INDEX TO VERMONT HISTORY ........................................................ 70 (2002) & 71 (2003) Volume 70 (2002), Winter/Spring and Summer/Fall Volume 71 (2003), Winter/Spring and Summer/Fall Prepared by Reidun Dahle Nuquist Please note that each year’s issues of Vermont History are numbered consecutively. It may be helpful to know that the 2002 and 2003 volumes are paginated as follows: Winter/Spring 2002, 70: 1–96 Summer/Fall 2002, 70: 97–188 Winter/Spring 2003, 71: 1–134 Summer/Fall 2003, 71: 135–264 A Aiken, George D.: mentioned, 71: 24; and Abenaki Indians: historiography of, 71: 8, New Deal, 71: 233–34 27–28, 50–51, 55–56 Albany, Vt.: 1964 hail damage to crops, Act 250 (1970): passing of, 71: 222 70: 30 Adams, John: death of, 71: 152 Albers, Jan: quoted on Vt. economy, 70: Adams, John Quincy: quoted on death of 64–65; mentioned, 71: 23–24; her dis- father and Jefferson, 71: 152; 1826 Vt. cussion of women, 71: 49–50 election support, 71: 153, 159, 161, 167, Alburg, Vt.: Vt. border in, 70: 45, illus. 168, 173, 174 Allen, Ethan: John J. Duffy and Eu- Addams, Jane: mentioned, 70: 183 gene A. Coyle, “Crean Brush vs. African-Americans: volunteer refused by Ethan Allen: A Winner’s Tale,” 70: Civil War regiment, 70: 159; historiog- 103–10; marketing use of his name, raphy of, 71: 27 71: 104; Scott Stevens and Steven C. Agassiz, Louis: mentioned, 70: 180 Mallory, “Revisiting the Ethan Allen agriculture. See also dairying; farming; Homestead: A Closer Look at a sheep: clearing forest for, 70: 11; popu- Vermont Landmark,” 71: 181–96, lation and economic trends, 71: 90–91, illus. 94; Paul B. Frederic, Canning Gold: Allen, Eunice: of “The Bars Fight” ballad, North New England’s Sweet Corn In- 71: 51 dustry: A Historical Geography re- Allen, Frances (Montresor) Buchanan viewed, 71: 230–32 (1760–1834): early life; marriage to 246 ..................... Ethan, 70: 104, 106–7; and Ethan Bain, David H.: ed. of A History of the Allen homestead, 71: 188, 193, 194 Town of Orwell, Vermont: Past and Allen, Heman: 1826 election campaign, Present reviewed, 70: 184–85 71: 164, 166 Baldwin, Jonathan: crushed by tree, 70: 11 Allen, Ira: mentioned, 71: 14; influence of Bandel, Betty: mentioned, 71: 20 his 1798 history, 71: 104; building of Bangs, Eliphalet: dealings with Timothy Ethan’s homestead, 71: 181, 182, 185, Hinman, 70: 115, 120, 121–22, 124, 188, 190, 195 125 Allen, Ira H.: clerk of Orleans Co. court, banks and banking: Derby merchant’s 70: 126 debt to Vt. State Bank, 70: 117–18, Anderson, Elin Lilja: her “pioneering 121, 122 work,” 71: 12 Banyar, Goldsbrow: New York official Andersonville Prison, Ga.: prisoners’ tags and landowner, 70: 104, 105 survive fire, 70: 164 Barber, Merritt: mentioned, 70: 156–57 Andrews, Edward D.: mentioned, 71: 15 Barnhart, Terry: quoted on local history, animals. See wildlife 71: 229 Anthony, Susan B.: mentioned, 70: 183 Barnouw, Erik: mentioned, 71: 25 Anti-Masonic party: 1826 election clears Barre, Vt.: 1995 drought, 70: 28; Patricia W. way for, 71: 175 Belding, ed., Talk of the Town: 1925. apple. See fruit culture Highlights from Vermont’s Popular Appleby, Joyce: quoted on historiography Column in The Barre Daily Times re- of exceptionalism, 71: 39, 41 viewed, 