68 SPIRULA nr. 332 (2003) Artikelen in tijdschriften (Journal papers: continental malacology) R.A. Bank Sorted in the order succession: Malacological papers published in journals. following of Faunistics/Ecology - Fossil Assemblages - Bivalvia - Gastropoda (alphabetically rubricated at the - - family level) Miscellanea - Publications in the Bulletin ofZoological Nomenclature (new cases comments onprevious cases - Opinions). Within each item, papers are ordered alphabetically on the name of thefirst author. FAUNISTICS/ECOLOGY Veranderingen in voorkomen van land- en (Süd-Niedersachsen). - Drosera, 2002 (1- zoetwatermollusken Ameland. - op De 2): 201-212. Oldenburg. • Baker, R. & D. Howlett (2002): The mol- Levende Natuur, 104 (2): 54-57. • Schlepphorst, R. & H. Kobialka (2003): • lucan fauna of East Walton Common. - Lemke, H. & H. Menzel-HarlofF (2002): Die Molluskenfauna der Lippeaue im NSG Transactions of the Norfolk & Norwich 16. Kartierungstreffen der AG Malakolo- "Klostermersch" (Kreis Soest, Kreis Naturalists' Society, 35 (1): 31-40. gie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern vom Warendorf). - Natur und Heimat, 63 (2): • Bombino, L. & G. Perera (2002): Influen- 31.05-02.06.2002 in der Jugendbegeg- 41-52. Munster. ce of sotne biotic factors on the distribu- nungsstatte am Groben Kutzowsee bei • Severijns, N., F. Celen, A. Delsaerdt, K. tion and abundance of tbe freshwater mol- Plöwen (Krs. Uecker-Randow). - Archiv Moreau & M. Verhaeghe(2003): Zoetwa- lusks of - der Freunde der in Meck- termollusken het domein de Camagüey, Cuba. Malacological Naturgeschichte op van Abdij Review, 31/32 (1): 1-8. Ann Arbor. lenburg,XLI: 127-133. van Park in Heverlee. - Gloria Maris, 42 • • H.K. Reactie Afsluit- 1-21. Bombino, L. & G. Perera (2002): Distribu- Mienis, (2003): op: (1) [2001]: Antwerpen. • tion and abundance of the freshwater mol- dijk in verbouwing - een extra stukje Skujiene, G. (2002): An overview of the data lusks - 39 27-28. the terrestrial molluscs in Lithuania. - present in Camagüey province, Waddenzee? De Kreukel, (2): on Cuba. - Malacological Review, 31/32 (1): Diemen. Folia Malacologica,10(1): 1-7. Poznan. 27-29. Ann Arbor. • Mienis, H.K. (2003): Een eerste malacolo- • Szybiak, K. (2002): Malacocenoses of the • Briers, R.A. (2003): Range size and envi- gische verkenning van het "Landje van nature reserve Buki nad Jeziorem Lutoms- ronmental calcium requirements of British Naber". - De Kreukel, 39 (2): 37-39. Die- kim. - Folia Malacologia, 10 (1): 25-32. freshwater gastropods. - Global Ecology men. Poznan. and Biogeography, 12 (1): 47-51. • Mienis, H.K. (2003): The Botanical Gar- • Unruh, M. (2002): Interessante Mollus- • Bruschi-Figueiro, G. & IX. Veitenheimer- den ofthe Tel Aviv University: an Eldora- kenzönosen (Mollusca: Gastropoda) aus Mendes (2002): Moluscos em area de hor- do for introduced freshwater snails. - dem südhercyniscen Gebiet. - Hercynia, ticultura no municipio de Porto Alegre, Ellipsaria, 5 (1): 11-12. Neue Folge, 35: 253-274. Halle-Witten- • Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. - Revista Bra- Mienis, H.K. (2003): Pathways for intro- berg. sileira de Zoologia, 19 (Supl. 2): 31-37. ductions of foreign molluscs in Israël and • Wiktor, A. & K. Auffenberg (2002): Con- • Cameron, R.A.D., M. Mylonas, K. Trian- elsewhere. - Ellipsaria, 5 (1): 14-15. tribution to the knowledge of the terrestrial • tis, A. Parmakelis & K. Vardinoyannis Moorkens, E.A. (2003): The Vertigo slugs of Pakistan. - Folia Malacologica, 10 field excursion Pollardstown 9-15. Poznan. (2003): Land-snail diversity in a square Workshop to (1): kilometre of Cretan modest Fen with list of maquis: spe- (Co. Kildare) a provisional cies richness, high density and local homo- the Mollusca known front the site. - Hei- geneity. - Journal of Molluscan Studies, dia, 5 (Sonderheft7): 179-180. München. FOSSIL ASSEMBLAGES 69 (2): 93-99. London. • Neckheim, T. (2003): Mollusken verzame- • Darrigran,G.A. (2002): Spatial and tem- len tijdens een bezoek aan Terschelling in • Alexandrowicz, S.W. (2000): Malacofauna poral changes of the malacofauna from a september 2002. - De Kreukel, 39 (2): 29- of Holocene cave sediments of the Cracow sandy shore in the Rio de la Plata, Argenti- 31. Diemen. upland (Poland). - Folia Quatemaria, 71: • - Grote na. Malacological Review, 31/32 (2): Neckheim, C.M. (2003): De clausi- 85-112. Krakow. Ann Balea • 101-115. Arbor. lia biplicata (Montagu, 1803)in een Alexandrowicz, S.W. (2000): Molluscan • Fischer, W. (2003): Landschnecken aus grachtentuin van Amsterdam. - De Kreu- assemblages from cave and slope sedi- Basalten südlich von Conalejo, Fuerteven- kel, 39 (2): 33-34. Diemen. ments of the Czestochowa upland • - tura (Kanaren, Spanien). - Club Conchylia Nekola, J.C. (2002): Effects of fire (Poland). Folia Quatemaria, 71: 113- 34 Informationen, (5-6): 41-43. Ludwigs- management on the richness and abundan- 137. Krakow. burg. ce of central North American grassland • Ashworth, A.C. & R.C. Preece (2003): • Göllnitz, U. (2002): 15. Kartieningstreffen land snail faunas. - Animal Biodiversity The first freshwater molluscs from Antarc- der AG Malakologie Mecklenburg-Vor- and Conservation, 25 (2): 53-66. Barcelo- tica. - Journal of Molluscan Studies, 69 pommern in Burg Stargard. - Archiv der na. (1): 89-92. London. Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklen- • Pesqueira, R., P. Ondina & J. Hermida • Bellosi, E.S., S.E. Miquel, R.F. Kay & burg, XLI: 119-126. (2002): La superfamilia Helicoidea Rafi- R.H. Madden (2002): Un paleosuelo mus- • L. & F. The 1815 con Kiss, Magnin (2003): impact nesque, (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, tersense microgastrópodos terrestres of fïre on some mediterranean land snail Styiommatophora) en la provincia de Lugo (Charopidae) de la Formación Sarmiento, communities and patterns of post-fire (noroesto de Espana). - Iberus, 20 (2) : 61- Eoceno de Patagonia central : significado recolonization. - Journal of Molluscan 72. Oviedo. paleoclimatico. - Ameghiniana (Revista 43-53. • T. Studies, 69 (1): London. Proschwitz, von (2002): Faunistical de la Asociación Paleontológica Argenti- • Korycinska, M. (2002): Molluscs of the news fforn the Natural History Museum, na), 39 (4) : 465-477. Buenos Aires. • Liwiec River (South Podlasie and Middle Göteborg 2001 - snails, slugs and mussels. Calzada, S. (2002): Un nuevo género Mazovian Lowlands). - Folia Malacologi- - Göteborgs Naturhistoriska Museum, miocénico de Gasterópodes terrestres. - ca, 10(1): 17-23. Poznan. Arstryck 