246 Alfred, Prince (grandson), 57 etiquette and, 243–244 Ali, Hourmet, 201, 202 leading hostess of, 248–255 Alice, Princess (daughter), 39, 41, 57, 166, London social season and, 237, 240–242 182 male activities and, 242–243 birth of, 45, 52 number of, 238 children of, 52, 53 royal ceremonial image and, 223 death of, 45, 53, 76, 273 royal household and, 66, 76–79, 127 mother’s criticisms of, 47 Victoria’s and Albert’s view of, 8 mother’s mementos of, 100, 279 women’s activities and, 243–244 social causes of, 52–53 women’s presentation at court, 224–230 Alice, Princess (granddaughter), 60, 149 Arlington, Earl of, 207 Alix, Princess of Wales. See Alexandra Aronson, Theo, 144 Alix of Hesse (“Alicky”) (granddaughter) Arran, Earl of, 27 (later Empress of Russia), 6, 12, 142, Arthur, Prince (grandson), 59 257 Arthur, Prince and Duke of Connaught Balmoral visit of, 165, 168–176 and Strathearn (son) birth and childhood of, 52, 53, 54, 55 birth of, 45, 59 courtship and marriage of, 55, 166–168 nephew Ernie’s wedding and, 166 role as empress, 6, 168 brother-in-law’s eye loss and, 58 Alten, Charles von, 248 Buckingham Palace events and, 226, 228 Alten, Louisa von. See Devonshire, Devonshires’ fancy dress ball and, 253 Duchess of Diamond Jubilee and, 21, 259, 263, 267 Amberley, Lady, 32 mother’s death and funeral and, 276, American heiresses, 240–241 277, 279, 280, 282, 284 Amir Khan, 260 as mother’s favorite, 47, 59 Ampleforth, 239 on mother’s outlook, 31 Ampthill, Baroness, 289 personal life of, 59 Angeli, Heinrich von, 92, 95, 182 Russian royals’ visit and, 170, 171 Anglesey, Marquess of, 241 Ashanti Expedition, 62 Anglicanism. See Church of England Athenaeum (private club), 242 Anglo-Egyptian campaign, 170 Athole, Duchess of, 289 Anne, Dowager Duchess of Athole, 289 Augusta, Princess and Grand Duchess of Anne, Dowager Duchess of Roxburghe, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 21, 259 79, 289 Augusta, Princess of Hesse-Kassel, 27 anti-Semitism, 54, 240 Augustus, Prince and Duke of Sussex, Antrim, Lady. See Louisa, Countess of 27 Antrim Australia, 4, 17 Aosta, Duke of, 282 Appleton Hall, 151 Bacchante (ship), 141 Argyll, Duke of, 59 Bagehot, Walter, 63 Aribert, Prince of Anhalt, 58 Bagot, Lord, 228 bindex.qxp 4/18/07 5:02 PM Page 320 320 INDEX balls Benson, E. F., 174 Balmoral ghillies’, 163 Benson, Edward White, Archbishop of debutante, 224, 244 Canterbury, 149, 150 Diamond Jubilee, 12, 24, 246, 249–255 Beresford, Lord Charles, 138 social season, 244–246, 249 Bernhardt, Sarah, 199–200 Balmoral Castle, 12, 60, 97, 145, 153–164, Biarritz, 191 186, 201, 220, 257 Biasini, Sebastien-Marcel, 196 Albert’s death and, 40, 41, 42, 43 Biddulph, Sir Michael, 288 grandchildren’s holidays in, 54 Bigge, Lady, 71 history of, 156 Bigge, Lieutenant General Sir Arthur, 20, interior/exterior description of, 157–161 70–71, 102, 168, 173, 228, 288, 289 Russian royals’ visit to, 165, 168–174 Birkhall estate, 160–161, 175 Victoria’s journals on life at, 1–2 Birkin, Anne, 100 Victoria’s railway travel to, 69, 153–154 Bismarck, Otto von, 49 Victoria’s routine at, 161–163 Bizet, Georges, 113 banquets, state, 87, 127–132 Blatchford, Lady Isabella, 178 Diamond Jubilee and, 259–260, 266 Blenheim Palace, 208 menus of, 131–132 Blore, Edward, 89, 209, 210, 211, 212, table settings for, 129–131 214, 215, 217, 226, 259 Baring, Lady Susan, 66, 75 Blue Hungarian Band, 251 Barlow, Sir Thomas, 275 Blue Room (Windsor Castle), 40 barons, 238 Board of Green Cloth, 67–68 Barry, Sir Charles, 179 Boer War, 19, 58, 61, 274 Barton Manor, 185, 187 Bolton Abbey, 247 Battenberg, Prince of. See Henry; Louis Bootle-Wilbraham, Edward. See Lathom, Beatrice, Princess (“Baby Bee”) (grand- Earl of daughter), 57 Bostick, Sam, 125 Beatrice, Princess (daughter), 11, 41, 59, Boyd-Carpenter, William, 187 147, 178, 224, 231, 267 Bradford, Sir Edward, 169 birth of, 45, 60 Braemar Gathering, 163 at Buckingham Palace, 224 Braemar Highland Society, 163 court scandal and, 71 Britannia (ship), 141 marriage and children of, 61–62 British Empire, 13, 108, 201 mother’s close relationship with, 47, as Diamond Jubilee focus, 19–20, 60–62, 74–75, 101 261–262, 269, 271 mother’s death and, 277 honors and awards of, 232–235 mother’s French holiday and, 191, 194 unrest in, 19, 274 Osborne House and, 185, 188 Victoria as symbol of, 4–5, 17, 43, 45 piano playing by, 114 Victoria’s death and, 276–285 rheumatism of, 103 zenith of, 4–5 Bedford, Duchess of, 289 See also India Begg, John, 112 British monarchy, 45–63 Belgium, 6 Albert’s role in, 35–37 Bennet, John, 172 art collection of, 172 bindex.qxp 4/18/07 5:02 PM Page 321 INDEX 321 ceremony of, 223–230 Buckingham Palace, 18, 59, 65, 90, 119, china and glassware of, 129–130 184 court dress and, 228–229, 231 administration of, 155 cousin intermarriage and, 54–55 Albert’s rooms preserved at, 40 domestic moral image of, 5, 8–10, 48, 62, ceremonies and social events at, 223–233 63, 95 Diamond Jubilee and, 12, 22, 23–24, European royal marriages and, 6, 45, 207, 224, 258–262, 266–269 48–60, 142–143 garden parties at, 10, 235–236, 268–269 family deaths and, 19, 45, 58, 60, 62, 76, layout, decoration, furnishings of, 273, 274 207–221 first motion pictures
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