70: 185–86; Thomas C. Davis, ARCCAT: Vt. archives union catalog, 71: Out from Depot Square: Central Ver- 100 mont Memories from the 1930s to the architecture: Scott Stevens and Steven C. 1950s reviewed, 71: 238–39 Mallory, “Revisiting the Ethan Allen Barrett, Luke: featured in family history, Homestead: A Closer Look at a Ver- 71: 122 mont Landmark,” 71: 181–96, illus. Barron, Hal S.: mentioned, 71: 20, 73, 80, archives: Kelly Nolin, “The Vermont Mili- 82, 92 tary Records Project: The Civil War Barry, John M.: mentioned, 71: 9 Records,” 70: 153–68, illus.; Gregory Bartholemew, Elisha: dealings with Timo- Sanford, “An Empty Toolbox? Ar- thy Hinman, 70: 122 chives and the Future of Research: Barton, Vt.: Timothy Hinman’s business From the Symposium Panel ‘Tools and dealings in, 70: 112 Resources for Future Research’,” 71: Baruth, Philip: ed. of Vermont Air: The 98–102; need for institutional cooper- Best of the Vermont Public Radio ation, 71: 106–7 Commentaries reviewed, 71: 126–28 Ark Digital Imaging: and photo preserva- basketwork: history of woodsplint basket, tion, 71: 102 n5 71: 112 Armington, George: 1848 petition on Bassett, Lynne Zacek: contributor to land ownership, 70: 14 book on textiles: 70: 83 Arms, John: Levi K. Fuller v. John Arms, Bassett, T. D. Seymour: symposium dedi- 70: 17 cated to, 71: 5; cited on state of Vt. his- Arnold, Benedict: mentioned, 70: 105 tory, 71: 11–40, passim; mentioned, 71: Arnold, Dan: hotel owner, 71: 165 52, 75, 81, 92 Ascutney, Mount: ski resort, 71: 201, Baxter, H. Henry: mentioned, 70: 178 215 Baxter, William Portus: and Hemenway’s Ash-Brush, Roland: mentioned, 70: 104 Gazetteer, 70: 75 Austin, Warren R.: mentioned, 71: 145; Beattie, Betsy: mentioned, 71: 26 against New Deal, 71: 233 Beck, Jane: mentioned, 71: 27, 28 automobile: ski resorts dependent on, 71: Belding, Patricia W.: ed. of Talk of the 202–3 Town: 1925. Highlights from Vermont’s Averill, Josiah: builder of Ethan Allen’s Popular Column in The Barre Daily homestead, 71: 185, 188, 194 Times reviewed, 70: 185–86; mentioned, 71: 238 Bellesiles, Michael A.: and Vt. Military B Records Project, 70: 155; mentioned, Bacon, Elizabeth Ramon: mentioned, 71: 71: 19, 20 238 Bellico, Russell: mentioned, 71: 21 Bailey, Consuelo Northrup: first woman Bellow, Saul: quotation, 71: 33 lieutenant governor, 70: 234 Bellows Falls, Vt. See Rockingham, Vt. Bailey, John: cited on Cornelius Van Ness, Benedict, George G.: Eric Ward, ed., 71: 177 n22 Army Life in Virginia: The Civil War 247 ..................... Letters of George G. Benedict re- book reviews. See names of authors; viewed, 70: 176–79 names of reviewers; subjects of books Benes, Peter: ed. of Textiles in New En- reviewed gland II: Four Centuries of Material borders. See boundaries Life reviewed, 70: 82–84 Bostwick, Miss: in charge of Vt. soldier, Bennington, Vt.: town charter’s influence 70: 163 on landscape, 70: 12, 14–15; 1789 feud boundaries: architecture of border sta- over deed, 70: 13–14; divided between tions, 70: 43–44; Cornelius Van Ness “uphill” and “downhill,” 71: 79 and Boundary Commission, 71: 155 Bensen, Clark: mentioned, 71: 24 Bourne, Jonathan: mentioned, 70: 170 Benson, Hosea: starts Civil War rumor, Bourne, Richard: mentioned, 