2002: 29-46. Göteborg. [Swe- Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle • Leeuwen, S. van (2003): Inventarisatie dish] de Toulouse, 138: 51-54. Toulouse. • land- zoetwatermollusken • Die Patuli- L.C. en op Ameland. Renker, C. (2002): Punctidae, Girotti, O., Barbato, D. Esu et al. - De Kreukel, 39 (3): 45-54. Diemen. dae, Euconulidae und Vitrinidae (Mollus- (2003) : The section of Torre Picchio • Landkreises Leeuwen, S. van & B. van Tooren (2003): ca: Gastropoda) des Göttingen (Temi, Umbria, central Italy) : a Villafran- SPIRULA nr. 332 (2003) 69 chian site rich in vertebrates, molluscs, Mississippi River, Minnesota and Wiscon- cies of Unionidae in Finland. - Journal of ostracods and plants. - Revista Italiana di sin, 1990-1997. - American Malacological Molluscan Studies, 69 (1): 81-86. London. Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 109 (1): 77- Bulletin, 17(1-2): 109-122. • Zimmerman, L.L. & R.J. Neves (2002): • A. via- 98. Milano. Hoeh, W.R., Bogan, K.S. Cummings & Effects of temperature on duration of • Kowalke, T. (2003): Verbreitung der S.I. Guttman (2002): Evolutionary rela- bility for glochidia of freshwater mussels - American Potamididae H. & A. Adams, 1854 (Cae- tionships among the higher taxa of fresh- (Bivalvia: Unionidae). nogastropoda: Cerithiimorpha: Cerithoi- water mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida): infe- Malacological Bulletin, 17 (1-2): 31-35. dea) im europaischen Kanozoikum. - rences on phylogeny and character evolu- ffom Neues Jahrbuch fiir Geologie und Palaon- tion analyses ofDNA sequence data. tologie, Abhandlungen, 227 (3): 301-320. - Malacological Review, 31/32 (2): 123- GASTROPODA Stuttgart. 141. Ann Arbor. • Lopuszynska, M. (2002): Differentiation • Johnson, R.I. (2002): Samuel Liberty Har- ACHATINIDAE Fuller • in the of subfossil populations of snails from vey (1942-2001): a biographical Sirgel, W.F. (2002): Synonymies Vistulian loesses of southern Poland. - sketch and his work - The Archachatina churchilliana on malacology. group (Mol- Folia Quaternaria, 73: 101-189. Krakow. Nautilus, 116(4): 132-137. lusca: Pulmonata). - African Invertebra- • Wesselingh, F.P., M.E. Rasanen, G. Irion, • Kaandorp, R.J.G., H.B. Vonhof, C. del tes, 43: 139-142. Pietermaritzburg. H.B. Vonhof, R. Kaandorp, W. Renema, L. Busto, F.P. Wesselingh, G.M. Ganssen, Romero Pittman & M. Gingras (2002): A.E. Marmol, L.Romero Pittman & J.E. ACICULIDAE Lake Pebas: a palaeoecological reconstruc- van Hinte (2003): Seasonal stable isotope • Rolan, E. (2003): Nueva información variations of the modern Amazonian sobre el Menkia Pros- tion of a Miocene, long-lived lake complex género (Gastropoda, in western Amazonia. - Caenozoic freshwater bivalve Anodontites trapesialis. obranchia, Aciculidae) en Asturias. - Research, 1 (1-2) [2001]: 35-81. - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Noticiario de la Sociedad Espanola de Palaeoecology, 194 (4): 339-354. Malacologia, 39: 64-66. BIVALVIA • Kobak, J. (2002): Impact of light condi- tions on geotaxis behaviour of juvenile • Aldridge, D.C. & A.L. Mclvor (2003): Dreissena polymorpha.- Folia Malacolo- Gill evacuation and release ofglochidia by gica, 10 (2): 77-82. Poznan. Unio
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