70: 170 70: 165 Bourne, Russell: his Gods of War, Gods of Berdan, Hiram: disagreement over pro- Peace: How the Meeting of Native and motion, 70: 160 Colonial Religions Shaped Early Amer- Berolzheimer, Alan: mentioned, 71: 6 ica reviewed, 70: 169–72 Bérubé, Allan: mentioned, 71: 67 Bourne, Sherjashub: mentioned, 70: 170 Bibikov, N. A.: mentioned, 70: 147 Bradford, Vt.: extreme low temperature, bibliography: Paul A. Carnahan, “More 70: 36 About Vermont History: Recent Ad- Bradley, Stephen Row: friend of Ethan ditions to the Vermont Historical Soci- Allen, 70: 106–7; correspondence with ety Library,” 70: 91–96, 187–88; 71: Ethan Allen, 71: 181, 193 129–33, 240–43; Bassett’s Bibliogra- Brainerd, Lawrence: elected U.S. Senator, phy of Vermont (1981), 71: 7; Michael 71: 142 Sherman, “Brickyards and Frame- Brattleboro, Vt.: 1888 blizzard, 70: 33; In- works: A Retrospectus and Prospec- dian petroglyphs, 71: 110; Dennis G. tus on Vermont History Writing,” 71: Waring, Manufacturing the Muse: Estey 11–45 Organs & Consumer Culture in Victo- Bidwell, Emery: reported wounded, 70: rian America reviewed, 71: 119–21; 163–64 stop for snow trains, 71: 201 Bigelow, Walter: his history of Stowe, 70: Brault, Gerard J.: mentioned, 71: 26 80 Brébeuf, Jean de: mentioned, 70: 170 Binney, Amos: urges Pres. Monroe to visit Brighton, Vt.: Thomas R. Hudspeth, “Trains, Vt., 70: 133 Logs, Moose, and Birds: Building on birds: bird population in Hubbardton, 70: the Past and Reaching toward the 16; birding at Moose Bog, 70: 48 Future with Cultural Heritage and Bixby, Geraldine: mentioned, 70: 186 Nature-Based Ecotourism in Island Blackwell, Marilyn S.: review of Melanie Pond, Vermont,” 70: 47–60; Civil Susan Gustafson, Women and the Re- War watch in Island Pond, 70: 165– publican Party, 1854–1924, 70: 182–84; 66 mentioned, 71: 29, 105; “Gender and Bristol, Vt.: flooding in, 70: 27 Vermont History: Moving Women Brockway, Lucinda A.: her A Favorite from the Sidebars into the Text,” 71: Place of Resort for Strangers: The 46–61, illus. King’s Garden at Fort Ticonderoga re- Bless, Elizabeth Shattuck: review of Peter viewed, 71: 113–16 Benes, ed., Textiles in New England II: Bromley Mountain: ski resort develop- Four Centuries of Material Life, 70: ment, 71: 201, 206, 211–12, 213, 215 82–84 Brown, Dona: cited on regional tourism, Bloody Acts (1774): designate Green 70: 62–63; mentioned, 71: 21, 55, 84; Mountain Boys as outlaws, 70: 105, “‘Bloom Where You Are Planted’: 107 Doing Local History in a Big World,” Bloomfield, Vt.: record low temperature, 71: 71–74 70: 36 Brown, Lewis R.: photo by, 71: 220, illus. Blossom, Alfred C.: landscape architect only for Fort Ticonderoga, 71: 114–15 Brush, Crane (1680–1758): grandfather of Boardman, Jehiel: judge in debtor’s case, Crean Brush, 70: 104 70: 120, 125 Brush, Crane (1703–1767): father of Crean Bogart Walter T.: mentioned, 71: 15 Brush, 70: 104 Boke, Nick: radio commentaries pub- Brush, Crean (1727–1778): John J. Duffy lished, 71: 127 and Eugene A. Coyle, “Crean Brush Bolton Mountain: ski resort, 71: 202, 225 vs. Ethan Allen: A Winner’s Tale,” 70: n23 103–10 Bonfield, Lynn A.: mentioned, 71: 8, 29, Brush, Elizabeth Martha.
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